Alternative History


In this scenario I'll cover what I think would happen if Hitler died before the Anschluss, Sudetenland and ww2.

Assassination & Civil war[]

Sudden shock hit the world as Hitler was shot right in the middle of a speech. Unrest began in Germany.

File:Alt-history times -1.png

news clipping following the assassination

Hitler's closest associates began instantly fighting for who would become the next Führer to succeed Hitler

Göring had the upper hand and the most supporters, he controlled the area around Berlin and the eastern part of Germany.

Himmler had a good chance of winning too. He had a lot of support in the southern part of Germany and controlled that area.

Goebbels had the weakest chance of becoming the next Führer, he controlled the Area around the Rhine so he controlled most of the industry but he also had the weakest following because there were no armed soldiers due to the DMZ that was in the Rhineland. He also had a very poor border with a very long front to control.

At that point, it was uncertain what would happen to Germany

Bundesarchiv Bild 183-B22478, Stalingrad, Luftwaffen-Soldaten in Ruinen

Battle of Mainz (Circa-1935)

Goebbels quickly defected to Göring side, leaving Himmler alone to fight him. At first the front was held on Himmler's side, but at the battle of Mainz (1935) Himmler's lines fell and Göring assumed power as Führer of Germany.

Aftermath & Unrest in Germany[]

After the civil war Göring attempted to re-organize the country and promptly failed to do so. His inner circle started to control and manipulate him for their own wants and needs. Needless to say, his Reich quickly fell and he called in a last resort.

He called in an election,and indirectly restored the Weimar Republic. This was short lived, too. The banned political parties rose up again and many attempted a coup d'etat of the Government. It was total hell in Germany, paramilitary groups came in and fought each other in the streets. People were murdered and tortured until one man came to finally re-seize power once and for all.

Restoration of the Monarchy[]


Kaiser Wilhelm III

In face of all the madness Wilhelm III came in to try and rally the people with him. The Germans were happy to see the monarchy coming back to Germany.The allies on the other hand, not so much. The restoration attempt was in defiance of the Treaty of Versailles. So they sent in a diplomat to discuss the matter with the would-be Kaiser of Germany.

At this time there was still chaos in Germany and the diplomat was killed on his way to Berlin. The Soviets at this time decided to intervene in the matter and blamed the death on the Kaiser and sent in troops to help the communist parties to stage a coup.

Bundesarchiv Bild 119-1983-0021, Kapp-Putsch, Berlin

German Flag being flown over Berlin as order is restored

A year later all of northern Germany had been Unified under Kaiser Wilhelm III. The south, though, had fallen to the communists and was in chaos.

The allies were scared of another communist uprising in Europe and negotiated an agreement with the new Kaiser. The monarchy would be allowed to stay on the grounds that they would help take down the communist south.

The war would have the Soviets intervene directly in the conflict and sent troops into West-Preussen.

This conflict would be dubbed as "The Second Great War."

The Great War[]

The war went on for over four years and ended in 1942. The Russians had committed several atrocities such as the massacre of Rostock. After the war ended the Treaty of Hamburg was signed in which the 2nd German Empire was officially united, and a DMZ was established. Russia was completely humiliated, after failing to invade both Poland and Germany the Russian people were furious and a democracy was eventually set up.

Germany today[]

File:Georg Friedrich Prinz von Preussen-0.jpg

Kaiser Georg I of the 2nd German Empire

Eventually the Monarchy was reduced to an almost ceremonial role with a democratic system in power. Despite this Germany remains as one of the world's most powerful nations.
