Alternative History


In accordance with the mandate from Fandom for the regulation of rules and punishments in order to protect the rights and status of regular users, the behavior rules have been updated. This is an update that has been long since needed, and perfectly encapsulates all the procedures of rules and conventions that the TSPTF have been enforcing so far. However, over time these rules had been notoriously unclear and inconsistently applied, sometimes resulting in heinous actions going unpunished and minor offenses becoming permabanned. Now that the rules have been updated, these sorts of instances should no longer be an issue moving forward. Of course, the community should always be evolving, and you as a user should keep the TSPTF informed of any issues and acts of misjudgement.

As always, these new rules cannot be retroactively applied, and any previous conventional wisdom for behavior rules are no longer valid. If any user has been unfairly treated prior to this update, that can be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but any changes are an exception and not the norm.

Yours obedient, -The Timestream Protective Task Force
