Alternative History

This is a separate but contiguous timeline meant to organize all events relating to space travel and colonization in the Superpowers ATL.

Before 1900[]

  • 1024 - Roman dramatist writes a play about traveling to the stars in a Galleon.
  • 1887 - Liquid-incendium is used to propel the first actual rocket.


  • 1906 - Liquid-incendium and liquid-protium are used to propel a Mayan caelus from the mainland to Xamayca.
  • 1908 - Start of Project Aetna on the island of Sicily, with the goal of creating practical sifocaeli (jet aircraft).
  • 1911 - Adrianus Orilla Stultus, one of the Project Aetna scientists, proposes a method of propelling a vehicle into space, this is the first realistic proposal for spaceflight.
  • 1924 - Functioning turbine-liquid fuel jet hybrid is completed by Project Aetna, Roman scientists theorize it could be used to breach the atmosphere if more focus were put on the "liquid fuel jet" part.


Space station concept

Adrianus' concept for simulating gravity in his proposed space station, this model is however rejected

  • 1928 - Idea for a space program is put forward to Emperor Sulla II by Adrianus. Roman scientists immediately work on designing as efficient a rocket design as possible.
  • July 1930 - Start of Operation Hermes within the Viris Mundi, with the goal of creating an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.
  • February 1931 - First ICBM launched, from Olissipa to the Isle of Bann, by the Romans.
  • December 1931 - Designs for using ICBMs to launch objects out of the atmosphere are completed. Start of the Artemis Program.
  • 1932 - Mayans begin their own space program.
  • 1935 - First man-made satellite launched into space by the Mayans. Tepeu I.
  • 1936 - Concept designs for an inhabited satellite are made by Adrianus.
  • 1937 - Tepeu II is launched. First man-made satellite to enter continuous orbit.
  • 1938 - First Roman satellite launched into space as well as first geostationary satellite.
  • 1940
    • February - Spaceship Hermes is completed.
    • July - First human spaceflight performed by the Hermes.
    • August - Artemis Program is extended to allow for manned mission to the Moon.
    • September - 100th space flight for the launching of the 61st Roman communication satellite.
  • 1941
    • June - First human spacewalk performed by Mayan Ticanauts.
    • August - 100th Roman communication satellite launched. First worldwide satellite network.
    • December - First Japanese satellite launched
  • 1942
    • July - Start of Project Helios by the Romans, with the goal of launching satellites to harvest solar energy and beam it back down using radionervae (lasers).
  • 1943
    • March - Detailed plans for the Castrum Astri are finished by Adrianus.
    • May - Launch of the first Custos Angelis Maintenance Satellites with the purpose of maintaining more complex orbital structures.
    • October - First orbital telescope is launched into space by the Romans. Osiris.
  • 1944
    • January - First man-made object lands on the Moon. Luna I.
    • May - First module for the Castrum Astri is launched.
    • October - Luna II is launched. It orbits the Moon taking pictures of both poles. Cratera Adriana (OTL Peary Crater) is chosen as the site for the first lunar base.
Spacecraft chiron

Design image for the Archimedes

  • 1945
    • January - Luna III is launched.
    • June - Luna IV is launched in preparation of the lunar landing.
    • November - First Mayan communication satellite is launched.
  • 1946
    • March - Luna V is launched carrying the first lunar vehicle.
    • July - First man on the Moon. Lunar base is established. Luna VI.
    • September - Re-usable spacecraft is designed by Adrianus.
    • December - Luna VII is launched.
  • 1947
    • February - Luna VIII is launched followed two weeks later by Luna IX, both providing the solar panels for the lunar base..
    • May - Mayans launch their own orbital telescope.
    • August - First dual-Moon landing. Luna X and XI.
    • December - Completion of the Castrum Astri, first manned satellite.
  • 1948
    • February - Luna XII is launched.
    • April - Maiden voyage of the Archimedes re-usable spacecraft.
    • June - Luna XIII launched by Archimedes.
    • August - Infrared telescope launched into orbit. Second satellite of the Vates Project.
    • September - Luna XIV is launched. Founding of the lunar city of Heliopolis.
    • November - 100th Mayan communication satellite is launched.
    • December - First Roman spy satellite is launched.
  • 1949
    • February - First Cherubim Missile satellite is launched
    • March - First Japanese taikonauts go into orbit.
    • July - Romans launch their radiographema telescope (x-ray).
    • August - Water discovered on the Moon.


