Alternative History
Union of Scandinavian Socialist Republics
Union der Sozialistischen Skandinavischenrepubliken (German)
Unionen av Scandinavian Sosialistiske Republikkene (Norwegian)
Unionen Scandinavian Socialistiska republiker (Swedish)
Sosialististen scandinavian liitto (Finnish)
Związek Socjalistycznych Republik skandynawskim (Polish)
Skandinavijos Socialistinių Respublikų Sąjunga (Lithuanian)
Unionen af ​​Scandinavian Socialistiske republikker (Danish)
Scandinavian Union (Colloquial)

Timeline: Burma Ascension

OTL equivalent: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Northern Germany, Poland, Baltic states
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of Union of Scandinavian Socialist Republics Union der Sozialistischen Skandinavischenrepubliken (German) Unionen av Scandinavian Sosialistiske Republikkene (Norwegian) Unionen Scandinavian Socialistiska republiker (Swedish) Sosialististen scandinavian liitto (Finnish) Związek Socjalistycznych Republik skandynawskim (Polish) Skandinavijos Socialistinių Respublikų Sąjunga (Lithuanian) Unionen af ​​Scandinavian Socialistiske republikker (Danish) Scandinavian Union (Colloquial)
USSR in green.
Anthem "National Anthem of the Scandinavian Union ("Triumph of the People")"
Capital Stockholm
Largest city Berlin
Other cities Oslo, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Danzig, Helsinki, Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn, Hamburg
  others Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Danish, Polish
Religion State Atheism
Demonym Scandinavian
Government Single-party Communist State
Area 1,805,914 km²
Population 135,000,000 
Currency Mark
Time Zone (UTC+3)
Internet TLD .ss

The Scandinavian Union, officially the Union of Scandinavian Socialist Republics (USSR) is the largest country in Europe in terms of population and second largest in terms of area. It is a constitutionally a single party socialist state, ruled by the Socialist Parties of the Union of Scandinavian Socialist Republics(SPUSSR - pronounced Spu-Sir) since its foundation in 1921. Although the country is technically a union of 7 Scandinavian Socialist Republics (SSRs), the Baltic SSR, the Danish SSR, the Finnish SSR, the German SSR, the , Norwegian SSR, the Polish SSR and the , Swedish SSR, it is a highly centralized state.

The Red Dawn, referred to in Socialist terminology as the Days of the Proletariat Awakening, marked a series of often turbulent events which led to the establishment of the USSR in the 1920s. While the regions which constitute the German, Polish and Baltic SSRs are not traditionally considered Scandinavian, their inclusion in the USSR has prompted these regions to be geographically termed Scandinavian.

The USSR is one of the world's superpowers, alongside the United States, Russia and Myanmar. The USSR and its client Communist states, mainly in Europe and South America, have wage a Cold War against non-Communist superpowers and their client states, such as Myanmar, Russia and the United States. A number of proxy wars in non-aligned states have also been fought, mainly be factions armed and supported by these Cold-War camps.


The USSR is roughly divided up into two main regions - the Peninsula Region and the Continental Region. The Peninsula region consists of the Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish SSRs, while the Continental Region consists of the German, Danish, Polish and Baltic SSRs. The USSR is bounded by the North Sea in the West while the Baltic Sea separates the Peninsula and Continental Regions. The USSR has a total area of over 1.8 million sq km and up to 200 islands, mainly in the Baltic sea and in the Norwegian SSR.


Devastation following the First World War led to most national governments collapsing and giving way to Communist takeovers in the Norway, Sweden and Finland. The Second World War, which was a three way fight between the Germans, the Russians and the Scandinavians (who were temporarily aligned with states such as the United States, France, UK) radically redefined Europe.


The USSR is a single party Socialist state ruled by the Socialist Parties of the Union of Scandinavian Socialist Republics (SPUSSR - pronounced Spu-Sir), which consists of the 7 regional Scandinavian Socialist Parties (SSP). Each regional SSP assembly votes for one representative to the SPUSSR Poliburo, which acts as the executive council of the Union. Politburo leadership is based on a 5 year alphabetical rotation between the regional representatives. The current General Secretary of SPUSSR is Angela Merkel, representative of the German SSR, who began her term in 2009.

The USSR government is split into 3 branches - the Executive (SPUSSR Politburo), Legislative (Peoples' Parliaments), Judiciary (Peoples' Courts). SPUSSR has currently over 105 million party members, making it the second largest political party on Earth. However, as member provides numerous benefits and perks, and is required for employment, the numbers do not reflect the true popularity of the SPUSSR.


