Alternative History

Back to Europe 1430 (Map Game)


  • Genoa takes more islands in the Aegean Sea.
  • Hungary attacks Croatia again.
  • More princes defect to the Prussian side.
  • Spain lands on Crete.
  • Muscovy takes territory along the Volga.



Charles I of Great Britain dissolves the Parliaments of England and Scotland, which had survived Charles' union of his domains. Charles calms the nobles down by granting them full control of their estates, and calms the commoners down by allowing them more say in local government. Charles I then begins building a series of coastal fortifications to protect Britain in the case of invasion.



  • Charles the Wise of Great Britain splits his kingdom into provinces. Each province is governed by a Council which is chaired by a noble and is composed of elected commoners. The nobles from the provinces answer to the King. In this way, Charles localises power and is able to create more nobles, who are friendly towards his goals, to lead his provinces. It also puts him in overall charge of his kingdom and breaks English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh nationalism. The United Kingdom is renamed the United Provinces of Great Britain.
  • Genoa, Greece and Bulgaria make gains on Venezia and the Greek states. Hungary takes control of various islands as well as making gains in Venetian Croatia. Independent Croatia also loses land.
  • More princes join Prussia.
  • Ukraine expands eastward in order to get a border with the Caspian Sea.
  • Muscovy expands further.
  • Portugal takes more land from the Maranids.
  • Papal States get involved in the Venetian War, declaring the annexation of Epirus was a violation of Papal interest. Thy land an army on some islands to prepare for war.



  • The King of Bohemia's plans move forward, many of the smaller counties in the southern HRE are annexed or inherited, and Hussite influence has grown to become dominant in much of southern Germany, Northern Hungary, and all of Bohemia.
  • The Margrave of Brandenburg, in an attempt to gain more influence arranges a political marriage with the princes of Prussia which could put him in the position of eventually leading a personal union with Prussia.
  • A new King ascends the throne in Denmark, and decides to uphold Danish sovereignty in Iceland and annexes the invading foreign settlements.



  • The Hungarians, Bulgarians and Genoans disassemble the Greek states then turn on the Venetian territories with the aid of the Papacy and the Spanish.
  • While the Hungarian army battles in the South some Hussite provinces declare their secession and annexation by Bohemia. Bohemia now has territories outside the Holy Roman Empire, outside of Reichstag jurisdiction.
  • Ukraine expands further eastward.
  • Portuguese take more Maranid land.
  • With the valuable fisheries in Iceland lost, Great Britain and her allies Navarre and Britanny have to look further afield. None of their militaries have the numbers or quality to stand against the Danes. Great Britain adopts the four crop rotation method as pioneered in Denmark. At the same time Basque and British ships travel further west in an attempt to find new and more profitable fisheries. An exodus of British, Basque and Breton settler make their way back to their home countries from Iceland.
  • Muscovy continues to expand.
  • King Charles is displeased that he has lost five valuable provinces in Iceland but perseveres. He improves the army and navy. He introduces laws such as the consumption of red meat on weekends is illegal. Tough this sounds illogical, it means the fishing fleets expand to cope with demand for white meat. This means if a war came, Britain would have a colossal number of well trained seamen to be put into the Royal Navy. As well as adopting Danish farming techniques, he too adopts the royal college ideas. He hopes to create an era of innovation and scientific development for his country.



  • Spain adopts the four-crop rotation system, and begins expanding their colonies among the Hafsids, in order to better protect their trade with Asia, and to prepare a jumping off point for their planned invasion of Egypt



  • Spain expands their North African settlements further, as does Portugal. France also starts building settlements north of the Hafsids in order to compensate for their losses to the HRE in previous wars. The Maranids are now cut off from the Hafsids.
  • Britain invades and conquers Orcadia. Orcadia was a very poor country anyway so their is little worry on the international scene aside from Denmark who worries about a British presence so close to its shores. Orcadia is turned into the Orkney Territory. A territory is a piece of land under the jurisdiction of the United Provinces of Great Britain. A territory is governed by the neighbouring provinces. A territory will become a province once the territory fits all the requirements. These requirements are:
    • Have a population of at least 5000.
    • Have been under British jurisdiction for at least one generation.
    • Have no loyalty to any group or groups advocating a break up of the United Provinces.
    • Have a noble who comes from the area.
    • Have proved their loyalty to the United Provinces on at least one occasion.

