Alternative History
Archive Six:
1450 - 1459
Archive Seven:
1460 - 1469
Archive Eight:
1470 - 1479

This page is an archive for the Principia Moderni III map game, from 1460 to 1469.


PM3 map 1460

The Uzbeks conquer the city of Samarkand after a brief siege against the local garrison.

Daleks land in New York City, establishing an empire there. Nobody shall be allowed to take New York for the rest of human history.

Aragorn III of Telcontar is crowned king of Aragon. Then he proceeds to establish the Second Reunited Kingdom. He seeks out the aid of the Doctor to destroy the enemy forces in Scrawland (New York).

  • LOL! This one better not be true ;P -Feud

In Egypt two distinct nations take shape. East of the Nile, the purist Sunnis take the upper hand. West of the Nile, Coptic Christians assert their control. Both sides begin to fight for dominance.

Ethiopia consolidated its rule over former Mashriqi Nubia.

What the hell? hahahaha what is this? Ooooh. April Fools! SwankyJ (talk) 00:04, April 2, 2014 (UTC)

oh, oh, oh, oh. I GOT ONE!!!! 

In Naples, a random fat guy trips, and lands in the sea, causing the greatest man-made disaster in history, which is worsened when he farts, and someone lights a match.

APRIL FOOLS!!!! (Note: I am aware it is April Second. I just didn't manage many pranks yesterday)

  • Mansuriyya Caliphate: Now encompassing most of Mesopotamia from the Kurdish people in the north to the Persians in the east, Fatih begins to consolidate his political support. The nation is still very weak, as most of its territory is empty desert and many towns are barely kept under control by threat of death. The newfound Caliphate sends emissaries to the Ottomans, requesting a non-aggression pact and suggesting a trade deal. Meanwhile, a convoy is sent to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, where they are shocked at the state the holy cities are in. Enraged by the desolation of the holy cities, Fatih declares the Mansuriyya Caliphate will expand throughout the entire Arabian Peninsula and unite Islam under one banner.
  • Aztec Empire: Emperor Montezuma II [40] is very pleased with the success of the Aztec Empire. Nearing the Cahokia, we still look down upon them, as they only have a total of 25% of our population, and a weak military. Although with the warriors in their small trade party of men riding on buffalo, we are quite impressed. The Emperor decides future positive relations with the Cahokia people would be advantageous. Centralization continues throughout the land. Military is expanded and Cuachtemoc [30] being pleased with Tezcacoatl's [six] growth as he is young and begins to learn how to read and write as his father teaches him the culture and the history of the Aztec people. Infrastructure is expanded with schools and hospitals now at large around the empire. Quatzecoatl [two] begins to grow and show some character. The navy is minimally expanded [355]. Xilopolco is still fortified. Economy is expanded increasing the fleet of fishing ships to a massive amount [550]. The military now reaches a height of 55,000 warriors. The population climbs to four million. Due to the great progress of the empire, the Emperor Montezuma II lowers taxes, as enough profits are being made on the large mining and farming industry. Cuachtemoc's wife, Icnoyotl [25], has a daughter, Xochitl.
  • Things more or less return to normal across the Jochid Ulus. The economy once again begins to experience growth, as the population of both the Yamal and the Volga basin once again begins to grow. The territories recently annexed continue to be emptied of Russians, with Mordvins from the Jochid Ulus and other Volga Finns from Muscovy moving into these areas. Meschera becomes popular in Temnikav, a recently annexed area, the former homeland of the Meschschera state. Once again, the impetus to go eastward begin. The northernmost strip of land expands 3500 sq km eastward, continuing the traditional practice of settling down joint Nenets and other villages. This time, it is the resettled Ukrainians that do most of the labour. The combination of the Ruthenian Christian practices and the Nenets shamanistic ones mean that they soon find a compromise in their faiths, as some of both sides are converted; this compromise is rather close to the Mastorava, and indeed, it is the Metropolitan-Shaman who they swear authority to. In the East, Mastoravic Tatars begin to colonise, spreading 1500 sq km northward into Mansi lands just west of the Oirat expansion. Mastoravic priests are sent to both the Oirat and these areas. A diplomat is sent to the Oirats, asking to split Siberia between them and the Jochids, with the Oirats getting all the land to the east, toward China, and the Jochids being granted everything to the north of Lake Baikal. Speaking of the Mastorava, it continues to spread across the nation. It is also brought into the Azovan Khanate, where people are still encouraged to swear loyalty to the Metropolitan-Shaman in Bolghar in the name of Chernobog, and where increasingly more conversions happen. The Khanate of Azov continues to be influenced religoulsy, as well as culturally. The long work of influencing the Chagatay finally pays off, as the northwesternmost edge, centred on the cities of Almaty and Bishkek, breaks from the rest of the nation. A pro-Jochid Kazakh Khanate is formed in this area. Prince Arslan spends time in New Mosul, between Assyrians and Volga Russians. He strengthens his popularity amongst those in the reform movements and the Christians. These reformists call for the adoption of the Permic ruble as the official currency of the nation.
    • Great Perm extends its trade influence amongst the Volga basin, with the region once again gaining trade importance. Many merchants trade across Europe, acting as a middle man in trade between the Baltic and Black Sea areas. The power of merchants increases, as Duke Stephen II agrees to expand their powers. The ruble continues to be expanded upon; by the end of the year, many merchants begin to do their nternational business in rubles rather than the banned zolotnik or the ducat. This expands Perm's influence. While content with the annexed territories, the Permians continue to teach Komi to the populations in the Novgorod Republic. Vepsian is also taught to the far west, in Lake Ladoga.
    • Adyghea's economy expands. Trade blooms, as the ruble is officially adopted. This allows a fixed amount of gains and little inflation (as the ruble is pegged to the ducat); this allows the Adyghe economy to swell rapidly. More people flock to the cities, while the fields' agricultural produce increases.
    • the Kazakh Khanate attempts to begin stabilisation of the northwestern breakaway parts of the Chagatay nation that composes the Khanate. Several groups attempt to gain the patronage of the Ulus. Foremost amongst them are a Manghit sub-branch located in Almaty, which wishes to establish control over a centralised, Mastoravic Khanate. However, other groups also swearing fealty to the Jochid Khan also rise. The Khanate is split into several warlords, all officially recognising the rulership of the Khan of Almaty, but de facto looking for power for themselves.
    • You can not colonize at this time. SwankyJ (talk) 13:56, April 2, 2014 (UTC)
    • I am not colonising ... expansion into contiguous black territory is allowed. Fed (talk) 14:01, April 2, 2014 (UTC)
  • Kingdom of Italy: King Charles I continues the reforms of his father, and improves the economy and the military. Continues the construction and improvement of shipyards and production of new boats to combat in the Mediterranean. Territorial defense continues being built based on border forts. Relations with the Byzantine Empire continue strong. The Naval Academy in Taranto continues the technological research with Venice. The King continue to give new impetus to the culture within the kingdom and its vassal states, in art, science, etc. The reconstruction of the south part of Italy continue, will take about two  years to restore the ports and cities.
    • Kingdom of Sicily: King Peter III sends aid to rebuild damaged cities and ports in southern Italy. Meanwhile, the army continue the process of assimilation of Italian tactics that spread through the Mediterranean, promoting the use of early firearms. The economy of the island is mostly cereal crops. Thanks to Italian support the exploitation of olives and wine grapes continues. 
    • Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Improves the economy and the military. The economic prosperity of the previous years is accented with commercial junction providing by Italy and Genoa, and the city of Florence is the commercial nexus among all the Italian states. Frederick I helps promote economic prosperity, gives incentives to help manufacturing output grow, and improve access roads to make the trade more fluid and profitable. The army is formed to the image of the Italian army, with gradual use of new firearms that become quite popular. Frederick I became a great patron and the Tuscan nobles follow this particular policy. The artists, protected and maintained by the nobles and bourgeois rising, unleash their creativity. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Duchy of Genoa: Improves the economy and the military. The Duchy of Genoa continues trading from the Black Sea to the Straits of Gibraltar, using new models of ships with cargo holds of more spacious and allow greater profit. With the help of Italian military fleet, try to force richest commercial rights in Tunisian ports. In Genoa the boom in production of luxury items continue. The pressure of the Genoese traders in Tunis is growing, and combined with the presence of Christian missionaries, who at the same time serve commercial spies; is accomplished the capture of a lot of exotic products that are not easy to get due to the conflicts and trade barriers in the Near East, and the axis between Tunis and Genoa is strengthened. The Genoese economy restarts its golden age. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Duchy of Ferrara: Improves the economy and the military. The paper industry is forging ahead, and also the making of looms, making this duchy in one of the most productive in northern Italy. Duke Niccolo I continue the loyal service to Italy. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Duchy of Corsica: Improves the economy and the military. The exploitation of salt mines and silver continues. In the same way, the vine crops increase in extension and quality, and the manufacture of wine each year improves in quality and quantity, and is recognized as the best European wine. On the island of Corsica a boom of mercenaries continues. The Italian army started recruiting many Corsicans, making them a legend in terms of ferocity and skill in the skirmishes and battles. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Marquisate of Modena: Improves the economy and the military. Niccolo is dedicated to art and culture, encouraging painters, sculptors and architects that embellish this little Marquisate, leading Italian opulence to a new levelMarquis Niccolo I continues the loyal service to Italy. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Principality of Zeta: Improves the economy and the military. Dairy cattle production increases, and in the same way the manufacture of better quality cheese, they continue to be exported to Italy, Hungary and Byzantium. The Prince Giovanni I continues the cultural boom. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy. 
    • Vatican City: Pope Benedict XV continue the campaign of evangelization in the lands of the Balkans. Missionaries continue to working in North Africa, especially in Tunisia, where they try to recover the core of Christians. The Pope like his predecessor condemns all those who come to the false churches that are being created in Europe. The Pope in his speeches also continues condemning the current lack of security of pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land, which the Christian nations have a priority to recover these places and they are missing to the will of God. The nephew of Pope Callistus III, Rodrigo Borgia continue his ascent in the Roman curia.
    • Order of the Knights of Malta: The Grand Master of the Order Piero Raimondo Camelot, use his fleet of ten ships to patrol the central Mediterranean, also as helping needy Christians. Military elements are improved, and the economy is maintained by the Italian and Sicilian support.
    • County of Provence: The reform of the administration continues, adapting the Italian model which has had so much success. Improves economy through trade and manufacturing cloth. The military camp is also improved, adding new equipment and Italian military ideas. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Duchy of Anjou: As in Provence, the Duchy transformation is performed. The economy and military improve. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Alencon: The economy and military improve. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Narbonne: The economy and military improve. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Vendome: The economy and military improve. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
  • France: Military and economy are built up. While this, the Navy expands. Brittany officially enters the French influence sphere. In Armagnac a few officers loyal to France give up on rebels siding with the recently known Foix threat. The ambassador of Foix is captured and the alleged secret agent is decapitated. A blockade continues to be exerted at Foix. Aragon (my bad) and Castile are asked to follow the same actions. The ambassador is revealed to be still alive although being held prisoner by the French. While this, Foix is warned that any further meddling in Armagnac will result in a war. While this, several soldiers capture raiders from Foix executing them in public and several French citizens initiating their own raidings in the border with Foix. We begin the vassalization of Basel and Switzerland (if Daese remains AFK LOL)
    • Burgundy: Military and navy are built up, economy expands.
    • Brittany: Military and navy are built up, economy expands.
    • Berry: Military and economy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Verdun: Military and economy are built up.
    • Armagnac: Military and economy are built up. 
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, Portuguese traders continue visiting the Castilian settlements in the Canaries. Meanwhile, wheat continues to be cultivated in Leiname. By this time, the colony in Leiname starts to export wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, some Portuguese explorers start to follow the Castilian example and start to explore the African coast. São Miguel and Santa Maria continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the colony of Açores expands 600 sq km into the two recently-discovered islands, with settling starting there.
  • Hesse:  Grand Duke Ludwig II has twins with his wife, Sophia. They have a boy and girl. They name them Wilhelm I and Eva. Meanwhile, Hermann IV has a child with his wife, a son, named Friedrich. Ludwig II orders walls to be built around Ludwigsburg, and a royal palace be built on the hill overlooking the town. The palace isn't designed to be lavish. It shall contain many rooms, some large, some small. They shall incorporate paintings from artists around the Grand Duchy, a library where the royals can read, a large sitting room and dining room. It shall be decorated with some gold and silver, as well as fur from the foxes and polar bears on Schnee Insel. There will also be a few walrus tusks used as decoration. Whale and fish from the region will also be served from time to time, with regular meals. The economy is built up.
  • Duchy of Hamburg: The Bishop of Magdeburg is continued to be petitioned for resources. The use of Hamburg's Baltic coast rises, as ships have come to drop their cargo off there, and have the HTSC transfer it to the City of Hamburg for a smaller rate than that of traversing the Øresund. Hamburg continues to invite nations to use it to bypass the Øresund tax. Following the death of the Duke of Mecklenburg, and the lack of an apparent heir, Duke William makes his claim to it, going farther back in history than what has mostly been needed, but he goes unchallenged and is crowned so. Back home, it is decided to set up a council in Hamburg, comprising of representatives from each province. The council has its first meeting in November, and begins business. The economy continues to recover, thanks in part to a decision by the HTSC before Hamburg's declaration of war, to order most of the company's ships to remain in foreign port for the time being. The Bank of Hamburg grows, with branches stretching out. Hesse and Oldenburg are asked if branches could be established in their territory. The second census reveals over half of Hamburg's population, 54%, follow the Dutch Reformed Church.
    • Hesse Dip: We allow the Bank Of Hamburg to establish branches in the Grand Duchy.
    • Oldenburger Dip: Always keen for competition in the financial sector, we permit one bank to be built, near the Roscoll and Jade banks.
  • Mayan Empire: Hearing tell of lands in the sea, we send a fleet of ships to one of these islands, and name after Yuacatan Island. It becomes a small colony. (Mods, which island is this going to be?) We expand the economy. we push 100 pixels miles south.
  • Spar, spell your Island correctly. You can not make colonies yet, this is illegal. 100 pixels? Yeah, right. You just reformed the Mayans after a fallout, you can expand 10-20 max per turn. SwankyJ (talk) 13:39, April 2, 2014 (UTC)
  • Safavid Persian Empire: After years of influencing the disorganized territory, we officially vassalise Mesopotamia. this new Mannisurya caliphate who claims our land is declared "false to Islam". the infrastructure improves continuously The wall around the capital continues to be built
  • Andorra: We send troops to Armagnac to make for terror. Our military and economy expands. We declare war on France.
    • Foix: We help Andorra by sending troops to help terrorize Armagnac. Our military and economy expand. We declare war on France.
    • Can a mod please make an algo for this war please.
    • I am not a mod, so I can not cross this out. But you have no reason to declare war on France especially because the start of this terror was cloak and dagger. Your government would never want to show its responsibility for this aggression. SwankyJ (talk) 13:27, April 2, 2014 (UTC)
    • Nothing you say in any turn has ever been reasonable and plausible. You can't just invade a nation three times your size and think you'd win. Not to mention since you were covert, your government couldn't logically attack France without an overt casus belli. Please stop your irrational posts now or you will be dealt with.ALLONS-Y!(Basically, RUN!) 13:48, April 2, 2014 (UTC) I am attacking France so I can lose.
    • I do not want to play as Foix and Andorra anymore. If you let me play as a different nation I would be more plausible but since I can't, fuck you. 
    • You don't say fuck you to a mod. You broke rules and you're implausible. I'm going to ban you. Good day. ALLONS-Y! (Basically, RUN!) 17:47, April 2, 2014 (UTC)
  • Novgorod: We continue the production of Koch boats, cannons, hand cannons, advanced crossbows, swords, and composite bows, increasing our military capabilities in case of war. The nation’s training and advancement of military continues. We are producing our new crossbow, and we send the first 50 crossbows to Mecklenburg to test out and the other 250 to test in our nation. We expand north 5528 sq km (by 80 pixels) into undiscovered land, by sending explorers on koch boats to explore the land in the Kola peninsula. The recent classes of Koch ships are being manufactured in Novgorod. The town of St Patriksburg’s population grows a bit more that last year. As the construction of the town improves, the kremlin finishes, trade becoming more in demand, the town gains slightly. Because of the trade road built with Tver our economy increases. We are still talking about the possible unification of the Rus’ with Muscovy. The Russian language is spreading throughout the nation. After seeing a great success with the private schools in the cities of Novgorod, St Patriksburg, Staraya Russa, and Nizhny Novgorod. We start building another private school in Rostov and Yaroslavl. We complete building private schools in Torzhok and a private school in Staraya Ladoga. In the year 1445, we will annex Rostov and Yaroslavl into Novgorod. We vassalized Tver, and we are looking to annex Rostov, Tver, and Yaroslavl in the far future. We upgrade our infrastructure.
    • Tver: We complete the construction of the private school in Tver and we start the new one. We upgrade our military after being a vassal of Novgorod. We upgrade our economy because of the trade established between Yaroslavl, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We upgrade our infrastructure.
    • Yaroslavl: We complete the construction of the private school in Yaroslavl and we start the new one. We upgrade our military after being a vassal of Novgorod. We upgrade our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We upgrade our infrastructure.
    • Rostov: We complete the construction of the private school in Rostov and start the new one. We upgrade our military after being a vassal of Novgorod. We upgrade our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Yaroslavl, Muscovy and Novgorod. We upgrade our infrastructure.
    • Pskov: Asks to sell the strip of land we asked to buy ages ago in exchange for monetary aid for war recovery, here is a map
  • 1450 Pskov-Prussia PM3

