Alternative History

The Alaskan Gulf Rebuilding Program (Russ: Аляскинский Залив Перестраивающая Программа/Alyaskinskij Zaliv Perestraivayushhaya Programma), often abbreviated as AZPP, was the bureaucratic initiative to rebuild the devastated Alaskan coastal cities following the 1964 earthquake. Initially hailed as the cornerstone triumph of the Sarugin government upon its initiation in 1965, it eventually led to the construction of cheap and poorly-built public tenements and became emblematic of the decline of the Alaskan coast from the late 1960's deep into the 1980's. The AZPP was an example often held by both parties in later years of improperly designed domestic housing programs and is typically regarded as the reason for the formation of the Ministry of Housing in 1976. The comparatively successful Evgenigrad and Mikhailgrad public housing initiatives in the mid-1980's are typically praised for learning from the mistakes of the AZPP, which did little to alleviate many of the systemic economic and social problems facing the Alaskan coast pre-earthquake.
