Alternative History
Five country war

Starting map

A five-country map game that takes place on this Europe map.

Starts from the year 1648, countries alter from OTL, each country has an extra overseas territory.

Grey countries can be invaded approx. 85 sq km at a time. Invaded territories must be attached to your land, overseas territories can only be invaded after building a port (see info on ports below). Before invading a coloured country you must wage war on them and then you can attack them the next turn, or the gods (me) might give you some sort of natural disaster. However, this will not cancel your attack.

You can edit the map but if you change the resolution once, you will receive a warning and your edit will be cancelled, twice and your edit will be cancelled and your country will receive a natural disaster.


Building a port takes five turns, you can build a max of two ports, one at a time. If an enemy captures all your ports you will have to capture one back or you won't be able to travel overseas.

One real day = One year game time.

Inventions will come at the time they really came.

I, Remedello am the mod.

Be plausible!


I will post a world wide map when literally every corner of this map is conquered by The Five (the five player controlled countries). Or in 1750.

Due to inactivity the Holy Roman Empire is now available to a new owner!

The Polish Lithuanian commonwealth (HighElf) is in danger of be kicked due to inactivity!


France - Charles de Gaullisme

Spain - 9 もりや すわこ

Holy Roman Empire - war2man2

Poland-Lithuania - Doctor261

Italy - Remedello


Italy starts building a port in Sicily and invades Switzerland and some land in the Krim peninsula, Italy offers France a Military-Economic pact.

Charles de Gaulliseme (in France known as Charlemagne II) accepts Military-Economic pact from Italy and starts building a port in Toulon and invades south-England.

France have noticed, that bandits take almost half form France's agricultural production. That is why France begins to train professional army. That will help save agricultural production and France's borders - CDG thinks 5000 is good number for beginning.

Five country war 1649



Italy invades some land in the Balkans. Italy starts building roads, tunnels and bridges to unify the country's different regions, Italy makes school free for all children aged six to 15 and gives all children a free school lunch, mostly made from potatoes or corn.

Spain begins building a port and invades Portugal.


France's king CDG organizes ministries, to control the Kingdom of France even more efficiently.

France begins to build roads between regions, because all tradable goods must be sent to Paris (capital) to be checked by Ministry of Economical Protectionism.

France invades middle-England and south-Scotland.

King CDG establishes legion on honor to secure France's place in the European intellectual circles. In Legion of Honor, all the most known and educated scientists, artists, officers and officials meet each other and hurry France's development.

King CDG build palace of Versailles near Paris. It will be symbol of his power and divine right.

France begins to regulate food. Minister of Agriculture, Jean-Baptiste Moreau says that it's necessary to workers, who can't feed their families without the Crown's help.

Poland-Lithuania attacks Sweden and makes coalition with Crimea.


Italy invades more land in the Balkans and starts to train a professional police army for internal matters.

Italy and France start building large roads from Rome to Paris for trade purposes.

Spain continues to invade Portugal and starts invading Sharifate of Marrakesh (as Spain has a bit of land there already).

France invades Sharifate of Marrakesh and takes as much land around the Spanish colonies (two nearest to Gibraltar) as possible, because more border, more trade incomes.

France separates state and church, because riots in Marseilles (against church) were too dangerous for locals.

France sets public vote (over 18) to increasing popularity among the people and to get new people to the parliament. France establishes the first parliament. Everyone (man) can vote or stand without confusion about birth. Of course, most of the power is still in the hands of king and his ministers.

Five country war 1650



Italy invades more land in the Balkans.

Spain continues to invade North Africa a bit more, planning to conquer more land toward where OTL Tunisia would be. Spain makes Portuguese a new official language. Spain asks for an alliance with the Holy Roman Empire.

France invades Scotland and recruits ten new war marshals from Legion of Honor.

Five country war 1651.



The Italian port in Sicily is ready.

The French port in Toulon is ready.

Italy invades land in OTL Tunisia and Algeria, Italy sends colonists into its new lands.

Spain continues to invade Africa. Spain also decides to give their citizens more rights. Spain asks an alliance with the Holy Roman Empire once more.

France invades Ireland and begins to build wealth in all cities. Wealth includes sewers, markets, state agencies and hospitals.

French professional army expands to 50 000 soldiers because King CDG wants to secure France's place as world's largest military power.

France begins call-ups. Reach is that in 1653 France would have 200,000 recruited troops. Each war marshal will have 25,000 soldiers under his command. (5000 professionals, 20,000 recruits)

France invents the wheel again.

France establishes King's Fusiliers-Regiment (2000 men), which will be under king's command 24/7 to secure kings safety.


Italy invades more land in Africa. Italy makes Greek the second national language. Italy starts building an enormous research centre in Rome, where all the nations greatest scientists will gather. Italy legalizes autopsies and starts studying human anatomy.

