Alternative History

The Island of Anabon (French: Isle d'Anabon) is an island located near Gabon which is a French colony.


In 1573 24 Hugenots going to Gabon (escaping St. Bartolomew's day massacre) crash near Anabon island. More Hugenots came to the island and there are 200 by 1590. The settelers brought many sheeps and by 1620 there were 3 for every person. The French made it an oficial colony in 1625.

The main town is Ville de Coligny which became the colony's capital. There were by 1590 120 people there. The town was very small. Baye-Mangue is also important in the islands economy, as many slaves (since 1590s) are sent here as a final port before going to Europa and the Americas.

In the 17th century French Kings in accordance with the edict of Nantes gave funds and property to protostents that went to Anabon resulting in an enormous spike in population

By 1650 there would be over 10,000 colonists in Anabon, overtime this island became very proftible as a center of Atlantic Trade.

During the War of Spanish Succesion the British attempted to invade the island in 1701 but were driven off mainly due to powerful Forteresse ouest de l'océan.


Anobon is a extinct volcano of which just the 598 m (1961 ft) peak (called Quioveo) rises above sea level. It is characterised by a succession of lush valleys and steep mountains, covered with rich woods and luxuriant vegetation. It has a central crater lake named Lac St Jean. There are two other islands also, Isle Banane and Isle Ananas, that form the archipelago.