To achieve the populations necessary, immigration from mainland Scotland is being encouraged. The rest of Great Britain is exempt from this as Orcadia has been the only territorial gain of Great Britain since King Charles's ascension. However, a Provincial Review has to be carried out every 10 years. If a province is found to be lacking in the above then they are returned to Territory status.

  • King Charles hands over his overlordship of Brittany to France, hoping to engender good relations with France. France promptly annexes the Duchy as an autonomous duchy within France. A black line signifies the border between the Duchy of Brittany and the Kingdom of France proper.
  • Genoa, the Papacy and Hungary advance on Venetian territory. The Spanish do not act as they are busy conquering and settling in North Africa. Venice is now split in three and overstretched.
  • More Hussite territories in Hungary secede and join Bohemia.
  • Ukraine continues to expand eastward as does Muscovy.
  • The Mamluks consolidate land between them and Libya.


  • Charles I of Great Britain reorganizes the United Provinces of Great Britain into the Empire of Great Britain. The provincial and territorial divisions remain, but now Charles is Emperor of Great Britain.
  • Bohemia continues to annex Hussite areas in northern Hungary while their armies are fighting the Venezians, and also annexes a Hussite area of southwest Poland.
  • Bohemian-sponsored Hussite missionaries expand operations in Poland, Prussia, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.
  • In order to gain a port on the Mediterranean, Bohemia declares war on Venezia and quickly seizes Trieste and Istria.
  • Ukraine annexes the Genoan colonies on the north side of the Black Sea and begins building a monopoly on trade with the East.
  • Charles, seeking to focus more on the British Isles, sells the remaining British territory in France to the Duchy of Brittany.
  • Portugal, Spain, and France all expand their territory in North Africa, at the expense of the Maranids and Hafsids.
  • The remaining Venezian territory in the Balkans is conquered by Hungary, Genoa, and the Papal States. Genoa has a narrow corridor connecting Macedonia to the Ionian Sea. The Orthodox Epeirotes and Albanians are disgruntled at being conquered by the Catholic Church.
  • The Mamluks conquer the Emirate of Cilicia on the coast of southern Anatolia, further raising tensions with Spain.
  • The Catholic Church grows very suspicious of Bohemia.


The Spanish King marries the only living descendant of the ArchDuke of Naples, combining the two realms into the Spanish Empire



Spain launches its long-planned invasion of the Mamluks. They capture Alexandria and a part of the Holy Land. Spain lands an army that is prepared to capture Antioch and Aleppo.



  • Portugal advances farther into Maranid land.
  • France advances southwest into Fatamid land, hoping to cut off Portuguese expansion into Fatamid land.
  • The Spanish in Tunisia expand up to the Libyan border.
  • The Spanish lay siege to Antioch. Spain captures more of the Holy Land. They also conscript the help of the Libyan army in order to harass the Mamluks in Egypt.
  • Poland expels the Hussite missionaries and declare war on Bohemia. They seek support from other Catholic states such as the Papacy, France and Spain. Prussia sides with Bohemia. A religious war is about to break out.
  • Spain solidifies control over Naples.
  • The Dauphin of France is married to the only child of the King of Navarre.
  • Albania fights for and gains its independence.


  • Britain signs a alliance with Navarre.
  • Poland, Hungary, Livonia, the Papal States, Brandenburg, Savoy, Milan, and the Catholic fiefdoms of the HRE unite against the Hussites. Spain, preoccupied by the Mamluks, and France, jealous of HRE territory on its borders, do not join.
  • The Pope excommunicates the King of Bohemia. Bypassing the usual process, he names the Margrave of Brandenburg as Emperor, angering the Electors.
  • Oldenberg, Saxony, and Pomerania form the Hussite League allied to Bohemia.
  • France and Portugal make gains in North Africa.
  • Spain advances in the Nile Delta. The siege of Antioch looks to continue for a few or more years.
  • Libya expands into Mamluk Territory.
  • Fearful of retaliation by the Papal States and Hungary, Albania sends emissaries to Bohemia to negotiate an alliance.
  • After extensive immigration from Scotland, Orkney qualifies as a province.