    The Area in orange is asked from Prussia

    Ashikaga Shogunate: 
    Worship of Shinto in shrines and temples is further centralised, with most priests giving up donations to the state. The few that don't are intimidated into falling into line, with a number of shrines vandalised by government sponsored vandals. The Shogun sends emissaries to the Emperor, offering to style him as the leader of Shintoism in Japan in return for the small state under Imperial control to be ceded to the Ashikaga. The Shogun points out that this would give the Emperor real power and status rather than his current role as a powerless figurehead. Mod response, please.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to convert to the Western Church. The Prussians begin to build their army.
    • Masovia: The Kingdom of Masovia also continues recovering their economy and continues building a new national army. The Masovians continue construction of their capital at Czersk. The Masovians also continue converting to the Western Church.
    • Pomerania: The Pomeranians continue building their economy and continue building a new national army. The Pomeranians also continue converting to the Western Church.
    • Courland: The Curonians also begin developing their economy and military. The Curonians also begin converting to the Western Church.
    • Pskov asks for the land indicated in orage and in exchange will give money and trade deals.
  • The Kingdom of England (member state of the Kingdoms of Greater Albion): English military and navy are expanded with many new war cogs being added to the English fleets. The North Sea trade is almost completely dominated by the North Sea Trading Alliance (Holland and Albion, mostly). Nordic and English culture continues to blend, with stories of the mythical Norse gods becoming popular reading among the wealthy segments of the population. Scotland continues to integrate the government fully with that of England and of Albion in full. Work with the Celts continue in Scotland and Ireland working to bring the two cultures closer together. Albion sends more explorers to Africa, particularly in the OTL regions of Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast. Edmund Trading Port in OTL Sierra Leone continues to see expansive trade and is renamed Edmundburgh. Due to the damage to the palaces, King Edmund elects to move the seat of Albion temporarily to York while the repairs to central London continues. The Albionic and English Navies are continuously and massively expanded in an effort to retain control over the waters of the North. New and larger, more powerful ships are built as well as the Albionic equivalent to the Norse Karak, but with more guns and a slightly larger masthead. English explorers begin to map the coast of Africa for the King, making it down the coast near OTL Gabon. James Severus' famous book, The Eddies of Great Albion: Poetry from the Past becomes a popular read across the Isles and is shipped abroad with trade merchants, spreading Anglo-Celt culture far and wide. Hearing of the instability in Morocco through traders and through government channels, a small English fleet is detached with an army to be used at the will of Castile and Morocco to help defend the territory. The Albion foreign minister states it is because of religious conviction as well as a concern of instability in the region, that these troops are offered. After decades of construction, the navy now hovers at more than 140 ships from England (Wales and England) alone, with the combined fleets of all of Albion the number is closer to 200, a feat that would not have been possible without the wisdom of the Admiralty. The hope is by the end of the next few decades the fleet size will double. The navy has always been, and will continue to be, a priority of His Majesty's crown government. In Albion, the first books are printed in English, inspiring a nationalistic attitude among the population. several books including The Eddies of Great Albion are translated into English, as well as Gaelic. The Aeneid becomes the first of a string of classical literature printed in the Isles and is distributed throughout. Books written by Roman tacticians from the old Province of Britannia are sent to Eire. All alliances and trade agreements with Hungary are still in effect, Albion hopes to have many years of peace and cooperation. All trade is accepted and a duty free zone is established.
    • Hungary is heartened to hear the news and hopes the alliance between the nations can continue strongly. The Hungarians also ask their allies if the Hungarians would be able to establish a port on the Isle of Wright. The cost of the land will be paid by Hungary, as well as construction cost for the port. England can then choose whether it would want the port to pay tax to the crown or would like a share of the profits.
    • Dublin: After the years of upgrading, Dublin becomes a shining jewel in the Eire. Dublin founds the Bank of Eire as an offshoot of the Bank of England. The Bank of England sees modernization. The Albionic and English Navies are continuously and massively expanded in an effort to retain control over the waters of the North. The Eddies of Great Albion: Poetry from the Past becomes a popular read in Dublin, one of the most important trading ports in Eire.
    • Wales: The Welsh military and navy are expanded. The Welsh begin to see the fruits of all the English banking investments as large areas of the nation see improvements in infrastructure. Representation in the Albion Parliament increases as a minor population boom in and around Cardiff begins. The Albionic and English Navies are continuously and massively expanded in an effort to retain control over the waters of the North.
  • Castile: The Castilian economy continues a larger process of pulling in more money through trade. The infrastructure of Castile is also expanded more. Castile, in order to facilitate more conversions to Christianity, imposes higher taxes on non-Christians in the areas it controls personally or by proxy through its vassals. Castile has successfully mapped large parts of the African coast south of Morocco and down as far as their trade posts in the Kongo these are kept secret.  The Castilian nobility begins to adapt toward a newer system to revamp or work on their power as they move toward becoming advisors to the king and less involved in their feudal estates which while growing have developed Guilds to facilitate payments for the efforts of the men working, The expert worksmanship of many of these men has seen notable increase in productivity for each feudal state with most lords not complaining. The Kingdom's cities begin to be improved with better sanitation and the King hires architects to plan out a sewer system, as well as a true plan for multiple major cities. Castile begins a major process of researching the matchlocks acquired from the nethelrands  acquired and develops its own version which is used to replace the older weapons. which is finally finished. The construction of a new kind of warship with cannons is completed - a heavy warship much more powerful than most other ships of the time. The King notices the heavily increased productivity and income flow due to his hands off policy and non-interference and begins to allow artists, minstrels and other artistic and scientific minds to become more prevalent in Castile, many believe the Castilian Renaissance is imminent. Castile, due to its naval range, high income, extensive and dominant trade network, becomes one of the largest and most dynamic trade empires of the Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. The Castilian navy with its new heavy warships and some new updated designs for older ships organizes a heavy royal fleet phasing out past organizations. The Royal army of Castile has now almost wholly replaced the previous feudalistic military forces and has a size of nearly 50,000 and growing thanks in part to the good funding being provided by the king. In order to make up for lost power the King as behest of his new wife, and several of his friends who are nobles create a king's advisory council which officially has the power of the king in many matters if authorized. The men are also given station to criticize the king's actions to keep him from going crazy with power. The Knights Hospitaller are moved more into Castile with their professional fighting strength and religious zeal used to patrol the borders of Castile's Gibraltar province. The Knights are also given the authority to police the majority Christian Tangiers now, and effectively prevent many Muslims from coming over the border to wreak havoc.  Castile's navy, now heavily funded and expanded greatly, reaches a large number of combat and tradeworthy ships and with its trade from Oyo, and various supply bases establishes military and trade dominance over the West African areas as well as its locality in the Mediterranean. The Castilian trade dominance in West Africa remains unbudged as Castile directly owns and has the majority of the gold and ivory trades coming out of West and North Africa. Castile's population reaches around 5.7 million and growing. (I have been focusing heavily on growth of population and have not been involved in nearly the number of destructive wars as OTL Castile has been). The Castilian Renaissance reaches its full swing with art and scientific advancement being allowed by the State as many of the religious fanatics and dissidents are fighting in Morocco, along with this, the highly respected middle and artisan classes are able to afford a much better living with various artists painting great works and with one even gaining an audience with the royal family for a painting. The Castilian navy reaches a large force of nearly 550 ships using the huge funding from Castile's conquests, trading and other situations to fund this navy. The technology of the Castilian navy is improved heavily as the king begins to focus more on the quality of his ships rather than the quantity which results in better quality ships (like an early carrack and my previously developed pre-galleon). The exploration continues just below the Kongo as the Castilian exploration parties manage to gather supplies from the Kongo's friendlier tribes. These exploratory parties have reached OTL southern Angola and a little bit farther south but supply constraints and lack of knowledge of the area prevents further progress. Castile begins sending missionaries to the Kongo to convert the friendlier tribes which is relatively successful. Castile continues to convert to the Western Church with the king and his royal family attempting to preach about the new church and its benefits to the common man and not keeping them in the dark. The Conversion to the Western/Consuete Church continues with a relative majority accepting following the issues with nobility.  The Castilian navy with new ships replacing the old ones begins military drills for preparedness and experience. Castile also now not having the troop strength to hold onto Tangiers anymore (due to the war) transfers control of the city and surrounding area to the kingdom of Morocco. With the independence of Alexandria sends major amounts of aid to the Christians in Alexandria and begins basing more ships in Cyprus to help support them. King Henry seeing Oyo having mostly collapsed established multiple trading posts in the area to talk with the natives and continues to trade heavily in gold and somewhat in ivory. The King also has a child with his Aragonian wife named Elizabeta (Scraw didn't have a name. I had to make one up) named Ferdinand who is now two years old. The Castilian navy begins establishing multiple trade posts up and down the African coasts more for contact and conversions to Christianity rather than full blown trade in multiple areas. The Castilian king Henry IV funds an exploratory fleet down from Congo to map the area and identify areas suitable for a trade posts or resupply point with the expressed purpose of reaching India by the close of the Century. This objective is kept a secret from most everyone but the ships men and captains and the closest members of the Castilian court. King Henry begins to act somewhat irrationally obsessed with power to a degree but the advisory members of the king manage to reign him in and begin the push toward giving the king's council some real power. This is supported by the majority of the nobles and given his recent behaviour most of the King's family backs it up as well. King Henry reluctantly relents and gives some real power to the king's council (this does not mean i have just randomly transformed into a parliamentary monarchy its just one of many looooong stepping stones toward it in the 1600's and 1700's) The Castilian navy begins pushing the exploratory border to the southern tip of Angola and into northern Namibia.
    • Kingdom of Granada: The Kingdom of Granada is formed with quick help thanks to Castile and the kingdom begins to recruit local Christians to help fight in the army. The economy, while meager, is growing. However, the country focuses heavily on fighting the Civil war at hand organizing areas beyond the area of control to help gain Christian allies as they begin to kill Muslim forces. The Civil war is far from over (they expanded this turn due to Castile forming them.) The Kingdom is formed in a relatively common way as the Muslims are currently being fought as what is deemed "hispanic tradition."  The Kingdom itself is relatively successful in fighting the Muslims in its general locale and has secure its main territory just offset from Gibraltar relatively easily. The Prince of Granada is a Castilian noble named Juan Cortez who is extremely biased against Muslims due to his father's death in the original war against Morocco over Gibraltar. Many of the Muslims within the new kingdom's borders are put to the sword and periodic raids and support parties are sent out to help Christian forces fight in the disorganized lands. The country also begins a relatively large buildup of the road system repairing it from damage from the civil war. The countries armed forces also begin to fight the remaining Muslims in the mountains and begin the force conversion of the remaining Muslims in Granada.
    • Kingdom of the Canaries: The Canaries are able to build upon the multiple viable settlements and a moderately sized and growing population. The Canaries, finally completely covering the islands, begins to send moderately sized fleets that are resupplied from the islands and from Castile to continually explore the area. The Canaries help supply settlers and fleets moving to Capo Verde and Western Africa.
    • Kingdom of Cyprus: The King of Cyprus is now King Alexander of Cyprus. The King of Cyprus begins to see Castilian culture not as a dominant force but a possible blendable culture that can fit well within Cypriot society. The economy and military of the country is built up as is the infrastructure with a nice road system being built throughout the country. Cyprus gaining large funds from being a Castilian trade hub, begins building a few ships domestically, and purchases ships from Castile, or her allies shipwrights forming a respectable Cypriot navy of almost 90 ships with expected expansion to come. This expansion has been achieved specifically thanks to huge amounts of outsourcing to private shipwrights. Cyprus begins to see an exodus of the Knights Hospitaller West to Castile and her territories and King Matthias begins a larger recruitment for the military managing to raise a force of nearly 10,000. This force is largely funded through the large trade Cyprus has gathered. The troops are styled after Castile's royal army and Cyprus embarks on an intense training program in order to bring them up to standards. The Knights, with many departing also have many older and other knights stay due to their close ties with Cyprus. They remain to run the Knights Hospitaller in Cyprus for the foreseeable future while a large number have migrated across the sea. King Matthias is killed in religious riots in Cyprus leaving his highly capable son in charge. King Fernando manages to continue to hold Cyprus for his mother nation of Castile and has successfully seen the minor and moderate blending of culture in the area.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The less fortunate and disenfranchized are converted. The Kingdom itself is a Christian kingdom with a similar situation of early Castile and Aragon, with large numbers of Muslims and a small number of Christians. However, the Christian community in Morocco is expanded thanks to the influx of traders and settlers from Castile and some other immigrants looking for an opportunity to live a new life here. The Kingdom establishes its capital in Casablanca and with this, begins a major point of establishing a major military presence in the area.  The infrastructure, particularly in dealing with transport and water, is expanded to accommodate more people but the only people allowed to settle are Christians - particularly from Hispania. A notable number of Castilians settle the area. While Christians remain the minority, the kingdom of Morocco sets up various churches and allows preachers to roam around and convert people. The Kingdom begins to push toward integration of the city of Tangiers into the kingdom. This would give the Kingdom two important cities. Heavy taxes are imposed on Muslim traders in order to facilitate conversions to Christianity while lower more friendly taxes are given to Christian merchants. The leader of Morocco styled a king, out of respect deducts himself in rank to Prince of Morocco as the throne is only to be held by the King of Castile himself if it's ever required. The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continue to expand with greater trade coming from Castile and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom's army proper raised by immigrant Christians now numbers about 7000 itself and is expected to grow. The Kingdom of Morocco begins to take control of territory in the interior of Morocco proper following the Castilian and English forces and securing the areas (this territory is being integrated into the kingdom of Morocco). The population of Morocco is an estimated 420,000 currently with an increasing amount of people settling in the country. The city of Fez begins to rebuilt at the Holy City of Calne-Vicuna for the Consuete (Western) Church. 
  • Chiribaya: We increase trade with the other nations of the trade alliance. 
  • The Koryak Confederacy: is disappointed at the failure of its attack on the Mongol Khanate. The survivors of its cavalry force, decimated by horrific weather conditions, succeeded in rafting the Lena to its source near Lake Baikal, but arrived after the campaign had already been resolved in favour of China. The 500 survivors returned up the river, establishing a fort at Ust-Kut 200 km north of Lake Baikal. In order to prevent another such costly fiasco, trade links with southern Siberia are expanded. Infrastructure, including roads and docks, are constructed along the Kolmya River and at the Lena's delta. Traders come south along the river with boatloads of goods. In order to deepen links with the reticent tribes, trade pacts are offered to the Nenets, Yenisei and Tatars. the Tatars, as the most powerful group, are also offered a military alliance. (Mod Response, Please - this isn't ASB, the Siberian rivers were used as trade routes for centuries).
    • ​Chukchis: Improve economy by adopting agriculture.
    • East Yakuts: Expand 2000 km west.
    • Ashikaga Dip: The Shogun offer the Koryak Confederacy a free trade deal, whereby all taxes on imports and exports between us are lifted. 
    • The Council agrees. They also request more Shinto priests to cope with the growing Shinto population in the Confederacy and train native Koryaks to become priests.
  • Venetian Republic:
    • Books on various topics spread from Venice throughout Europe, continuing the Renaissance. Printed in the Venetian language, they teach of the sciences and humanities and revive learning, spreading knowledge (as well as the language) far and wide..
    • With the increased supply of Ducats, the fluidity of European trade increases with Ducat using nations benefiting most.
    • Many people sentenced to death are drowned in the canals as is the Venetian tradition. The tradition is becoming the primary way to execute criminals and is spreading to the Venetian territories across Europe.
    • Fine wool and silk clothing from Titani is exported across the Mediterranean and Black Sea and begins to set the trend in Renaissance clothing.
    • Venetian trade reaches across the known world. Merchant ships carry salt, silks, glass and a collection of other goods, both common and rare. Venetian traders are the largest carriers of trade in Europe, with the thousands of ships and a trading tradition continuing to fuel this.
    • The Roscol Bank uses local subsidiaries all across Europe to fund trade, with a leaning toward funding trade with Venice. They also fund enterprises across the continent, boosting the economies of the nations which they inhabit. The Roscol Bank invests conservatively. While this doesn't bring in as much wealth as other nations' banking, such as the Dutch, it results in a much more robust level of equity.
    • Due to the stability of business and protection afforded to private enterprise in Venice, many merchants set up shop in the city despite being foreign, utilising the Venetian law to protect their businesses. Criminals and a less divided merchant class mean prosperity for all those involved with Venetian business in some way.
    • In Veneto: The Masaro Collegantia buys its first ships, working from Coixa where it has warehouses. The Roscol Collegantia feels challenged by the move. 200 ships, equally galley and cog, are decommissioned and replaced with 100 new Carros or Navebaga as they are known by commoners. The arsenal of Venice is being modernised, it is estimated it will take five more years to complete. Hungary continues to boost the economy of Venice and vice versa. The Doge decides to support Venetian culture further. He funds conversions to Venetian culture across the Republic and Empire. The new business court in Venice boosts the economic stability in the Empire and with all nations that Venice trades with, making it harder for criminals to operate. Settling disputes between various merchants means that the class is less divided. While this helps economic growth it also gives them more influence as they can focus more on the politics of the state than the politics of trade. The Order of Saint Mark continues to grow in size and influence, numbering now 28,000 members and still growing. The Order sets up a base of operations in Venice, aiming to work on bringing more influence to the True Faith. The beliefs of faith are popular amongst commoners - especially those who feel the church does not practice the faith properly. Alexandria is slowly becoming more and more of a hub of the True Faith as commoners convert to the belief en masse.
    • In Porto Tolle: Potensa Sasono continues to build relations with various peoples of Porto Tolle. He also works on converting more people to the True Faith. The Order of Saint Mark spreads farther with 1500 members in the region now making Porto Tolle a stronghold for the Cavaliers Sanmarco.
    • In Istra: Potensa Balsamo institutes a larger force of Pretors and begins cracking down on what he sees as sinful business. Brothels and bookkeepers are attacked and their owners arrested to go on trial.
    • In Scutari: Romaso le Ros continues to work on cementing control of Scutari, he declares that the place shall be one of tolerance, but demands loyalty and obedience only to him. Anyone who steps out of line causes mass punishment, a boy who steals bread finds that he and his family are killed for his crime.
    • In Epirote Free Ports: Preveza suffers from many deaths, and people are unhappy and riot constantly. Meanwhile in Saranda and Titani, most people face stringent diets, although look forward to the year's bountiful harvest.
    • In the Peloponnese: The Great Alm continues to increase education amongst the lower classes and with that, the True Faith also grows. The local Order of Saint Mark grows, largely from religious masters, priests and learned men making the Peloponnese branch unique to the majority of mixed and Cavalier based branches.
    • In Attica: The local Order of Saint Mark grows to 2300 people, they also recruit 500 peasants who sail to Alexandria to begin their work as Cavalier Sanmarco.
    • In Morocco: The forts construction is normal, it is estimated it will take just seven more years to build all the forts. Immigrants arrive in the cities of Venetian Morocco, further pushing the cities to the Venetian's side. Meanwhile, some Potensas also practise leniency toward the Muslim populace as well as conversion. As of now, about 25% of the population identify as either Christian or Venetian.
    • Eco-turn
  • Epirote Republic:
    • In Epirus: Many die from drought. However, they are by and large the isolated members of society. Epirus builds its military.
    • Mil-turn
  • Venetian Empire:
    • In the Province of Aegina: the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Free Port of Athens: the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Province of Candia: the military grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Corfiot Protectorate: the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Kaffa: the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Naxian Protectorate: the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Negroponte: the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Free Port of Ragusa: the economy grows. Eco-turn
  • Ica-Nazca: We expand our military.
    • Chancay (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We build more fishing ships, improving our economy.
    • Chimor (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand southeast 10 pixels, wrapping around the northern border of Wanka. We expand our military.
    • Sican (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our military consisting of kamayuks and slingers. 
  • Cuzco: We expand our military and economy (everyone is expanding more than one). Ties continue to deepen between the other nations and Cuzco. We build ships to make better use of Lake Titicaca and scout out a small island on the lake. As trade increases with our allies, Cuzco becomes more of a finaincal center. To secretly  establish Cuzco's domincnace in the alliance, we propose Tawantinsuyu, or the Four Regions, to the Ica-Nazca, Wanka and Chiribaya that would unite our nations (Confederacy style, we would all remain independent and would pursue our own interests. Discuss on my talk page) Regardless of the others answers, we prepare to expand east next year.
    • Wanka: Infrastructure and economy expand. We accept Cuzco's offer and prepare to aid them in expansion.
  • Mughal Empire: The war is a challenge to the Mughal army as the numerous Indian states attack from all sides. Soldiers are prepared to retreat and the ships in Bahmani are already ready to set sail in case of the worst situation. The Emperor raises all men willing and/or ready to take upon a weapon to fight for the Mughal Empire (will be detailed tomorrow).
    • Southern Chagatai: The Chagatai Khan, installed by Babur during the split sends his forces through the Mughal Empire to Jaunpur.
  • Caucasian Confederation: The pan-Caucasian expeditionary force is recalled from Alexandria, as the campaign is deemed victorious. However, the Confederation continues supplying the Alexandrians. The confederation also continues to supply Assyrian rebels in Mesopotamia, hoping to secure Mosul and the fertile Tigris flood plain for the Assyrian Christians. Georgia, Armenia, Assyria, Rani, and Amier-Kavkasia all expand their infrastructure, jointly renovating and expanding the Tagaschan that connects the major cities of the Orthodox Caucasian states.
  • Pskov, with its trade networks fresh and restored, continues to progress as a leading trade power in the Baltic, with new trade routes underway, the Pskovians coffers once again begin filling with gold, especially after the sale of all those useless muskets now that their army size has halved. The Pskovian Treasury Mint officially starts storing its gold reserve in "Zolotiye Grivni" (Golden Grivnas) or, in common tongue, zologrivnyas, while the gold awaits minting, and also to keep the coinage up to date. The production of zolotniks continues, and trade with Poland and Lithuania fills Pskov's coffers once more, Now not having to pay for military ... that is, until Muscovy comes to Pskov nearly bankrupt from the war effort, one of the reasons they seemingly abandoned the war effort and took all punishment dished out to it. Pskov, not wanting to anger God by refusing aid to their brothers, gives Muscovy a loan to safeguard their existance, but on the condiiton that the Prince of Pskov gains a perpetual seat on the Muscovian council, and that Muscovy removes any and all taxes on Pskovian goods. The Muscovians, out of desperation, agree. Printing begins to spread to other parts of the nation, with many books re-invigorating the study of anatomy. The recorded human disections are done on bodies of dead soldiers and those murdered, to try to figure out cause of death officially, but unofficially to figure out how the body works. The official story is enough to let the Veche agree. News about what is now being called the "Defillation of Perm" is published in books. the Pskovian Veche agrees to have a monthly newsletter available to anyone willing to read, furthering the uses of the printing mechanisms. Philosophical debates happen more frequently, and Pskov is beginning to seem like a center of philosophy in Russia. The Pskovians continue to demand the release of all Russian slaves to the Jochids as a sign of good faith.
  • Netherlands: With the collapse of the TImirud empire and the State in Egypt and the subsequent rise of new states in its place partitioning the silk road, Dutch Merchants begin looking at their exploration along the African coast with much greater interest. greater funds are granted to expeditions and the outpost in OTL Nigeria is giving much greater attention, with it being fortified to and a dock is to be constructed. The expedition begins exploring farther south along the Kongo Coast. Naval expansion begins once more, as newer ship designs are put forth. dominance over the north sea along with london continues as Amsterdam grows in importance. Cultural and scientific development grows as Brussels and Amsterdam start producing some of the finest works of the era. The printing press used by the Wallon poet catches the attention of other writers and more of the devices are purchased and employed throughout the lowlands. Production of matchlocks and cannons continue on a large scale, and are sold to Netherland's allies. Maurice van Nassau becomes greatly interested in navigation and requests money to outfit an expedition of his own which is reluctantly granted by his father.
  • Ayutthaya continues to send trade delegations to Padang and Kedah. The new laws passed in the previous year begin to have effect, and militias from the nations are significantly boosted and lesser costs. We again offer our trade treaty to Bengal, which would allow for a protected channel of trade between our great nations. As a result of the central government's pro-trade treaties, our economies expand significantly, with trading cities growing in size and population. Indaraja II proposes to the lesser kings a meeting of the kings that would elect a new King following the death of the prior one. The Buddhist population undergoes a large growth after the arrival of a new, prominent band of missionaries from China. As a result of this, apart other things, our relations with China (Hopefully) continue to improve. The technology of the navy expands as new ships are built to carry trade and influence throughout South East Asia. The King begins a new process of renovation on the Capital, expanding it, building new levels of walls around it, and repairing older buildings. The population of the city, partly as a result of this, increases by almost five thousand people in this time. The banking industry is strengthened throughout the nation after the government offers loans to all banks with holdings over the equivalent worth of one ton of gold. (Yes, banks existed in Asia at this time. The first modern "banks" appeared in India in around 750 BC) The Tai peoples of nearby nations aid us in our quest for peace and prosperity over the region. The population begins to increase. The central army- small as it is- continues year round training, while the forced standing armies of all the principalities begin to pay off, culling any and all possible rebellions before they take place. We seek peace with the Khmer, and again offer a marriage.
  • Rumania: Radu, now 25, returns home after years of war, The Bulgarians have been quelled and peace once again returns. Immediately the economy improves to near pre-war levels, as thousands of soldiers return home. The economy begins to grow again, after a multiyear stagnation. Several new mines open, as well as a few foundries. Mills are constructed along the many rivers of Rumania. Uninhabited land is redistributed to veterans and their families. Boyars protest the move, but have little power to prevent it. The treasure is nearly empty after the wars, and it will be some time before the situation improves. The states of: Kiev, Chernigov, Volhynia and the Azovan Khanate are all sent trade offers, and Alliance offers. (Mod Response needed)
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: Rebellious nobles are executed, their lands distributed to either free peasants or other lords. The ringleaders of the rebellion are hunted down and killed. Meanwhile, all the peasants involved are pardoned and return home. Work continues on roads and bridges.
  • In Sanafah's fourth year of independence, the new state sends a small group of people to Dina Morgabin (Reunion) and continues to look into the possibilities of settling Dina Arobi (Mauritius). This venture inspires completion of the Mahajanga Port, as well as work that begins on the port of Maroantsetra, which opens to the Helodrano Antongila Bay. Meanwhile, Chieftain Tiavina Ralofoaro continues to make plans for his accession to the Sakalava chiefdom, which will happen soon, if all goes as expected, since the current ruler is falling ill in old age. Tiavina's son, 16 years old today, is married to the eldest princess of Betsileo, the only other organized kingdom on the island. Trade continues to draw more and more revenue, and population rates go up as the standard of living increases. The paganistic Sunni Islam continues to permeate through the island. An alliance is established with Sofala, and emmissaries are sent there to develop the needed plans for future vassalization. The Malagasy language and the Swahili language begin to intermingle, and most traders in the Kingdom know both languages. Emir Amaar Rahasan prepares to lead a small war into the Merina Kingdom, and solidifies alliances with the Comoros, the Betsileo, Mozambique, and the Sofala Emirates to secure their support in the war. Meanwhile, the Council continues infrastructure development, with the conclusion of the construction of the mosque and the Capitol building. Slash and burn tactics begin slowly to clear land for the expanding population. More large trade expeditions are sent to Swahili, Sumal, and Iritriya to continue good relations, and we enter into a mutual defensive pact with al-Swahili.
  • Eire: We rejoice when Thomond and later other Irish states lay down arms and join us, and 55 years after King Thomas' fateful dream, Eire becomes fully united, save the city of Dublin, which remains independent and remaining so for the forseeable future. Celebrations occur in towns across Eire, and the King and his entourage tours Eire, with the help of the new road system. We begin expanding roads to newly-acquired regions in Eire, hoping to connect all major towns, and spread new Irish ideals such as Occidentalism (Western Catholicism) and pro-Albionism. Stabilization after years of expansion continues, with many soldiers in the military for years during Eire's fighting begin to settle down, and the navy continues to be built up. Cork and Ballydrogheda undergo a renaissance, as the unification of Ireland allows for the ability to export products from all across the Isle. As such, trade increases. the King begins to modernize the military forces, with the eventual forces consisting of a main line of pikemen, Gaelic skirmishers on the flanks, crossbowmen behind the skirmishers, and the cavalry behind all. Wool begins to become a more popular farm product, with a few people living in the towns beginning to manufacture cloth in small quantities.
    • Leinster: Celebrations go off as the Isle is united. Leinster, however, remains a vassal state, a member of the Confederation of Eire and Albion, but not of Eire proper, and is granted special status in autonomy from Eire. Roads expand in Leinster, tying it fully with the rest of Eire. (Inf-turn)
  • ​County of Oldenburg: The military is built up.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: The Bishop encounters opposition to his acquisition of nobles' lands. He builds up the military.
  • Oyo Empire: The Oyo continue with the development of their naval technologies, and the expansion of their new fleet of yanyan ships. Multiple vessels are sent to trade with the Kongo, and trade with the Mali increases as the Oyo grow to become the regional power, displacing the Mali who are lagging behind technologically. Though the plague did much to weaken the Oyo population's numbers, because the majority of those killed by the disease were either old or infirmed, the census for 1460 shows a population of 9,135,523, which has no doubt seen a great recovery thanks to the government's push for larger families to pursue the needs of the nation's expansion. With dozens of clean, planned cities, and paved roadways linking them all together, as well as an organized system which facilitates the swift spread of information throughout Oyo, Oyo has reached a point where it has surpassed all the native African nations around it ideologically, technologically and economically. With the annexation of Benin following its collapse population-wise, the Oyo seek to turn their eyes toward the sea in a new stage of their development as a people.
  • In Mangut Nivkhgu, The Resplendent One focuses less on expansion and more on shoring up trade routes. (Economic Turn) 
  • Ottoman Empire: The Sultan accepts the non-aggression pact and trade deal by the Mansuriyya Caliphate. The Sultan decides not to get involved in any Mesopotamian, as many Ottoman soldiers were driven away by local citizens. The Sultan does keep his eye on Syria and the Levant, however, in case any conflict breaks out in that region, in which case the Ottomans will get involved. The military improves in anticipation of any large-scale warfare. As well, the Sultan oversees the construction of many new fleets, based on the design of European fleets many had witnessed in battle. He sends many out to fare the seas, and one makes it to Tunis to establish trade with the local merchants.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to integrate its new territories back into the nation, although by this point they are firmly once again part of the Roman system of law and governance. The military continues to improve itself, and the new cavalry units trained in Thessaly are now being used throughout the Empire. The matchlock guns continue to be replicated and produced, and by this point a fair number of them are in use by the military. The economy has an interesting year, with expanded trade from the Black Sea and Thessalonica increasing revenue, yet the collapse of the Mashriq Sultanate and the difficult situation regarding the Silk Road forces the Roman government to reconsider its economic options. The Roman government begins to move its economic activities toward the western part of the Mediterranean in order to connect better with the rest of Europe. Trade routes already exist to Barcelona, Valencia and Genoa, and to further the economic progress in the area, new routes are opened up to Melitta, Marseilles and Syracuse, along with other more minor routes.
    • Albania: The main castle at Kukes has completed construction and most of the roads in the nation have as well. The national military continues to be trained and a few small numbers of matchlock guns enter the army thanks to trade with the Roman Empire. More and more Albanians enter the nation from the surrounding Italian-controlled areas.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Landshut expands its military. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Regent Elisabeth and her council continue to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished, and by 1460 a trade route is put in place. Such important places in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1460, Elisabeth commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The planned market center in Landshut continues to attract regional traders. In religious news, the country begins converting to the Western Netherlander church. By the end of this year, around 74% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. Elisabeth continues efforts to implement Sedevacantist policies in the government, being much more religious than her father. Furthermore, Elisabeth also arranges the Roscol Bank access to Landshut to do trading. The Venetian merchants take an interest in government bonds. In saddening news, Albert II dies senile and bedridden on January 9. Princess Eleanor is immediately proclaimed Grand Duchess that day, ending Elisabeth's regency. Over the course of the week, she organizes her Privy council and personal government. However, suspicions are raised when Jacqueline suddenly disappears from court. A warrant for her arrest is sent out, with the privy council in full fears of a possible coup. These fears come true on January 16, when a large retinue of body guards under Jacqueline storm the palace in Landshut and seize the government. Of Eleanor's sixteen councillors, nine of them are murdered, four are tortured, and three banished from Bavaria. Eleanor herself is arrested and proclaimed an illegitimate, usurper, upstart. Eleanor's husband, Robert of Italy, is expelled from the country. On January 20, Jacqueline is declared the one true Grand Duchess of Bavaria, Eleanor being locked away in Alter Hof castle in Munich. After several grand processions in Trausnitz Castle, the main palace of the Grand Duchess, Jacqueline consolidates her rule and appoints her privy council. She begins her reign by applying several of her mother and late father's policies. However, problems immediately arise when Jacqueline, inexprienced with finance and treasury, makes a folly of the tax levies over several weeks. While not intentional, Jacqueline causes a financial mess by mid-May. The effects of the confused tax compositions slowly seep into the country. Beginning in late August, a small group of nobles conspire to re-install Eleanor to the throne. By December, the movement has an estimated 3000 following, mostly among the nobility. However, with the strong economic downturn and general distrust of Jacqueline, the composition of the plot largely includes the lower and middle classes as well.
    • Munchen: The main campus of Queen Isabell University is completed and the beginning courses include French, Latin, English, and Greek as well as theology, clergy training and mathematics being taught. By 1460, the total class amounts to about 2700 men. Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed in Munchen as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders. In recent news, unemployment begins to rise in the wake of tax disasters following Jacqueline's embarrassing, confusing policies.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed in Straubing as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed in Ingolstadt as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders. 
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders. The Catholic clergy of Wurzburg are very hostile to Jacqueline's reign, seeing as how she is a runaway nun who revoked her vows to lead a life of wealth and power.
  • Trier: We upgrade our military and economy. The states around us are influenced. Trade routes are established, opening trade among Hesse, Cologne and Austria and her vassals. We dedicate this turn to infrastructure expansion, building several defenses, and roads to link towns across the nation. Fortifications around our capital are improved and updated.
  • Aragon expands its navy, economy and infrastructure. Trade power expands and free thinking is encouraged. Arts are sponsored by the rich, who are slowly becoming mostly merchants due to increasing wealth of merchants due to trade. Aragon begins to fund voyages along the coast of Africa, seeking the aid of Castilian trade maps and other things. Cyrenaica expands inland.
  • Mapuche: The past few years have been a time of peace and prosperity.  Most families have settled in small communities spread across the general territory, sharing crops, resources, and tools.  Due to the favorable climate and isolation from warring tribes, the population has flourished and is growing steadily.  There is a stable supply of food, allowing people to explore other interests, such as art, song and dance.  Over the years, several small veins of copper have been discovered, allowing the tribe to advance its copperworking and effectively improve its tools and weapons.  Though there is no centralized leadership at this stage in cultural development, there is a general sense of community and territory throughout the Mapuche lands.
  • The Hungarian King Sigismund, while leading a small frontguard himself, is ambushed by some of the remaining Serbian soldiers. Taken completely by surprise, many of his soldiers are killed quickly. However, Sigismund manages to rally up the remainder of his forces and fights the rebels hard. He kills no less than 15, yet in the process takes multiple wounds and hits as he tries to fight off the rebels and save the lives of his soldiers. They manage to hold out long enough for the majority of the army to catch up and quickly turn the rebels' ambush into a Serbian bloodbath. However, the King is in bad shape and is rushed to the nearest castle at full horseback speed. Word is also quickly sent to his son, who, with his wife and personal guard, sets off immediately and at full hoseback speed. They reach just in time to say their last goodbyes to the King, who did not recover from the wounds and after an emotional moment with his son and daughter in law, passes away. His son, Sigismund is soon proclaimed: Sigismund the III, King of Hungary and Croatia, High Lord of Garai, Split and Dalmatia, Ruler of Bosnia and the Protector of Serbia. For the funeral of his father, rulers and the elite from all of Hungary's allies are invited and most attend. It is an emotional moment, and many mourn how the King had been brave and had not been allowed to rule for his promised time, and his great accomplishments in the two wars he fought. On a solemn note, the new Queen announces she is pregnant with the child of Sigismund III and celebrations are largely muted. With the death of the King, the new King intends to finish off the job himself - leading a large force to every remaining trouble point and slaughtering Serbians in their thousands. His men fight viciously to avenge their former King and within four months the rebellion has all but died. The Garai noble and Sophia, the sister to the King, both attend the funeral and pay their respects. They return to Garay, where Sophia has taken up residence as the Garai noble's wife. Serbian males in Hungary are forced to work even harder and many die due to harsh treatment. Feelings toward the Serbs will not become milder anytime soon. People from Dalmatia are encouraged to move to Serbia once more and are told if they are single they can choose whichever women they like as their wife. This causes thousands to move southward and causes a large demographic shift. These men bring with them the knowledge of better farming practices and will help to cultivate higher yields of crops. The traitorous nobles are imprisoned and those who raise their forces are brutally crushed and executed for treason to the crown. The Dalmatian brigands disband and return to the villages the came to settle in. Many find these villages do not exist anymore and begin the hard job of rebuilding them ground up. They are joined by many Serbian women without husbands or partners and many end up marrying each other. Stored grains are used when they are needed, and prove to be a winning system. In the times of war, the stored grains help peasants feed themselves and keeps discontent down for now. For the construction of the new, large ships, extra manpower from Serbia arrives - greatly reducing manpower costs and speeding up construction. This will allow the crown to make more ships for the same amount of money. More large ships are constructed in the dockyards in Croatia. This helps to boost the military power of the navy, and these ships are soon sent south to go patrolling. More equipment for the soldiers is produced in forges and this will help arm more soldiers. Seeing the largening iron and steel demands, trading for those resources is increased in exchange for grains. With growing numbers of ships arriving from docks, the fleet off the coast strengthens and the naval division begins to expand its range of operations quickly in case there is a threat from the sea. Merchant ships use Byzantine and Venetian ports to trade and earn money in, while beginning to sail to UNC ports too, helping expand the influence of Hungarian merchants. With land bought from the UNC, the base of the ports begin to be constructed by workers from Hungary who have arrived onto the islands from Hungary. They soon begin to cut trees and gather supplies from incoming ships. This soon helps them to begin the construction of the ports and by the end of the year the base of the ports are laid and completed. The base in Jutland is by far the biggest due to its closeness to other trading powers as well as the ability for the crown to buy local workers. Trading with Zeta continues in earnest. The checkpoint castles are a great help in housing troops which are patrolling routes of both nations as well as wealthy and influential merchants and nobles travelling between the nations. Poland now sees greater economic growth as their economy is not only stable but able to grow rapidly on its own. The King of Poland listens more and more to his Hungarian advisors, with all the advise helping his nation grow even stronger economically as more and more money is invested in trading stalls and merchentile systems as well as the construction fo roads and such. This only serves to strengthen the Hungarian position and Poland now begins to fall under greater influence of Hungary. Sigismund dictates to the Polish advisors what must be done and this allows him to gain more and more control over Poland. He hopes to get the nation completely under Hungarian authority. The Polish army continues to grow in strength, actively training with Hungarian soldiers to better their fighting skills while getting supplied by Hungarian blacksmiths. Polish soldiers perform well in the Serb rebellion and help show they can still fight wars well. They return home and many help keep the peace within the nation. Missionaries begin to preach the word of god and distribute bibles to those who can read in a bid to convert secret pagans to Christendom and show them the light of god. Both nations now see a large amount of trade conducted within each other's borders and this makes the merchants learn of each other's languages. Many become fluent in Polish while others fluent in Hungarian. In the border regions, a mixture of the languages begin to develop as it becomes more convenient for speakers and tradesmen. Yet Serbian begins to influence language too, due to the large numbers of workers present in various parts of the nation. Large irrigation canals have been created by workers, helping to expand the regions of farmland under the control of the crown. Many of the irrigation projects in Serbia are restarted as construction begins once more to complete the irrigation canals and help to grow crops in a much better fashion. The Hungarians continue to influence (Four of Eight) Karaman, trying to exploit the potential of gaining another state to set up merchant ports in and expand Hungarian influence by supporting merchants and Christians alike as well as making sure no one Emir gains the upper hand. In secret gunsmiths, Rumanian and Roman knowledge is soon put under use as many begin to construct their own guns and make their own gunpowder. This is a major step on the way to developing new technologies which much of the world has no indication of. Much money is allocated for this, such is the need - very desperate are the Crown for the results of the experiments.
    • The Kingdom of Croatia continues to see a large trading boom occur within the nation as it becomes the gates of the Hungarian realms and helps to attract customers and merchants to the nation as well as Hungary. Wartime had brought about a boom in trading as supplies are now in greater demand, allowing merchants to grow richer by selling their goods. However, demand for certain materials tails off while continues and even increases for other materials. The dockyards cut the wood and build the large fighting vessels for the Crown, as requested by the king himself. More large ships are constructed and drain the Ottomans of their merchantile resources. A tariff for merchants trading is also in place but it is put at favourable levels with none for the Venetians due to the new alliance between the states and the amount of trading between them. Venetian traders are a common sight in Croatian ports, helping to bring in much revenue. Many Croat knights fight for the crown in the south - earning glory and helping the Hungarian cause.
    • In Garay, roads need to be remade due to their worsening condition and thus workers are drafted in to fix up the roads. Many nobles from Garay gain land and they use this land to help increase crop yields as well as the amount of trading ongoing between each of the nobles. The money is sent as taxes and used to upgrade the standings of the nobles themselves. Many men are also trained in military combat to make them more effective foot-soldiers.
    • In Split, the nobles begin to work on creating standing armies to manage and controlling their lands. Castles continue being built in the vassal while many old ones are completely torn apart and their land allocated for peasants. The soldiers of the nobles who were executed are distributed between the present nobles and they quickly begin to adapt - training with their new fighting partners. The nation trains its knights hard and trains commoners too. They move southward to fight the Serbs.
    • Bosnia: also sees a lot of economic and military growth. The nation begins to organise its own soldiers under the command of nobles who take part in knight competitions to increase their skill set while readying forces in case they are called up to defend the lands. Bosnia is used as a large base for the attacks against the Ottoman Empire, with a large portion of forces in the country present to rest and heal from battles. Bosnian soldiers are sent southward to help quell the rebellion in Serbia.
    • In Serbia: Order finally begins to be restored as the nobles begin to mop up the remaining rebels and bring peace to the war-stricken lands. Much of the land has been destroyed in the heavy fighting and in the burning of villages. Thus, the local nobles and the crown prince begin to oversee the reconstruction of various villages which had been destroyed in the uprising. The influx of Dalmatians is seen as a positive as it helps to find partners for the tens of thousands of women who do not have a husband as well as provides manpower for the farms along with a greater set of farming skills. The King personally gives his son the title of "Protector of Serbia", and hopes his son will help bring the vassal fully under the control of the crown. Merchants are also encouraged to set up stalls and sell and barter their goods.
    • Banu Sulaym: Sees a lot of trading posts being set up while the Hungarian traders force the Emir of the nation to make it more tolerant so trading can occur more easily and the people can live better lives. Many Muslims feel this is not good, but none can complain as soon as the ports begin to bustle with merchants who are buying and selling goods at a rapid rate. The vassal begins to develop economically. The nation continues to grow in trading and it opens new ports. Many begin to think that expanding inward could also be a good idea as it would help make the borders safer. The Emir finally agrees to it after building up resources for it. The nation expands 4000 km inland.
  • Zapotec: Emperor Tlaco expands Danibaan's influence in the surrounding city-states by way of the Zapotec Alliance. Roadways connecting cities in the alliance help merchants and soldiers move more freely between them. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. In the coastal regions under Danibaan's influence, more boats are created. Tlaco orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Daibaan continues expanding into the surrounding city-states north along the gulf coast.
  • Milan: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. We upgrade infrastructure, as do our vassals.