Italy encourages families to have many children by giving awards to big families.

Five country war 1653


Spain continues to invade Africa. Spain also improves their infrastructure.

France invades Dutch Republic and Kingdom of Denmark.

France asks Italy selling city of Ajaccio on island of Corsé.


France invades Norway and begins to build officer academy in London.

France establishes national bank to balance economy.

France begins recruit another five marshals and armies (25,000 men) for them.

King CDG promoted himself as Emperor Charles I. At first there were some riots, but when people noticed that it was not any different from the king, riots end.

Italy invades more land in Africa, and invades Cyprus.

Spain continues to invade land in Africa and avoids others that are doing the same. Spain also improves their infrastructure some more.

Five country war 1654



Italy invades more land in Africa and invades Alexandria and its surroundings.

Italy improves its infrastructure and gives women the same rights that men have.

Spain tries again and begins building a port in Alicante. Meanwhile, Spain continues to invade Africa. Spain also gives the Portuguese equal rights, and encourages that the Spanish learn Portuguese as a second Language.

France invades the rest of southern land under French colonies. France invades as much as it can from Turkey, by beginning from west.

France expands its army to 700,000 men. La grand Armée contains soldiers from all French territories.

France begins to build great navy. Commander of French naval forces Pierre-Charles Villeneuve is going to be leader of 15 admirals of navy. Frances navy is going to be for the beginning about 2000 ships. Woods are gathered from forests of Norway.

Frances second elections, right wing continues in government.

France declares war to Holy Roman empire. France's territorial reaches and years of passive diplomacy with HRE proven to Frenchmen, that HRE is France's enemy and so on. France had no other chance than declare war.

Italy declares war on the Holy Roman Empire as well, due to its Italian speaking areas and Italy being an ally of France.

Five country war 1655



Italy attacks the Holy Roman Empire and invades some land in the south. Italy expands its territory in Egypt.

Spain continues to invade into Africa. Spain also improves their infrastructure some more.

France invades HRE's Holland and HRE's colonies in Sweden-Norway.

France gives warning: "If any nation, great or tiny, tries to keep HRE from its destiny, it will have to match France's armies in the battlefields!"

Five country war 1656



Italy invades more of the HRE and expands its territory in Africa.

Spain continues to invade Africa. Spain also improves their infrastructure more and gives its citizens more rights.

France invades some ares from western HRE.


Spain continues to invade Africa. Spain improves their infrastructure and makes Basque an official language.

The German kingdoms of the HRE band their armies together to create one of the largest collections of military units to be collected under the name "Holy Knights of Germania". To counter the recent strikes, the HKG marches into the Low Countries, capturing hundreds of French soldiers and capturing needed equipment and weapons while also forcing them back into France.

May I ask who wrote this?

It was an IP, It may have been BSE, or not, I don't know.

France expands its fleet to 5000 ships.


Spain continues to invade Africa. Spain also improves their infrastructure more and encourage the Spanish to learn either Portuguese or Basque, while the Basque are encouraged to also learn Spanish or Portuguese, and the Portuguese are encouraged to learn Basque or Spanish as a second language.


Spain continues to invade Africa. Spain improves their infrastructure and begins to build small bridges over some small rivers.

France invades Lothringen and Prussia. France also expands their infrastructure.


Spain continues to invade Africa. Spain continues to build bridges and improves infrastructure.


Spain continues to invade Africa. Also, Spain builds more houses and builds a few more bridges.


Spain builds up their military and continues to invade Africa.


Spain continues to build up their military and continues to invade Africa. Spain also improves their infrastructure some more.


Spain continues to build up their military and continues to invade Africa. Spain also gives people more rights and freedoms; and improves their infrastructure some more.


Spain continues to build up their military and continues to invade Africa. Spain also improves their infrastructure some more.


Spain continues to build up their military and continues to invade Africa. Spain also builds a few bridges.


Spain continues to build up their military and continues to invade Africa. Meanwhile, Spain also begins building a few ships (the port should be ready by now? I built the port in Alicante, Spain back in 1655) and starts to plot an invasion of Japan in the near future.


Spain continues to build up their military and invades Africa a bit more. Spain sends a few ships to Japan and starts to invade Kyūshū.


Spain continues to build up their military and invades Africa a bit more. Spain also builds more ships and sends a few more to continue the invasion of Kyūshū.


Spain continues to build up their military and invades Africa some more. Spain also builds more ships and the invasion of Japan continues, though slowly.