  • 1950
    • March - Heliopolis becomes a self-sustaining city after the addition of a hydroponics bay
    • June - Luna XVI is launched. Final lander of the Luna design.
    • July - Nipponia completes its Station for communication, a manned satellite designed to control the influx of information into the Japanese Empire from its foreign allies.
  • 1951
  • January - Romans launch their radielio telescope (ultraviolet).
  • February - Maiden voyage of Chiron, the second Archimedes reusable craft.
  • June - First Mayans land on the Moon, no base is set up.
  • November - Romans launch their first radio telescope.
  • 1952
    • August - A-100 Ramjet Multi-role Sifocaeli go into production. They are capable of "hopping" outside the atmosphere to decrease travel time even farther.
  • 1953
    • February - First spaceship malfunction. Although no one is killed, extensive repairs to Chiron and the launch pad have to be made.
    • March - Emperor Lucius green-lights Project Prometheus.
    • April - First Project Helios satellite is launched.
    • December - Construction of Space Observer Artemis is begun.
  • 1954
    • January - Romans launch their alpha ray telescope (gamma), completing the Vates Project.
    • October - First structure built entirely on the Moon is completed.
  • 1955
    • January - Cherubim Missile Satellite Network is completed.
    • February - Artemis Spatial Observer is completed at the Earth-Moon A2 Punctum Agravitas (OTL L1 Lagrangian Point).
    • April - Two more lunar vehicles are brought to Heliopolis.
    • June - Creation of the Ahau Lunar Base by the Mayan Empire.
    • October - Hercules nuclear explosion is the first nuclear weapon detonated in space.
  • 1956
    • May - Two more lunar vehicles arrive in Heliopolis.
    • June - Helium 3 is discovered on the Moon.
    • October - Japanese satellite shot down by a Cherubim satellite in a test of satellite-to-satellite capabilities. First instance of Space Warfare.
    • December - First Ion Engine built in Rome.
  • 1957
    • February - Start of the Itzamna Program by the Mayans, with the goal of reaching the Red Planet
    • July - Helios Network completed.
    • August - Japanese pass referendum to not attempt a Moon landing, their space program only being meant for "practical purposes".
    • November - Completion of a lunar radio telescope in Heliopolis.
  • 1958
    • April - Completion of a ferrum smelting plant in Heliopolis, first industry on the Moon.
    • October - Maiden voyage of Icarus, the final Archimedes reusable spacecraft built.
  • 1959
    • May - Invention of a Plasma Propulsion Engine by the Romans.
    • June - Start of Operation Fulmen in Heliopolis, with the goal of constructing an electromagnetic lunar catapult for return trips.