All right, there were no actual events for this turn, but this can not possibly happen, so, uh ... random event time!

The last of the Turkish Ghazis stand down in Macedonia.

How about "The Khmer accept the marriage suggested by the Ayutthaya in order to calm tensions between their nations"?

Hahahaha. What about: Kronum becomes a popular sport in the Aztec Empire?

How about "a Chinese man drew the first comic, but was burned by his dad for not studying the four books and five classics"?

Seriously, I wasn't joking. Accept the damn marriage!

  • Ica-Nazca: We expand our military.
    • Chancay (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We build more fishing ships, improving our economy.
    • Chimor (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand southeast 10 pixels. We expand our military.
    • Sican (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our military consisting of kamayuks and slingers. 
    • Cuzco Dip: We propose Tawantinsuyu to the Ica-Nazca, which would unite our nations (Confederacy style, we would remain independent for the most part. If interested, discuss on my talk page)
  • Rumania: Radu, now 26, continues to promote economic growth. Several shipyards and mines are built. Also many mills spring-up across the nation. The Venetian school begins to diversify its classes, expanding to include mathematics, philosophy and literature. Class attendance grows as printed books, bought from abroad, become common in the library. The states of Kiev, Chernigov, Volhynia and the Azovan Khanate are all sent trade offers and alliance offers. (Mod Response needed)
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: Work continues on roads and bridges. Vast improvements are made across the nation’s infrastructure, and work resumes on the fort in Varna. The port of Varna is also improved and repaired.
  • Trier: We upgrade our military and economy. The states around us are influenced. Trade routes are established, opening trade among Hesse, Cologne and Austria and her vassals. We dedicate this turn to infrastructure expansion, building several defenses, and roads to link towns across the nation. Fortifications around our capital are improved and updated. 
  • Cuzco: We expand our infrastructure (everyone is expanding more than one). Ties continue to deepen between the other nations and Cuzco. We build ships to make better use of Lake Titicaca and scout out a small island on the lake. As trade increases with our allies, Cuzco becomes more of a financial center. To secretly establish Cuzco's dominance in the alliance, we propose Tawantinsuyuor the Four Regions, to the Ica-Nazca, Wanka and Chiribaya that would unite our nations (Confederacy style, we would all remain independent and would pursue our own interests. Discuss on my talk page) Regardless of the others answers, we expand to the northeast by 5 pixels.
    • Wanka: As we prepare to join as a member state to Tawantinsuyu, we work on our economy and military. 
    • It takes a decade before you can annex a vassal. -Feud
    • It would be joining as a member state to a confederacy. I don't consider that annexation, but if you do I will allow it to stand.
    • Honestly for all I know, you're annexing. So just give a few more years it's not a big deal. -Feud
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to convert to the Western Church. The Prussians begin to build their army.
    • Masovia: The Kingdom of Masovia also continues recovering their economy and continues building a new national army. The Masovians continue construction of their capital at Czersk. The Masovians also continue converting to the Western Church.
    • Pomerania: The Pomeranians continue building their economy and continue building a new national army. The Pomeranians also continue converting to the Western Church.
    • Courland: The Curonians also begin developing their economy and military. The Curonians also begin converting to the Western Church.
  • UNC: King Charles VIII passes away of an illness. His son, Sven, becomes next in line for king. However, the adolescent is found stabbed in his chambers before he is coronated. His brothers and sisters later perish or disappear due to various causes. Jenna the Lost becomes the most famous of these missing would-be monarchs. By November, there are no heirs to the restored House of Sverker. The official name for the crisis becomes the Sverker Conspiracy. The Riksdag of Stockholm is called to session to search for an heir or appoint a new monarch. Further changes to the UNC, however, are planned. In the meantime, the economy works on recovering from the Karelian War. The UNC seeks to improve relations with Pskov, Prussia and Novgorod.
  • Mapuche: The tribe continues to thrive, and copperware becomes more prevalent among the populace.  Several ambitious young men conspire to drug a village elder and hold him hostage, but their plans are foiled and they are sent into exile.  A small girl in another village spends a lot of her spare time making designs in the soil.
  • Castile: The Castilian economy continues a larger process of pulling in more money through trade. The infrastructure of Castile is also expanded more. Castile, in order to facilitate more conversions to Christianity, imposes higher taxes on non-Christians in the areas it controls personally or by proxy through its vassals. Castile has successfully mapped large parts of the African coast south of Morocco and down as far as their trade posts in the Kongo these are kept secret.  The Castilian nobility begins to adapt toward a newer system to revamp or work on their power as they move toward becoming advisors to the king and less involved in their feudal estates which while growing have developed Guilds to facilitate payments for the efforts of the men working, The expert workmanship of many of these men has seen notable increase in productivity for each feudal state with most lords not complaining. The Kingdom's cities begin to be improved with better sanitation and the King hires architects to plan out a sewer system, as well as a true plan for multiple major cities. Castile begins a major process of researching the matchlocks acquired from the Netherlands  acquired and develops its own version which is used to replace the older weapons. which is finally finished. The construction of a new kind of warship with cannons is completed - a heavy warship much more powerful than most other ships of the time. The King notices the heavily increased productivity and income flow due to his hands off policy and non-interference and begins to allow artists, minstrels and other artistic and scientific minds to become more prevalent in Castile, many believe the Castilian Renaissance is imminent. Castile, due to its naval range, high income, extensive and dominant trade network, becomes one of the largest and most dynamic trade empires of the Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. The Castilian navy with its new heavy warships and some new updated designs for older ships organizes a heavy royal fleet phasing out past organizations. The Royal army of Castile has now almost wholly replaced the previous feudalistic military forces and has a size of nearly 50,000 and growing thanks in part to the good funding being provided by the king. In order to make up for lost power the King as behest of his new wife, and several of his friends who are nobles create a king's advisory council which officially has the power of the king in many matters if authorized. The men are also given station to criticize the king's actions to keep him from going crazy with power. The Knights Hospitaller are moved more into Castile with their professional fighting strength and religious zeal used to patrol the borders of Castile's Gibraltar province. The Knights are also given the authority to police the majority Christian Tangiers now, and effectively prevent many Muslims from coming over the border to wreak havoc. Castile's navy, now heavily funded and expanded greatly, reaches a large number of combat and tradeworthy ships and with its trade from Oyo, and various supply bases establishes military and trade dominance over the West African areas as well as its locality in the Mediterranean. The Castilian trade dominance in West Africa remains unbudged as Castile directly owns and has the majority of the gold and ivory trades coming out of West and North Africa. Castile's population reaches around 6.1 million and growing. (I have been focusing heavily on growth of population and have not been involved in nearly the number of destructive wars as OTL Castile has been). The Castilian Renaissance reaches its full swing with art and scientific advancement being allowed by the State as many of the religious fanatics and dissidents are fighting in Morocco, along with this, the highly respected middle and artisan classes are able to afford a much better living with various artists painting great works and with one even gaining an audience with the royal family for a painting. The Castilian navy reaches a large force of nearly 550 ships using the huge funding from Castile's conquests, trading and other situations to fund this navy. The technology of the Castilian navy is improved heavily as the king begins to focus more on the quality of his ships rather than the quantity which results in better quality ships (like an early carrack and my previously developed pre-galleon). The exploration continues just below the Kongo as the Castilian exploration parties manage to gather supplies from the Kongo's friendlier tribes. These exploratory parties have reached OTL southern Angola and a little bit farther south but supply constraints and lack of knowledge of the area prevents further progress. Castile begins sending missionaries to the Kongo to convert the friendlier tribes which is relatively successful. Castile continues to convert to the Western Church with the king and his royal family attempting to preach about the new church and its benefits to the common man and not keeping them in the dark. The Conversion to the Western/Consuete Church continues with a relative majority accepting following the issues with nobility.  The Castilian navy with new ships replacing the old ones begins military drills for preparedness and experience. Castile also now not having the troop strength to hold onto Tangiers anymore (due to the war) transfers control of the city and surrounding area to the kingdom of Morocco. With the independence of Alexandria sends major amounts of aid to the Christians in Alexandria and begins basing more ships in Cyprus to help support them. The King also has a child with his Aragonese wife named Elizabeta (Scraw didn't have a name. I had to make one up) named Ferdinand who is now two years old. The Castilian navy begins establishing multiple trade posts up and down the African coasts more for contact and conversions to Christianity rather than full blown trade in multiple areas. The Castilian king Henry IV funds an exploratory fleet down from Congo to map the area and identify areas suitable for a trade posts or resupply point with the expressed purpose of reaching India by the close of the Century. This objective is kept a secret from most everyone but the ships men and captains and the closest members of the Castilian court. The Castilian navy begins pushing the exploratory border to the southern tip of Angola and into northern Namibia and in order to effectively resupply creates some trade posts and resupply posts in the area. King Henry continues to act erratically having a few of the Renaissance men of Castile put to death for Heresy where there has been none. His Brother Carlos fails talking sense into him and convenes the king's council to take action over King Henry's issues which may hurt relationships with foreign nations. The Secret Decision is made to depose Henry IV as unfit to rule in favor of his son with Carlos ruling as Advisor and Regent until Ferdinand is fit to rule. Many nobles wish to depose Henry and his family in general but due to the capability of the royal family previously and the convincing ability of Elizabeta Henry's wife they expect to be able to convince an obviously insane Henry to abdicate in favor of his son Ferdinand. This, however, does not interrupt the day-to-day running of Castile in general and would put the United Dynasties of Castile and Aragon on the Throne of Castile with claim on the throne of Aragon as well.
    • Kingdom of Granada: The Kingdom of Granada is formed with quick help thanks to Castile and the kingdom begins to recruit local Christians to help fight in the army. The economy, while meager, is growing. However, the country focuses heavily on fighting the civil war at hand organizing areas beyond the area of control to help gain Christian allies as they begin to kill Muslim forces. The civil war is far from over (they expanded this turn due to Castile forming them.) The Kingdom is formed in a relatively common way as the Muslims are currently being fought as what is deemed "hispanic tradition."  The Kingdom itself is relatively successful in fighting the Muslims in its general locale and has secure its main territory just offset from Gibraltar relatively easily. The Prince of Granada is a Castilian noble named Juan Cortez who is extremely biased against Muslims due to his father's death in the original war against Morocco over Gibraltar. Many of the Muslims within the new kingdom's borders are put to the sword and periodic raids and support parties are sent out to help Christian forces fight in the disorganized lands. The country also begins a relatively large buildup of the road system repairing it from damage from the civil war. The countries armed forces also begin to fight the remaining Muslims in the mountains and begin the force conversion of the remaining Muslims in Granada.
    • Kingdom of the Canaries: The Canaries are able to build upon the multiple viable settlements and a moderately sized and growing population. The Canaries, finally completely covering the islands, begins to send moderately sized fleets that are resupplied from the islands and from Castile to continually explore the area. The Canaries help supply settlers and fleets moving to Capo Verde and Western Africa.
    • Kingdom of Cyprus: The King of Cyprus is now King Alexander of Cyprus. The King of Cyprus begins to see Castilian culture not as a dominant force but a possible blendable culture that can fit well within Cypriot society. The economy and military of the country is built up as is the infrastructure with a nice road system being built throughout the country. Cyprus gaining large funds from being a Castilian trade hub, begins building a few ships domestically, and purchases ships from Castile, or her allies shipwrights forming a respectable Cypriot navy of almost 90 ships with expected expansion to come. This expansion has been achieved specifically thanks to huge amounts of outsourcing to private shipwrights. Cyprus begins to see an exodus of the Knights Hospitaller West to Castile and her territories and King Matthias begins a larger recruitment for the military managing to raise a force of nearly 10,000. This force is largely funded through the large trade Cyprus has gathered. The troops are styled after Castile's royal army and Cyprus embarks on an intense training program in order to bring them up to standards. The Knights, with many departing also have many older and other knights stay due to their close ties with Cyprus. They remain to run the Knights Hospitaller in Cyprus for the foreseeable future while a large number have migrated across the sea. King Matthias is killed in religious riots in Cyprus leaving his highly capable son in charge. King Fernando manages to continue to hold Cyprus for his mother nation of Castile and has successfully seen the minor and moderate blending of culture in the area.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The less fortunate and disenfranchised are converted. The Kingdom itself is a Christian kingdom with a similar situation of early Castile and Aragon, with large numbers of Muslims and a small number of Christians. However, the Christian community in Morocco is expanded in thanks to the influx of traders and settlers from Castile and some other immigrants looking for an opportunity to live a new life here. The Kingdom establishes its capital in Casablanca and with this, begins a major point of establishing a major military presence in the area.  The infrastructure, particularly in dealing with transport and water, is expanded to accommodate more people but the only people allowed to settle are Christians - particularly from Hispania. A notable number of Castilians settle the area. While Christians remain the minority the kingdom of Morocco sets up various churches and allows preachers to roam around and convert people. The Kingdom begins to push toward integration of the city of Tangiers into the kingdom. This would give the Kingdom two important cities. Heavy taxes are imposed on Muslim traders in order to facilitate conversions to Christianity while lower more friendly taxes are given to Christian merchants. The leader of Morocco styled a king, out of respect deducts himself in rank to Prince of Morocco as the throne is only to be held by the King of Castile himself if it's ever required. The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continue to expand with greater trade coming from Castile and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom's army proper raised by immigrant Christians now numbers about 7000 itself and is expected to grow. The Kingdom of Morocco begins to take control of territory in  the interior of Morocco proper following the Castilian and English forces and securing the areas (this territory is being integrated into the kingdom of Morocco). The population of Morocco is an estimated 420,000 currently with an increasing number of people settling in the country. The city of Fez begins to rebuilt as the Holy City of Calne-Vicuna for the Consuete (Western) Church.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, Portuguese traders continue visiting the Castilian settlements in the Canaries. Meanwhile, wheat continues to be cultivated in Leiname. By this time, the colony in Leiname starts to export wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, some Portuguese explorers start to follow the Castilian example and start to explore the African coast. São Miguel and Santa Maria continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the colony of Açores expands 600 sq km into the two recently-discovered islands, with settling starting there.
  • Hamburg-Mecklenburg: with the new access to the the ports of Mecklenburg, profits increase for Hamburg. At this point, there is virtually zero Hamburger traffic through the Øresund, and Hamburg continues to offer their cheaper services to other Baltic nations. The Bishop of Magdeburg finally agrees to Hamburgs petitions, and becomes a vassal to it. With the economy improving, more funding is put into the military, with orders for 60 new ships for the HMDF. The economy also allows the southerly voyage to be moved up the 1463.
  • Mayan Empire: We continue to rebuild from the wars, and expand 10 px mi south. Economic development begins. 
  • The Koryak Confederacy begins to rebuild its military in response to the bloody Siberian Adventure. More reindeer and camel cavalry are trained, while the infantry are largely retrained as mounted troopers. By the end of the year the re-organized military numbers eight uhlans of 1000 men each. The navy benefits also, as the number of panokseon riverboats is increased to protect the trade along the Lena. In order to prevent another such costly fiasco, trade links with southern Siberia are expanded. Infrastructure, including roads and docks, is constructed along the Kolmya River and at the Lena's delta. Traders come south along the river with boatloads of goods. In order to deepen links with the reticent tribes, trade pacts are offered to the Nenets, Yenisei and Tatars. the Tatars, as the most powerful group, are also offered a military alliance. (Mod Response, Please - this isn't ASB, the Siberian rivers were used as trade routes for centuries).
    • ​Chukchis: Improve its military by constructing more ships.
    • East Yakuts: Expand 2000 km west. 
    • Free City of Ustokut: As trade with the southern Siberian tribes increases in volume, the city grows to a population of about 45,000, mainly Koryak merchants. A new curtain wall begins construction, as well as Shinto temples. Priests start to try to convert some of the tribes.
    • Mod Response: All three accept the trade pacts. The Tartars respectfully decline the alliance for now. 
    • Ashikaga Dip: The Shogun gladly sends more priests to the Confederacy, along with Shinto texts such as the Rikkokushi and Kojiki chronicles. The Chieftans are also encouraged to allow Shinto in the Confederacy to come under the control of the newly created Ashikaga religious hierachy of administrators and clerics, letting the religion become centralised and gain more influence. 
    • Koryak Confederacy: They agree.
  • County of Oldenburg: Count Frederick gives the Bank of Hamburg an official comital dispensation to operate within Oldenburg, its vassals and colonies. The Jade Bank is not particularly pleased by the newcomers, and as a result begin to lend money on very risky investments, whilst also offering good rates on low-risk investments. The OHG puts money into all three banks, effectively hedging its bets. That same company continues operating in the Arctic. Ships begin sailing farther west than Dietrichdorf, in search of new whaling, sealing, walrusing and auking grounds. The catch in the normal catching area remains good, though with large numbers of grey whales being caught and processsed off Neu Baltrum and Dietrichdorf. Two OHG ships take the Southern Route, trading with Venice and the Iberian nations. Count Frederick asks Albion for closer trading ties. In Neu Baltrum, the community welcomes the addition of two more intrepid settler families, as well as their sheep and goats. The two new families set up a small hamlet a bit up the coast from Waldorf, which they name Neudorf. Meanwhile, the fisherman's wife, quite pleased with her husband's increased hauls, seems to have forgotten her ideological opposition to Jewish banking.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: Bishop Klemens continues pushing for the "nationalisation" of all manorial lands, yet is met with strong opposition, despite offering to pay very decent prices for the land. Angered, the bishop begins turning to other means of achieving what he sees as God's will. He pays special attention to the Order of the Seraphim, ensuring that the military order be equipped with the very best weaponry (as well as the very best spiritual education). 
  • France: Military and economy are built up. While this, the Navy expands. Brittany officially enters the French influence sphere. In Armagnac a few officers loyal to France give up on rebels siding with the recently known Foix threat. The ambassador of Foix is captured and the alleged secret agent is decapitated. A blockade continues to be exerted at Foix. Aragon (my bad) and Castile are asked to follow the same actions. The ambassador is revealed to be still alive although being held prisoner by the French. While this, Foix is warned that any further meddling in Armagnac will result in a war. While this, several soldiers capture raiders from Foix executing them in public and several French citizens initiating their own raidings in the border with Foix. We begin the vassalization of Basel and Switzerland (if Daese remains AFK LOL)
    • Burgundy: Military and navy are built up, economy expands.
    • Brittany: Military and navy are built up, economy expands.
    • Berry: Military and economy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Verdun: Military and economy are built up.
    • Armagnac: Military and economy are built up. 
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
  • Bengal Sultanate: The decrease in taxes on the landed elite does its job in most areas of the Sultanate, decreasing the tax load on the peasantry and earning him their support. The tax cuts on the merchant class allow for more trade to be conducted, and a recent lax on some of the quota laws allows for more goods to be shipped from Bengal, greatly increasing trade income. Trade with the state of Ava continues, with influence being placed through trade on Ava. Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Koch, Ahom and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their nations. Most all trade roads begin to see much-needed maintenance. The merchants that continually travel between Kohm, Aoch and Ava continue to allow for some of the populations of those nations to continue to convert to Islam. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems and epics continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. Work continues on improving the hand cannon design. Work nears completion as the scientific foundation for the success of a smaller hand cannon is laid out, advocating that an explosion in a confined area will propel an object to immense speeds. The Sultan begins to send forth state-sponsored traders into Ava and the former lands of Arakan, with tales of success for Islamic farmers and traders that overshadows anything done by Hindu or Buddhist farmers or traders. Extensive trade continues across the Indian Ocean and the Orient. War continues against the Mughal Empire. Due to the continued success of the combined might of the Indian states, the most powerful and contributing nations on the Indian side send envoys to the Mughal Emperor, offering to create a peace treaty to end the war.
    • Emirate of Andamana: Mansoor Basil Amirmoez continues to reclaim land on the island to make room for farms, and to have timber for building both boats and houses. The Emirate expands another 500 km into the island. The ships built by the timber from the island help contribute to Bengali trade. Continues working on economy and infrastructure. 
    • Rajya of Orissa: Unlike the other vassals of the Bengali Sultanate, Bhandudeva IV is kept farther away from the daily politics of controlling Orissa, relying mainly on Islamic advisors sent directly by the Bengal Sultan. The advisors quickly persuade Bhandudeva IV to allow the Muslim settlers in the northern part of the Rajya to hold land south of the previously agreed living space. Continues working on military and infrastructure. Bhandudeva IV passes away, and the advisors vote in a Hindu successor, named Kapilendra Deva.
    • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The Swargadeo (King) of Ahom declares himself to be King of Assam, also called Kamarupa in this time since he now controls his grandson's lands which were the Maharaja of Koch.
      • Bengali Diplomacy: We agree to the trade treaty between Ayutthaya and our own nation, excited for the prospect of increased trade in the Orient with such a powerful state. 
    • Mughal Diplomacy: The envoys are greeted and discussions about a peace treaty are beginning.
  • Aztec Empire: Emperor Montezuma II [41] begins to grow ambitious. He wants to finish the bulk of the mining in the next ten years. Centralization is continued throughout the empire, as it is now greatly unified, with many Aztec-mix ethnicities. The military is expanded with the surplus of minerals and metals being turned into war machines and military weaponry. Cuachtemoc [31] expands the barracks in Tenochtitlan, allowing more housing for soldiers. Hospitals, schools, wells, canals, roads, bridges, and aqueducts are at large throughout the land as they become more of use supporting the 4.2 million people living within the Aztec Empire. The Zapotec-Aztec alliance has withered away, as the Zapotec have continued to ignore the Aztecs and not support them in trade rights and construction plans. Tezcacoatl [seven] travels with Cuachtemoc to Tenochtitlan, as Icnoyotl [26] stays behind at home in Cihuatlan with the other three children: Toltecatl, the newborn son, Xochitl [one], and Quatzecoatl [three]. Emperor Montezuma II orders for even more refortifications of the stronghold-city in the north, Xilopolco. The emperor would like to declare that the Zapotec Alliance is not an enemy, but they should express more good intentions with their powerful neighbor as the 30-year long alliance has remained strong. The navy is minimally expanded - as well as the fishing ships.
  • Majapahit: After a long period of peaceful expansion under Wikramawadhana, the beloved emperor dies. He is succeeded by his eldest son, Karsagathida. He is 23 years old. The military hasn't been used in two decades and Karsagathida begins a series of reforms making a professional military. Influence on Selebar begins. We ask an alliance with them and to make this deal more appealing we offer them the recipe for black powder if they accept (Mod response, please). Merchants have great influence in the royal court and the emperor is a friend of theirs ...
  • Ashikaga Shogunate: Worship of Shinto in shrines and temples is further centralised, with most priests giving up donations to the state. The few that don't are intimidated into falling into line, with a number of shrines vandalised by government sponsored vandals. The Shogun sends emissaries to the Emperor, offering to style him as the leader of Shintoism in Japan in return for the small state under Imperial control to be ceded to the Ashikaga. The Shogun points out that this would give the Emperor real power and status rather than his current role as a powerless figurehead. Mod response, please.
  • The Nation of the Oirats: Cement and iron increase in production. Iron weapons are now majorly used. As we increase in population, we slowly target our expansion northward. We expand 50 px to the North. We continue to develop our firearms. We continue to study the printing press and make more of it. We buy more books from China.  We continue making more muskets. We now have 10,000 primitive musketeers. We begin building up our miltary and create even tougher practices. We battle the Mongols tiringly.
    • Oirat D to Jochid Ulus: We ask to divide Siberia between the Lena River.
    • The Jochid Ulus agrees to this division of Siberia with the Oirats.
  • Chiribaya We expand 50 km northwest.
    • Cuzco Dip: We prepouse Tawantinsuyu to the Chiribaya, which would unite our nations (Confederacy style, we would remain independent for the most part. If interested, discuss on my talk page)
    • Chiribaya Dip We accept Cuzco's offer to join Tawantinsuyu.
  • Kingdom of Italy: King Charles I continues the reforms of his father, and improves the economy and the military. Continues the construction and improvement of shipyards and production of new boats to combat in the Mediterranean. Territorial defense continues being built based on border forts. Relations with the Byzantine Empire continue strong. The Naval Academy in Taranto continues the technological research with Venice. The King continue to give new impetus to the culture within the kingdom and its vassal states, in art, science, etc. The reconstruction of the south part of Italy continue, will take about one year to restore the ports and cities.
    • Kingdom of Sicily: King Peter III sends aid to rebuild damaged cities and ports in southern Italy. Meanwhile, the army continue the process of assimilation of Italian tactics that spread through the Mediterranean, promoting the use of early firearms. The economy of the island is mostly cereal crops. Thanks to Italian support the exploitation of olives and wine grapes continues. 
    • Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Improves the economy and the military. The economic prosperity of the previous years is accented with commercial junction providing by Italy and Genoa, and the city of Florence is the commercial nexus among all the Italian states. Frederick I helps promote economic prosperity, gives incentives to help manufacturing output grow, and improve access roads to make the trade more fluid and profitable. The army is formed to the image of the Italian army, with gradual use of new firearms that become quite popular. Frederick I became a great patron and the Tuscan nobles follow this particular policy. The artists, protected and maintained by the nobles and bourgeois rising, unleash their creativity. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Duchy of Genoa: Improves the economy and the military. The Duchy of Genoa continues trading from the Black Sea to the Straits of Gibraltar, using new models of ships with cargo holds of more spacious and allow greater profit. With the help of Italian military fleet, try to force richest commercial rights in Tunisian ports. In Genoa the boom in production of luxury items continue. The pressure of the Genoese traders in Tunis is growing, and combined with the presence of Christian missionaries, who at the same time serve commercial spies; is accomplished the capture of a lot of exotic products that are not easy to get due to the conflicts and trade barriers in the Near East, and the axis between Tunis and Genoa is strengthened. The Genoese economy restarts its golden age. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Duchy of Ferrara: Improves the economy and the military. The paper industry is forging ahead, and also the making of looms, making this duchy in one of the most productive in northern Italy. Duke Niccolo I continue the loyal service to Italy. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Duchy of Corsica: Improves the economy and the military. The exploitation of salt mines and silver continues. In the same way, the vine crops increase in extension and quality, and the manufacture of wine each year improves in quality and quantity, and is recognized as the best European wine. On the island of Corsica a boom of mercenaries continues. The Italian army started recruiting many Corsicans, making them a legend in terms of ferocity and skill in the skirmishes and battles. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Marquisate of Modena: Improves the economy and the military. Niccolo is dedicated to art and culture, encouraging painters, sculptors and architects that embellish this little Marquisate, leading Italian opulence to a new levelMarquis Niccolo I continues the loyal service to Italy. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Principality of Zeta: Improves the economy and the military. Dairy cattle production increases, and in the same way the manufacture of better quality cheese, they continue to be exported to Italy, Hungary and Byzantium. The Prince Giovanni I continues the cultural boom. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy. 
    • Vatican City: Pope Benedict XV continue the campaign of evangelization in the lands of the Balkans. Missionaries continue to working in North Africa, especially in Tunisia, where they try to recover the core of Christians. The Pope like his predecessor condemns all those who come to the false churches that are being created in Europe. The Pope in his speeches also continues condemning the current lack of security of pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land, which the Christian nations have a priority to recover these places and they are missing to the will of God. The nephew of Pope Callistus III, Rodrigo Borgia continue his ascent in the Roman curia.
    • Order of the Knights of Malta: The Grand Master of the Order Piero Raimondo Camelot, uses his fleet of ten ships to patrol the central Mediterranean, also helping needy Christians. Military elements are improved, and the economy is maintained by the Italian and Sicilian support.
    • County of Provence: The reform of the administration continues, adapting the Italian model which has had so much success. Improves economy through trade and manufacturing cloth. The military camp is also improved, adding new equipment and Italian military ideas. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Duchy of Anjou: As in Provence, the Duchy transformation is performed. The economy and military improve. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Alencon: The economy and military improve. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Narbonne: The economy and military improve. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Vendome: The economy and military improve. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
  • Caucasian Confederation: Negotiations between Georgia, Armenia, and Assyria to find an acceptable compromise on domestic affairs continue this year; no substantial results have yet been achieved. The Confederation also continues supplying the Coptic, Ethiopian, and Assyrian rebel movements, in the hopes that these Christian nations can achieve their independence. Additionally, the Georgians send emissaries to the Coptic Pope, the head of the Assyrian Church of the East, and the head of the Nestorian Church, seeking to convene an ecumenical conference at the Bolnisi Sioni to reunite the Oriental Christian Churches. (Mod response needed!)
    • Kingdom of Georgia: As the Georgian navy continues to expand, with some eighty-five galleys on patrol in the Black Sea, commerce grows due to the suppression of piracy and the large number of available transport ships. The Georgian economy expands as a result.
    • Kingdom of Armenia: The continued spread of the zolotnik spurs further growth in the streets of Yerevan, and the first signs of a genuine bureaucracy appear. This organization, primarily staffed by former Coptic refugees, helps resolve disputes between Armenian merchants, stabilizing the nation's business climate and expanding the Armenian economy.
    • Grand Principality of Assyria: The integration of the Urmian Assyrians expands the manpower resources available to the Assyrian army, expanding Assyrian military potential. These new citizens are formed into a reserve mesame, increasing Assyria's total military strength to 12000. Additionally, Assyrian forces begin moving into the disorganized area of northern Mesopotamia, securing 1150 sq km of territory in the Tigris floodplains north of Mosul.
    • Principality of Rani: With tensions along the Azeri border increasing, Tavadi Zurab orders guards to be posted outside all licensed mosques to monitor dissent - and organizes suppression expeditions of 'unlicensed' mosques. This security measure improves Ranite military readiness, and the growth of trained guards raises Ranite military strength to 4500. However, Azeri conversion temporarily stalls as outrage over the new restrictions hampers evangelization.
    • Principality of Amier-Kavkasia: The return of Amier-Kavkasia's first Ossetian and Avar officers to the Principality prompts an upsurge in Kavkasian discipline; the 'new breed' of field officers can easily communicate with the largely native-speaking sergeants. As a result, Kavkasian military potential grows, and its overall force size rises to 4500 (3000 regulars, 1500 irregulars).
  • Mansuriyyan Caliphate: Pleased by the Ottoman acceptence of their economic and non-aggression treaty, the Caliphate seeks to improve relations with the Persians. A diplomatic convoy is sent to the Persians to ask for a non-aggression pact and possibly an economic treaty to promote mutual growth in Islam. The economy continues to grow, bolstered by increased trade with the Ottomans. Scouting parties are sent out to the north-west, exploring the other half of Mesopotamia and making contact with the Kurdish people. Baghdad continues to be renovated, and people are encouraged to move to the city. Fatih hopes that it will again become the economic, military and academic center of the Middle East. Meanwhile, a census is taken. Througout six-months, the population is counted, and estimated to be about 2.5 million. Determined to become larger in both population and territory, a new expansion program is set up where families can receive financial compensation for every baby they have after their first two. The results become clear when the growth rate jumps from 1.5% to a staggering 3.3% within the first 12 months. The Black Riders continue to roam around the desert, subjugating the villages and keeping the people in line. However, they are under explicit orders not to use deadly force unless absolutely necessary, a command made by Fatih himself.
  • Eire: We rejoice when Thomond and later other Irish states lay down arms and join us, and 55 years after King Thomas' fateful dream, Eire becomes fully united, save the city of Dublin, which remains independent and remaining so for the forseeable future. Celebrations occur in towns across Eire, and the King and his entourage tours Eire, with the help of the new road system. We begin expanding roads to newly-acquired regions in Eire, hoping to connect all major towns, and spread new Irish ideals such as Occidentalism (Western Catholicism) and pro-Albionism. Stabilization after years of expansion continues, with many soldiers in the military for years during Eire's fighting begin to settle down, and the navy continues to be built up. Cork and Ballydrogheda undergo a renaissance, as the unification of Ireland allows for the ability to export products from all across the Isle. As such, trade increases. the King begins to modernize the military forces, with the eventual forces consisting of a main line of pikemen, Gaelic skirmishers on the flanks, crossbowmen behind the skirmishers, and the cavalry behind all. Wool begins to become a more popular farm product, with a few people living in the towns beginning to manufacture cloth in small quantities.
    • Leinster: Celebrations go off as the Isle is united. Leinster, however, remains a vassal state, a member of the Confederation of Eire and Albion, but not of Eire proper, and is granted special status in autonomy from Eire. Roads expand in Leinster, tying it fully with the rest of Eire. (Inf-turn)
  • Mughal Empire: The war carries on, with casualties on both sides. The Emperor ensures the safety of nobles from Jaunpur and Bahmani.
    • Southern Chagatai Khanate: The Chagatai Khan marches into battle with his troops and during a lost battle, after riding on his horse for hours, the horse, tired, rapidly stops. This causes the Khan to fall from his horse. The horse, startled by the event accidently tramples on the Khan, especially in his lower areas. The Khan heads to Babur's court later that day after receiving "medical" assistance.
  • Venetian Republic:
    • Books on various topics spread from Venice throughout Europe, continuing the Renaissance. Printed in the Venetian language, they teach of the sciences and humanities and revive learning, spreading knowledge (as well as the language) far and wide..
    • With the increased supply of Ducats, the fluidity of European trade increases with Ducat using nations benefiting most.
    • Many people sentenced to death are drowned in the canals as is the Venetian tradition. The tradition is becoming the primary way to execute criminals and is spreading to the Venetian territories across Europe.
    • Fine wool and silk clothing from Titani is exported across the Mediterranean and Black Sea and begins to set the trend in Renaissance clothing.
    • Venetian trade reaches across the known world. Merchant ships carry salt, silks, glass and a collection of other goods, both common and rare. Venetian traders are the largest carriers of trade in Europe, with the thousands of ships and a trading tradition continuing to fuel this.
    • The Roscol Bank uses local subsidiaries all across Europe to fund trade, with a leaning toward funding trade with Venice. They also fund enterprises across the continent, boosting the economies of the nations which they inhabit. The Roscol Bank invests conservatively. While this doesn't bring in as much wealth as other nations' banking, such as the Dutch, it results in a much more robust level of equity.
    • Due to the stability of business and protection afforded to private enterprise in Venice, many merchants set up shop in the city despite being foreign, utilising the Venetian law to protect their businesses. Criminals and a less divided merchant class mean prosperity for all those involved with Venetian business in some way.
    • In Veneto the Venetian economy grows.
    • Eco-turn
  • Epirote Republic:
    • In Epirus many die from drought. However, they are by and large the isolated members of society. Epirus builds its military.
    • Mil-turn
  • Venetian Empire:
    • In the Province of Aegina the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Free Port of Athens the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Province of Candia the military grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Corfiot Protectorate the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Kaffa the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Naxian Protectorate the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Negroponte the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Free Port of Ragusa the economy grows. Eco-turn
  • Sanafah continues its rise among the other Malagasy powers as Tiavina Ralofoaro inherits the chiefdom of Sakalava, after having been the officially recognized Chief of the Northern Sakalava. He unites the title to be Chief of the Sakalava. The old chief, Tiavina's uncle, died in early March due to his illness and old age. With the personal union in place, Tiavina begins to focus on bringing the western Sakalava people up to the standards of Sanafah in order to promote integration of the people. The Chiefdom of Sakalava then goes on to expand 2500 sq km (or 50 pixels) into Mahafaly. With one-half of the nation stabilized and forcibly annexed, the Chieftain relies on the former Chief's great relations and promises to bring Mahafaly up to the standards of even the great rumored Arabic and Chinese kingdoms. Meanwhile, on Dina Morgabin, the colony continues to do extremely well. The colony expands 1000 sq km, or one-third of the uninhabited island. Plans to settle Dina Arobi are alse made, but the Council holds off until Dina Morgabin is fully inhabited. Infrastructure development continues. Tiavina's son, 16 years old today, is married to the eldest princess of Betsileo, the only other organized kingdom on the island. Trade continues to draw more and more revenue, and population rates go up as the standard of living increases. Vassalization of Sofala begins, and a couple of marriage solidfy good relations. The Malagasy language and the Swahili language begin to intermingle, and most traders in the Kingdom know both languages. Emir Amaar Rahasan continues to prepare to lead a small war into the Merina Kingdom, and solidifies alliances with the Comoros, the Betsileo, Mozambique, and the Sofala Emirates to secure their support in the war. Slash and burn tactics begin slowly to clear land for the expanding population. More large trade expeditions are sent to Swahili, Sumal, and Iritriya to continue good relations. The economy grows.
  • Betsileo, not wanting to fall behind Sanafah, decides that it too must begin to modernize and become the best state in central Madagascar. It also expands into the state to its northwest (Sihanaka), by 2500 sq km. (This is one-sixth of the state). Betsileo also begins to vassalize Bezanozano. Meanwhile, the Comoros expand into the Aldabra Atoll and the Seychelles. They also begin to look to mainland Africa as a possible site for future expansion.
  • Ayutthaya continues to send trade delegations to Padang and Kedah. The new laws passed in the previous year begin to have effect, and militias from the nations are significantly boosted and lesser costs. We thank Bengal for their trade treaty, and immedately commission new fleets to defend the trade routes. The result is a massive economic boost, making Ayutthaya one of the richest nations in Asia, the centerpoint for trade with China (It already was, kind of ...) As a result of the central government's pro-trade treaties, our economies expand significantly, with trading cities growing in size and population. The King passes a new law, secretly naming his heir to prevent succession disputes after his death. The Buddhist population undergoes a large growth after the arrival of a new, prominent band of missionaries from China. As a result of this, apart other things, our relations with China (hopefully) continue to improve. The technology of the navy expands as new ships are built to carry trade and influence throughout South East Asia. The King begins a new process of renovation on the Capital, expanding it, building new levels of walls around it, and repairing older buildings. The population of the city, partly as a result of this, increases by almost five thousand people in this time. The banking industry is strengthened throughout the nation after the government offers loans to all banks with holdings over the equivalent worth of one ton of gold. The Tai peoples of nearby nations aid us in our quest for peace and prosperity over the region. The population begins to increase. The central army - small as it is - continues year round training, while the forced standing armies of all the principalities begin to pay off, culling any and all possible rebellions before they take place. We seek peace with the Khmer, and again offer a marriage.
  • Bavand Shahdom: The Shah continues his current policies in the realm and continues to expand the military. He continues to fund arts and literature, and his interest in Zoroastrian literature continues. He also continues to fund trade in the region. The Shah also sends an offer of alliance and a trade pact to the Mansuriyyan Caliphate.
  • '​'Hungary and all its vassals and puppet states expand militarily and economically. Poland expands its armed forces too, increasing the strength of its troops by focusing on the training of more knights to fight for the nation. Sigismund begins to bring order to all parts of his realm. Resources for the construction of the ports are allocated too, and the construction continues.
  • Hesse: We open the Bank Of Hesse. We order a painting done of Ludwig II. The Royal Family moves into their new palace as it is completed. We begin manufacturing pianos. The first one goes to the Hessian Palace. harpsichords and clavierchords. A harpsichord goes to the Hessian palace. The hill away from Ludwigsburg where the Palace is located is named Silberberg. Harpsichords and clavierchords are ordered to be shipped to our trading partners. Production of Hessows ceases. We manage to receive the printing press. We begin producing some. The first thing we print on the printing press is the Ludwigism Principles. We begin re-vassalizing receive back Berg and Munster. We continue to improve the economy.
    • A bit too early for pianos. Harpsichords or clavierchords would be okay, though. Callumthered (talk)
    • Sorry, I read somewhere pianos were invented in 1400. Blocky858 (talk) 07:33, April 4, 2014 (UTC)
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to integrate its new territories back into the nation, although by this point they are firmly once again part of the Roman system of law and governance. The military continues to improve itself, and the new cavalry units trained in Thessaly are now being used throughout the Empire. The matchlock guns continue to be replicated and produced, and by this point a fair number of them are in use by the military. The economy has an interesting year, with expanded trade from the Black Sea and Thessalonica increasing revenue, yet the collapse of the Mashriq Sultanate and the difficult situation regarding the Silk Road forces the Roman government to reconsider its economic options. The Roman government begins to move its economic activities toward the western part of the Mediterranean in order to connect better with the rest of Europe. Trade routes already exist to Barcelona, Valencia and Genoa, and to further the economic progress in the area, new routes are opened up to Melitta, Marseilles and Syracuse, along with other more minor routes.
    • Albania: The main castle at Kukes has completed construction and most of the roads in the nation have as well. The national military continues to be trained and a few small numbers of matchlock guns enter the army thanks to trade with the Roman Empire. More and more Albanians enter the nation from the surrounding Italian-controlled areas.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Landshut expands its military. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Jacqueline and her council continue to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished, and by 1461 a trade route is put in place. Such important places in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1461, Jacqueline commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The planned market center in Landshut continues to attract regional traders. In religious news, the country begins converting to the Western Netherlander church. By the end of this year, around 74% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. Jacqueline continues efforts to implement Sedevacantist policies in the government, being much more religious than her father. Furthermore, Jacqueline also arranges the Roscol Bank access to Landshut to do trading. The Venetian merchants take an interest in government bonds. In other news, former Grand Duchess Regent Elisabeth is expelled from Bavaria by the beginning of the year. Simultaneously, the economic situation continues to worsen despite small tax reforms. Opinion of Jacqueline drops sharply as the depression bounds itself to the Bavarian social classes. Rumors begin to persist of her alienating herself from all public life and becoming a recluse within Trausnitz. The movement to free Eleanor and install her upon the throne grows rapidly, with many forces meeting in Ingolstadt to decide the future of the movement. They decide quickly, and in August attempt to free Eleanor from prison. They succeed, and transport her under the moonlight from Hof Castle to Ingolstadt on August 21. Letter is sent to the exiled Robert of Italy, detailing the news and the success of a plan he funded. On August 23, Eleanor makes her claim of the Grand Duchy of Bavaria. Ingolstadt joins her call, as well as Wurzburg, both areas hostile to Jacqueline's rule. Jacqueline responds by labelling Eleanor as a traitor and declares war on her. A force of about 9000 men are then levied in Landshut and Straubing, being the center of Jacqueline's power. Areas neutral or prone to rebel include Nurnburg, Munchem. and Burgau.
    • Munchen: The main campus of Queen Isabell University is completed and the beginning courses include French, Latin, English, and Greek as well as theology, clergy training and mathematics being taught. By 1460, the total class amounts to about 2700 men. Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed in Munchen as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders. In recent news, unemployment begins to rise in the wake of tax disasters following Jacqueline's embarrassing, confusing policies.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed in Straubing as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Ingolstadt joins Eleanor's call to war and levies about 4000 men to fight for her.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders. 
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders.
    • Wurzburg: Wurzburg allies with Eleanor and levies 5,500 men to fight for her.
  • Things more or less return to normal across the Jochid Ulus. The economy once again begins to experience growth, as the population of both the Yamal and the Volga basin once again begins to grow. The territories recently annexed continue to be emptied of Russians, with Mordvins from the Jochid Ulus and other Volga Finns from Muscovy moving into these areas. Meschera becomes popular in Temnikav, a recently annexed area, the former homeland of the Meschschera state. Once again, the impetus to go eastward begin. The northernmost strip of land expands 3500 sq km eastward, continuing the traditional practice of settling down joint Nenets and other villages. This time, it is the resettled Ukrainians that do most of the labour. The combination of the Ruthenian Christian practices and the Nenets shamanistic ones mean that they soon find a compromise in their faiths, as some of both sides are converted; this compromise is rather close to the Mastorava, and indeed, it is the Metropolitan-Shaman who they swear authority to. In the East, Mastoravic Tatars begin to colonise, spreading 1500 sq km northward into Mansi lands just west of the Oirat expansion. Mastoravic priests are sent to both the Oirat and these areas. A diplomat is sent to the Oirats, asking to split Siberia between them and the Jochids, with the Oirats getting all the land to the east, toward China, and the Jochids being granted everything to the north of Lake Baikal. Speaking of the Mastorava, it continues to spread across the nation. It is also brought into the Azovan Khanate, where people are still encouraged to swear loyalty to the Metropolitan-Shaman in Bolghar in the name of Chernobog, and where increasingly more conversions happen. The Khanate of Azov continues to be influenced religoulsy, as well as culturally. The long work of influencing the Chagatay finally pays off, as the northwesternmost edge, centred on the cities of Almaty and Bishkek, breaks from the rest of the nation. A pro-Jochid Kazakh Khanate is formed in this area. Prince Arslan spends time in New Mosul, between Assyrians and Volga Russians. He strengthens his popularity amongst those in the reform movements and the Christians. These reformists call for the adoption of the Permic ruble as the official currency of the nation.
    • Great Perm extends its trade influence amongst the Volga basin, with the region once again gaining trade importance. Many merchants trade across Europe, acting as a middle man in trade between the Baltic and Black Sea areas. The power of merchants increases, as Duke Stephen II agrees to expand their powers. The ruble continues to be expanded upon; by the end of the year, many merchants begin to do their nternational business in rubles rather than the banned zolotnik or the ducat. This expands Perm's influence. While content with the annexed territories, the Permians continue to teach Komi to the populations in the Novgorod Republic. Vepsian is also taught to the far west, in Lake Ladoga.
    • Adyghea's economy expands. Trade blooms, as the ruble is officially adopted. This allows a fixed amount of gains and little inflation (as the ruble is pegged to the ducat); this allows the Adyghe economy to swell rapidly. More people flock to the cities, while the fields' agricultural produce increases.
    • the Kazakh Khanate attempts to begin stabilisation of the northwestern breakaway parts of the Chagatay nation that composes the Khanate. Several groups attempt to gain the patronage of the Ulus. Foremost amongst them are a Manghit sub-branch located in Almaty, which wishes to establish control over a centralised, Mastoravic Khanate. However, other groups also swearing fealty to the Jochid Khan also rise. The Khanate is split into several warlords, all officially recognising the rulership of the Khan of Almaty, but de facto looking for power for themselves.
  • Cahokia: Rektaw is somewhat dissatisfied in the current image of Cahokia as a nation back on its feet post anarchy. He feels that it is time to move on to a new phase of Cahokian history, one of great strength and wonder. Indulging in his personal knack for design and architecture, he starts to personally draw up plans for a new palace: a massive mound structure to be seen for miles. Other than new ambition, it's business as usual for the Cahokians. MSC has had its second year of full capcity enrollment and is looking to open a new school in Etowah. Due to budget mis-allocation, the census has been delayed until 1462. The WWMP is on schedule for 1470. Farming expands significantly.
    • West Moundville (Vassal of Cahokia): Trade with the Aztec people is consistent. Now effectively established as trading partners, we request cocoa beans in exchange for Nac Scout Armor. WM expands its growing fishing industry. Now that the Aztec have been established as allies, several Nac regiments shift to the west to prep for inland expansion as the growing population requires more space.
    • East Moundville (Vassal of Cahokia): EM requests to Parkin for Nac scouting parties to push into the panhandle of OTL Florida to figure out what remnants of Cahokia remain and what tribes have established themselves. Local government is now stable and well established. The mouth of the Mississippi grows as EM - WM trading center as OTL New Orleans begins to form. EM leadership puts forward a motion to map (in minute detail) the entirety of the coastline for EM. They consider asking WM for permission to do the same.
    • Etowah (Vassal of Cahokia): Progress continues on the construction of Appawa (slated for completion in 1470). Etowan engineers recognize the mountains' freshwater supply and hope channel and shift those streams into a central canal in Appawa. Rektaw is pleased with this idea as it is engineering shift away from traditional Cahokian city design, design that once doomed the civilization to a sanitation disaster. This new addition to the project adds approximately five years to the project. Appawa is now slated for 1475 completion. Timber remains to be Etowah's main economic output.
    • Parkin (Vassal of Cahokia): Shifting assests as requested to WM, Parkin leadership members are anxious to establish the Nac Riders as a formidable fighting force to the Aztec in an attempt to prove there worth. Requests from central Cahokia are received to send domesticized bison with trainers and support staff to Cahokia and Appawa to possiblt expedite production and worker efficency.
  • Oyo Empire: Oyo continues its technological advancement with the University of Oyo-Ile pushing ahead with new technologies and ideas. The navy of Oyo is growing to a respectable size, with ten yanyan ships trading in the region. The development of navigation proceeds well, though the Oyo seek the aid of the Europeans in this regard despite their gains in that field of development.
  • Zapotec: Emperor Tlaco expands Danibaan's influence in the surrounding city-states by way of the Zapotec Alliance. Roadways connecting cities in the alliance help merchants and soldiers move more freely between them. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. In the coastal regions under Danibaan's influence, more boats are created. Tlaco orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Daibaan continues expanding into the surrounding city-states north along the gulf coast.
  • Milan: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. We upgrade infrastructure, as do our vassals. We acknowledge the Castilian claim to the throne of Aragon.


