Alternative History
Edward VIII & I of Southern Britain and Portugal & Naples
Timeline: Hapsburg's Unite

King of Southern Britain and Portugal
King of Naples

April 16, 1720 - July 5, 1776
June 16, 1721 - July 5, 1776

Predecessor Henry X
Successor Afonso I
Born July 5, 1693
St. James's Palace, London
Died July 5, 1776

Edward VIII & I (April 16, 1720 - July 5, 1776 & June 16, 1721 - July 5, 1776) became King of Southern England and Portugal on April 16, 1720, and he was officially crowned King on August 27. He also became King of Naples on June 16, 1721 and was crowned again on August 27. He was the first Anglo-Portuguese monarch to rule over the Kingdom of Naples, and was the second monarch ruling over the United Kingdom of Southern Britain and Portugal. Edward's mother was Maria, Lady of Naples, who was the reigning monarch over the Kingdom of Naples. His father was Henry X, King of the UK.

The main event that occurred during Edward's reign was in November 1, 1755 when a massive earthquake occurred near Portugal, leaving Lisbon, capital of the Union at the time, completely wrecked with over 85% of it being destroyed. Edward managed the situation extremely well and by 1760 the city had become a cleaner and more beautiful city than it had been before.