Spain continues to build up their military and sends more ships and invading Japan continues, slowly.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. The invasion of Japan continues slowly.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain also sends more ships to and continues to invade Japan, though the progress is still slow.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. The invasion of Japan continues slowly, but is making progress.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Also, some more ships are sent to Japan and the invasion of Japan becomes a stalemate.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Some more ships are sent to Japan and continue the invasion, but it's still a stalemate.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. The stalemate in Japan breaks, but only slight advancement happens, as resistance is very strong in Japan.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. The invasion of Japan is at a stalemate again.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain decides to give up invading Japan for now but keeps the land it obtained (Kyūshū, Shikoku and the bottom of Honshū all the way up to, but not including, Kyoto) and sends more ships there to make sure they can guard it well. Spain then goes back to invading Africa. However, the furious Zulu warriors manage to stop their advance in the battle of Mogadishu. Spanish forces suffer a crushing defeat in a battle at Lake Victoria and after that they begin retreating back towards Cairo.

Sorry to have crossed it out, but I don't think you're allowed to edit one's post, unless you're a mod or something...


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. The invasion of Africa continues.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. The invasion of Africa continues, and more ships are sent to protect Spanish holdings in Japan just in case.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. The invasion of Africa continues.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain also improves their infrastructure, and the invasion of Africa continues.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain also stops invading Africa. Spain then sends some more ships to Japan as back-up.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain also sends some more ships to Japan as back-up. Meanwhile, Spain improves their infrastructure.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain also improves their infrastructure some more.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain also builds more houses.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain improves their infrastructure more.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain sends more ships to Japan and continues invading Japan.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain also continues to invade Japan, though slowly.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain also sends more ships to and continues to invade Japan, though still slowly.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain also sends more ships to and continues to invade Japan, with barely any progress.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain decides to stop the war after Japan accepts being annexed by the Spanish. Japanese is made official language afterwards.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain sends more ships and prepares for an invasion of Korea.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain sends more ships and begins invading Korea.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain sends more ships and continues invading Korea.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain also continues invading Korea.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain continues invading Korea.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain continues invading Korea, and is stopped by a heavy resistance.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain continues invading Korea, but slowly making any progress.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain continues invading Korea, and is locked in a stalemate again.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain continues invading Korea, and the stalemate continues.


Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain sends more ships and continues invading Korea, and advancement is made.


  • Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. A treaty is made in Korea, and soon Spain annexes Korea, and makes Korean an official language.
  • Poland-Lithuania has a new king - Mindaugas II and they begin a massive recruitment of elite knights.


  • Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain begins to invade Africa again.
  • Poland-Lithuania continues to build up their military and builds more ships.


  • Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain continues to invade Africa.
  • Poland-Lithuania continues to build up their military and builds more ships.


  • Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain continues to invade Africa.
  • Poland-Lithuania continues to build up their military and builds more ships. They offer Spain a Formal Alliance.


  • Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain continues to invade Africa. Spain also accepts Poland-Lithuania's offer of an alliance.
  • Poland-Lithuania invades Holy Roman Empire for fun (because they are power-hungry). They ask for support from Spain and state their motive to be religious.


Five country war 1711


  • Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain sends ships in support for Poland-Lithuania and begins helping them attack the Holy Roman Empire. The invasion of Africa is halted for now.
  • Town after town of Holy Roman Empire is taken over by Poland-Lithuania. They promise to give Spain parts of the Roman Empire when the war is finished.


  • Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain continues invading Africa again.
  • The battles in Holy Roman Empire still continue, as Poland-Lithuania massively attacks it. Holy Roman Empire offered truce, but Polish-Lithuanians denied it.


  • Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain continues to invade Africa. Plans are also prepared to invade Taiwan.
  • Poland-Lithuania has almost crushed Romans in their capital. The recruitment continues in original Poland-Lithuanian territory.


  • Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain continues to invade Africa and instead of invading Taiwan, they purchase it from the Qing Empire. Plans are made to invade the Philippines are made.
  • Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth has crushed the Northern and Eastern Holy Roman Empire, and proposes peace. Poland-Lithuania accepts it. The peace is made with the new borders.
Five country war 1714



  • Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain also begins to invade the Philippines.


  • Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain also continues to invade the Philippines.
  • Poland-Lithuania continues to build up their military and builds more ships.


  • Spain continues to build up their military and builds more ships. Spain continues to invade the Philippines.
  • Poland-Lithuania continues to build up their military and builds more ships. ((I also suggest that we close this game. It has gone towards so much of stupidity...)) *The Holy Romans find a new leader and declare war on Lithuania to claim their land back but before the war they create better armor and better training and more troops. I think to keep this game my name is waroftheworld and I'm taking over the Holy Roman Empire. Also, if France buys England for ten million in gold, and the Holy Romans want up to 150,000 in recruits in three years; we've already got 30,000 and we build massive ships but at heavy cost at gold. At four million, the Holy Romans have three million left and fear bankruptcy so they raise taxes and soon have 3500 ships and 540 thousand soldiers - 'and call it the Roman Legion of Arms. They call on France to help them, for they will give half their claims if the war is won.
  • Holy Roman Empire drafts 800,000 men for the army and invades Italy.