The Uzbeks conquer the city of Herat. With most of the area now under their control, they officially declare themselves the Khanate of Bukhara. They move on to seize Khwarezm from the Timurids.

Fijian tribes begin to grow in number. Some resort to trading with other Melanesian nations, and naval presence increases.

A Ming Dynasty Chinese military general stages a coup against the Emperor. His forces set fire to the eastern and western gates of the Imperial City after a day-long uprising. 

Cirencester Grammar School is founded in south-west England by the Bishop of Durham.

The Marrikuwuyanga “Empire”, after a period of isolation and consolidation, emerges and begins small-scale trading with the island nations to its north. They trade eucalyptus wood and oil for iron weapons. 

The Indian states having pushed out the Mughals for the most part convene to discuss their next course of action. Many of the Indian states in order to prevent later exploitation by foreign powers wish for the creation of the Indian council in order to keep peace on the continent

Over a decade of Christianization and friendly contact with Castile has led to the formation of a mall Christian kingdom on the coast of Kongo. (mil 5, econ 5, inf 5)

So, Kongo, a nation that has only been in contact with Castile for ten years, is allowed to Christianize, but Oyo, a nation that has had friendly relations with Castile for the last sixty years, is not? Kongo is primitive, backward and twice the distance away from Castile as Oyo. This is stupid. I'm sorry, but that's all I can say right now. It's stupid. ~Viva
10,000-30,000 people (if even that) forming a small primitive Christian kingdom is not the same as converting your semi-advanced nation of then three million people (now larger) to Christianity in 40 years. -Feud
I'll accept that. ~Viva

How about THAT KHMER-AYUTTHAYA MARRIAGE? Scan AND I have been requesting it for about five turns.