Emperor Charles I begins a massive expansion of the British military. He reorganizes the military command, expands Britain's navy, and strengthens military discipline.

The Spanish Army finally forces the Mamluk sultan to engage them in a decisive battle. the Spanish Pikemen repel wave after wave of Egyptian cavalry, and the Spanish advance into the Nile valley and lay siege to Cairo.

Small Spanish warships begin patrolling much of the Nile, preventing more troops from traveling to Cairo, and extend Spanish control along the upper Nile.

Britain and the Kingdom of Denmark form an alliance.

The Spanish emperor is shown several cannons by a Italian entrepreneur. the Emperor decides to use some of the wealth generated by the new crop rotation to build cannon foundries. by the end of the year, they are shipping their first load to the siege of Antioch



  • Having been planning for the inevitable Holy War, Bohemia's armies are much more drilled and disciplined than previously expected. Fortifications had also been built around the Kingdom's boundaries prior to the Hussite uprisings in Poland and Hungary, leaving the Bohemian King confident in the security of his borders within the HRE. He then orders the invasion of Poland, with the goal of taking the capital of Warsaw and forcing the Polish King to surrender.
  • The Swiss Confederation declares itself for the Hussites.
  • The duke of Bavaria swears fealty to Bohemia, and heirless, declares his estates be passed to Bohemia on his death.
  • With the Bohemian defences so strong to the south, Brandenburg claims the throne of Prussia and invades the Bohemian ally, along with Pomerania.
  • Savoy and Milan lead an attack on the Swiss confederation.
  • France cuts all ties with Bohemia, but decides to remain neutral in the conflict with the threat of Spain's ambitions to the south.
  • Bohemia accepts the alliance with Albania, deeming an ally to the south to be extremely valuable. The King then begins to put out feelers to other Orthodox nations such as Bulgaria and Moldavia.
  • Polish and Hungarian Hussites begin a guerrilla campaign against their respective kingdom's forces, making them less effective.



  • Bohemia expands further into Poland, to cut off Brandenburg aid to the Poles.
  • With Bohemian aid, the Prussians drive Brandenburg back behind the Imperial border.
  • Saxony expands to the Brandenburger southern border.
  • The excellent Swiss army drive the Milanese and Savoyans back. They make an agreement with the French to cede all the former French territory to them if they help them. The French invade Savoy.
  • The Swiss attack Milan and destroy Valais.
  • Libya expands as do the Spanish into Mamluk lands.
  • France and Spain sign a treaty, agreeing their southern border.


1475 Spain grants independence to the Crusaders in the Middle East. However, many Spanish soldiers remain.


Emperor Charles I grants an amount of freedom of speech to the merchants in his empire.

Prussia launches an offensive into the HRE.

France attacks Papal states.



  • The Polish armies in the south make some gains on the Bohemians, but it is for naught as the Bohemian forces take Warsaw. The Polish King surrenders to Bohemia. Bohemia begins the process of fortifying the newly taken polish lands and bringing in more Hussite missionaries.
  • Brandenburg, unphazed by its defeat in Prussia finishes quelling Pomeranian resistance and regroups for another attack on Prussia.
  • The Netherlands joins the catholic alliance and moves on Oldenburg.
  • The fighting between the Swiss and Italians reaches a stalemate for now.
  • Bohemia seeks an alliance with Venezia, offering vengeance against the Pope for his involvement in Venice's losses in the Aegean, and guaranteeing all Italian lands taken in the war.
  • Albania makes small gains against southern Hungary then, not wanting to overextend themselves dig in to anticipate a Hungarian counterattack. Albanian guerrillas infiltrate Hungary to harass supply lines.
  • The Pope excommunicates the French king for aiding the Hussites against the Catholics.



  • France expands farther into Hafsid land, hoping to cut off the Spanish from the Hafsids so the French can destroy the Hafsids at their leisure.
  • France signs a treaty with Savoy and Switzerland agreeing their borders. France declares neutrality in the Bohemian War. The French king goes to Rome to beg for forgiveness.
  • Netherlands expands further against Oldenburg, though the further they go, the more ferocious and bloody the fighting gets.
  • Portuguese cut off the Maranids from the coast. They are free to eliminate the Maranids now without having to worry about pirates.
  • Hungary attempts an attack on Albania but they are swiftly repelled.
  • Venice concludes their deal with the Bohemians and attack Ferrara.
  • Prussia drives the Livonians back behind the Imperial border.
  • Libya continues to expand against the Mamluks.
  • Bohemia launches another assault on Hungary while their army is attacking the Albanians.



