Alternative History

The Argentinian language, usually known simply as "Argentinian" is a semi-natural creole - an amalgamation of Spanish and English to a great extent, as well as Italian and some other languages to a lesser extent. It also has a highly simplified and regular grammar.


Main verb forms
Tense Ending -ar verbs -er verbs -ir verbs
English meaning desire speak hear
Infinitive _r desirar speker audir
Present _ desira speke audi
Past / Past participle (i)ed* desired speked audied*
Future _re desirare spekere audire
Conditional _ria desiraria spekeria audiria
Present participle ingo desiringo spekingo audingo
* Both "audied" and "auded" are technically correct,
although more people add an "i" before the "ed" to "-ir" verbs.

Argentinian is similar to the later created Interlingua in that it has no noun genders (except for certain words pertaining to occupations), and there is only one form of verb for each tense. Like Spanish, Argentinian has "-ar", "-er", and "-ir" verb endings for infinitives, but it is much more simplified than Spanish. With Spanish, the verb form can show who the verb is referring to, but in Argentinian, a name or pronoun is mandatory in most circumstances.

Its basic sentence structure is very similar to English, while its vocabulary borrows heavily from Spanish. Like in English, adjectives come before nouns and objects of sentences come after verbs. Thus, Spanish "lo tengo"/"Yo lo tengo" (very literally: "It I have" / "I it have") becomes Argentinian "Mi habe lo" ("I have it").

Argentinian is both a product of natural creolization and top-down decisions about the course it would take. Argentinian started out with more irregularities, but when the Argentinian government decided to make the language official and be taught in public schools, many of the irregularities were done away with, thus producing the current standard. However, certain dialects, mostly found in rural areas, may still contain irregularities or other differences.

Geographic Distribution[]

Argentinian is the official national language of Argentina, and is spoken as a first language by over 60% of Argentinians. It is also spoken as a non-native language by most of the rest of Argentinians, and also serves as a lingua franca across much of southeastern Pacha.

In addition, many people who are bilingual in Spanish and English can understand written Argentinian with relatively little difficulty. Listening without any previous knowledge of Argentinian is more difficult, but most Spanish-English bilingual people can get the main gist. Speaking and writing Argentinian, on the other hand, requires some practice. Finally, Argentinian contributed to constructed languages such as Espanglesa and, particularly, Nueva spanglesa lenguaho, and thus there is some mutual intelligibility between them. Differences from Argentinian include, as in Esperanto, different vowel endings denoting different parts of speech, as well as a more phonetic writing system.

Example Words and Sentences[]

Comparison Chart
Argentinian Spanish English
severe severo/a severe, strict
base bajo low
spaniesa lengua(ge), castiliano lengua(ge) idioma español, idioma castellano Spanish language, Castilian language
straito derecho straight
openir abrir to open
baier comprar to buy
consumer comer, consumir to eat
travailar trabajar to work
azure, blu azul blue
trumente verdad truly

Argentinian-Spanish-English Comparison 1

Mi es de Argentina. (Argentinian)
Soy de la Argentina. (Spanish)
I am from Argentina (English)

Argentinian-Spanish-English Comparison 2

Que es yu name? (Argentinian)
¿Cuál es su nombre? (Spanish)
What is your name? (English)

Argentinian-Spanish-English Comparison 3

Hi desira travelar ta Grecia. (Argentinian)
Él desea viajar a Grecia. (Spanish)
He wants to travel to Greece. (English)