They Agree -Feud

  • Castile: The Castilian economy continues a larger process of pulling in more money through trade. The infrastructure of Castile is also expanded more. Castile, in order to facilitate more conversions to Christianity, imposes higher taxes on non-Christians in the areas it controls personally or by proxy through its vassals. Castile has successfully mapped large parts of the African coast south of Morocco and down as far as their trade posts in the Kongo these are kept secret.  The Castilian nobility begins to adapt toward a newer system to revamp or work on their power as they move toward becoming advisors to the king and less involved in their feudal estates which while growing have developed Guilds to facilitate payments for the efforts of the men working, The expert workmanship of many of these men has seen notable increase in productivity for each feudal state with most lords not complaining. The Kingdom's cities begin to be improved with better sanitation and the King hires architects to plan out a sewer system, as well as a true plan for multiple major cities. Castile begins a major process of researching the matchlocks acquired from the Netherlands  acquired and develops its own version which is used to replace the older weapons. which is finally finished. The construction of a new kind of warship with cannons is completed - a heavy warship much more powerful than most other ships of the time. The King notices the heavily increased productivity and income flow due to his hands off policy and non-interference and begins to allow artists, minstrels and other artistic and scientific minds to become more prevalent in Castile, many believe the Castilian Renaissance is imminent. Castile, due to its naval range, high income, extensive and dominant trade network, becomes one of the largest and most dynamic trade empires of the Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. The Castilian navy with its new heavy warships and some new updated designs for older ships organizes a heavy royal fleet phasing out past organizations. The Royal army of Castile has now almost wholly replaced the previous feudalistic military forces and has a size of nearly 50,000 and growing thanks in part to the good funding being provided by the king. In order to make up for lost power the King as behest of his new wife, and several of his friends who are nobles create a king's advisory council which officially has the power of the king in many matters if authorized. The men are also given station to criticize the king's actions to keep him from going crazy with power. The Knights Hospitaller are moved more into Castile with their professional fighting strength and religious zeal used to patrol the borders of Castile's Gibraltar province. The Knights are also given the authority to police the majority Christian Tangiers now, and effectively prevent many Muslims from coming over the border to wreak havoc. Castile's navy, now heavily funded and expanded greatly, reaches a large number of combat and tradeworthy ships and with its trade from Oyo, and various supply bases establishes military and trade dominance over the West African areas as well as its locality in the Mediterranean. The Castilian trade dominance in West Africa remains unbudged as Castile directly owns and has the majority of the gold and ivory trades coming out of West and North Africa. Castile's population reaches around 6.3 million and growing. (I have been focusing heavily on growth of population and have not been involved in nearly the number of destructive wars as OTL Castile has been). The Castilian Renaissance reaches its full swing with art and scientific advancement being allowed by the State as many of the religious fanatics and dissidents are fighting in Morocco, along with this, the highly respected middle and artisan classes are able to afford a much better living with various artists painting great works and with one even gaining an audience with the royal family for a painting. The Castilian navy reaches a large force of nearly 550 ships using the huge funding from Castile's conquests, trading and other situations to fund this navy. The technology of the Castilian navy is improved heavily as the king begins to focus more on the quality of his ships rather than the quantity which results in better quality ships (like an early carrack and my previously developed pre-galleon). The exploration continues just below the Kongo as the Castilian exploration parties manage to gather supplies from the Kongo's friendlier tribes. These exploratory parties have reached OTL southern Angola and a little bit farther south but supply constraints and lack of knowledge of the area prevents further progress. Castile begins sending missionaries to the Kongo to convert the friendlier tribes which is relatively successful. Castile continues to convert to the Western Church with the king and his royal family attempting to preach about the new church and its benefits to the common man and not keeping them in the dark. The Conversion to the Western/Consuete Church continues with a relative majority accepting following the issues with nobility.  The Castilian navy with new ships replacing the old ones begins military drills for preparedness and experience. Castile also now not having the troop strength to hold onto Tangiers anymore (due to the war) transfers control of the city and surrounding area to the kingdom of Morocco. With the independence of Alexandria sends major amounts of aid to the Christians in Alexandria and begins basing more ships in Cyprus to help support them. The King also has a child with his Aragonese wife named Elizabeta (Scraw didn't have a name. I had to make one up) named Ferdinand who is now two years old. The Castilian navy begins establishing multiple trade posts up and down the African coasts more for contact and conversions to Christianity rather than full blown trade in multiple areas. The Castilian king Henry IV funds an exploratory fleet down from Congo to map the area and identify areas suitable for a trade posts or resupply point with the expressed purpose of reaching India by the close of the Century. This objective is kept a secret from most everyone but the ships men and captains and the closest members of the Castilian court. The Castilian navy begins pushing the exploratory border to the southern tip of Angola and into northern Namibia and in order to effectively resupply creates some trade posts and resupply posts in the area. The issue with King Henry being a very problematic king is finally solved in which during a meeting of the king's council he demanded that any and all foreign merchants within Castile and its vassals were to be expelled or killed if they refused to. This causes an action in which King Henry not only attempts to outlaw the Consuete Church which most of the country and its vassals follow, but begin a purge of foreign merchants, Muslims, Jews and renaissance thinkers. This causes an action to be needed and Carlos with support from the king's council and most of the Castilian nobility takes command of the Royal Army while King Henry himself leads a much smaller army against his Half Brother. Carlos then states he will rule as regent for King Henry's son and will alow King Henry to live out his days in peace if he backs down. This is not done and the remaining disloyal nobles supporting the old church vestiges and King Henry are wiped out in a short but bloody battle in which Henry himself was killed. The Country takes the news well having heard of his attempts to outlaw their own religion and kill the many things that were making Castile prosperous. Carlos staying true to his word only rules Castile as a regent and begins to personally Educate his Nephew Ferdinand to prevent him from being like his father. His first order of business is to re-integrate the Kingdom of the Canaries into Castile proper. Castile requests larger scale trade with the new Kingdom of Kongo and ask to base ships there for exploratory purposes (Mod Please) The new young King Ferdinand is also announced to have claim to the Throne of Aragon as well as the throne of Castile
    • Kingdom of Granada: The economy, while moderate, is expanded. The Kingdom is formed in a relatively common way as the Muslims are currently being fought as what is deemed "hispanic tradition."  The Prince of Granada is a Castilian noble named Juan Cortez who is extremely biased against Muslims due to his father's death in the original war against Morocco over Gibraltar. The countries armed forces also begin to fight the remaining Muslims in the mountains and begin the force conversion of the remaining Muslims in Granada. Juan Cortez seeing the fallacy of supporting Henry throws his support behind Carlos and his plan. The Military is worked on just in case. The Prince of Granada Juan supports Ferdinand's claim to the throne of Aragon.
    • Kingdom of Cyprus: The King of Cyprus is now King Alexander of Cyprus. The King of Cyprus begins to see Castilian culture not as a dominant force but a possible blendable culture that can fit well within Cypriot society. The economy and military of the country is built up as is the infrastructure with a nice road system being built throughout the country. Cyprus gaining large funds from being a Castilian trade hub, begins building a few ships domestically, and purchases ships from Castile, or her allies shipwrights forming a respectable Cypriot navy of almost 90 ships with expected expansion to come. This expansion has been achieved specifically thanks to huge amounts of outsourcing to private shipwrights. Cyprus begins to see an exodus of the Knights Hospitaller west to Castile and her territories and King Matthias begins a larger recruitment for the military managing to raise a force of nearly 10,000. This force is largely funded through the large trade Cyprus has gathered. The troops are styled after Castile's royal army and Cyprus embarks on an intense training program in order to bring them up to standards. The Knights, with many departing also have many older and other knights stay due to their close ties with Cyprus. They remain to run the Knights Hospitaller in Cyprus for the foreseeable future while a large number have migrated across the sea. The Kingdom of Cyprus due to the recent issues in Castile reluctantly recognizes Carlos and his regency for Prince Ferdinand and recognizes Ferdinand's claim to the Throne of Aragon.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The less fortunate and disenfranchised are converted. The Kingdom itself is a Christian kingdom with a similar situation of early Castile and Aragon, with large numbers of Muslims and a small number of Christians. However, the Christian community in Morocco is expanded thanks to the influx of traders and settlers from Castile and some other immigrants looking for an opportunity to live a new life here. The Kingdom establishes its capital in Casablanca and with this, begins a major point of establishing a major military presence in the area.  The infrastructure, particularly in dealing with transport and water, is expanded to accommodate more people but the only people allowed to settle are Christians - particularly from Hispania. A notable number of Castilians settle the area. While Christians remain the minority the kingdom of Morocco sets up various churches and allows preachers to roam around and convert people. The Kingdom begins to push toward integration of the city of Tangiers into the kingdom. This would give the Kingdom two important cities. Heavy taxes are imposed on Muslim traders in order to facilitate conversions to Christianity while lower more friendly taxes are given to Christian merchants. The leader of Morocco styled a king, out of respect deducts himself in rank to Prince of Morocco as the throne is only to be held by the King of Castile himself if it's ever required. The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continue to expand with greater trade coming from Castile and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom's army proper raised by immigrant Christians now numbers about 7000 itself and is expected to grow. The Kingdom of Morocco begins to take control of territory in  the interior of Morocco proper following the Castilian and English forces and securing the areas (this territory is being integrated into the kingdom of Morocco). The population of Morocco is an estimated 420,000 currently with an increasing amount of people settling in the country. The city of Fez begins to rebuilt as the Holy City of Calne-Vicuna for the Consuete (Western) Church. The Converted Berbers are finally admitted into the armed forces and as fierce fighters they are able to not only put down Muslim revolts but wipe them out at the core. The Prince of Morocco now named Fernando Ortega a new name come up with to differentiate himself as the Prince of Morocco takes power from his now dead father. He immediately supports Carlos's plans in Castile and sends some of the new Christian Berber troops to act as personal guards for the Royal Palace in Toledo. The Moroccan Prince also pecognizes Ferdinand's claim to the Throne of Aragon.
    • Oyo Diplomacy: Oyo wishes to send architects to Castile to answer the call for men needed to plan out the nation's sanitation system. We have been pioneering in this area of city-building and planning for the last 65 years, and our streets and canal systems are impeccable. We would be honored to aid the Castilian government in their effort to increase their people's standard of living. All we ask in return is information.
    • Castilian Dip: We'll agree to civil information. Info on weapons and ships are not something we can part with easily as many of our weapons and ships are in use by only our state and are much more advanced than our neighbors.
    • Kongolese (Mod) Diplomacy: The Kongolese approve for their base of ships, and increase trade with the Castilians.
    • France D: We dubiously accept the claim on the throne, mostly out of a respectful support to a good ally Castile. Maybe in the future.
  • Trier: We upgrade our military and economy. The states around us are influenced. Trade routes are established, opening trade among Hesse, Cologne and Austria and her vassals. We dedicate this turn to infrastructure expansion, building several defenses, and roads to link towns across the nation. Fortifications around our capital are improved and updated. 
  • Alexandria: Sends official gifts of thanks to all Catholic and Christian nations that assisted in Alexandria's establishment and to announce that Alexandria's ports are open for trade. Dignitaries are sent to other Christians west of the Nile, to gather information on the region. A claim is made on this region. Other dignitaries are sent to the Judea region and the Ethiopia region as well to gather similar reports. Trade efficiency and strategies are looked at in order to garner a higher profit (Economics turn). The Coptic Church forms the Diocese of Aiguptia (Western Nile Region) to assist in organizing the Christians there both politically and religiously. 
  • Mansuriyyan Caliphate: Work on improving Baghdad continues, and vast sections of the city are renovated to modern standards. More of the Caliphate flock to the city in hopes of securing a better living for themselves. Fatih continues his reforms, subtly modifying Islamic texts published in the Caliphate to better suit his agenda. Support for Fatih is at an all-time high, with many even declaring that he is the legendary Twelfth Imam who had disappeared more than 500 years ago. Fatih does not confirm nor deny those rumors, further increasing his mystique among the people. The trade offer from the Bavand Shahdom is accepted, although the government is hesitant to enter any alliances of of yet. Trade with the Ottomans continues to flourish, and a diplomatic envoy is sent to the Caucasian Confederation to ask them of a trade deal. Many merchants flock to Baghdad and Baghdad begins to be known as one of the key trade centers of the Middle East. The population growth program continues, with growth remaining at a high 3.1%. Baghdad's population surpasses the 500,000 mark, although there are reports that other parts of the nation have been virtually depopulated as entire communities leave to settle in Baghdad, where Fatih's reforms guarantee that even the poor have an opportunity to succeed in life. The vast fortunes that flood into the Caliphate from trade are used in various social welfare programs, from simple housing for the poor and food handouts. The military is improved as forces on the Persian border are still wary of possible invasion.
  • Rumania: Radu, now 27, continues to promote economic growth. Several shipyards and mines are built. Also many mills spring-up across the nation. The Venetian school begins to diversify its classes, expanding to include mathematics, philosophy and literature. Class attendance grows as printed books, bought from abroad, become common in the library. The states of: Kiev, Chernigov, Volhynia and the Azovan Khanate are all sent trade offers, and Alliance offers. (Mod Response needed)
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: Work continues on roads and bridges. Vast improvements are made across the nation’s infrastructure, and work resumes on the fort in Varna. The port of Varna is also improved.
  • UNC: The Rikstag of Stockholm is concluded. The restored House of Sverker is deemed defunct with no heirs. The Rikstag nominates Halvar Bjornsiff as king. The House of Halvar becomes the most prominent house in the area. Reforms to the UNC are accepted. Among these drastic changes includes the centralization of the UNC and the creation of the Scandinavian Empire. All vassals reaffirm their pledge with Scandinavia. By May of this year, the changes are finalized. The Scandinavian Empire is born.
    • Hungary offers some land in Dalmatia to construct a port as agreed in the trade deal between the nations.
  • The temptation to do the House of Clause was overwhelming.
  • Hamburg-Mecklenburg: The economy continues to grow. Reconstruction of Lüneburg nears completion, and the University remains strong. Upon the outbreak of civil war in Bavaria, most Hamburgers flee, while the government continues to recognize Jacqueline as the Bavarian ruler. The HTSC begins preparing its ships for its southerly voyage next year.
    • Anhalt: Economy expanded.
  • France: Military and economy are built up. While this, the Navy expands. Brittany officially enters the French influence sphere. In Armagnac a few officers loyal to France give up on rebels siding with the recently known Foix threat. The ambassador of Foix is captured and the alleged secret agent is decapitated. A blockade continues to be exerted at Foix. Aragon (my bad) and Castile are asked to follow the same actions. The ambassador is revealed to be still alive although being held prisoner by the French. While this, Foix is warned that any further meddling in Armagnac will result in a war. While this, several soldiers capture raiders from Foix executing them in public and several French citizens initiating their own raidings in the border with Foix. We continue the vassalization of Basel and Switzerland (if Daese remains AFK LOL)
    • Burgundy: Military and navy are built up, economy expands.
    • Brittany: Military and navy are built up, economy expands.
    • Berry: Military and economy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Verdun: Military and economy are built up.
    • Armagnac: Military and economy are built up. 
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, Portuguese traders continue visiting the Castilian settlements in the Canaries. Meanwhile, wheat continues to be cultivated in Leiname. By this time, the colony in Leiname starts to export wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, some Portuguese explorers start to follow the Castilian example and start to explore the African coast. São Miguel and Santa Maria continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the colony of Açores expands 600 sq km into the two recently-discovered islands, with settling starting there.
  • Hungary and all its vassals and puppet states expand militarily and economically. Poland expands its armed forces too, increasing the strength of its troops by focusing on the training of more knights to fight for the nation. Sigismund begins to bring order to all parts of his realm. Resources for the construction of the ports are allocated too, and the construction continues.
  • County of Oldenburg: The military is expanded, with forts being upgraded, defences being strengthened, and the ships being beached for repairs. Albion is yet again asked for closer trading ties. Whaling etc. continues between Greenland and Neu Baltrum.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: Several manorial lords who had spearheaded the opposition to Bishop Klemens' nationalisation bid are found dead in their houses. Many point the finger of blame at the Bishop and his secretive Order of the Seraphim, although no one is bold enough to say anything. With the lords out of the way, Klemens is able to coervce their successors and former supporters to sell their lands to the Church. The vast majority of agricultural and forest land in the Bishopric is now under the direct control of the Church. 
  • Sanafah continues to develop, as slash and burn tactics allow the expanding population, which is growing exponentially, new lands on the interior of the island to settle. Trade with Swahili states, and even states as far north as Iritriya continue, bringing on a period of economic strength and development. Technology from Arabia, India, and China all make their way to Sanafah, and development on a road system begins. Dina Morgabin grows an additional 1000 sq km (now covering two-thirds of the Island). The added economic possibilities from this region bring more and more settlers, and plans for the settlement of Dina Arobi are set into action and planned for next year. Sakalava expands an additional 2500 sq km into Mahafaly, officially having annexed the entire nation. The two peoples are ethnically and culturally similar enough that integration is expected to be easy. Vassalization of Sofala continues under the Sanafah Council. Meanwhile, Sakalava begins to vassalize Sofala. The Malagasy language and the Swahili language begin to intermingle, and most traders in the Kingdom know both languages. Emir Amaar Rahasan decides against an immediate war with the Merina people, opting to take a more peaceful approach following his pilgrimage to Mecca in the early half of the year. The military grows.
  • Too fast with all of this in all regards. I literally told you it was going to take at least 50 or 60 years for any attempted unification. You're also vassalizing too much at one time. This is not okay and your claiming to cover two-thirds of the island in five or six years. Not only is this unlikely, it's one of the most implausible things I've ever seen. You were collapsed for this behaviour as the Mashriq. CUT IT OUT NOW! Do you understand me? -Feud
  • Betsileo: Not wanting to fall behind Sanafah, decides that it, too, must begin to modernize and become the best state in central Madagascar. It also expands into the state to its northwest (Sihanaka), by 2500 sq km. (Now up to one-third of the state). Betsileo also continues to vassalize Bezanozano. Meanwhile, the Comoros, wanting to expand but not finding any other islands, establishes a settlement south of Mtwara, called Pembara (OTL Pemba). This settlement is only about 250 sq km large, but it is planned to expand north to Mtwara and south to Mozambique, given support by the Malagasy states.
  • Vassals can't vassalize, way too much influence and expansion in a singular turn. You should [not?] even have this as a vassal yet. You're going way too fast. -Feud
  • Venetian Republic:
    • Books on various topics spread from Venice throughout Europe, continuing the Renaissance. Printed in the Venetian language, they teach of the sciences and humanities and revive learning, spreading knowledge (as well as the language) far and wide..
    • With the increased supply of Ducats, the fluidity of European trade increases with Ducat using nations benefiting most.
    • Many people sentenced to death are drowned in the canals as is the Venetian tradition. The tradition is becoming the primary way to execute criminals and is spreading to the Venetian territories across Europe.
    • Fine wool and silk clothing from Titani is exported across the Mediterranean and Black Sea and begins to set the trend in Renaissance clothing.
    • Venetian trade reaches across the known world. Merchant ships carry salt, silks, glass and a collection of other goods, both common and rare. Venetian traders are the largest carriers of trade in Europe, with the thousands of ships and a trading tradition continuing to fuel this.
    • The Roscol Bank uses local subsidiaries all across Europe to fund trade, with a leaning toward funding trade with Venice. They also fund enterprises across the continent, boosting the economies of the nations which they inhabit. The Roscol Bank invests conservatively. While this doesn't bring in as much wealth as other nations' banking, such as the Dutch, it results in a much more robust level of equity.
    • Due to the stability of business and protection afforded to private enterprise in Venice, many merchants set up shop in the city despite being foreign, utilising the Venetian law to protect their businesses. Criminals and a less divided merchant class mean prosperity for all those involved with Venetian business in some way.
    • In Veneto the Roscol and Masaro Collegantias are at each others throats, with Masaro undercutting the Roscol trade in basic produce. The Roscol Collegantia starts to speak to merchants who are also facing trouble in the face of the Masaro trade expansion. The Venetian Fleet is now complete, with 500 Carros in the ranks, and now with less people to pay costs of the Venetian fleet actually drop slightly while the high capacity of the Carros begins in slightly more revenue than before, resulting in a good profit. The arsenal of Venice is being modernised, it will take three more years to complete. The Doge decides to support Venetian culture further. He funds conversions to Venetian culture across the Republic and Empire. The Order of Saint Mark continues to grow in size and influence, numbering now 39,000 members and still growing. The beliefs of faith are popular amongst commoners - especially those who feel the church does not practice the faith properly. Alexandria is slowly becoming more and more of a hub of the True Faith as commoners convert to the belief en masse. (responses to players) In other news, the Doge's son Christofo, who has been enjoying his married life with his wife Isabell von Wittelsbach, hears of the issues of Bavaria. His wife pleads with Christofo to help her sister. Out of love for his wife and want for glory he promises to help. He asks his father Dragano for help in the matter but Dragano states "that it is no war of Venices", but seeing something gallant in Christofo decides to allow him money from the family purse to hire 1000 men to take north and sends twenty of his Leone Vardia to protect Christofo. He hires 200 heavy horse, 500 archers and 300 pikemen. Christofo is overjoyed with his force, and begins the march in the later year being in Austrian territory in December. I'm sure we'll need to talk so I know what I'm allowed to do with this but I thought it'd be relevant :) In other news, Venice supports the Castilian claim to Aragon.
    • Eco-turn
  • Epirote Republic: More to come!
    • In Epirus the military grows.
    • Mil-turn
  • Venetian Empire:
    • In the Province of Aegina: the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Free Port of Athens: the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Province of Candia: the military grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Corfiot Protectorate: the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Kaffa: the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Naxian Protectorate: the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Negroponte: the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Free Port of Ragusa: the economy grows. Eco-turn
  • Hesse: In a long, sleepless night, Ludwig II decides to write a song with his harpsichord. After many hours trying to get it just right, he does it. He names it "Meine Liebe, Mein Land, Hessen" , or 'My Love, My Land, Hesse'. He plans to make it the official song of the nation. He also buys some other instruments as well to experiment with. He has another son with his wife, Adolf I. Recruiting starts to fill in the depleted divisions from the last war. More forts are built on the borders. The economy expands. 
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Landshut expands its military. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Jacqueline and her council continue to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished, and by 1461 a trade route is put in place. Such important places in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1461, Jacqueline commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The planned market center in Landshut continues to attract regional traders. In religious news, the country begins converting to the Western Netherlander church. By the end of this year, around 74% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. Jacqueline continues efforts to implement Sedevacantist policies in the government, being much more religious than her father. Furthermore, Jacqueline also arranges the Roscol Bank access to Landshut to do trading. The Venetian merchants take an interest in government bonds. At the start of the year, Jacqueline has the upper hand, as she holds the capital and much of central Bavaria. However, as the year goes on and the economic depression worsens, many defect to Eleanor's call. By April, Munchich, Straubing and Bamberg join Eleanor's call. After several months of heavy fighting with an estimated casualty number of 200,000, Eleanor surrounds Trausnitz in early September. She establishes a camp just outside the castle and stays there while her troops lay siege to the city. The impoverished citizens of Landshut openly welcome her, so there is little bloodshed there. The siege finally ends on November 30, when Eleanor's forces break into the keep and slaughter Jacqueline's personal guard. Jacqueline herself is captured and promptly imprisoned. On December 1, Eleanor moves into Trausnitz, is once more proclaimed Grand Duchess, and reorganizes a privy council, banishing Jacqueline's. A week later, Grand Duchess Dowager Elisabeth is invited to return to Bavaria. She answers the call and returns later in the month.
    • Munchen: The main campus of Queen Isabell University is completed and the beginning courses include French, Latin, English, and Greek as well as theology, clergy training and mathematics being taught. By 1460, the total class amounts to about 2700 men. Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed in Munchen as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders. In recent news, unemployment begins to rise in the wake of tax disasters following Jacqueline's embarrassing, confusing policies. Munchen levies 11,000 troops for Eleanor.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed in Straubing as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders. Straybing levies 6000 troops for Eleanor
    • Ingolstadt: Ingolstadt joins Eleanor's call to war and levies about 4000 men to fight for her.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders. 
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for Castilian and Austrian traders. Bamberg levies 3000 troops for Eleanor.
    • Wurzburg: Wurzburg allies with Eleanor and levies 5500 men to fight for her. 
  • The Koryak Confederacy continues to rebuild its military. Still more cavalry are trained, and the militia are reorganized to train twice a month rather than only once. The previous eight uhlans are expanded to 20, with 5000 marines, specially trained for ship-to-ship fighting, also available. 50 more panokseons are constructed. With better protection available, trade along the Lena doubles. Three uhlans, along with siege equipment, are shipped to Ustokut, while three uhlans are shipped to Kodiak also. On Kodiak, the native population has virtually disappeared. An eccentric Chukchi chieftain begins trying to train his two pet walruses to act as guards for his moat-surrounded village. Initially unsuccessful, he is shocked when they kill several thieves attempting to swim the moat. He soon trains several more walruses.
    • ​Chukchis: The Chukchis emulate the Koryaks and reorganize their military, training 4000 men and imposing militia service.
    • East Yakuts: The East Yakuts expand the road and port system to cope with the Lena trade.
    • Free City of Ustokut: The city now has a population of 100,000, and is quickly growing. The arrival of the uhlans and siege equipment from Koryakia makes the city feel much more secure, especially as the troops are used to finish the curtain wall and construct more docks and warehouses within it. Shinto priests continue to convert the population and the tribes who arrive to rade.
  • The Nation of the Oirats: Cement and iron increase in production. Iron weapons are now majorly used. As we increase in population, we slowly target our expansion northward. We expand 50 px to the North. We continue to develop our firearms. We continue to study the printing press and make more of it. We buy more books from China.  We continue making more muskets. We now have 10,000 primitive musketeers. We begin building up our miltary and create even tougher practices. We battle the Mongols tiringly. After hearing that there's an uprising in China, we sent 1000 of our best cavalry to China to help them quell the uprising. 
  • Koryak Dip: The Koryak Confederacy requests that the Oirats cease expansion into the territory of their valued and loyal trading partner the Siberian Tatars forthwith. 
  • The Kingdom of England (member state of the Kingdoms of Greater Albion): English military and navy are expanded with many new war cogs being added to the English fleets. The North Sea trade is almost completely dominated by the North Sea Trading Alliance (Holland and Albion, mostly). Nordic and English culture continues to blend, with stories of the mythical Norse gods becoming popular reading among the wealthy segments of the population. Scotland continues to integrate the government fully with that of England and of Albion in full. Work with the Celts continue in Scotland and Ireland working to bring the two cultures closer together. Albion sends more explorers to Africa, particularly in the OTL regions of Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast. Edmund Trading Port in OTL Sierra Leone continues to see expansive trade and is renamed Edmundburgh. Due to the damage to the palaces, King Edmund elects to move the seat of Albion temporarily to York while the repairs to central London continues. The Albionic and English Navies are continuously and massively expanded in an effort to retain control over the waters of the North. New and larger, more powerful ships are built as well as the Albionic equivalent to the Norse Karak, but with more guns and a slightly larger masthead. English explorers begin to map the coast of Africa for the King, making it down the coast near OTL Gabon. James Severus' famous book, The Eddies of Great Albion: Poetry from the Past becomes a popular read across the Isles and is shipped abroad with trade merchants, spreading Anglo-Celt culture far and wide. The Albionic Navy continues growth with a number of impressive ships constructed. In Albion, the first books are printed in English, inspiring a nationalistic attitude among the population. several books including The Eddies of Great Albion are translated into English, as well as Gaelic. The Aeneid becomes the first of a string of classical literature printed in the Isles and is distributed throughout. Books written by Roman tacticians from the old Province of Britannia are sent to Eire. All alliances and trade agreements with Hungary are still in effect, Albion hopes to have many years of peace and cooperation. All trade is accepted and a duty free zone is established. Hungary is permitted a trade outpost on the Isle of Wright, in leu of taxes, the Crown instead asks for a share of profits from the trading port. The United Kingdoms of Greater Albion recognizes the Catilian claimant to the throne of Aragon.
    • Dublin: After the years of upgrading, Dublin becomes a shining jewel in the Eire. Dublin founds the Bank of Eire as an offshoot of the Bank of England. The Bank of England sees modernization. The Albionic and English Navies are continuously and massively expanded in an effort to retain control over the waters of the North. The Eddies of Great Albion: Poetry from the Past becomes a popular read in Dublin, one of the most important trading ports in Eire.
    • Wales: The Welsh military and navy are expanded. The Welsh begin to see the fruits of all the English banking investments as large areas of the nation see improvements in infrastructure. Representation in the Albion Parliament increases as a minor population boom in and around Cardiff begins. The Albionic and English Navies are continuously and massively expanded in an effort to retain control over the waters of the North.
  • Mayan empire: we begin centralizing the empire in yucatan, and deveope the military, training, arming, and ensuring we have a regluar standing army. Slavery becomes popular again, and iron and obsidion mines are re-established. The population invreases slightly, and we expand 20 px miles south.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to convert to the Western Church. The Prussians begin to build their army.
    • Masovia: The Kingdom of Masovia also continues recovering their economy and continues building a new national army. The Masovians continue construction of their capital at Czersk. The Masovians also continue converting to the Western Church.
    • Pomerania: The Pomeranians continue building their economy and continue building a new national army. The Pomeranians also continue converting to the Western Church.
    • Courland: The Curonians also begin developing their economy and military. The Curonians also begin converting to the Western Church.
  • Ashikaga Shogunate: The Shogun continues to centralise religion, imposing tithes on all citizens within the Shogunate. The money raised is used to pay for the start of building works on new walls around the capital, Kyoto. Work also starts on a castle outside the capital which would serve as the seat of the Ashikaga. Designed to be impregnable, the castle is made of granite with a thickness of 16 feet with a tower keep in the centre to give command of the surroundings. However, the introduction of tithes is unpopular with widespread rural unrest, especially in the Date Province.
  • Cuzco. Military and Infrastructure are built up by Cuzco and the Wankas.(Short post - I'm busy right now and will try to post later)
  • Eire: We rejoice when Thomond and later other Irish states lay down arms and join us, and 55 years after King Thomas' fateful dream, Eire becomes fully united, save the city of Dublin, which remains independent and remaining so for the forseeable future. Celebrations occur in towns across Eire, and the King and his entourage tours Eire, with the help of the new road system. We begin expanding roads to newly-acquired regions in Eire, hoping to connect all major towns, and spread new Irish ideals such as Occidentalism (Western Catholicism) and pro-Albionism. Stabilization after years of expansion continues, with many soldiers in the military for years during Eire's fighting begin to settle down, and the navy continues to be built up. Cork and Ballydrogheda undergo a renaissance, as the unification of Ireland allows for the ability to export products from all across the Isle. As such, trade increases. the King begins to modernize the military forces, with the eventual forces consisting of a main line of pikemen, Gaelic skirmishers on the flanks, crossbowmen behind the skirmishers, and the cavalry behind all. Wool begins to become a more popular farm product, with a few people living in the towns beginning to manufacture cloth in small quantities. Leinster is fully integrated into Eire. As a member of the UKGA, we recognize Castile's claim on the Aragonian throne. (Inf-turn)
    • Leinster: Celebrations go off as the Isle is united. Leinster, however, remains a vassal state, a member of the Confederation of Eire and Albion, but not of Eire proper, and is granted special status in autonomy from Eire. Roads expand in Leinster, tying it fully with the rest of Eire. (Inf-turn)
  • Chiribaya We expand another 50 km northwest.
  • Netherlands: as the economy contrinues to grow and more and more hands dedicate to the sailor way those willing to partake in expeditions along the coast of afirca and in search of a sea route to the orient. The outpost in OTL Nigeria is fortified and remains a supplying station along the route farther south. naval expansion continues. Karl van Nassau formally recognizes Castile's claims to the Aragonese throne, but claims it will not get involved in a conflict. Banking and trade continue to grow. improvements on the docks and and canals are made. Dutch and wallon culture coninue to flourish under the open policies of the ruling elite. The first locally made printing press is made after local artisens copy the designs of imported german ones. 
  • Caucasian Confederation: Georgia accepts the Mansuriyyan trade request, and begins sending escorted caravans through the disorganized zone between Mosul and Baghdad. Additionally, the Georgians continue sending emissaries to the Coptic Pope, the head of the Assyrian Church of the East, and the head of the Nestorian Church, seeking to convene an ecumenical conference at the Bolnisi Sioni to reunite the Oriental Christian Churches. (Mod response needed!)
    • Kingdom of Georgia: The addition of Georgia's hundredth galley to its patrol fleet prompts quiet cheers among the merchants of Batumi, whose commerce is now secure all the way to Cyprus and Alexandria. The growth of links between the backwater Georgians and the thriving Mediterranean trade not only expands the Georgian economy, but brings knowledge as well: having heard of a peculiar medical practice called "quarantine" from their Coptic counterparts, the Georgians ask the Roman Empire to share their knowledge of quarantine.
    • Kingdom of Armenia: The growth of commerce in both Georgia and Assyria spills over into Armenia, the natural "stopping point" of trade between the two Orthodox nations; Yerevan notably prospers due to its political influence, and the Armenian economy grows accordingly.
    • Grand Principality of Assyria: The reopening of the north-south trade between Baghdad and Arbela triggers the expansion of the Assyrian economy. Additionally, Assyrian forces continue securing disorganized area of northern Mesopotamia, adding another 1150 sq km of territory - including the city of Mosul - to Assyrian lands..
    • Principality of Rani: The Ranite government begins purchasing surplus foodstuffs from the local Azeri population, putting hard coinage into the hands of many farmers for the first time. This monetary injection stimulates the Ranite economy, though several Muslim merchants and clerics prominently question the ruling authority's decision to stockpile food supplies - particularly given the ongoing military buildup along the Azeri border.
    • Principality of Amier-Kavkasia: While Rani stockpiles its surplus food, Amier-Kavkasia ships its northward at high speed, providing crucial resources to the rebuilding Jochid Ulus - for a suitably exorbitant price that expands the Kavkasian economy.
  • Ottoman Sultanate: This year, the Sultan focuses on economic improvement instead of war, but the Sultan and the Grand Vizier continue to draft plans to bring the Levant under Ottoman control. As well, many of the Sultan's advisors go to Mecca for the Hajj, and are glad to see that the city of Mecca has not been affected by the recent conflict too much. The Sultan plans to visit Mecca in the next few years, as well as Jerusalem to witness the state of affairs there.
  • Zapotec: Emperor Tlaco expands Danibaan's influence in the surrounding city-states by way of the Zapotec Alliance. Roadways connecting cities in the alliance help merchants and soldiers move more freely between them. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. In the coastal regions under Danibaan's influence, more boats are created. Tlaco orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Daibaan continues expanding into the surrounding city-states north along the gulf coast.
  • Ayutthaya sends several more delegations to Kedah and Padang, influencing them to the point where Ayutthayan advisors help them with their economy and military. Several military and protection pacts are signed with them. With the marriage to the Khmer, we begin to exert significant influence over them, as well, with their new Queen bringing over many Ayutthaya advisors to aid them. The economy continues to boom as trade throughout South Eastern Asia grows exponentially, and our trade pacts with Bengal open up India, with Ayutthaya taking a large part of the Chinese trade with the outside world. Our navies continue to improve, with new sail technology being discovered by trade with the Arabs and the Indians. New laws are passed, granting more power to the kingdoms over their people, but further centralizing the militaries. We send trade and advisors throughout the Arabian world. The Buddhist and Hindu population continues to grow, with a small but growing minority of Muslims also growing in the Southern states. The King founds the Golden Army, a small group of around 2,000 soldiers that form the elite of the Ayutthayan armies. Capitalizing off Padang's poor relations with Sri Vijaya, we use our recent military treaties with Padang as an excuse to pledge to them that in the case of Sri Vijayan aggression, Ayutthayan soldiers will fight alongside the soldiers of Padang to maintain peace in the region.
  • Rumania: Radu, now 28, continues to promote economic growth. Several shipyards and mines are built. Also many mills spring-up across the nation. Class attendance at the Venetian school grows as printed books, bought from abroad, become common in the library. Many mines either re-open or are founded, while foundries begin to recover from the wars. The states of: Kiev, Chernigov, Volhynia and the Azovan Khanate are all sent trade offers, and Alliance offers. (Mod response needed)
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: The economy grows substantially, after much of the infrastructure is rebuilt and repaired. Many workshops also appear across northern Bulgaria, built in a similar manner to their counterparts in Rumania. In Varna many ships are built in the dry docks, and trade with many European ports commences.
  • Mughal Empre: We discuss a treaty with the Indian nations and our forces leave the occupied lands
    • South Chagatai Khanate: The Khan's wounds were infected, creating the need of special medical treatment. The Khan is now known as the Eunuch Khan.
  • Disaster strikes the Jochid Ulus as Khan Temür-Hachiun is murdered in his sleep by a Christian. Before uproar can begin, his son seizes power, and murders many Muslim and pagan supporters of his brothers. While one of the twins, his brother Tyushtya, immediately swears fealty to him, his other brother flees court. However, with most of the immediate damage being defeated in the court at Sarai, Khan Arslan (or Emperor Theodore I, as he presents himself amongst Christian audiences), begins his periods of reforms. The kurultai's powers are severely checkered, becoming little more than a rubber stamp for the Emperor. The local dukes and burghers must hand up much of their lands, although they shall be allowed to retain wide economic influence over these. Islam shall be demoted from official faith, with all mosques to become churches. However, given the large number of Muslims in several areas, they are allowed to continue exercising their faith and building new mosques. These reforms are widely approved by the Christians and the Mastoravans, about two-thirds of the population, as well as another 15% in western Muslims and such. However, the Tatars in the East refuse to accept this, and even refuse to accept Arslan as Khan. Khan Aydar-Arslan continues his reforms, planning to culminate them next year. However, wide dissent begins.
    • Great Perm supports the reforms done by their Jochid overlords, indeed outright helping King Theodore with some of the reforms that need learned Western government procedure. However, this does not stop Permic economic development. The ruble continues to be expanded upon; by the end of the year, many merchants begin to do their nternational business in rubles rather than the banned zolotnik or the ducat. This expands Perm's influence. While content with the annexed territories, the Permians continue to teach Komi to the populations in the Novgorod Republic. Vepsian is also taught to the far west, in Lake Ladoga.
    • Adyghea's Prince also supports the Jochid reforms, attempting to gain favour in the eyes of King Theodore. Some money is sent to the fatherland, while anti-reform activists within the nation are brutally crushed.
    • the Kazakh Khanate is, as always, deeply divided in support and opposition to the reforms. The Manghits of Almaty, Mastoravic and seeking for a strong hand, support the reforms. However, another branch of the Manghits, those of Bishkek, are still Muslim, and heavily opposes them. War breaks out the earliest in this part of the world, with several warlords fighting each other off.
    • Prince Tulpar of the Jochid Ulus begins organising troops in the easternmost edge of the Tatars. The few remnant Ulus in Kazakhstan, as well as some settled Tatars, join his cause. Hiding out in the great Siberian forests, he plans to strike.
  • Milan: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. We upgrade infrastructure, as do our vassals. We officially recognize Castile's claims to the throne of Aragon.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to shift its trade to the western part of the Mediterranean Sea to counter the decline of the Silk Road. Trade revives a small bit because of the return of order in Alexandria and parts of Europe. The Thessalian Cavalry units continue to be trained and deployed across the Empire. With an increase of trade with Western Europe, the Empire decides that spreading its cultural and technological knowledge would benefit Christian civilization. As such, basic scientific texts as well as The Medical Compendium in Seven Books, the most advanced medical textbook in the world. This book is printed and sold in many ports in Europe, hopefully increasing the lives of fellow Christians. The military is expanded.
    • Albania: As the infrastructure of the nation is steadily completed, the military continues to train and establish its presence in the country.
  • Mapuche:  As the harvest continues to be plentiful, people invest more time in other sections of life. Art, dancing, storytelling, music, and craftsmanship all become more widespread as hobbies. The little girl loves drawing, and draws her somewhat well-designed figures all around her village, attracting the attention of her fellow tribespeople. However, at the end of the year, the young men sent into exile last year, backed by primitives from the mountains, attack their former village, kill the elders, and steal many of their supplies. The survivors of this attack are outraged, and many flee to nearby Mapuche settlements to ask for help.
  • Aztec Empire: Emperor Montezuma II [42] begins to grow ambitious. He wants to finish the bulk of the mining in the next ten years. Centralization is continued throughout the empire, as it is now greatly unified, with many Aztec-mix ethnicities. The military is expanded with the surplus of minerals and metals being turned into war machines and military weaponry. Cuachtemoc [32] expands the barracks in Tenochtitlan, allowing more housing for soldiers. Hospitals, schools, wells, canals, roads, bridges, and aqueducts are at large throughout the land as they become more of use supporting the 4.2 million people living within the Aztec Empire. The Zapotec-Aztec alliance has withered away, as the Zapotec have continued to ignore the Aztecs and not support them in trade rights and construction plans. Tezcacoatl [eight] travels with Cuachtemoc to Tenochtitlan, as Icnoyotl [27] stays behind at home in Cihuatlan with the other three children: Toltecatl, the newborn son, Xochitl [two], and Quatzecoatl [four]. Emperor Montezuma II orders for even more refortifications of the stronghold-city in the north, Xilopolco. The emperor would like to declare that the Zapotec Alliance is not an enemy, but they should express more good intentions with their powerful neighbor as the 30-year long alliance has remained strong. The navy is minimally expanded - as well as the fishing ships.
  • Oyo Empire: The Asaaju of Oyo orders an expedition to the far south of Kongo to see what other tribes exist there to trade with. A fleet of four yanyan are assembled with the best sailors of Oyo's navy commissioned for the task. With the development of Oyo's navy to such a point as it is, the Asaaju feels confident in the abilities of his people to take on the responsibility of using the navy's navigational skills and sailing equipment to begin the journey. Using small, swift ships, the fleet within two months have already reached their old trading friends the Xhosa, in whom's land the fleet has stopped to prepare for the next leg of their trip. The Asaaju has stated that the journey will prove the ability of his nation to develop as a friend of the Europeans, whom the Oyo seek to emulate thanks to the purging of anti-progressive reactionaries in the old government. With the development of the navy underway, the military is expanded along with an equally imposing economy and infrastructure needed to support it. The Yoruba have completed routed any and all major tribes in the region, with the plague having mostly killed off any of the vigerous warriors that withstood Oyo dominance in the region. The University of Oyo-Ile has received a talented young boy by the name of Akanni Numa, educated in Europe with the economic support of his merchant father trading in the region on behalf of the old Alaafins of Oyo. Numa has many ideas that he has sought to pitch to the university, and has been accepted at the tender age of eleven granted his academic skills at such a young age. He is sent to work at a workshop in the capital, where his abilities are hoped by his mentors to be sharpened.
  • Aragon expands its navy, economy and infrastructure. The Aragonese Renacimento continues with art taking new forms with young artists, sponsored by nobles, experimenting with new styles. They are also influenced by ancient Greco-Roman history. King Charles begins to suffer the symptoms of old age after several decades of life. However, Aragonese economic influence over the Mediterranean trade increases, and Aragon continues to fund voyages to Africa. Aragon also gets involved in northern European trade networks. Everyone calm down. There shall be no problem between Castile and Aragon. Aragon's king had a bunch of daughters who married the heir of Castile or something so basically the king of Castile will be the King of Aragon once the current monarch dies, which will be in roughly three to five years as per OTL.
  • Kingdom of Italy: King Charles I continues the reforms of his father, and improves the economy and the military. Continues the construction and improvement of shipyards and production of new boats to combat in the Mediterranean. Territorial defense continues being built based on border forts. Relations with the Byzantine Empire continue strong. The Naval Academy in Taranto continues the technological research with Venice. The King continue to give new impetus to the culture within the kingdom and its vassal states, in art, science, etc. The reconstruction of the southern part of Italy finishes and the ports and cities are restored.
    • Kingdom of Sicily: The army continue the process of assimilation of Italian tactics that spread through the Mediterranean, promoting the use of early firearms. The economy of the island is mostly cereal crops. Thanks to Italian support the exploitation of olives and wine grapes continues. 
    • Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Improves the economy and the military. The economic prosperity of the previous years is accented with commercial junction providing by Italy and Genoa, and the city of Florence is the commercial nexus among all the Italian states. Frederick I helps promote economic prosperity, gives incentives to help manufacturing output grow, and improve access roads to make the trade more fluid and profitable. The army is formed to the image of the Italian army, with gradual use of new firearms that become quite popular. Frederick I became a great patron and the Tuscan nobles follow this particular policy. The artists, protected and maintained by the nobles and bourgeois rising, unleash their creativity.
    • Duchy of Genoa: Improves the economy and the military. The Duchy of Genoa continues trading from the Black Sea to the Straits of Gibraltar, using new models of ships with cargo holds of more spacious and allow greater profit. With the help of Italian military fleet, try to force richest commercial rights in Tunisian ports. In Genoa the boom in production of luxury items continue. The pressure of the Genoese traders in Tunis is growing, and combined with the presence of Christian missionaries, who at the same time serve commercial spies; is accomplished the capture of a lot of exotic products that are not easy to get due to the conflicts and trade barriers in the Near East, and the axis between Tunis and Genoa is strengthened. The Genoese economy restarts its golden age.
    • Duchy of Ferrara: Improves the economy and the military. The paper industry is forging ahead, and also the making of looms, making this duchy in one of the most productive in northern Italy. Duke Niccolo I continue the loyal service to Italy. 
    • Duchy of Corsica: Improves the economy and the military. The exploitation of salt mines and silver continues. In the same way, the vine crops increase in extension and quality, and the manufacture of wine each year improves in quality and quantity, and is recognized as the best European wine. On the island of Corsica a boom of mercenaries continues. The Italian army started recruiting many Corsicans, making them a legend in terms of ferocity and skill in the skirmishes and battles. 
    • Marquisate of Modena: Improves the economy and the military. Niccolo is dedicated to art and culture, encouraging painters, sculptors and architects that embellish this little Marquisate, leading Italian opulence to a new levelMarquis Niccolo I continues the loyal service to Italy.
    • Principality of Zeta: Improves the economy and the military. Dairy cattle production increases, and in the same way the manufacture of better quality cheese, they continue to be exported to Italy, Hungary and Byzantium. The Prince Giovanni I continues the cultural boom.
    • Vatican City: Pope Benedict XV continue the campaign of evangelization in the lands of the Balkans. Missionaries continue to working in North Africa, especially in Tunisia, where they try to recover the core of Christians. The Pope like his predecessor condemns all those who come to the false churches that are being created in Europe. The Pope in his speeches also continues condemning the current lack of security of pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land, which the Christian nations have a priority to recover these places and they are missing to the will of God. The nephew of Pope Callistus III, Rodrigo Borgia continue his ascent in the Roman curia.
    • Order of the Knights of Malta: The Grand Master of the Order Piero Raimondo Camelot, uses his fleet of ten ships to patrol the central Mediterranean, also helping needy Christians. Military elements are improved, and the economy is maintained by the Italian and Sicilian support.
    • County of Provence: The reform of the administration continues, adapting the Italian model which has had so much success. Improves economy through trade and manufacturing cloth. The military camp is also improved, adding new equipment and Italian military ideas.
    • Duchy of Anjou: As in Provence, the Duchy transformation is performed. The economy and military improve. Help is sent to rebuild southern Italy.
    • Alencon: The economy and military improve.
    • Narbonne: The economy and military improve.
    • Vendome: The economy and military improve.


