Alternative History
Political compass of New Kamchatka (Venusian Haven)

The political compass of the major political parties of New Kamchatka.

The Socialist Confederation of New Kamchatka has a multi-party system, in which many political parties compete over varying issues and agendas, and are voted based upon popular sovereignty. There are currently dozens of political parties registered in New Kamchatka, with seven currently having representation in the Supreme Soviet.

Represented in the Supreme Soviet[]

Communist Party[]

Logo of the Communist Party of New Kamchatka (Venusian Haven)

Logo of the Communist Party.

The Communist Party of New Kamchatka (Russian: Коммунистическая партия Новой Камчатки, Kommunistichyeskaya partiya Novoy Kamchatki), commonly abbreviated as the CPNK (КПНК, KPNK), is a center-left to left-wing political party. Originating as the Venusian branch of the CPSU, this branch has abandoned most of the Marxist-Leninist principles in favor of democratic socialism and left-wing populism (a political theory now known as Venusian socialism). The CPNK still promotes key communist platforms, such as the common ownership of the means of production and for promoting economic and social equality. Unlike many of its Earth counterparts, the CPNK does promote a free market economy (a policy often called "soft-capitalism"), though with a state-backed social safety net (by means of a welfare state).

Since New Kamchatka's independence in 2001, the Communist Party has continually held a democratic majority in the Supreme Soviet, as well as holding the presidency and several provincial governments. Venerianskaya Pravda (Венерианский правда, lit. "Venusian truth") is the political newspaper of the CPNK.

Green Party[]

Sunflower (Green symbol)

Sunflower logo of the Greens.

The Green Party (Russian: Партия Зелёных, Partiya Zelyonykh, lit. "Party of the Greens"), also known as the Greens (Зелёные, Zelyonyye), is a green political party. Established in 2006, the party promotes environmentalism, eco-socialism, and pacifism. Unlike the Communist Party (which is environmentalist to a degree), the Green Party fully supports the protection of security of planet Venus and the native Venusian life. The party promotes the continued use of green energy and the expansion of conservationism on planet Venus (limiting the human expansion into unpopulated areas). The Greens have received a kind of "Hippie" personification among New Kamchatkans, which has both popularized and damaged the party's platforms in recent elections.

Since 2007, the Greens have participated in the Supreme Soviet, and holds partial say in gubernatorial and regional governments (mostly within Gagaringrad and Vladivenera). Following the 2013 parliamentary elections, the Greens surpassed the Reform Party in representatives (being the highest support since its formation). While not official, the Greens have often coalize with the Communist Party in almost all issues.

Liberal Democratic Party[]

Logo of the Liberal Democratic Party of New Kamchatka (Venusian Haven)

Logo of the LDPNK.

The Liberal Democratic Party of New Kamchatka (Russian: Либерально-Демократическая партия Новой Камчатки, Libyeral'no-Dyemokratichyeskaya partiya Novoy Kamchatki), commonly abbreviated as the LDPNK (ЛДПНК), is a center-right to right-wing political party. The party's origins date back to the founding of the LDPSU in the 1980s, and has since remained the right-wing equivalent to the Communist Party. The LDPNK promotes social conservatism, patriotism, and secularism. Though anti-communist, the party promotes statism and some preservation of a welfare state (though be it a smaller one).

The LDPNK has continually ranked second in all national elections since New Kamchatka's independence in 2001. The party has held significant say within the southern governorates of Chaika and Lomonosovsk. Due to the growing factionalism among conservative New Kamchatkans, the LDPNK has gradually lost seats within the Supreme Soviet (being taken by the Reform Party and Partido Cubano). For the Venusian People (Russian: За венерианский народ, Za vyenyerianskiy narod) is the political newspaper of the LDPNK.

Partido Cubano[]


A Partido Cubano rally held in New Havana (2010).

Partido Cubano, literally translated as the Cuban Party (Russian: Кубинская партия, Kubinskaya partiya), Cuban minority political party. The party platform believes that the promises of a bilingual and multicultural nation have been sidetracked in favor of Russification. Partido Cubano promotes the preservation of Cuban culture within New Havana, as well as the continued use of the Spanish language within the nation. Though the party promotes the continuation of New Kamchatka as an Atheist state, party members have promoted for the continuation and expansion of Catholicism within the nation in the form of Christian democracy. All in all, Partido Cubano promotes a Third Way political platform, ranging from left-wing liberalism to right-wing conservatism.

Since its establishment in in 2005, Partido Cubano has held continued domination within New Havana and a few border areas (most notably in eastern Lomonosovsk). Due to its political variation, the party doesn't participate in any governmental factions within the Supreme Soviet, and has sided on both sides of the aisle since its formation.

Pirate Party[]

Pirate Party of New Kamchatka (Venusian Haven)

Logo of the Pirate Party.

