Alternative History

Here are various alternate Christian denominations. LurkerLordB created this for various denominations which he thought up for future map games or timelines. However, anyone can add their own under new sections. All Christian denominations on this page can be used by anyone on this wiki. Add links to specific pages of these denominations in specific timelines in their section. Don't add the history of these denominations besides very basic information (such as the founder who it is named after, or what denomination it spun off of) Names can be changed to fit timelines.

Alternate Protestant Denominations[]


Cziffranists follow the teachings of the Hungarian priest Dénes Cziffra.


Cziffranists reject the Catholic ideas of praying to saints and the immaculate conception and bodily ascension of Mary, as well as all sacraments other than Baptism (of infants and converts) and the Lord's Supper (in which they believe in transubstantiation and only use leavened bread). Cziffra and his followers accept only the Bible as a source of Church teachings, and hold it to be inspired and inerrant. They believe in salvation through faith alone. Celibacy is frowned upon, and large families are encouraged, even among the clergy. They reject the concept of purgatory. They are opposed to divorce.


The Cziffranists believe that Churches should not be part of any large organization, with small, regional, very loose associations of churches being preferred, with certainly no organization which is international. Monasticism is prohibited. Churches are required to be comfortable, functional, and basically good-looking and quality buildings, but fancy decorations are prohibited. They do not believe that any governmental support for their church is necessary, and in fact often attempt to gain converts among oppressed Christians by non-Christian governments. Only men are allowed to be ministers.

Reasons for Spread[]

There are numerous reasons for Cziffranists to spread in any given timeline. Their beliefs are not far from most Christian denominations, so they could spin out of any other reformation or great awakening. Their outreach to oppressed Christians (or any other oppressed peoples) could allow them to swiftly grow amongst conquered populations whose connections to any external church or religion would be shattered. Their support of simplicity of churches and opposition to monastic life could very well lead to nobles supporting them in order to confiscate monastic property or church artifacts deemed too luxorious. Furthermore, their support for small organizations of churches would allow rulers of fiefdoms to attempt to control their own fiefdom's religion and break away from any national or international church. Finally, their large families would allow them to grow large percentage-wise in areas with otherwise low birth rates.


Domainal Churches are so called because they tend to exist as one organization per country, region, or ethnic group.


Domainalists do believe in praying to saints, but do not hold Mary in any higher esteem than the other saints. They practice all Catholic sacraments save for infant baptism, as they hold the view that people have to be able to knowingly accept and understand Christianity to be baptised. Domainalists believe in salvation through faith and through good works. They reject the filioque of the Catholics but not the idea of purgatory. They are not opposed to divorce. They think that priests should not marry or have children


The Domainalists do not believe that a single person should have authority over all Christians, instead believing that each domain, or nation or region, should have its own leader. They are episcopal in structure, and have monks and nuns. They are not super strict on how luxurious churches should be. Women can be priests depending on whether the individual domain allows it

Reasons for Spread[]

Any ruler of any large domain could adopt this to split with Rome, especially if he or she was influenced by groups denouncing infant baptism or was originally a western nation that later accepted some eastern values.


Equalism is a semi-communal pacifist branch of Christianity. It is a blend of Quaker, Amish, and Universalist Christian beliefs.


Equalists believe that all humans are equal before God and in the priesthood of all believers. They are semi-universalist, believing that all souls arrive in heaven eventually, yet some must past through "purifying fires" first. They believe strongly in the Holy Spirit being a guiding light within all people, and use Christian Meditation. They advocate for pastoral or agrarian lifestyles, which they believe to be closest to God. Some advocate giving up modern technology, but these are the minority. All do advocate against excessive complexity in one's life. Many have semi-panentheist views. All Equalists are pacifists, though most groups state that it is permissible to fight to directly defend one's own life or family. Equalists do not have any sacraments.


Equalists meet in buildings they call "Gathering Houses" and call their groups gatherings. Equalists usually live in rural areas and unusually try to live close to each other. Many live in Equalist communes, yet even more do not. Some of the communes have very limited technology, while others are modern. Equalists meetings often contain a great deal of silent meditation and prayer. They have no structure or priests. All people can speak at the meetings, with no distinction between the genders.

Reasons for Spread[]

This could spread during any protestant reformation era. It could also grow easily as a counter to industrialization, modernization, or war. They could also gain members due to dissatisfaction with rituals, structure, or the belief in an eternity in hell. The meditative and panentheistic ideas could also come to prominence in an area with vast amounts of contact between Eastern Religions and Christianity.