  • As a condition of his forgiveness, the Pope orders the French King to bring the true Catholic faith to the Mamluks. France invades Damascus.
  • Bohemia makes gains along the Dalmatian coast, the Duke of Hungary sues for peace.
  • Venice continues its push down the Italian coast taking some of the Pope's lands while Switzerland keeps Milan and Savoy at bay.
  • Genoa increases its influence on the Bosporus.
  • Prussia pushes up into Livonia, and with their attention diverted and Bohemia focusing on Hungary to the south Brandenburg renews their invasion of Prussia.



  • Venice advances deeper into Papal territory and Venice is excommunicated. They declare war on and begin an invasion of Tuscany.
  • The Netherlands are force to halt their advance on Oldenburg as losses start to pile up.
  • Bohemia secures their Hungarian territories with the help of local Hussites then they turn northwards to relieve their Prussian allies. Saxony invades Brandenburg.
  • Prussia withdraws from Livonia.
  • Emperor Charles the Wise has a child, a daughter named Anna. She is the heir to the throne of Great Britain. There was scandal because Charles had married a commoner and Anna is the result of their union.
  • France secures more Mamluk land.
  • Brandenburg continue their advance.



  • The Tuscans are able to hold the Venetian advance, but they make gains along the coast to Spanish Naples. Bohemian reinforcements land in Italy from Dalmatia to aid Venice.
  • Brandenburg continues its advance in Prussia and the Livonian's renew their assault
  • Bohemian reinforcements arrive on the Prussian border and the commander is met by a Brandenburg emissary. The Margrave of Brandenburg will decree religious tolerance within the empire and end hostilities in exchange for Bohemia recognizing the Margrave as King of Prussia.
  • France continues its crusade against the Mamluks.
  • Trebizond as the last independent Greek state declares its intent to begin retaking lands from the Turks so the Greeks can have a land for themselves.


The Pope ex-communicates the Margrave of Brandenburg for his acts of religious protection, for promoting "heretic faiths".

Charles I of Great Britain falls into a coma.


The Pope calls for a large conference of Christian leaders in Rome to talk about a new crusade in the Mamluk Sultanate and many others Muslim countries and many leaders from all over Christianity, especially from the HRE as mostly all bishops and cardinals from the HRE attend the conference. The main things discussed are money for a crusade and ways to find enough troops to be able to perform it.



  • Bohemia accepts Brandenburg's terms. Brandenburg secures the rest of Prussia and the Margrave declares himself King of Prussia. He then as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire declares a policy of religious tolerance in the empire. Despite this, Bohemia and Prussia remain rivals, though they would not come into direct conflict for several generations.
  • Venezia, with Bohemian reinforcements quickly sweep aside Papal troops. The Pope calls for peace, ceding the eastern Papal lands to Venezia and recognizing their control of Fererra. Bohemia's promises kept, Bohemia and Venice begin an age of friendship. This marks the end of the 13 Years War, and the decline of Papal authority.
  • Genoa buy's Malta from Spain to use as a way station between their Italian and Greek lands.
  • Trebizond secures more land and begins to fortify and build infrastructure, halting expansion for now.

Hussites are now the dominant religion in Bohemia, Saxony, Swiss Confederation, Oldenburg, and the southern HRE principalities of Wurttemburg, Baden, Ansbach, and Wurzburg. And are making gains in Venezia.


1485 Charles I of Great Britain dies, at the age of 39, having ruled for 30 years. His daughter, Elizabeth, then 18 years of age, becomes Empress. She will become one of Great Britain's greatest rulers. Elizabeth knew French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, and she read Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.

  • While riding in a carriage in Rome, the Pope and five bishops are ambushed by Muslim assassins and killed in an alley way. The Muslims rip out their fingers and burn their hair. After news gets out of the disaster, chaos ensues among the Catholic community and HRE government.
  • Spain re-incorporates the UCK into its empire, then launches its own crusade in Egypt.



