Alternative History

Ante Christ refers to the time before Jesus Christ is born in 753 AC.

Parthian Battles[]

  • 715-716 AC (38-37 BC) - Marcus Antonius Parthicus prepares for war against Parthia after realizing dissuading Octavian from attacking Sextus Pompey was a bad idea. (POD)
  • 717 AC (36 BC) - Parthia is attacked.Phraaspa falls to Antony.Beginning of the Parthian Battles.
  • 718 AC (35 BC) - Battle of Babylon.Antony attacks Parthia at Babylon.Beginning of the Ashur Peace Negotiations.
  • Early 719 AC (34 BC) - Antony proposes Mesopotamia be turned into two client states loyal to Antony,Assyria and Babylonia. Parthia is appalled.
  • Late 719 AC (34 BC) - Parthia rejects the Vital Point of Antony,the Ashur Peace Negotiations are ended.
  • 720 AC (33 BC) - Antony surprise attacks Nineveh.The Battle of Nineveh ends in a Roman Victory.Treaty of Ashur is signed by Parthia and Antony.Parthia is humiliated.


To be added

Roman Civil War[]

  • 722 AC (31 BC) - Octavian launches a pre-emptive strike against Antony.The Battle of Actium ends in stalemate.
  • 723 AC (30 BC) - Octavian tries again.The Battle of Athens ends in a Victory for Antony.Preparations for a counterattack begin.
  • 724 AC (29 BC) - Antony attacks Octavian's home territory.Antony wins the Battle of Utica.Antony also divorces Octavia.
  • 725 AC (28 BC) - Antony cuts off Octavian from all supplies.The Battle of Syracuse ends in an Antonine Victory.Antony officially marries Cleopatra.
  • 726 AC (27 BC) - Antony and Cleopatra declare the Great Ptolemaic Empire.The Battle of Rome ends in a Ptolemaic Victory.Octavian flees Italy.
  • 727 AC (26 BC) - Republicans declare Octavian's Dictatorship-For-Life over.The Battle of Narbo ends in a Ptolemaic Victory. Beginning of the Congress of Lutetia.
  • 728 AC (25 BC) - Antony and Cleopatra officially dissolve the Ptolemaic Kingdom. The Congress of Lutetia ends.The Roman Republic,Great Ptolemaic Empire,and Hispanic Empire are recognized.End of the Roman Civil War.


To be added (After the Roman Civil War)