The region of Khiva is conquered by the Safavids from the rival Uzbeks. The Uzbeks are decisively defeated and forced to retreat east back into the Khanate of Bukhara.

The Aztecs suffer minor raids from semi-organized tribesman in the northern frontiers sparking issues between the government needing to settle the northern frontier and a large amount of people refusing to settle that area due to raids now.

SwankyJ can take a hint. SwankyJ (talk) 00:37, April 5, 2014 (UTC)

Realistically, since the mods are concerned with plausibility, the Aztecs were the bosses of the region, and only those large powers willing to fight, and not petty raiders, would pose a threat to Aztec power. So I don't really see why the Aztec people would fear some thugs from the desert when they had the Aztec warmachine to protect them. God-modding methinks. ~Viva

Having a war machine doesn't always mean you're safe. Look at Rome, their military failed them at multiple points in history. There is no reason to call God-modding. Besides which, the raids are minor and will come to an end eventually.ALLONS-Y! (Basically, RUN!)

They don't fear them. It's just thugs that I see ...         Centriflag   I'm going to put you in my ashtray  cause you just got smoked!  19:06, April 5, 2014 (UTC)

The Sultanate of Kano is established in Kano, Nigeria. Many in the north of the region convert to Islam as urged by the Sultan.

Corpus Hermeticum is translated into Latin.

Following disputes among Tibetan nobles in regards to foreign affairs in the Shan States and India, Tibet vows to become more isolationist, hoping to stay neutral in future wars.

