Alternative History
Federal States of Columbia
Timeline: The Free Man's Vision

OTL equivalent: United States of America
Flag Columbia
Flag Columbia
Vita, Libertas et Felicitatis Indagatio (Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness)
Anthem "Hymn of the Federation"
Capital Philadelphia
Largest city New Amsterdam
Other cities Tkaronto, Checagou, Indianapolis, Franklinton, Detroit
  others French, Irish, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Indian languages
82.3% Christian
  others 10.7 Irreligious, 5.7% Jewish, 1.3% Other
Ethnic Groups
85% White
  others 10% Black, 3.2% Asian and Hispanic, 1.8% Indian
Demonym Columbian
Government Federal Republic
  Legislature Representative Body
President Nik Rounds
Vice-President Eustace Powers
Population 324,601,060 est. 2017 
Established 1600s
Independence October 13, 1765
Currency Federal dollar

The Federal States of Columbia, or simply known as Columbia is a sizeable nation nestled in eastern North America. It is a very populous nation, with some of the highest population density known in the world, and has been an influential nation throughout history. Known for being the first of the colonies to rebel against its home nation for independence. Along with one of the first "real" democracies to exist in the world.

Columbia originally was designed as a simple colony to access the furs and large timber supply that was not available in mainland Europe. Though the colonies ability to produce profit, quickly drove many Europeans to move and begin permanently settling in the relatively untouched lands of North America. It was not until the early 18th century did signs of tension between colonials and their motherland's government began to spring up, due to the increase taxes on the nation, and its barring of trading with other nation colonies, or other nations all together. It was not until the mid 18th century did a bloody revolutionary war take place, lasting over seven years. But, in the end the Columbian revolutionaries were able to earn their independence and freedoms back from their motherland nation.

Much of Columbia's later history would be spent either settling in, finding its place in world politics, or dealing with internal problems in their nation. One such problem was the late 18th and early 19th century being spent expanding westward into the west, and dealing with the vast Indian population that inhabited those lands. Which ended up with consistent wars with various different tribes. Another such instance was their rise as a major industrial power during the late 19ths and early 20th century, with its vast amount of natural resources and farmland available. Columbia became a world player with its ability to out produce other nations. Columbia on its own had its fair share of its own in wars, some taking place on mainland America, others taking place in far places of the Earth. Though in the 21st Columbia has stumbled a bit due to an economic crisis in 2005, it has made great strides in recovering and is looking to retake its place on the world stage once more.


Early Columbia[]

Fight for Independence[]

Humble Beginnings[]

The 18th Century[]

Rise to the Grand Stage[]

Modern Day[]

Government and Politics[]

People's Forum[]

State Administration[]

Electoral College[]




Air Force[]


The Federal States of Columbia navy is the second oldest division of Columbia's military, dating all the way back to the beginnings of their revolution against their former motherland. Columbia's military spending on its naval greatly outclasses the next five nations combined, making it one of the most advanced and largest navies in the world. The initial stages of Columbia's navy was merely nothing but mere trade ships with cannons mounted on them, but eventually grew with each captured ship. Now from their small beginnings, the Columbian navy houses a total of eight Vickers-class aircraft carriers. Each with a nuclear reactor to help power the ships. Even during the economic decline in 2005, Columbia's naval spending only took a small dip in funding, but not nearly enough to scrap or even retire any of the ships.

US Navy Squadron

Columbian naval squadron.






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