Alternative History

This timeline was created by Matt121 ??? Matt125 on June 3, 2014. Its a timeline that how the football world would look today by using multiple PODS with the main one being about a earlier World Cup. The timeline has 150 pages with most of those being about football/soccer.

Main Point of Difference

On the 21st of May, 1904, FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) was formed in Paris, France. The eleven nations which had played an international match before the first meeting that ran. Unlike in OTL, the British countries do attend the first congress and without any trouble do a accept the proposal of an international tournament which would later be called the FIFA World Cup. This tournament would start in 1906 and over 100 years later, its become recognized as a major event which lies only behind the Olympics in terms of viewers watching.

All of the other minor PODs are listed here


Current Year

The current year of this timeline is 1953 which is in World Cup qualifying. Can you also please not add any articles which is in the future of this TL.