  • Aztec Empire: Emperor Montezuma II [43] begins to grow ambitious. He wants to finish the bulk of the mining in the next ten years. Centralization is continued throughout the empire, as it is now greatly unified, with many Aztec-mix ethnicities. The military is expanded with the surplus of minerals and metals being turned into war machines and military weaponry. Cuachtemoc [33] expands the barracks in Tenochtitlan, allowing more housing for soldiers. Hospitals, schools, wells, canals, roads, bridges, and aqueducts are at large throughout the land as they become more of use supporting the 4.3 million people living within the Aztec Empire. The Zapotec-Aztec alliance has withered away, as the Zapotec have continued to ignore the Aztecs and not support them in trade rights and construction plans. Tezcacoatl [nine] travels with Cuachtemoc to Tenochtitlan, as Icnoyotl [28] stays behind at home in Cihuatlan with the other three children: Toltecatl [two], Xochitl [three], and Quatzecoatl [five]. Emperor Montezuma II orders for even more refortifications of the stronghold-city in the north, Xilopolco. The emperor would like to declare that the Zapotec Alliance is not an enemy, but they should express more good intentions with their powerful neighbor as the 30-year long alliance has remained strong. The navy is minimally expanded - as well as the fishing ships. With the raids to the north, some military forces are moved to spread along the northern border, from Xilopolco. The Emperor states any military leader trying to move north in expansion will be made a traitor of the empire. Many military leaders disregard this. Although, once Cuachtemoc supports the emperor's decision, they begin to comply.
  • Hamburg-Mecklenburg: The economy continues to recover from the war. Finally, a new expedition down the African coast is sent. Direct contact with the Oyo is made, and a new outpost is established and called Neue Lüneburg (OTL Monrovia, Liberia). Ruppin is petitioned for resources in exchange for fealty. Hamburg will not field a candidate for the 1463 Chancellory elections.
    • Madgeburg: Military expanded.
  • Scandinavian Empire: Scandinavia celebrates its one-year anniversary since its founding. The military is expanded by reforms brought on by the consolidation of the UNC. Scandinavia reaffirms all non-aggression pacts and alliances. Scandinavia expands by 3500 sq km eastwards along its northern coast. The Hungarian offers are graciously accepted.
    • Venetian Diplomacy: the Doge asks if Venice and the Scandinavian Empire may form a close bond to protect both of their future interests. He sends a large group of envoys to Scandinavia with the intent to sign a Veneto-Scandinavian Pact that will include measures of co-operation on military, economic and political issues. (effectively an alliance, trade deal and such, except I do want to discuss a detail pact with you and have both of us sign it)
  • France: Military and economy are built up. While this, the Navy expands. Brittany officially enters the French influence sphere. In Armagnac a few officers loyal to France give up on rebels siding with the recently known Foix threat. The ambassador of Foix is captured and the alleged secret agent is decapitated. A blockade continues to be exerted at Foix. Aragon (my bad) and Castile are asked to follow the same actions. The ambassador is revealed to be still alive although being held prisoner by the French. While this, Foix is warned that any further meddling in Armagnac will result in a war. While this, several soldiers capture raiders from Foix executing them in public and several French citizens initiating their own raidings in the border with Foix. We continue the vassalization of Basel and Switzerland (if Daese remains AFK LOL)
    • Burgundy: Military and navy are built up, economy expands.
    • Brittany: Military and navy are built up, economy expands.
    • Berry: Military and economy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Verdun: Military and economy are built up.
    • Armagnac: Military and economy are built up. 
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
  • Cahokia: Rektaw finishes his impressive designs for the new palace and consults his chief engineer. Impressed with his work, the chief engineer promises to hurry the WWMP so he can start on the new palace whose deadline has been moved up two years (1468). What makes Rektaw's design unique is his incorporation of iron into supporting the large structure, making it easier to build the large structure. MSC has been producing many well qualified medicine men, approaching the 1000 mark. These medicine men tend to be migrating primarily to Parkin, drawn to the more unique physical trauma cases associated with military exercises and excursions. Monchacho and his associates agree that the next medical school will be built in Parkin near the Nac training grounds. The Ministry of the Treasury and the Ministry of the Interior joined together to complete the census and count approximately 1.1 million Cahokians, including all citizens and warriors in all vassal states as well. About 25,000 of these make up the entirety of the military, Nac and Regulars alike. Of that are approximately 5000 Nac, and of that 5000 are 100 Nac Riders. They also count about 80 fishing vessels in OTL Lake Michigan and 40 in the OTL Gulf of Mexico. Farming expands.
    • West Moundville (Vassal of Cahokia): Trade with the Aztec people continues is consistent. Now effectively established as trading partners, we request cocoa beans in exchange for Nac Scout Armor. WM expands its growing fishing industry, accounting for 20 of the 40 Cahokian fishing vessels in the Gulf. Nac scouting missions report significant resistance located 200-300 km to the west: a tribe of ancestors of OTL Comanche (I'll just refer to them as Comanche), specifically due to their supposedly "un-sacred" use of the bison they were riding. 
    • East Moundville (Vassal of Cahokia): Nac scouts report little resistance and few people with any organization. Most of the Cahokians that used to occupy this area have since migrated inland to EM in the past years. EM requests 5000 regulars to be staged on the eastern border for future expansion. The mouth of the Mississippi grows as EM - WM trading center as OTL New Orleans begins to form. EM leadership puts forward a motion to map (in minute detail) the entirety of the coastline for EM. They consider asking WM for permission to do the same.
    • Etowah (Vassal of Cahokia): Progress continues on the construction of Appawa (slated for completion in 1475 with the new additions). Timber remains to be Etowah's main economic output. This is a degree of skepticism based on the reality of the canal system. Some point out that directing enough water into the proposed canals would be quite difficult and expensive. None the less, the Etowans push on. the Etowan elite send a request for more citizens to migrate to Etowah to become a part of the growing work force. 
    • Parkin (Vassal of Cahokia): Upon hearing news of the new hostile tribesmen, the Comanche, the entirety of the Cahokian military is anxious for the opportunity to show the Aztec the true warrior spirit the Cahokian people have. Shifting assets to WM and EM have been postponed as the majority of military attention is on the Comanche. Cahokian military elements re-inforce Parkin's west border.
  • Sanafah continues the planned and systematic growth of the emirate. Infrastructure improvements remain a favorite of the Council, who continue vassalization. Meanwhile, the Chieftain of Sakalava works in both states to promote culturally re-integration. The Emir works with his extensive system of alliances in the Swahili region, improving relations. Trade also picks up. Dina Morgabin finishes its expansion and the Council authorizes the creation of Dina Arobi. The states in Dynastic Union (Betsileo and Comoros) all also improve theirselves by expanding slowly. Population increases as a result of increase of standard of living. All Sanafahi states grow their militaries.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, Portuguese traders continue visiting the Castilian settlements in the Canaries. Meanwhile, wheat continues to be cultivated in Leiname. By this time, the colony in Leiname starts to export wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, some Portuguese explorers start to follow the Castilian example and start to explore the African coast. São Miguel and Santa Maria continue to be settled. Meanwhile, Pedro II dies, and the throne passes to his eldest son, Pedro, Grandmaster of the Order of Avis, who becomes King of Portugal and Algarves as Pedro III.
  • County of Oldenburg: Albion is yet again asked for closer trading ties. Whaling etc. continues between Greenland and Neu Baltrum, meaning that Dietrichdorf and Neu Baltrum continue to grow in importance. Count Frederick begins talks with his council about potentially asking to purchase Dietrichdorf outright from the UNC.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: With the Church now in possession of the vast majority of the arable and forest land in the Bishopric, Klemens begins altering the way things are run. Lands formerly devoted to growing food for the lords is now given to the serfs to work for themselves. They must pay a tithe to the Church, but all other crops they produce can be kept and sold. This results in an increase in popular support for the theocracy, but a lessening in support among the nobles and rich-folk. 
  • Majapahit: Military is further expanded. Karsagathida hears from Chinese traders of the rich lands of "Africa" with rivers made from gold and people black as the night sky. His best scientists begin researching oceanworthy sea vessels. We ask China for an insight in their designs for their so called "treasure fleets". 
  • The Koryak Confederacy: Revitalizes its economy, constructing more merchant ships. Larger ocean-going ships are constructed on the model of those used by Zheng He. Due to the immense dimensions of these ships, only three are constructed. Called "Fuchuan ships" after the area in which the design was observed, these ships are 220 feet long and 83 feet wide. Although the first founders and sinks in harbour, the other two prove highly efficient and fast-sailing and greatly enrich their backers. Before the end of the year four more are under construction. The navy looks on with interest.
    • ​Chukchis: The Chukchis bring their military forces up to 8000 men. 
    • East Yakuts: The East Yakuts expand the economy, constructing ships to mine mammoth tusks from the Walrus (OTL New Siberian) Islands.
    • Free City of Ustokut: The population continues to grow, reachign 150,000. Some of the inhabitants begin farming outside the city, expanding the economy.
  • Dai Viet: We begin building up a defense force. We wish to trade with China, and Bengal. The year has a good harvest and the nation experiences a slight population growth. We work on building better trade ships. We begin to place influence on Champa.
  • Safavid Persian Empire: We begin to negotiate with the Uzbeks for a peace treaty (Mod Response needed). We also begin to reopen trade to our neighboors to the east and west. We continue to work on the infrastructure of the nation. A university is opened in Tabriz, as Junyad sees education as a prime component in preserving Persian and Shia Ideals.
  • Ashikaga Shogunate: Rural unrest and violence in the Date Province continues to spread in reaction to the introduction of tithes, particularly among the peasantry. The Shogun mobilises a small group of 70 troops in the area to enforce tithe collection and quash any dissent and a new decree is announced whereby any peasant in the Shogunate found to be destroying property belonging to a feudal lord or the government will be executed. On an unrelated note, a small Shinto sect appears in the North East of the Date Province, near Mount Iwate, worshipping the Emperor as a semi-divine being.
  • Zapotec: Emperor Tlaco dies this year. He is replaced by his son, Tlaco II. Tlaco II expands Danibaan's influence in the surrounding city-states by way of the Zapotec Alliance. Roadways connecting cities in the alliance help merchants and soldiers move more freely between them. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. In the coastal regions under Danibaan's influence, more boats are created. Tlaco orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Daibaan continues expanding into the surrounding city-states north along the gulf coast. Trade with the Aztecs commences after years of stagnation under Tlaco I.
  • Alexandria: Trade continues to increase as the ports are reestablished and more people are converted to Christianity. Dignitaries remain west of the Nile organizing the Christians there both politically and religiously in hopes to create a Christian state in the area or join them with Alexandria. Alexandria's claim remains on this region. Other dignitaries remain in the Jerusalem/Judea region and in the Ethiopia region as well to gather similar reports and attempt to organize Christians there. Trade efficiency and strategies continue to be looked at in order to garner a higher profit (Economics turn). The Coptic Church forms the Diocese of Aiguptia (Western Nile Region) to assist in organizing the Christians there both politically and religiously. Merchants are sent to Ethiopia and the Nubia region.Establish's St. Mark's a Vatican type area for the Coptic leadership at St. Mark's Cathedral and the surrounding block. All diplomacy, governance, law, and commerce of the region is still held by Alexandria.
    • Do remember you have a load of True Faith Christians in your nation and an Order of Saint Mark
  • Prussia: Prussia officially annexes the semi-independent region of Estonia, which had become a part of Prussia in all but name. The Prussians also annex the Kingdom of Masovia. King Karl I has his heir Prince Karl marry the Masovian Princess Julia. The Prussians continue to convert to the Western Church. The Prussians continue to build their army.
    • Pomerania: The Pomeranians continue building their economy and continue building a new national army. The Pomeranians also continue converting to the Western Church.
    • Courland: The Curonians also begin developing their economy and military. The Curonians also begin converting to the Western Church.
  • Caucasian Confederation: Georgia, Armenia, Assyria, Rani, and Amier-Kavkasia all expand their militaries. We continue sending delegations to the Assyrian, Nestorian, and Coptic Churches to convene an ecumenical conference on the reunion f the Oriental Christian Churches. (Mod response needed!)
  • The Kingdom of England (member state of the Kingdoms of Greater Albion): English military and navy are expanded with many new war cogs being added to the English fleets. The North Sea trade is almost completely dominated by the North Sea Trading Alliance (Holland and Albion, mostly). Nordic and English culture continues to blend, with stories of the mythical Norse gods becoming popular reading among the wealthy segments of the population. Scotland continues to integrate the government fully with that of England and of Albion in full. Work with the Celts continue in Scotland and Ireland working to bring the two cultures closer together. Albion sends more explorers to Africa, particularly in the OTL regions of Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast. Edmund Trading Port in OTL Sierra Leone continues to see expansive trade and is renamed Edmundburgh. The Palaces in London that were damaged by the great fire are finally, after several decades, almost complete in repairs. The Albionic and English Navies are continuously and massively expanded in an effort to retain control over the waters of the North. New and larger, more powerful ships are built as well as the Albionic equivalent to the Norse Karak, but with more guns and a slightly larger masthead. English explorers begin to map the coast of Africa for the King, making it down the coast near OTL Gabon. James Severus' famous book, The Eddies of Great Albion: Poetry from the Past becomes a popular read across the Isles and is shipped abroad with trade merchants, spreading Anglo-Celt culture far and wide. The Albionic Navy continues growth with a number of impressive ships constructed. In Albion, the first books are printed in English, inspiring a nationalistic attitude among the population. several books including The Eddies of Great Albion are translated into English, as well as Gaelic. The Aeneid becomes the first of a string of classical literature printed in the Isles and is distributed throughout. Books written by Roman tacticians from the old Province of Britannia are sent to Eire. An offer of increased trade and an alliance are sent to the County of Oldenburg
    • Dublin: After the years of upgrading, Dublin becomes a shining jewel in the Eire. Dublin founds the Bank of Eire as an offshoot of the Bank of England. The Bank of England sees modernization. The Albionic and English Navies are continuously and massively expanded in an effort to retain control over the waters of the North. The Eddies of Great Albion: Poetry from the Past becomes a popular read in Dublin, one of the most important trading ports in Eire.
    • Wales: The Welsh military and navy are expanded. The Welsh begin to see the fruits of all the English banking investments as large areas of the nation see improvements in infrastructure. Representation in the Albion Parliament increases as a minor population boom in and around Cardiff begins. The Albionic and English Navies are continuously and massively expanded in an effort to retain control over the waters of the North.
  • Ayutthaya continues to sign new treaties with Kedah and Padang. The most recent treaty with Kedah effectively incorporates it into the Kingdoms of Ayutthaya; Padang, meanwhile, is promised support against their enemies, Sri Vijaya. (It's been 5 turns, after all). The Kingdoms continue to centralize the army, and are in return granted increasing autonomy from the king in Ayutthaya. The population passes the 8 million mark, it is estimated, and a census in Ayutthaya (the city) itself finds a population verging on 250,000, making it one of the largest on Earth (That's pretty close to OTL figure, BTW), while the advisors to the Khmer continue to aid them and suchlike, impressing the Khmer with their efficient processes. The infrastruture is improved. The economy continues to grow as the government negotiates new treaties to enforce trade routes around Aceh, giving them gold and suchlike in exchange for free passage. As a result of the treaty with Bengal, Ayutthayan ships spread throughout the Indian Ocean, making contact as far as Sanafah. Metal Movable Type continues to spread (I had a large argument on chat on this; here's the low down; the Chinese developed metal movable type approx 300 years ago, and since then it has spread to SE Asia. Feud has agreed on that), with several new, gigantic printing presses being made in several of the cities, allowing for large scale printing and books spread across the area. This impresses several of the nearby nations, especially the Khmer and Aceh. The Golden Army mobilizes to the Kedah-Sri Vijaya border, followed by large parts of the armies.
    • Padang: With the treaty with Ayutthaya, making Padang a lesser kingdom to the aforementioned nation, the king of Padang makes a speech, foreseeing a bright, prosperous future, with peace over the entire region. The military and economy are expanded. Relations with Sri Vijaya continue to plummet.
  • Mughal Empire: Babur's envoys negotiate about peace with the Indian states. Babur, hoping to reunite the Timurid dynasty, asks for the adoption of the young Mirza, son of Aryan, grandson of Draka, greatgrandson of Amyan the Horrible (He was the one who crushed Vijaynagar) and greatgreatgrandson of Timur.
    • Chagatai Khanate: The eunuch Khan stays in Kabul to discuss the effects of the proposed treaty. His deputy in the Khanate works on the trade routes towards China,
  • Chiribaya We expand another 50 km northwest.
  • Mansuriyya Caliphate: Trade continues to flourish, and road systems are built up. Baghdad continues to grow, although renovation has slow downed since the original enthusiasm. Caliph Fatih's reign and the nation continues to prosper, and all Black Riders are recalled to Baghdad since there is almost no resistance to Fatih's rule anymore. Meanwhile, Fatih in an unprecedented act of tolerance declares Baghdad open to everyone, even those that are not People of the Book. Many non-Muslims flock to Baghdad and some even convert to Islam themselves, turned by the multitude of mosques that dot the Baghdad cityscape. The Black Riders find themselves swelling with young men who wish to find adventure and danger, and many young men are lured into the ground army of the Caliphate as well. The Caliphate expands north to try to link up with the Ottomans, which they believe will improve trade and cultural exchange. Fatih also releases his own commentary on the Holy Qur'an, titled الطريق من الجهاد, or Path of Jihad. It includes his own interpretations of the words of Allah, as well as subtle changes to the text. It becomes wildly popular among the people, even the poor, who are slowly becoming literate through various programs and free schools. Population growth shoots up to 4.3 percent.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to shift its trade to the western part of the Mediterranean Sea to counter the decline of the Silk Road. Trade revives a small bit because of the return of order in Alexandria and parts of Europe. The Thessalian Cavalry units continue to be trained and deployed across the Empire. Matchlock guns continue to be produces. With an increase of trade with Western Europe, the Empire decides that spreading its cultural and technological knowledge would benefit Christian civilization. As such, basic scientific texts as well as The Medical Compendium in Seven Books, the most advanced medical textbook in the world, continue to be printed and sold in many ports in Europe, hopefully increasing the lives of fellow Christians. To augment the Empire's navy, the Empire asks Venice if it may purchase a few Carros to further round out the ships the Empire has.
    • Albania: As the infrastructure of the nation is steadily completed, the military continues to train and establish its presence in the country.
    • Venetian Diplomacy: The Doge has a Carro produced and sends it along with three Venetian Masters to teach Roman shipbuilders the secret of the ship. In return he requests a hundred copies of The Medical Compendium in Seven Books interested in the application such advanced medicine could have in helping the population grow.
  • Venetian Republic:
    • Books on various topics spread from Venice throughout Europe, continuing the Renaissance. Printed in the Venetian language, they teach of the sciences and humanities and revive learning, spreading knowledge (as well as the language) far and wide..
    • With the increased supply of Ducats, the fluidity of European trade increases with Ducat using nations benefiting most.
    • Many people sentenced to death are drowned in the canals as is the Venetian tradition. The tradition is becoming the primary way to execute criminals and is spreading to the Venetian territories across Europe.
    • Fine wool and silk clothing from Titani is exported across the Mediterranean and Black Sea and begins to set the trend in Renaissance clothing.
    • Venetian trade reaches across the known world. Merchant ships carry salt, silks, glass and a collection of other goods, both common and rare. Venetian traders are the largest carriers of trade in Europe, with the thousands of ships and a trading tradition continuing to fuel this.
    • The Roscol Bank uses local subsidiaries all across Europe to fund trade, with a leaning toward funding trade with Venice. They also fund enterprises across the continent, boosting the economies of the nations which they inhabit. The Roscol Bank invests conservatively. While this doesn't bring in as much wealth as other nations' banking, such as the Dutch, it results in a much more robust level of equity.
    • Due to the stability of business and protection afforded to private enterprise in Venice, many merchants set up shop in the city despite being foreign, utilising the Venetian law to protect their businesses. Criminals and a less divided merchant class mean prosperity for all those involved with Venetian business in some way.
    • In Veneto the Roscol Collegantia hires a small force of 100 men to harass people working for the Masaro Collegantia in the docks area, hoping to discourage traders from working with the Masaro Collegantia. Meanwhile, traders also align more with the Roscol Collegantia in harassing and blocking Masaro trade. The arsenal of Venice is being modernised, it will take two more years to complete. The Doge decides to support Venetian culture further. He funds conversions to Venetian culture across the Republic and Empire. The Order of Saint Mark continues to grow in size and influence, numbering now 45,000 members and still growing. The beliefs of faith are popular amongst commoners - especially those who feel the church does not practice the faith properly. Alexandria is slowly becoming more and more of a hub of the True Faith as commoners convert to the belief en masse. Seeing Eleanor returned to the throne, Christofo is disappointed with not having fought and heads back south.
    • Eco-turn
  • Epirote Republic:
    • In Epirus the economy grows with a richer lower class, as the drought makes peasants more highly valued due to less of them being around. Towns and cities grow in size too, in comparison to the rural population. The first Sigilar Collegantia of Epirus forms, called the Pascua Montagna Collegantia, focused on mining.
    • Eco-turn
  • Venetian Empire:
    • In the Province of Aegina: With shipping going as normal, the towers rise four feet, leaving five feet to go. Mil-turn
    • In the Free Port of Athens: The merchants, seeing the fall of the Mamluks causing serious issues to the trade east, decide to look for another way east. They continue trade with the new divided states and make a great amount of profit from the city-state of Alexandria. Eco-turn
    • In the Province of Candia: The Conte purchases five more 300-oar ships, and enjoys taking rides in them. Some claim he plans to create a massive 600-oar ship. Many feel he has gone mad although the shipbuilding and timber business is booming. Eco-turn
    • In the Corfiot Protectorate: The population has fully recovered from the drought of a few years past. The Red Army of Corfu numbers 2250 men, with 250 being recruited this year. Meanwhile, the Red Forest grows more and the Artisan Quarter is almost full. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Kaffa: The Common Army of Kaffa finishes recruiting, it now numbers 1000 men, about 40% are Tatar and about 5% are Ruthenian making the Army quite diverse. Support for Conte Simon is almost untenable, he is largely considered one of the greats come again. Mil-turn
    • In the Naxian Protectorate the Governor General reaches the height of his popularity, becoming a key figure in criticism of the Doge's policy. He takes a particular fervour in ensuring no True Faith believers are allowed inside the Protectorate and hangs them for heretics. He also ensures that the Order of Saint Mark does not establish a presence, in an attempt to create controlled religious fervour to counter it, he creates the Order of Naxos, dedicated to the Orthodox faith, known almost exclusively as the Cavalier Naxos by outsiders due to their clear militaristic intentions. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Negroponte riches flow into the province as the Negroponteans begin supplying a large amount of weapons and armour to the various armies of the Venetian Empire and beyond. Further domestic products like plates and sculptures bring in revenue from the richer cities of the Mediterranean. Eco-turn
    • In the Free Port of Ragusa the Black Government takes steps to support the Masaro Collegantia as they have started to supply them with great amounts of needed food goods in the recent years. They enact ways to ensure that Roscol attempts to harass Masaro supporters do not spread to Ragusa by putting laws in place providing strong protection to merchants and making death a punishment for doing so. Eco-turn
  • Rumania: Radu, now 29, continues to promote economic growth. Several shipyards and mines are built. Also many mills spring-up across the nation. Class attendance at the Venetian school grows as printed books, bought from abroad, become common in the library. Many ships are constructed in the shipyards, and hundreds of small workshops are appear in trade towns across Rumania. Trade flourishes with the Ukraine, as well as with Georgia and Hungary. Most of the salt mined is shipped to Venice and the Romans. Iron production also increases.
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: The economy grows substantially, after much of the infrastructure is rebuilt and repaired. Many workshops also appear across northern Bulgaria, built in a similar manner to their counterparts in Rumania. In Varna many ships are built in the dry docks, and trade with many European ports commences.
    • Venetian Diplomacy: Eager to assist their friends in the Golden Sea, especially due to their great trade connections, the Doge sends five Venetian Masters skilled in Politics, Ethics and Economics to join the Venetian School. Further he sends five printing presses of Venetian design with the masters, for use by the Venetian School.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Landshut expands its military. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Jacqueline and her council continue to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished, and by 1463 a trade route is put in place. Such important places in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1463, Eleanor commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The planned market center in Landshut continues to attract regional traders. In religious news, the country begins converting to the Western Netherlander church. By the end of this year, around 75% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. Eleanor continues efforts to implement Sedevacantist policies in the government, being much more religious than her father. Furthermore, Eleanor gives the Roscol Bank access to Landshut, as well as Munchen and Straubing, to do trading, pleasing the Merchant class as the economy begins to recover. The Venetian merchants take an interest in government bonds. Eleanor begins her restored reign by imprisoning several court nobles who supported Jacqueline and revokes their titles. Jacqueline herself remains imprisoned. Beginning in February, Eleanor begins expanding her powers by pushing forward a law which bans conflicts/feuds between nobles and restricts the total amount of titles and lands a noble can hold. Several middle class merchants and patricians love the law, while a small amount of nobles are outraged by it. Most of the noble class, while discomforted, are not particularly bothered by the law, hoping they can convince Eleanor out of pursuing the law. The year ends with a few new laws being passed, mostly establishing permanent merchant houses in Landshut and Munchen. In other news, Eleanor and Robert have a son this year, whom they name Franz-Albert.
    • Munchen: By 1463, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 2800 men. Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. In recent news, unemployment begins to plateau after Eleanor's restoration. 
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. A statue dedicated to Eleanor is built and displayed in the central square of Ingolstadt.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
  • Mapuche:  The population continues to grow.  However, the raiders attack several other villages, prompting outrage among their inhabitants.  Those villages affected decide to form a defense force of their strongest warriors to defend their homes and eventually permanently eliminate the threat.  To complement this, more people spend more time creating and improving copper weapons and armor, improving the military technology of the Mapuche.  Even the unaffected villages send people or supplies to help those in danger, which are largely the more Western villages.  Meanwhile, the girl's father, a copperworker, asks for help in keeping track of who wants how many spears; she uses her designs in the soil to represent who wants them and how many are wanted.  Additionally, the tribe begins to trade its surplus food, copper and art to other smaller groups and nomads, gaining access to a wider variety of resources.
  • Netherlands: As the economy continues to grow more and more hands dedicated to the sailor way those willing to partake in expeditions along the coast of Africa and in search of a sea route to the orient. The outpost in OTL Nigeria is fortified and remains a supplying station along the route farther south. Naval expansion continues. Karl van Nassau formally recognizes Castile's claims to the Aragonese throne, but claims it will not get involved in a conflict. Banking and trade continue to grow. improvements on the docks and and canals are made. Dutch and Wallon culture continue to flourish under the open policies of the ruling elite. The first locally made printing press is made after local artisans copy the designs of imported German ones. Dutch explorers travel farther south along the Kongo coast.
  • Hungary and all its vassals and puppet states expand militarily and economically. Poland expands its armed forces, too, increasing the strength of its troops by focusing on the training of more knights to fight for the nation. Sigismund begins to bring order to all parts of his realm. Resources for the construction of the ports are allocated too, and the construction continues.
  • Castile: The Castilian economy continues a larger process of pulling in more money through trade. The infrastructure of Castile is also expanded more. Castile, in order to facilitate more conversions to Christianity, imposes higher taxes on non-Christians in the areas it controls personally or by proxy through its vassals. Castile has successfully mapped large parts of the African coast south of Morocco and down as far as their trade posts in the Kongo these are kept secret.  The Castilian nobility begins to adapt toward a newer system to revamp or work on their power as they move toward becoming advisors to the king and less involved in their feudal estates which while growing have developed Guilds to facilitate payments for the efforts of the men working, The expert workmanship of many of these men has seen notable increase in productivity for each feudal state with most lords not complaining. The Kingdom's cities begin to be improved with better sanitation and the King hires architects to plan out a sewer system, as well as a true plan for multiple major cities. Castile begins a major process of researching the matchlocks acquired from the Netherlands  acquired and develops its own version which is used to replace the older weapons. which is finally finished. The construction of a new kind of warship with cannons is completed - a heavy warship much more powerful than most other ships of the time. The King notices the heavily increased productivity and income flow due to his hands off policy and non-interference and begins to allow artists, minstrels and other artistic and scientific minds to become more prevalent in Castile, many believe the Castilian Renaissance is imminent. Castile, due to its naval range, high income, extensive and dominant trade network, becomes one of the largest and most dynamic trade empires of the Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. The Castilian navy with its new heavy warships and some new updated designs for older ships organizes a heavy royal fleet phasing out past organizations. The Royal army of Castile has now almost wholly replaced the previous feudalistic military forces and has a size of nearly 50,000 and growing thanks in part to the good funding being provided by the king. In order to make up for lost power the King as behest of his new wife, and several of his friends who are nobles create a king's advisory council which officially has the power of the king in many matters if authorized. The men are also given station to criticize the king's actions to keep him from going crazy with power. The Knights Hospitaller are moved more into Castile with their professional fighting strength and religious zeal used to patrol the borders of Castile's Gibraltar province. The Knights are also given the authority to police the majority Christian Tangiers now, and effectively prevent many Muslims from coming over the border to wreak havoc. Castile's navy, now heavily funded and expanded greatly, reaches a large number of combat and tradeworthy ships and with its trade from Oyo, and various supply bases establishes military and trade dominance over the West African areas as well as its locality in the Mediterranean. The Castilian trade dominance in West Africa remains unbudged as Castile directly owns and has the majority of the gold and ivory trades coming out of West and North Africa. Castile's population reaches around 6.3 million and growing. (I have been focusing heavily on growth of population and have not been involved in nearly the number of destructive wars as OTL Castile has been). The Castilian Renaissance reaches its full swing with art and scientific advancement being allowed by the State as many of the religious fanatics and dissidents are fighting in Morocco, along with this, the highly respected middle and artisan classes are able to afford a much better living with various artists painting great works and with one even gaining an audience with the royal family for a painting. The Castilian navy reaches a large force of nearly 550 ships using the huge funding from Castile's conquests, trading and other situations to fund this navy. The technology of the Castilian navy is improved heavily as the king begins to focus more on the quality of his ships rather than the quantity which results in better quality ships (like an early carrack and my previously developed pre-galleon). The exploration continues just below the Kongo as the Castilian exploration parties manage to gather supplies from the Kongo's friendlier tribes. These exploratory parties have reached OTL southern Angola and a little bit farther south but supply constraints and lack of knowledge of the area prevents further progress. Castile begins sending missionaries to the Kongo to convert the friendlier tribes which is relatively successful. Castile continues to convert to the Western Church with the king and his royal family attempting to preach about the new church and its benefits to the common man and not keeping them in the dark. The Conversion to the Western/Consuete Church continues with a relative majority accepting following the issues with nobility.  The Castilian navy with new ships replacing the old ones begins military drills for preparedness and experience. Castile also now not having the troop strength to hold onto Tangiers anymore (due to the war) transfers control of the city and surrounding area to the kingdom of Morocco. With the independence of Alexandria sends major amounts of aid to the Christians in Alexandria and begins basing more ships in Cyprus to help support them. The King also has a child with his Aragonese wife named Elizabeta (Scraw didn't have a name. I had to make one up) named Ferdinand who is now two years old. The Castilian navy begins establishing multiple trade posts up and down the African coasts more for contact and conversions to Christianity rather than full blown trade in multiple areas. The Castilian king Henry IV funds an exploratory fleet down from Congo to map the area and identify areas suitable for a trade posts or resupply point with the expressed purpose of reaching India by the close of the Century. This objective is kept a secret from most everyone but the ships men and captains and the closest members of the Castilian court. The Castilian navy begins pushing the exploratory border to the southern tip of Angola and into northern Namibia and in order to effectively resupply creates some trade posts and resupply posts in the area. The issue with King Henry being a very problematic king is finally solved in which during a meeting of the king's council he demanded that any and all foreign merchants within Castile and its vassals were to be expelled or killed if they refused to. This causes an action in which King Henry not only attempts to outlaw the Consuete Church which most of the country and its vassals follow, but begin a purge of foreign merchants, Muslims, Jews and renaissance thinkers. This causes an action to be needed and Carlos with support from the king's council and most of the Castilian nobility takes command of the Royal Army while King Henry himself leads a much smaller army against his half brother. Carlos then states he will rule as regent for King Henry's son and will alow King Henry to live out his days in peace if he backs down. This is not done and the remaining disloyal nobles supporting the old church vestiges and King Henry are wiped out in a short but bloody battle in which Henry himself was killed. The Country takes the news well having heard of his attempts to outlaw their own religion and kill the many things that were making Castile prosperous. Carlos staying true to his word only rules Castile as a regent and begins to personally educate his nephew Ferdinand to prevent him from being like his father. His first order of business is to re-integrate the Kingdom of the Canaries into Castile proper. Castile requests larger scale trade with the new Kingdom of Kongo and ask to base ships there for exploratory purposes (Mod Please) The new young King Ferdinand is also announced to have claim to the Throne of Aragon as well as the throne of Castile
    • Kingdom of Granada: The economy, while moderate, is expanded. The Kingdom is formed in a relatively common way as the Muslims are currently being fought as what is deemed "hispanic tradition."  The Prince of Granada is a Castilian noble named Juan Cortez who is extremely biased against Muslims due to his father's death in the original war against Morocco over Gibraltar. The countries armed forces also begin to fight the remaining Muslims in the mountains and begin the force conversion of the remaining Muslims in Granada. Juan Cortez seeing the fallacy of supporting Henry throws his support behind Carlos and his plan. The Military is worked on just in case. The Prince of Granada Juan supports Ferdinands Claim to the throne of Aragon.
    • Kingdom of Cyprus: The King of Cyprus is now King Alexander of Cyprus. The King of Cyprus begins to see Castilian culture not as a dominant force but a possible blendable culture that can fit well within Cypriot society. The economy and military of the country is built up as is the infrastructure with a nice road system being built throughout the country. Cyprus gaining large funds from being a Castilian trade hub, begins building a few ships domestically, and purchases ships from Castile, or her allies shipwrights forming a respectable Cypriot navy of almost 90 ships with expected expansion to come. This expansion has been achieved specifically thanks to huge amounts of outsourcing to private shipwrights. Cyprus begins to see an exodus of the Knights Hospitaller West to Castile and her territories and King Matthias begins a larger recruitment for the military managing to raise a force of nearly 10,000. This force is largely funded through the large trade Cyprus has gathered. The troops are styled after Castile's royal army and Cyprus embarks on an intense training program in order to bring them up to standards. The Knights, with many departing also have many older and other knights stay due to their close ties with Cyprus. They remain to run the Knights Hospitaller in Cyprus for the foreseeable future while a large number have migrated across the sea. The Kingdom of Cyprus due to the recent issues in Castile reluctantly recognizes Carlos and his Regency for Prince Ferdinand and recognizes Ferdinands claim to the Throne of Aragon.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The less fortunate and disenfranchised are converted. The Kingdom itself is a Christian kingdom with a similar situation of early Castile and Aragon, with large numbers of Muslims and a small number of Christians. However, the Christian community in Morocco is expanded thanks to the influx of traders and settlers from Castile and some other immigrants looking for an opportunity to live a new life here. The Kingdom establishes its capital in Casablanca and with this, begins a major point of establishing a major military presence in the area.  The infrastructure, particularly in dealing with transport and water, is expanded to accommodate more people but the only people allowed to settle are Christians - particularly from Hispania. A notable number of Castilians settle the area. While Christians remain the minority the kingdom of Morocco sets up various churches and allows preachers to roam around and convert people. The Kingdom begins to push toward integration of the city of Tangiers into the kingdom. This would give the Kingdom two important cities. Heavy taxes are imposed on Muslim traders in order to facilitate conversions to Christianity while lower more friendly taxes are given to Christian merchants. The leader of Morocco styled a king, out of respect deducts himself in rank to Prince of Morocco as the throne is only to be held by the King of Castile himself if it's ever required. The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continue to expand with greater trade coming from Castile and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom's army proper raised by immigrant Christians now numbers about 7000 itself and is expected to grow. The Kingdom of Morocco begins to take control of territory in  the interior of Morocco proper following the Castilian and English forces and securing the areas (this territory is being integrated into the kingdom of Morocco). The population of Morocco is an estimated 420,000 currently with an increasing amount of people settling in the country. The city of Fez begins to rebuilt as the Holy City of Calne-Vicuna for the Consuete (Western) Church. The Converted Berbers are finally admitted into the armed forces and as fierce fighters they are able to not only put down Muslim revolts but wipe them out at the core. The Prince of Morocco now named Fernando Ortega a new name come up with to differentiate himself as the Prince of Morocco takes power from his now dead father. He immediately supports Carlos's plans in Castile and sends some of the new Christian Berber troops to act as personal guards for the Royal Palace in Toledo. The Moroccan Prince also Recognizes Ferdinands Claim to the Throne of Aragon.
  • Kingdom of Italy: King Charles I continues the reforms of his father, and improves the economy and the military. Continues the construction and improvement of shipyards and production of new boats to combat in the Mediterranean. Territorial defense continues being built based on border forts. Relations with the Byzantine Empire continue strong. The Naval Academy in Taranto continues the technological research with Venice. The King continue to give new impetus to the culture within the kingdom and its vassal states, in art, science, etc.
    • Kingdom of Sicily: The army continue the process of assimilation of Italian tactics that spread through the Mediterranean, promoting the use of early firearms. The economy of the island is mostly cereal crops. Thanks to Italian support the exploitation of olives and wine grapes continues. 
    • Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Improves the economy and the military. The economic prosperity of the previous years is accented with commercial junction providing by Italy and Genoa, and the city of Florence is the commercial nexus among all the Italian states. Frederick I helps promote economic prosperity, gives incentives to help manufacturing output grow, and improve access roads to make the trade more fluid and profitable. The army is formed to the image of the Italian army, with gradual use of new firearms that become quite popular. Frederick I became a great patron and the Tuscan nobles follow this particular policy. The artists, protected and maintained by the nobles and bourgeois rising, unleash their creativity.
    • Duchy of Genoa: Improves the economy and the military. The Duchy of Genoa continues trading from the Black Sea to the Straits of Gibraltar, using new models of ships with cargo holds of more spacious and allow greater profit. With the help of Italian military fleet, try to force richest commercial rights in Tunisian ports. In Genoa the boom in production of luxury items continue. The pressure of the Genoese traders in Tunis is growing, and combined with the presence of Christian missionaries, who at the same time serve commercial spies; is accomplished the capture of a lot of exotic products that are not easy to get due to the conflicts and trade barriers in the Near East, and the axis between Tunis and Genoa is strengthened. The Genoese economy restarts its golden age.
    • Duchy of Ferrara: Improves the economy and the military. The paper industry is forging ahead, and also the making of looms, making this duchy in one of the most productive in northern Italy. Duke Niccolo I continue the loyal service to Italy. 
    • Duchy of Corsica: Improves the economy and the military. The exploitation of salt mines and silver continues. In the same way, the vine crops increase in extension and quality, and the manufacture of wine each year improves in quality and quantity, and is recognized as the best European wine. On the island of Corsica a boom of mercenaries continues. The Italian army started recruiting many Corsicans, making them a legend in terms of ferocity and skill in the skirmishes and battles. 
    • Marquisate of Modena: Improves the economy and the military. Niccolo is dedicated to art and culture, encouraging painters, sculptors and architects that embellish this little Marquisate, leading Italian opulence to a new levelMarquis Niccolo I continues the loyal service to Italy.
    • Principality of Zeta: Improves the economy and the military. Dairy cattle production increases, and in the same way the manufacture of better quality cheese, they continue to be exported to Italy, Hungary and Byzantium. The Prince Giovanni I continues the cultural boom.
    • Vatican City: Pope Benedict XV continue the campaign of evangelization in the lands of the Balkans. Missionaries continue to working in North Africa, especially in Tunisia, where they try to recover the core of Christians. The Pope like his predecessor condemns all those who come to the false churches that are being created in Europe. The Pope in his speeches also continues condemning the current lack of security of pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land, which the Christian nations have a priority to recover these places and they are missing to the will of God. The nephew of Pope Callistus III, Rodrigo Borgia continue his ascent in the Roman curia.
    • Order of the Knights of Malta: The Grand Master of the Order Piero Raimondo Camelot, uses his fleet of ten ships to patrol the central Mediterranean, also helping needy Christians. Military elements are improved, and the economy is maintained by the Italian and Sicilian support.
    • County of Provence: The reform of the administration continues, adapting the Italian model which has had so much success. Improves economy through trade and manufacturing cloth. The military camp is also improved, adding new equipment and Italian military ideas.
    • Duchy of Anjou: As in Provence, the Duchy transformation is performed. The economy and military improve.
    • Alencon: The economy and military improve.
    • Narbonne: The economy and military improve.
    • Vendome: The economy and military improve.
  • Aragon expands its navy, economy and infrastructure. The Aragonese Renacimento continues with art taking new forms with young artists, sponsored by nobles, experimenting with new styles. They are also influenced by ancient Greco-Roman history. King Charles begins to suffer the symptoms of old age after several decades of life. However, Aragonese economic influence over the Mediterranean trade increases, and Aragon continues to fund voyages to Africa. Aragon also gets involved in northern European trade networks. Aragon makes an offer to England to buy its land in Aquitane.
  • Hesse: We continue improving the economy and keep recruiting soldiers. The Royal Family begins writing songs as a pastime. Ludwig II comes up with a song celebrating the Hessian victory in the Gottingen War. 
  • Yeah, no way that's happening. Sorry, you can't do that. -Feud
  • Bengal Sultanate: The decrease in taxes on the landed elite does its job in most areas of the Sultanate, decreasing the tax load on the peasantry and earning him their support. The tax cuts on the merchant class allow for more trade to be conducted, and a recent lax on some of the quota laws allows for more goods to be shipped from Bengal, greatly increasing trade income. Trade with the state of Ava continues, with influence being placed through trade on Ava. Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Koch, Ahom and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their nations. Most all trade roads begin to see much-needed maintenance. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems and epics continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. The hand cannon design is finished by the former nobles' scholars, and resembles an early European-style arquebus (not because it is modeled after one, but because that design style is a universal step in gun design). Claims of smaller shots fired from it penetrating plate armor lead to it becoming very popular in the sultanate, but the lack of enough people with the knowledge to make them leads to a shortage, and therefore higher price, making them more scarce in landed elite armies. To make up for this lack of Phay-sat (comes from the phonetic translate of the Bengali phrase used to describe the weapon "Fire shot"), bows remain an integral part of the military. Bengal, with the other Indian states, creates the Indian League, designed to prevent foreign aggression into Indian lands, as well as facilitate better relations between Indian states. The Sultan's wife has twin daughters in addition to the son and daughter that she has had already. Due to complications at childbirth, his wife passes away, but the twin daughters survive, one taking the name of her mother.
    • Emirate of Andamana: Mansoor Basil Amirmoez continues to reclaim land on the island to make room for farms, and to have timber for building both boats and houses. The Emirate expands another 500 km into the island. The ships built by the timber from the island help contribute to Bengali trade. Continues working on economy and infrastructure. 
    • Rajya of Orissa: Unlike the other vassals of the Bengali Sultanate, Bhandudeva IV is kept farther away from the daily politics of controlling Orissa, relying mainly on Islamic advisors sent directly by the Bengal Sultan. The advisors quickly persuade Bhandudeva IV to allow the Muslim settlers in the northern part of the Rajya to hold land south of the previously agreed living space. Continues working on military and infrastructure. Bhandudeva IV passes away, and the advisors vote in a Hindu successor, named Kapilendra Deva.
    • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The Swargadeo (King) of Ahom declares himself to be King of Assam, also called Kamarupa in this time since he now controls his grandson's lands which were the Maharaja of Koch.
      • Bengali Diplomacy (Only Delhi accepts the offer). We offer to economically stablize the freed states of Delhi, Bahamani and Jaunpur through trade and monetary loans/gifts, as well as offering to place the Sultan's personal soldiers in their nations to prevent small insurrections in the new states. 
      • Bengali Diplomacy (agreed): We ask all the states of the Indian League to convene with their envoys to the city of Delhi, in part both to celebrate the fact that the city is back in Indian hands after 65 years, and to set a precident for how the Indian League conducts itself in relation to both foreign and domestic affairs. 
  • In the Jochid Ulus, once again, tragedy strikes as Prince Tulpar, allied with his Tatar Muslims and Kazakhs, rebel against the legitimate government. Some areas in the Ob' fall against his rule. Seeking restoration of Jochid domain, they begin re-establishing Islamic rule and shutting down Mastoravic groves.
    • The Legitimist government of Theodore gets almost universal support in the western areas where Christianity and Mastoravism are dominant. The troops rise up in favour of Theodore across the western nation; large numbers of former soldiers return to arms against Tulpar, especially in Qazan, Saray and Astrakhan. These troops march with Prince Tyushtya at their head against Tulpar's troop. However, they are evaded by most of the Muslim armies. At home, Theodore continues his reforms. The most important one, although largely symbolic, is disbanding the last of the Ulus, and declaring the Ulus of Jochi a defunct nation. The nation reforms to become the Empire of the Tartary. This is widely hailed by merchants and peasants alike.
    • The Rebel government of Tulpar embarks on guerrilla warfare against Tyushtya's troops. They sieze some cities, like Ural and Öfö, which are Muslim strongholds. However, the brunt of their army is located in the forests and rivers of Siberia. The army fights back some of Tyushtya's advances, and fortifies their more obvious positions.
    • Great Perm, Adyghea and the Kazakhs declare their support to Theodore but send no significant aid.
  • Trier: We upgrade our military and economy. The states around us are influenced. Trade routes are established, opening trade among Hesse, Cologne and Austria and her vassals. We dedicate this turn to infrastructure expansion, building several defenses, and roads to link towns across the nation. Fortifications around our capital are improved and updated. We continue to influence Cleves following support from the Dutch War for Independence. 


Locals and Uzbeks in Khiva mount a rebellion against the Safavids in the region. The Uzbek group the Yadigarid Shaybanids installed themselves as Khans of the region, founding the Khanate of Khiva.

Faced with lacking trade in the large but isolated Fijian isles, some Fijian sailors settle in Tanna and Erromango isles in Vanuatu, closer to the Indian trade web. Becoming wealthier, this thalassocratic Fijian empire begins to rival the long-standing Tongans.

In Rome, Pope Benedict XV dies. In the subsequent conclave, the Napolitan Giacomo Tebaldi is elected Pope, taking the Papal name of Clement VIII. However, Clement VIII dies unexpectedly, only 27 days after his accession. Another conclave is held, where the Castilian Juan de Torquemada is elected Pope, taking the Papal name of Marinus IV.

In China, a small rebellion occurs in the interior province of Huguang and in Guangxi, where a rebellion of the Miao people and Yao people combats the roughly 160,000 local troops stationed in the region. The crisis escalates after the rebels manage to establish a foothold in the area.

A Breton-French-Latin dictionary, known as the Catholicon, is first written. It is the first French dictionary as well as the first Breton dictionary of world history.

The local Sharifs in Fez begin a minor revolt against their rulers, declaring a jihad. The current governor is put to death, while several Christians and Jewish citizens are slaughtered in the frenzy.

Albert II, Holy Roman Emperor, praised leader of the German people, dies peacefully in his sleep in Vienna. His death is mourned by people all across the Holy Roman Empire, who valued him as a wise and successful ruler. Albert “the Magnanimous” is buried in St Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, surrounded by friends, family and hundreds of noble lords from across the realm. His first son George is crowned Archduke of Austria, who departs for Augsburg to appear before the electors as a candidate for emperor.