Coyolxauhqui shuttle launch

Maiden flight of Coyolxauhqui

  • 1960
    • March - Completion of a satellite refueling station at the Earth-Moon A3 Punctum Agravitas (OTL L4 Lagrangian Point).
    • September - Launch of spacecraft Itzamna, destination Mars.
    • December - Completion of the electromagnetic lunar launching platform.
  • 1961
    • January - Completion of the Prometheus, the first true class of spaceship.
    • April - Mayans develop their own reusable spacecraft. It greatly resembles OTL space shuttle (Archimedes was completely different in form).
    • May - Maiden voyage of Coyolxauhqui, first Mayan reusable spacecraft of the Coyotl design.
    • July - Communication is lost with Itzamna.
    • August - Carbos Nanotube screens are put up in Heliopolis to further protect structures.
    • September - Construction started for the Statio Aethereus Exquaesitionis Scientificae (SAES or Space Station of Scientific Research).
  • 1962
    • March - Site established for creation of a Roman Space Elevator in Africa.
    • June - Japan commissions two Coyotl reusable spacecraft from the Mayans.
    • November - Maiden voyage of Mixcoatl, second Mayan Coyotl space shuttle.
  • 1963
    • March - Completion of 204 m wide radio telescope in Heliopolis.
    • July - First child is born on the Moon, as well this is the first person to be born in space.
    • August - Maiden voyage of the Daedalus, second Prometheus-class spaceship.
  • 1964
    • January - Maiden voyage of Hiro, first Japanese space shuttle.
    • May - Completion of the SAES.
    • July - Completion of a Helium-3 Production Plant, on the lunar far side, by the Romans. The isotope is useable in the most efficient process of particle fusion reactions.
  • 1965
    • June - First Mayan spy satellite is launched, due to Rome's monopoly on space, strict guidelines must be followed in the satellites use.
    • July - Maiden voyage of Tenjin, the second Japanese space shuttle.
    • August - First Potestas Kinetic Artillery Satellite is launched.
  • 1966
    • March - First large scale usage of space-based weapons in the Battle for West-Hispaniola. Virtually the entire battle was fought with satellite weapons, aircraft only provided support, and the infantry moved in afterward for confirmation.
    • September - Heliopolis reaches a population of 500 people.
  • 1967
    • May - Completion of Rome's Space Elevator.
    • July - Maiden voyage of Tohil, the third Mayan Coyotl space shuttle.
    • September - Launch of Ares I, the first Roman probe to orbit Mars.
    • December - Work started for the Aeneas Program by Rome, with the goal of colonizing Mars.
  • 1968
    • March - Construction of the Magnum Ballistarium Aetherium is begun by the Foedus Terrae.
    • May - Launch of Ares III, the first man-made object to land on Mars.
    • October - Replacement structure of the Castrum Astri, the Castrum Astri II begins construction.
    • November - Completion of a
  • 1969
    • April - Launch of the Heron automated worker drone. Its the first interplanetary construction and maintenance drone ever built.
    • May - Launch of Ares VI, VII and VIII to form a long-range Martian Communication Satellite.
    • July - Heliopolis reaches a population of 10,000 settlers.
    • August - Maiden voyage of Macuil, the fifth Mayan Coyotl space shuttle.
    • November - Potestas Kinetic Artillery Satellite Network is completed.
    • December - Completion of the Aeneas Mars Colonizer.


  • 1970
    • January - Maiden voyage of Aeneas.
    • March - Launch of Ares IX, an orbital radar platform designed to locate all subterranean Martian tunnels.
    • May - Completion of the Magnum Ballistarium Aetherium, providing nuclear coverage of the entire planet.
    • June - Maiden voyage of Ehecatl, the fifth Mayan Coyotl space shuttle.
    • July - Arrival of Aeneas at Mars, preparations made for the founding of a city.
    • September - Presiding of the Ares Conference.
    • October - Launch of Ares X, XI, XII and XIII for the creation of the Octavius Electromagnetic Belt around Mars.
    • December - Completion of the Castrum Astri II.
  • 1971
    • February - Failure of the Mayan Mars Base Program before it even got started.
  • 1972
    • March - Launch of Philo, the second probe of the Heron design.
    • June - Launch of Ares XXII to provide Mars with Custos Angelis satellites.
  • 1973
    • November - Creation of the SC-26 Extra Atmospheric Bomber by the Romans.
  • 1974
    • July - Population of Troy on Mars reaches 100 settlers.
    • October - Launch of Ptolomaeus, the third probe of the Heron design.
  • 1975
    • May - First Seraphim Radionerva Defense Satellite is launched.
    • December - Completion of the Second Roman Space Elevator, this time in South Columbia.
  • 1976
    • February - Plans made for the creation of the Japanese lunar base Akari, on the lunar far side.
  • 1977
  • 1978
  • 1979


  • 1980