Alternative History

Donat I Calens the Ill of Belgium and Luxembourg
Timeline: Sino-Roman
Grandfather: Grandmother: Grandfather: Grandmother:
Edgar Callens oo Queen Marloes Calens Hermanus Camerier oo Monique Camerier
Father: Mother:
Sjakie Calens oo Coline Calens
Edgar Callens m. Queen Marloes Calens           Hermanus Camerier m. Monique Camerier
(1895-1987)   |  (1895-1924)                    (1895-1985)       |  (1895-2003)
        ______|__________________________________________________ | ____________
       |                   |                                      |             |
King Fernand Calens  Sjakie Calens              m.         Coline Calens  Robert Calens
(1912-2001)          (1912-1959)                |          (1913-2005)    (1912-1974) 
              __________________________________|    _____________________|
             |                          |           |     |         |   |              
King Donat m. Elia      Nicodème m. Catherine  Doriane  Léonne  Brice   |
I          |  Callaert  Wynen       Wynen      Calens   Calens  Calens  | 
Calens the |  (1920    (1946      (1931        (1932)   (1932)  (1932)  |
Ill of     |  -1991)   -1979)     -1964)           _____________________|
Belgium    |                                      |                     |
and        |              Corin Vertenten m. Agnes Vertenten  Joséphine Calens
Luxembourg |              (1940)             (1935)           (1938)
(1931)     |
        |                   |             |             |
 Prince Charles  Princess Mirjam  Prince Josue  Princess Léone
 Calens          Calens           Calens        Calens 
 (1950)          (1951)           (1951)        (1952)

Donat I Calens (born in Lille, December 15, 1931) is the current King of Belgium and Luxembourg and a constitutional monarch. He is a member of the royal house of Calens; formerly this house was named Felix-Sleeper-Thomas. He is the younger son of Sjakie Calens (1912-1959) and his wife, Coline Calens (1913-2005). His godparents were King Fernand of Belgium and Luxembourg and his maternal grandmother, Monique Camerier. His Grand Son-in-law is Odilon Reiner Callaert (Sino-Roman), prime minister of Belgium and Luxembourg.