  • The Crusader (French and Spanish) continue to take swaths of land, hoping to split the Mamluks into three chunks. Libya still fights to take back all its former land.
  • Portugal continues on its conquest of the Maranids. Farther down the coast of Africa small bases are being made in an attempt to see if there is a way around Africa to the Indies.
  • British and Basque sailors sight a new land where there is much fish. However, neither nation has the sufficient funds to pay for an expedition to the new land.
  • Albania crushes a Hungarian army sent against them. Albania takes a chunk of land from the Hungarians and sign a peace. A strong alliance is made with Bohemia.
  • Empress Elizabeth of Great Britain institutes a variety of reforms.
    • Military reforms: A professional army is organised, the first in Europe. Gone are the days of relying on knights to provide soldiers who tended to be ill-equipped and ill-trained. Military academies are set up.
    • Economic reforms: Money is put into the large ports of Great Britain like Glasgow, Bristol, London and Edinburgh. Charters are given to companies to explore the New World.
    • Political reforms: Power is taken from the clergy and the nobles and put back in to the provinces which are made yet smaller, so Elizabeth can place more of her supporters in the Government.
  • Trouble continues with the HRE as the social and religious gap left by the Pope leads to multiple grabs for power, and large civil unrest.


Elizabeth I of Great Britain sends the first British embassy to the Spanish court. They lavish the Spanish with money, gifts, etc.



  • The Duke of Savoy dies, resulting in an inheritance of his lands by the Duke of Milan.
  • Milan joins the crusade, taking parts of southern Turkey.
  • Spain makes more gains in Egypt.
  • As a result of the instability in the HRE several independent city states of the HRE unite into the Hanseatic Republic.
  • Genoa makes more gains in Asia Minor.
  • In order to fight the encroachment of Christian nations several Turkish Emirates unite under a single ruler forming the Sultanate of Angora.
  • Using his influence the King of Prussia is able to get a friendly Bishop elected Pope. The new pope revokes his Excommunication and reinforces his crown as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • A Genoan navigator approaches the Doge of Venice with a proposal for a voyage across the Pacific to find a route to India. The man wants governorship of all discovered lands and 10% of any incomes from the voyage. Despite advice to the contrary, with Venice's loss of power in the Aegean, the Doge accepts the man's proposal. The man is Christopher Columbus. (OTL 1488 he approached Venice but was turned down)
  • Bohemia and Prussia seeing the reforms of the British military begin similar reforms.


Elizabeth I reorganizes the British Privy Council into the Imperial State Council. It is to act as a council of judicial and legislative affairs, as well a advisory body to the empress. Elizabeth I also modernizes the Navy by re-organizing the command and introducing the first discipline system.


Many bishops and cardinals become annoyed over the new Pope being elected without true church authority saying so, they begin to plan to kill the new Pope and the King of Prussia. Near the end of the year on Christmas Day their plan goes into action and the Pope is killed along with the King of Prussia and high-ranking nobles of Prussia. The church falls into more chaos and civil unrest explodes in multiple riots across the HRE as many nobles and barons are killed and their money and land taken.


Elizabeth I of Great Britain takes the advantage to break from the Roman Catholic Church and proclaim herself Governor of the British Church. She has the British Bible published.

  • The HRE and Papal States officially collapse all of the HRE states devolve into small city-states and the Papal States suffer the same fate. With the HRE and Papal States gone many fear what what will become of the Roman Catholic Church and the Mamluk Sultanate takes advantage of this and expel the Crusaders from the Middle East as they no longer have the troops or the money to supply an army in the region.
  • With Europe in chaos, Navarre asked Great Britain to become part of the empire. Elizabeth I agrees ... She assures France and Spain that she has no desires to go to war with them. In private she is thinking of invading the crumbling Holy Roman Empire.
  • Christopher Columbus is imprisoned by the Spanish for attempting to slip through the Straits of Gibraltar unnoticed.
  • Spain sends more troops to secure their conquests in the Middle East. they manage to capture more of Egypt.
  • The Kingdom of Habsburg comes to be the most secure and strong of the former northern HRE principalities and begins to conquer surrounding states, their economy develops and their army continues to increase.
  • The Spaniards manage to defeat the Mamluks in a decisive battle, allowing them to maintain control of their conquests

Back to Europe 1430 (Map Game)