The Pirate Party (Russian: Пиратская партия, Piratskaya partiya) is a pirate political party. Established in 2006, the party supports civil rights, copyright reform, network neutrality, freedom of information, transparency, and information privacy. Much like its many Earth counterparts, the party's origins date to the mid 2000s and the growth of Internet usage. Following the internet linkage of Earth and Venus, residence of both planets could keep in communication and the transfer of information. Given the previously closed off society that many New Kamchatkans experienced during the Cold War, combined with the use of New Kamchatkan servers for Earth-based hackers and copyright infringers, New Kamchatka became a active in internet protection (particularly among the younger generations).

The Pirate Party has been a part of the Supreme Soviet since the 2007 elections, and holds say in gubernatorial and regional governments. It has most of its say in Gagaringrad and Vladivenera, and is more popular among the younger generations. The popularity of the party outpasses the many Earth counterparts by number of party members serving in the Supreme Soviet (compared to the few national representatives across Earth).

Reform Party[]

Capitalist flag

Party flag of the Reform Party.

The Reform Party (Russian: Партия реформ, Partiya reform; lit. "Party of Reforms") is a predominantly anti-communism and pro-capitalist political party. Established in 2003, the Reform Party (as its name suggests) wishes to reform New Kamchatka into a free market and capitalist nation (removing the socialist elements of the nation) by the means of total privatization and making the nation pro-business. While mostly on par with Western capitalist ideals, the party has gained criticism for its anarcho-capitalism and deregulatory statements and endorsements in recent years. The Reform party has earned the reputation as the "Oil Party" of New Kamchatka for its support of reforming the Venus Treaty to allow unregulated access to New Kamchatka's resources (including oil, natural gas, coal, etc.) and to become a "Saudi Arabia of Venus" (according to party members).

Since 2003, the party has held say in the Supreme Soviet, as well as gubernatorial and regional governments. The party holds dominance in rural areas noted for their regional riches (including the islands of the Sea of Rusalka), and currently holds the majority within the gubernatorial government of Uragansk.

Venus First[]

Simplified ancient Mesopotamian eight-pointed star symbol of Ishtar

The eight-pointed Star of Venus is often used as the party symbol of Venus First.

Venus First (Russian: Венера прежде всего, Venera prezhde vsego; lit. "Venus first of all"), commonly abbreviated as the VPV (ВПВ), is an isolationist political party. Established in 2005, the VPV advocates the total independence of New Kamchatka from the Soviet Union, the nationalization of all New Kamchatkan means, and broadly supporting the total cutting off of Venusian dependency of Earth. For the most part, the VPV is a one topic political party and advocates centrism among the many party members (leading to internal factions). The origins of Venusian Isolationism date back to the 1990s and the beginning of human colonization. Excluding the many interplanetary shipments of supplies from Earth, most Venusian settlers remained isolated from Earth affairs and became self reliant. With two-way human transportation becoming common by the early 2000s, many Venusians feared becoming dominated by Earth. The VPV also supports Venusian integration, and has proposed the restructuring of the Venusian Forum into a full supranational union (on par with the European Union or even a unified federal government).

Since 2006, the VPV has participated in the Supreme Soviet and other regional governments across New Kamchatka. The party has had strong support in Korolevsk, where Soviet control remains strong (especially among the workers of the Korolev Cosmodrome). Since the 2010s, the VPV has begun to absorb elements and members of the Workers' Party.

Other political parties[]

Pan-Atlan Party[]

Map of Transatla (Venusian Haven)

Proposed boundaries as desired by the Pan-Atlan Party.

The Pan-Atlan Party (Russian: Панатлинская партия, Panatlinskaya partiya; Spanish: Partido Panatlano) is an expansionist and geopolitical political party. The party promotes the political unification of Atla Regio into a single nation, with most members favoring the region's annexation into New Kamchatka (as opposed to the establishment of a new nation). The Pan-Atlan Party believe the expansion of New Kamchatka is inevitable, comparing this to the expansions of the Russian Empire and the United States.

The party was established in 2008 in Gorbachevsk (another settlement within Soviet Venus) and promoted greater integration between the settlement and New Kamchatk (including the construction of a transcontinental railroad in the future). The party has since established branches in Ostland, New Saigon, and New Warsaw. The party was registered in New Kamchatka in 2011, though has not seen the same enthusiasm as elsewhere (coming in at 9th place during the most recent election). The party has gained some following in the rural-most territories of New Kamchatka.

Workers' Party[]

Flag of the Workers' Party of New Kamchatka (Venusian Haven)

Party flag of the Workers' Party.

The Workers' Party (Russian: Рабочая партия, Rabochaya partiya) is a Maoist political party founded in the early 2000s as communist alternative to the Communist Party of New Kamchatka. Including Maoism, the party supports elements of hardline communist (especially Stalinism and Juche) and agrarianism. The party promotes closer cooperation with Tianlin and "true communist nations" on Venus, as well as further independents from the Soviet Union and Earth.

Since 2001 the Workers' Party participated in the government of New Kamchatka, but the party has since been voted out of the Supreme Soviet (losing all their seats during the 2013 election). It's believed that the party's hardline image became less appealing to voters by 2013, as well as many member switching to other parties (most going to the CPNK and Venus First). Despite this loss in the Supreme Soviet, the WP continues to have say in regional governments.
