Alternative History
This article covers a war or battle

This article contains information about a war or a battle from the timeline The Sky Filled With Stars. You are free to discuss this or provide suggestions at this page's talkpage.

Eleven Years' War
Battle of Malplaquet, 1709

April 23, 1738


April 9, 1749


Brabant, Westphalia, North-Eastern France


Kingdom of France cedes Lorraine, Campagne, and Picardy to the Confederation of Westphalia

Major battles:

Battle of Merzig, Battle of Prün, Siege of Moyeuvre, Battle of Verdun, Siege of Reims, Great Siege of Paris, Siege of Calais, Battle of Évreux.


Pavillon royal de France Kingdom of France
SV-BrittanyFlag Duchy of Brittany

Flag of North Rhine-Westphalia Confederation of Westfalia
Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor with haloes (1400-1806) Holy Roman Empire

  • Flag of Brandenburg Duchy of Brandenburg
  • Coat of arms of Brabant Duchy of Brabant

Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 1.18.11 AM Kingdom of Ríonegro (after 1739)

  • Yellow Cherokee

Pavillon royal de France King Thèophile I of France
Pavillon royal de France Devreu de Marmont
Pavillon royal de France Nicodème Montagne
Pavillon royal de France Léopold de Orthez
Pavillon royal de France Roger de Dax
SV-BrittanyFlag Yanick o Leon
SV-BrittanyFlag Augustin Lestrange

Flag of North Rhine-Westphalia Hugo Königsmann
Flag of North Rhine-Westphalia Kuno von Koblenz
Flag of North Rhine-Westphalia Pankraz Schlusser
Flag of North Rhine-Westphalia Rudolf von Haselünne
Flag of North Rhine-Westphalia Lutz von Arnsberg
Flag of Brandenburg Gerwald von Schwedt
Flag of Brandenburg Jannik von Perienberg
Coat of arms of Brabant Alfons Koeman
Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 1.18.11 AM Toribio Sepúlveda


Land (total: 81,200)

  • 78,000 French regulars and cavalry
  • 3,000 Britanny regular soldiers and militia

Sea (total:~40 ships)

  • 36 French warships
  • Unknown number of Brittanian ships

Land (Total: 130,000)

  • 90,000 Niedersachsen regulars and cavalry, especially dragoons
  • 40,000 troops from the Holy Roman Empire (almost all contributed by Brandenburg)
  • 200 Cherokee irregulars
  • About 30 Río marines

Sea (Total: 52 ships)

  • 48 Niedersachsen warships and converted transports
  • 4 Brabant warships
  • Three armed Río transports
Casualties and Losses

21 warships

3 warships