The USSR has a population of 135 million, most of which live in the Continental Region. Of this, around 70 million (52%) are of German descent. The Poles are the second largest group at around 30 million, while the Swedes form the third largest group at over nine million. The Norwegians, Finns, Danes and Baltics (umbrella term for Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians and some Russians) form a total of 21 million.


The USSR officially operates on seven regional languages of the constituent republics (German, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Polish and Lithuanian). Swedish is the official language of the USSR. However, due to the percentage of Germans and Poles (who form 52 and 22 percent, respectively), these two languages are used widely and as the working languages of the USSR.

A typical announcement or notice in the USSR would be published in four languages: Swedish, German, Polish, which are fixed, and the fourth one being either Norwegian, Finnish, Danish or Lithuanian depending on locality.


The nations which now form the USSR had strong Christian heritages with most of the population adhering to either Catholicism or Protestant Christianity. However, with the advent of Communism, the USSR has been openly hostile to religion and Christianity in particular. Directive 2/1951, colloquially termed the Devil Directive, closed all religious institutions in the USSR. Most churches were appropriated by the State, while religious texts and icons were burned.

Underground Christian groups operated successfully until the 1980s, when a new wave of brutal crackdowns decimated Christianity. The United States Department of Religious Affairs estimates that at present, around five million underground Christians still exist, mainly in the Baltic SSR.

The demise of Christianity paved the way for the entry of underground Buddhist missionaries, mainly sent by the Red Mission (based in Myanmar and Majapahit). Over the years, a vibrant underground Buddhist network consisting of "Home Temples" has sprung up across all the SSRs, with an estimated following of around two million underground Buddhists by 2000.

In September 2009, the government cracked down on these Home Temples resulted in the detention of many major Buddhist leaders, including SPUSSR party officials. Many Buddhist leaders were sent to labour camps inside the Arctic circle where a large proportion died. Despite these persecutions, Buddhist activists claim that Buddhism remains a growing religion amongst the Scandinavians with over four million Buddhists now, at par with the underground Christians.

On October 18, 2011, an Oslo-bound German SSR registered passenger liner from Hamburg, the VS Rostok, was hijacked by a Buddhist refugee group, and most of the passengers turned out to be Buddhist refugees fleeing the USSR. The Rostok veered towards the UK, requesting both asylum and protection. 25 nautical miles before reaching British territorial waters, the Rostok exploded, killing nearly 240 people on board. 185 survivors were later picked up by the Royal Navy. Investigations by the Royal Navy concluded that a Danish SSR navy operated submarine had fired a torpedo at the Rostok, while intercepted radio signals indicated that it was ordered by the Politburo.

See Also: VS Rostok Incident


The economy of the USSR is heavily planned and industrialized - the USSR mainly produces machines, raw materials such as oil, iron ore and steel and chemicals. The production components are administered by Peoples' Industries (such as the Peoples' Dairy Industries, Peoples' Fisheries, etc). The government subsidies most industries as they are unable to negate operational losses.

The USSR has to depend heavily on South America for its agricultural imports, although the government has recently emphasized on self-sufficiency. No figures are released by the Scandinavian government, but estimates by the Burmese Information Databank Institute and the World Bank place the USSR GDP at around 22 trillion dollars, making it the 3rd largest economy after the United States and Myanmar.

This skewers the per capita GDP of the USSR - placing them roughly at $162,950 - the highest per capita in the world and twice that of the second highest GDP per capita. However, in terms of wages, the average proletariat wage is at around 490 Marks ($589) per person per month.


The USSR maintains one of the largest standing armies in the world, estimated at over ten million. This is partly due to a three-year compulsory conscription law for both males and females over the age of 19. It is a highly militarized state, with around one military service personnel per 12 persons.

The USSR military, collectively termed the Scandinavian Peoples' Army (Skandinavischen Volksarmee), SVA, has five branches: the Army (Land Strike Forces, La SK) Navy (Peoples Navy, VM), Air Force (Air Strike Forces, LSK), Air Defence (Peoples Air Defence Force (VLV), Marines (Peoples' Marines, VM) and Border Troops of the USSR (GTUSSR). These five branches employ around four million full time soldiers, while conscripts have to serve in the Combat Group of the Scandinavian Proletariat (KdS) alongside volunteers. The KdS numbers over six million and are lightly armed compared to the SVA.

The USSR has a large state-run military industrial complex, based in both the German SSR and the Swedish SSR. The Peoples' Defence Industries is the fifth largest employer in the USSR, with up to four million employees on its payroll. The USSR uses its weapons as trade bargains and deal sweeteners