  • Cuzco: We patiently wait for a response from the Ica-Nazca. Economy and military are built up in the meantime.
    • Wanka: Economy and military are built up.
    • Ica-Nazca dip: We accept Cuzco's offer (sorry this is late, I was away).
  • Hamburg-Mecklenburg: The nation mourns the death of Albert II. William I later sets off for Frankfurt to make his bid for the seat of the Holy Roman Emperor. Williamsburg and Neue Lüneburg grow, and trade with the Africans proves profitable. A series of defensive walls begins to be constructed for the city of Hamburg. Ruppin continues to be petitioned for resources.
    • Magdeburg: Infrastructure expanded.
  • Castile: The Castilian economy continues a larger process of pulling in more money through trade. The infrastructure of Castile is also expanded more. Castile, in order to facilitate more conversions to Christianity, imposes higher taxes on non-Christians in the areas it controls personally or by proxy through its vassals. Castile has successfully mapped large parts of the African coast south of Morocco and down as far as their trade posts in the Kongo these are kept secret.  The Castilian nobility begins to adapt toward a newer system to revamp or work on their power as they move toward becoming advisors to the king and less involved in their feudal estates which while growing have developed Guilds to facilitate payments for the efforts of the men working, The expert workmanship of many of these men has seen notable increase in productivity for each feudal state with most lords not complaining. The Kingdom's cities begin to be improved with better sanitation and the King hires architects to plan out a sewer system, as well as a true plan for multiple major cities. Castile begins a major process of researching the matchlocks acquired from the Netherlands acquired and develops its own version which is used to replace the older weapons. which is finally finished. The construction of a new kind of warship with cannons is completed - a heavy warship much more powerful than most other ships of the time. The King notices the heavily increased productivity and income flow due to his hands off policy and non-interference and begins to allow artists, minstrels and other artistic and scientific minds to become more prevalent in Castile, many believe the Castilian Renaissance is imminent. Castile, due to its naval range, high income, extensive and dominant trade network, becomes one of the largest and most dynamic trade empires of the Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. The Castilian navy with its new heavy warships and some new updated designs for older ships organizes a heavy royal fleet phasing out past organizations. The Royal army of Castile has now almost wholly replaced the previous feudalistic military forces and has a size of nearly 50,000 and growing thanks in part to the good funding being provided by the king. In order to make up for lost power the King as behest of his new wife, and several of his friends who are nobles create a king's advisory council which officially has the power of the king in many matters if authorized. The men are also given station to criticize the king's actions to keep him from going crazy with power. The Knights Hospitaller are moved more into Castile with their professional fighting strength and religious zeal used to patrol the borders of Castile's Gibraltar province. The Knights are also given the authority to police the majority Christian Tangiers now, and effectively prevent many Muslims from coming over the border to wreak havoc. Castile's navy, now heavily funded and expanded greatly, reaches a large number of combat and tradeworthy ships and with its trade from Oyo, and various supply bases establishes military and trade dominance over the West African areas as well as its locality in the Mediterranean. The Castilian trade dominance in West Africa remains unbudged as Castile directly owns and has the majority of the gold and ivory trades coming out of West and North Africa. Castile's population reaches around 6.3 million and growing. (I have been focusing heavily on growth of population and have not been involved in nearly the number of destructive wars as OTL Castile has been). The Castilian Renaissance reaches its full swing with art and scientific advancement being allowed by the State as many of the religious fanatics and dissidents are fighting in Morocco, along with this, the highly respected middle and artisan classes are able to afford a much better living with various artists painting great works and with one even gaining an audience with the royal family for a painting. The Castilian navy reaches a large force of nearly 550 ships using the huge funding from Castile's conquests, trading and other situations to fund this navy. The technology of the Castilian navy is improved heavily as the king begins to focus more on the quality of his ships rather than the quantity which results in better quality ships (like an early carrack and my previously developed pre-galleon). The exploration continues just below the Kongo as the Castilian exploration parties manage to gather supplies from the Kongo's friendlier tribes. These exploratory parties have reached OTL southern Angola and a little bit farther south but supply constraints and lack of knowledge of the area prevents further progress. Castile begins sending missionaries to the Kongo to convert the friendlier tribes which is relatively successful. Castile continues to convert to the Western Church with the king and his royal family attempting to preach about the new church and its benefits to the common man and not keeping them in the dark. The conversion to the Western/Consuete Church continues with a relative majority accepting following the issues with nobility.  The Castilian navy with new ships replacing the old ones begins military drills for preparedness and experience. Castile also now not having the troop strength to hold onto Tangiers any longer (due to the war) transfers control of the city and surrounding area to the kingdom of Morocco. With the independence of Alexandria sends major amounts of aid to the Christians in Alexandria and begins basing more ships in Cyprus to help support them. The King also has a child with his Aragonese wife named Elizabeta (Scraw didn't have a name. I had to make one up) named Ferdinand who is now two years old. The Castilian navy begins establishing multiple trade posts up and down the African coasts more for contact and conversions to Christianity rather than full blown trade in multiple areas. The Castilian king Henry IV funds an exploratory fleet down from Congo to map the area and identify areas suitable for a trade posts or resupply point with the expressed purpose of reaching India by the close of the Century. This objective is kept a secret from most everyone but the ships men and captains and the closest members of the Castilian court. The Castilian navy begins pushing the exploratory border to the southern tip of Angola and into northern Namibia and in order to effectively resupply creates some trade posts and resupply posts in the area. The issue with King Henry being a very problematic king is finally solved in which during a meeting of the king's council he demanded that any and all foreign merchants within Castile and its vassals were to be expelled or killed if they refused to. This causes an action in which King Henry not only attempts to outlaw the Consuete Church which most of the country and its vassals follow, but begins a purge of foreign merchants, Muslims, Jews and renaissance thinkers. This causes an action to be needed and Carlos with support from the king's council and most of the Castilian nobility takes command of the Royal Army while King Henry himself leads a much smaller army against his Half Brother. Carlos then states he will rule as regent for King Henry's son and will alow King Henry to live out his days in peace if he backs down. This is not done and the remaining disloyal nobles supporting the old church vestiges and King Henry are wiped out in a short but bloody battle in which Henry himself was killed. The Country takes the news well having heard of his attempts to outlaw their own religion and kill the many things that were making Castile prosperous. Carlos staying true to his word only rules Castile as a regent and begins to personally educate his nephew Ferdinand to prevent him from being like his father. His first order of business is to re-integrate the Kingdom of the Canaries into Castile proper. Castile officially declared a war of succession over Aragon in order to unite Castile and Aragon together in a personal union. Castile is joined by various allies.
    • Kingdom of Granada: The economy, while moderate, is expanded. The Kingdom is formed in a relatively common way as the Muslims are currently being fought as what is deemed "hispanic tradition."  The Prince of Granada is a Castilian noble named Juan Cortez who is extremely biased against Muslims due to his father's death in the original war against Morocco over Gibraltar. The countries armed forces also begin to fight the remaining Muslims in the mountains and begin the force conversion of the remaining Muslims in Granada. Juan Cortez seeing the fallacy of supporting Henry throws his support behind Carlos and his plan. The Military is worked on just in case. The Prince of Granada Juan supports Ferdinands Claim to the throne of Aragon. Granada declares war on Aragon with Castile and allies
    • Kingdom of Cyprus: The King of Cyprus is now King Alexander of Cyprus. The King of Cyprus begins to see Castilian culture not as a dominant force but a possible blendable culture that can fit well within Cypriot society. The economy and military of the country is built up as is the infrastructure with a nice road system being built throughout the country. Cyprus gaining large funds from being a Castilian trade hub, begins building a few ships domestically, and purchases ships from Castile, or her allies shipwrights forming a respectable Cypriot navy of almost 90 ships with expected expansion to come. This expansion has been achieved specifically thanks to huge amounts of outsourcing to private shipwrights. Cyprus begins to see an exodus of the Knights Hospitaller West to Castile and her territories and King Matthias begins a larger recruitment for the military managing to raise a force of nearly 10,000. This force is largely funded through the large trade Cyprus has gathered. The troops are styled after Castile's royal army and Cyprus embarks on an intense training program in order to bring them up to standards. The Knights, with many departing also have many older and other knights stay due to their close ties with Cyprus. They remain to run the Knights Hospitaller in Cyprus for the foreseeable future while a large number have migrated across the sea. The Kingdom of Cyprus due to the recent issues in Castile reluctantly recognizes Carlos and his Regency for Prince Ferdinand and recognizes Ferdinands claim to the Throne of Aragon. He is not requested to join the war against Aragon due to the situation not affecting them greatly and it being not as cultural significance to Cyprus.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The less fortunate and disenfranchised are converted. The Kingdom itself is a Christian kingdom with a similar situation of early Castile and Aragon, with large numbers of Muslims and a small number of Christians. However, the Christian community in Morocco is expanded thanks to the influx of traders and settlers from Castile and some other immigrants looking for an opportunity to live a new life here. The Kingdom establishes its capital in Casablanca and with this, begins a major point of establishing a major military presence in the area.  The infrastructure, particularly in dealing with transport and water, is expanded to accommodate more people but the only people allowed to settle are Christians - particularly from Hispania. A notable number of Castilians settle the area. While Christians remain the minority the kingdom of Morocco sets up various churches and allows preachers to roam around and convert people. The Kingdom begins to push toward integration of the city of Tangiers into the kingdom. This would give the Kingdom two important cities. Heavy taxes are imposed on Muslim traders in order to facilitate conversions to Christianity while lower more friendly taxes are given to Christian merchants. The leader of Morocco styled a king, out of respect deducts himself in rank to Prince of Morocco as the throne is only to be held by the King of Castile himself if it's ever required. The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continue to expand with greater trade coming from Castile and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom's army proper raised by immigrant Christians now numbers about 12,000 itself and is expected to grow. The city of Fez begins to rebuilt as the Holy City of Calne-Vicuna for the Consuete (Western) Church. However, this is delayed by the revolt of jihadists in the area. The Converted Berbers are finally admitted into the armed forces and as fierce fighters they are able to not only put down Muslim revolts but wipe them out at the core. These troops are used as shock troops in the combatting of the revolt near Fez. The Moroccan troops aided by nearly 2000 hired mercenaries attempt to quell the rebellion but due to the spread out resistance in the area are only able to take back Fez Proper. This revolt due to the guerrilla-like tactics is expected to be quelled in a few years. Raids continue to be a problem. The Prince of Morocco now named Fernando Ortega a new name come up with to differentiate himself as the Prince of Morocco takes power from his now dead father. He immediately supports Carlos's plans in Castile and sends some of the new Christian Berber troops to act as personal guards for the Royal Palace in Toledo. The Moroccan Prince also recognizes Ferdinand's claim to the throne of Aragon.
  • Ottoman Sultanate: The economy in the Sultanate improves greatly since the end of the War, and the improved economy helps the Sultan to put more money into architecture, like mosques and even education centers including a new university. Meanwhile, the Sultan sails aboard one of the newest vessels that voyages on the coast of the Levant in order to foster relations with the locals. Many ships are sent to modern Tunisia and Algeria to establish trade with more Muslim nations. Speaking of Muslim nations, to ensure the unity and prosperity of the Ottoman Sultanate, the Grand Vizier plans to incorporate its vassals into the nation in the next decade or two, starting with Erzincan.
  • The Kingdom of England (member state of the Kingdoms of Greater Albion): English military and navy are expanded with many new war cogs being added to the English fleets. The North Sea trade is almost completely dominated by the North Sea Trading Alliance (Holland and Albion, mostly). Nordic and English culture continues to blend, with stories of the mythical Norse gods becoming popular reading among the wealthy segments of the population. Scotland continues to integrate the government fully with that of England and of Albion in full. Work with the Celts continue in Scotland and Ireland working to bring the two cultures closer together. Albion sends more explorers to Africa, particularly in the OTL regions of Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast. Edmund Trading Port in OTL Sierra Leone continues to see expansive trade and is renamed Edmundburgh. The Palaces in London that were damaged by the great fire are finally, after several decades, almost complete in repairs. The Albionic and English Navies are continuously and massively expanded in an effort to retain control over the waters of the North. New and larger, more powerful ships are built as well as the Albionic equivalent to the Norse Karak, but with more guns and a slightly larger masthead. English explorers begin to map the coast of Africa for the King, making it down the coast near OTL Gabon. James Severus' famous book, The Eddies of Great Albion: Poetry from the Past becomes a popular read across the Isles and is shipped abroad with trade merchants, spreading Anglo-Celt culture far and wide. The Albionic Navy continues growth with a number of impressive ships constructed. In Albion, the first books are printed in English, inspiring a nationalistic attitude among the population. several books including The Eddies of Great Albion are translated into English, as well as Gaelic. The Aeneid becomes the first of a string of classical literature printed in the Isles and is distributed throughout. Books written by Roman tacticians from the old Province of Britannia are sent to Eire. An offer of increased trade and an alliance are sent to the County of Oldenburg. Albion declares war on Aragon to protect Albionic interests over the legitimate claims that ally, Castile has declared.
    • Dublin: After the years of upgrading, Dublin becomes a shining jewel in the Eire. Dublin founds the Bank of Eire as an offshoot of the Bank of England. The Bank of England sees modernization. The Albionic and English Navies are continuously and massively expanded in an effort to retain control over the waters of the North. The Eddies of Great Albion: Poetry from the Past becomes a popular read in Dublin, one of the most important trading ports in Eire.
    • Wales: The Welsh military and navy are expanded. The Welsh begin to see the fruits of all the English banking investments as large areas of the nation see improvements in infrastructure. Representation in the Albion Parliament increases as a minor population boom in and around Cardiff begins. The Albionic and English Navies are continuously and massively expanded in an effort to retain control over the waters of the North.
    • Calais: The port of Calais is expanded. Calais also builds more ships to add to the increasingly expansive Albion Royal Navy.
  • France: With the declaration of war from Castile to Aragon we see a chance at getting a few parts of Aragon for the gain of French regions under control of Aragon currently, the French troops declare war on Aragon mostly out of honor as they are the main allies of the Castilian kingdom and in order to honor the previous recognition of the Castilian claim on the Aragonese throne. While this, troops are moved to the southern regions of France and the French fleet begins destroying Aragonese warships off the coast of Barcelona and near the Balearic Islands, to some extent having a lot of success at taking down part of their fleet and planning a joint capture with Venice of the islands in order to launch an eventually direct hit to Barcelona and Valencia. While this, some French forces cross Aragon's northern border. While this, Muslim slave soldiers (descended from those few Tunisians captured) are sent to their death and as weapons against Aragon's forces. While this, navy continue growings its presence over the Northern and Atlantic Sea. England is offered a land exchange in which France retrieves their remaining holdings and in exchange leases Brittany to Britain until 1600 (starting from 1466), the only remaining holding outside Brittany being Calais. French explorers reach OTL Cape Vert after tailing a Castilian trade ship in a mutual partnership established by the merchants, which allowed them to get that far, soon after the start trade with the locals and eventually visit the African coast.
    • Burgundy: Military and navy are built up, economy expands. Some squads are sent to Aragon to help in the French front against Aragon.
    • Brittany: Military and navy are built up, economy expands.
    • Berry: Military and economy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Verdun: Military and economy are built up.
    • Armagnac: Military and economy are built up. 
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Albionic Diplomacy: The Crown of Albion accepts the land agreement.
  • Sanafah continues the planned and systematic growth of the emirate. Infrastructure improvements remain a favorite of the Council, who near finalization of vassalization of Sofala. Meanwhile, the Chieftain of Sakalava works in both states to promote culturally re-integration. Betsileo, in dynastic union with the Chief expands 1000 sq km, and Sakalava expands 2500 sq km. The Emir works with his extensive system of alliances in the Swahili region, improving relations. Trade also picks up. Dina Arobi grows more slowly than its predecessor, Dina Morgabin, which continues to grow in population. The Comoros further expands its mainland exclave at Pemba. Population increases as a result of increase of standard of living. All Sanafahi states grow their economies.
  • Too much expansion, you don't control half the island. I said chill out and go slow. -Feud
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, Portuguese traders continue visiting the Castilian settlements in the Canaries. Meanwhile, wheat continues to be cultivated in Leiname. By this time, the colony in Leiname starts to export wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, some Portuguese explorers continue to explore the African coast. São Miguel and Santa Maria continue to be settled.
  • Mughal Empire: Babur adopts the 13-year-old Mirza as his son. The young boy's education is specially taken care of, making sure he is fluent in Persian, Urdu, Marwari and Chagatay Turkic. Babur, without a male heir, declares Mirza his successor, ensuring the survival of the Timurid dynasty. With the freeing of Jaunpur and Bahmani, the Mughal agriculture is damaged as is the whole economy due to numerous people migrating from Jaunpur and Bahmani. Babur, wishing to keep the economy steady, strengthens the positions of those working in mines.
    • Southern Chagatai Khanate: The Eunuch Khan heads back to his Khanate after the treaty has been signed. The Khanate works on its trade routes and economy.
  • Safavid Persian Empire: We ask for peace with the Uzbeks (MOD RESPONSE). The new changes to the Qu'ran made by our neighbors is heavily shunned. The Sunni population continues to shrink, while the overall population steadily grows. We focus on our military, making developments, and the troop count is swiftly growing. This is in part due to the lack of "True Islam" and an overpowering sense of nationalisim as many feel like rightful Persian lands are being kept from us. The wall around Isfahan continues. The University of Tabriz attracts many from across the middle east. We begin to expand into the fragmented Muzzafarids. (which I am assuming is that fragmented and disorganized nartion above the green one)
  • Eire: We rejoice when Thomond and later other Irish states lay down arms and join us and 55 years after King Thomas' fateful dream, Eire becomes fully united, save the city of Dublin, which remains independent and remaining so for the forseeable future. Celebrations occur in towns across Eire, and the King and his entourage tours Eire, with the help of the new road system. We begin expanding roads to newly-acquired regions in Eire, hoping to connect all major towns, and spread new Irish ideals such as Occidentalism (Western Catholicism) and pro-Albionism. Stabilization after years of expansion continues, with many soldiers in the military for years during Eire's fighting begin to settle down, and the navy continues to be built up. Cork and Ballydrogheda undergo a renaissance, as the unification of Ireland allows for the ability to export products from all across the Isle. As such, trade increases. the King begins to modernize the military forces, with the eventual forces consisting of a main line of pikemen, Gaelic skirmishers on the flanks, crossbowmen behind the skirmishers, and the cavalry behind all. Wool begins to become a more popular farm product, with a few people living in the towns beginning to manufacture cloth in small quantities. Leinster is fully integrated into Eire. (Inf-turn) 
  • The Koryak Confederacy: The Koryak Confederacy expands 2000 km west into Yakutia, surrounding its vassal the East Yakuts. Writing continues to spread, along with Shinto, as many priests teach reading and writing in addition to fulfilling a religious role. Using one of the new Fuchuan ships, the Alaska Peninsula is thoroughly mapped. Its captain decides it is part of a larger continent and not a small island. Kodiak grows as more fishermen use it as a harbour when fishing off the Alaskan coast. The port is brough tunder government control and renamed Alyeska. An adventurous cowherd is dropped on the peninsula, where he spends the summer crisscrossing it with his herd of cows, trading with the Inuit inhabitants. He acquires a great deal of ivory, leading others to consider emulating him.
    • ​Chukhotka: Builds more roads into sparsely settled northeastern territories. Shinto and writing continues to spread. 
    • East Yakuts: The East Yakuts improve the economy by adopting livestock, such as cows and cames,w hich previosuly had not reached the area.
    • Free City of Ustokut: The city improves its military, emplacing the siege equipment along the walls and building barracks for the garrison.
  • Pskov: Exerts more control over the Prince of Muscovy via their seat in the Muscovian Council, The Prince of Pskov becomes the right hand of Prince Dimitri. The Pskovians continue to produce more books and be the center of scientific revival in Russia. A new work is found during an expedition to Arabia, by a man named Aristarchus of Samos, and another named Al-beruni that postulated that the Earth is not the center of the universe, but rather rotates around the sun, and spins on its own axis, and that the retrograde motion of Mars is simply an optical illusion ... the scientific works are published and this theory is outright rejected by some as blasphemy but others look to it with intrigue, especially one Vechiaslav Feodorovich Turchkov, who begins to ponder the question, and begins to find that planets, including the earth, moving in circles around the sun is a much more eloquent model that the Platonian circles within circles. He begins to study and write a work which he will present to the newly-founded academy of natural studies, a subdivision of the college of physicians. Due to many works done on humans, the understanding of the human body increases, and, due to the influence of Arabian medicine, the practice of bloodletting is ceased by all members of the college, and leter outlawed. The College later petitons the Veche that nobody should be allowed to call themselves a "physician" or "doctor" without being a member. After debate, the motion passes. Due to the increase in trade and literacy, Pskov's economy becomes better.
  • Great Zimbabwe builds up its military as King Kahal seizes power in a coup after killing the previous King and all of his legal heirs. King Kahal's seizure of the throne causes many of the lords outside of the capital to rebel and denounce the new King. The King starts to fight a war to seize back the parts of his Kingdom which have rebelled away to prove the power of the "Nzi we mabwe" (Great Houses of Stone).
  • Glad to see you back!
  • Prussia: The Prussians officially annex their vassal of Pomerania. The Prussians continue to convert to the Western Church. The Prussians begin to build their army.
    • Courland: The Curonians also begin developing their economy and military. The Curonians also begin converting to the Western Church.
  • Oyo Empire: The fleet of yanyan sent off by Olorun have rounded the southern tip of Africa, and begin their northward journey. However, many of the men have voiced their desire to land for a while before continuing their trip north, and thus the ships stop yet again. The expansion of the navy by Oyo has since the production of twenty yanyan ships, in addition to the four in southern Africa. The military, economy and infrastructure are expanded. Oyo's government develops the policy of self-limitation in regards to the size of the nation proper. With so many unified tribes around them, the Oyo have opted to focus on seaward expansion, and develop the lands they find overseas. To that end, the islands of San Fernando are settled by the Oyo, with a small fleet of yanyan transporting the settlers out to the islands. With the small fleet in well-trained hands, and the islands nearby, communication even with the smaller war canoes, will be of no issue to the government.
  • Europe has better ships currently and Castile is farther down than you and hasn't even rounded the tip yet ... Give it a little bit. -Feud
  • But I'm already there in the region and I was there in the past trading with Angola. But I get what your saying. ~Viva
  • The Empire of the Tartary continues in its struggle for the succession. More blood is shed this year, although the war only exists in the east of the nation.
    • In the west, Emperor Theodore's army fights back some westernmost Muslims in the Kama and Ob' rivers. However, Öfö and Ural continue in open revolt against Theodore's armies. Even then, the people of Qazan and Bolghar do not truly feel the brunt of the war in the West. The reforms done by Theodore continue to be applied in the west. Christian churches and Mastoravic temples grow quickly in the nation, while the first post-reform mosque is allowed to open in Sarai. Emperor Theodore heads eastward to relieve his brother Tyushtya. However, he sends back some orders. One of them is to build a new library in Sarai, to collect knowledge. Books and military help are requested to both Venice in Caffa and the Byzantines, as well as several Russian and Oriental nations. Theodore, due to his Roman education, is interested in making this library one of the largest in the world. It is inaugurated with copies of the Bible in Greek, Tatar and Mordvin. 
    • In the east, Khan Tulpar continues to hide out in the Siberian forest. He begins committing murders of Christians and Pagans in some parts, with many thousands of Ukrainians dying. They are crushed in the east by the rise of a pro-Theodoric militia, but that does not stop the wide-spread death of people across the nation. The troops continue fortifying Öfö and, to a lesser degree, Ural. The merchants are slain, as are the burghers; only ulus remain in rule of Tulpar's armies.
    • Adyghea, Perm and Kazakhstan all develop their economy. Rather than sending outright help to Emperor Theoore, they hail him as Emperor and swear their fealty.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire is concerned with the strains being placed on fellow Christians in nearby nations, and as such steps up aid to those nations. Books and military goods are sent to both Alexandria and the Tartar Empire in order to help them in their struggles, and Emperor Michael IX recognizes Theodore as "Emperor of the Tartars." Trade continues to shift to the Western Mediteranean, although some are concerned with the outbreak of war in Spain. Trade still occurs with the cities of Valencia and Barcelona but care is taken to drive a neutral path in the wars there. The Thessalian cavalry continues to be trained and deployed across the Empire. Matchlock weapons continue to be produced. Greek Fire grenades are produced to further augment the navy's fighting ability.
    • Albania: With the national infrastructure completed, the nation turns its attention to the national military, which is expanded and augmented with a few matchlock firearms.
  • Rumania: Radu, now 30, continues to promote economic growth. Several shipyards and mines are built. Also many mills spring-up across the nation. Class attendance at the Venetian school grows as printed books, bought from abroad, become common in the library. Many mines either re-open or are founded, while foundries begin to recover from the wars. The states of:  Kiev, Chernigov, Volhynia and the Azovan Khanate are all sent trade offers, and Alliance offers. (Mod Response needed) A pair of twins are born to Sophia and Radu, Theodora and Alexander. Mircea, now ten, begins his education under the mentorship of a private tutor. More research is put into developing a successful matchlock firearms, several gunsmiths open stores in Constanta, among other places.
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: The economy grows substantially, after much of the infrastructure is rebuilt and repaired. Many workshops also appear across northern Bulgaria, built in a similar manner to their counterparts in Rumania. In Varna, many ships are built in the dry docks, and trade with many European ports commences.
  • Alexandria: Trade continues to increase as the ports are reestablished and more people are converted to Christianity. Dignitaries remain west of the Nile and delta region organizing the Christians there both politically and religiously in hopes to create a Christian state. Other dignitaries remain in the Jerusalem/Judea region and in the Ethiopia region as well to gather similar reports and attempt to organize Christians there. Trade efficiency and strategies continue to be looked at in order to garner a higher profit (Economics turn). The Coptic Church forms the Diocese of Aiguptia to assist in organizing the Christians there both politically and religiously. Merchants are sent to Ethiopia and the Nubia region. St. Mark's a Vatican type area for the Coptic leadership at St. Mark's Cathedral converts more people in the region. The Kingdom of Aiguptia is declared by the organized Chrisitians in the Nile Delta region, the border claimed by this kingdom are just east of OTL Port Faud, along the delta Region down to the Great Bitter Lakes to surrounding Cairo then northwest to the border of Alexandria. Aiguptia selects Ibrahim Girguis as its king. Troops are stationed in the Aiguptia region to prevent any revolts.
  • Ayutthaya continues to sign new treaties with the Khmer and Aceh. The Kingdoms continue to centralize the army, and are in return granted increasing autonomy from the king in Ayutthaya. The population passes the 8 million mark, it is estimated, and a census in Ayutthaya (the city) itself finds a population verging on 250,000, making it one of the largest on Earth, while the advisors to the Khmer continue to aid them and suchlike, impressing the Khmer with their efficient processes. The infrastruture is improved. The economy continues to grow as the government negotiates new treaties to enforce trade routes around Aceh, giving them gold and suchlike in exchange for free passage. As a result of the treaty with Bengal, Ayutthayan ships spread throughout the Indian Ocean, making contact as far as Sanafah. Metal Movable Type continues to spread with several new, gigantic printing presses coming into effect in several of the cities, allowing for large scale printing and books spread across the area. This impresses several of the nearby nations, especially the Khmer and Aceh. The Golden Army mobilizes to the Kedah-Sri Vijaya border, followed by large parts of the armies. The King announces a large-scale renovation of the city of Ayutthaya, along with several others, building new monunments and heavy layers of walls around the city. The King again promises support to Padang in case of Sri Vijayan aggression.
    • Padang: The economy grows exponentially because, in part, of the relations with Ayutthaya. The military is mobilized to the Sri Vijayan border.
  • Chiribaya We expand 20 km northwest.
  • Ashikaga Shogunate: Rather than quell rural protest and violence, the 70 troops mobilised by the Shogun in the Date Province serve only to further incense the peasantry. Protests and sporadic outbreaks of violence against the Shogun's repressive policies and introduction of tithes spread from the Northwest of the Date Province to engulf the entire northern half. Whilst the violence does not spread to the rest of the Shogunate, there is widespread refusal to pay the new tithes and unconfirmed reports of the murder of a number of feudal lords in the Date lands. Meanwhile, members of the Imperial Shinto Sect near Mount Iwate begin to preach their belief of the Emperor's divine status, encouraging the acknowledgement of the Emperor as the rightful ruler of a unified Japan. The Shogun responds to the continued protest and the dissent from the Imperial Sect by imposing martial law in the entire Date Province, calling on feudal lords to mobilise regional militia to maintain rule from Kyoto.
  • Mansuriyya Caliphate: Trade continues with the surrounding nations. Expansion continues at a slow rate, although caravans are generally safe due to armed guards and the thread of the Black Riders hunting down any raiders. Baghdad continues to grow both in terms of technology and population. The population of the nation is estimated to be approaching 2.8 million, and the growth rate is still high at 4.5%. The military continues to be improved, with vast investments pouring into new technology and better gear. Social reform also continues and public housing projects are set up for the poor. New laws also allow women to remove their hajib under specific circumstances, although most choose not to out of religious observance.
  • No way you have that kind of growth in this era. -Feud
  • Scandinavian Empire: Scandinavia works on expanding its military this year, modernizing it with more guns. The navy especially is expanded. For exploration, several karaks are developed. The trade deals with Venice are accepted. Trade deals with Portugal, Castile, Aragon, Prussia, Italy, and the Byzantine Empire are proposed. In the meantime, the Oldenburg request is politely denied, the King stating that Dietrichsdorf is needed in case Hamburg attempts another attack on Scandinavian soil.
  • Aztec Empire: The tensions growing throughout the land begin to flare, as once again Soconusco begins to openly rebel. The Emperor cuts off their trade and economic and military support. The fortified base is used for all Aztec ethnic loyal troops to be garrisoned inside Soconusco, the numbers within hover around 10,000. Military is expanded with numbers reaching 57,000. Cuachtemoc [35] and Emperor Montezuma II [45] are worried about Soconusco, as the rest of the mainland empire, is very much at civil obdience and rest. Xilopolco is continued to be fortified and the navy reaches a toppling height of 400 ships. Being still weaker than the Mayan navy, and a little better than the Zapotecs' navy, due to the frontal armed ballista.
  • Venetian Republic:
    • Books on various topics spread from Venice throughout Europe, continuing the Renaissance. Printed in the Venetian language, they teach of the sciences and humanities and revive learning, spreading knowledge (as well as the language) far and wide..
    • With the increased supply of Ducats, the fluidity of European trade increases with Ducat using nations benefiting most.
    • Many people sentenced to death are drowned in the canals as is the Venetian tradition. The tradition is becoming the primary way to execute criminals and is spreading to the Venetian territories across Europe.
    • Fine wool and silk clothing from Titani is exported across the Mediterranean and Black Sea and begins to set the trend in Renaissance clothing.
    • Venetian trade reaches across the known world. Merchant ships carry salt, silks, glass and a collection of other goods, both common and rare. Venetian traders are the largest carriers of trade in Europe, with the thousands of ships and a trading tradition continuing to fuel this.
    • The Roscol Bank uses local subsidiaries all across Europe to fund trade, with a leaning toward funding trade with Venice. They also fund enterprises across the continent, boosting the economies of the nations which they inhabit. The Roscol Bank invests conservatively. While this doesn't bring in as much wealth as other nations' banking, such as the Dutch, it results in a much more robust level of equity.
    • Due to the stability of business and protection afforded to private enterprise in Venice, many merchants set up shop in the city despite being foreign, utilising the Venetian law to protect their businesses. Criminals and a less divided merchant class mean prosperity for all those involved with Venetian business in some way.
    • In Veneto the Masaro Collegantia hires an army of 500 men and captures various officials of the Roscol Collegantia, they demand that the Roscol Collegantia cease all harassment and they will release two men a year to them, the Roscol leadership that remains agrees reluctantly. The arsenal of Venice is being modernised, it will take one more year to complete. The Doge decides to support Venetian culture further. He funds conversions to Venetian culture across the Republic and Empire. The Order of Saint Mark continues to grow in size and influence, numbering now 45,000 members and still growing. The beliefs of faith are popular amongst commoners - especially those who feel the church does not practice the faith properly. Alexandria is slowly becoming more and more of a hub of the True Faith as commoners convert to the belief en masse. As Castile claims Aragon by force, Venice moves in to assist Castile and sends 100 of their carros to capture the various islands of Aragon, landing a force of 1000 men to secure Monaco and then sending the other 19,000 men to land in the Balearics, crushing any resistance with overwhelming force.
    • Eco-turn
  • Epirote Republic:
    • In Epirus the economy grows.
    • Eco-turn
  • Venetian Empire:
    • In the Province of Aegina the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Free Port of Athens the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Province of Candia the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Corfiot Protectorate the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Kaffa the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Naxian Protectorate the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Negroponte the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Free Port of Ragusa the economy grows. Eco-turn
  • Netherlands: As the economy continues to grow more and more hands dedicated to the sailor way those willing to partake in expeditions along the coast of Africa and in search of a sea route to the orient. The outpost in OTL Nigeria is fortified and remains a supplying station along the route farther south. Naval expansion continues. Karl van Nassau formally recognizes Castile's claims to the Aragonese throne, but claims it will not get involved in a conflict. Banking and trade continue to grow. improvements on the docks and and canals are made. Dutch and Wallon culture continue to flourish under the open policies of the ruling elite. The first locally made printing press is made after local artisans copy the designs of imported German ones. Dutch explorers travel farther south along the Kongo coast.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Landshut expands its military. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Jacqueline and her council continue to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished, and by 1464 a trade route is put in place. Such important places in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1464, Eleanor commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The planned market center in Landshut continues to attract regional traders. In religious news, the country begins converting to the Western Netherlander church. By the end of this year, around 75% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. Eleanor continues efforts to implement Sedevacantist policies in the government, being much more religious than her father. Furthermore, Eleanor gives the Roscol Bank access to Landshut, as well as Munchen and Straubing, to do trading, pleasing the Merchant class as the economy begins to recover. The Venetian merchants take an interest in government bonds. Eleanor continues her restored reign by imprisoning several court nobles who supported Jacqueline and revokes their titles. Jacqueline herself remains imprisoned. Eleanor continues to pursue the creation of laws protecting serfs and the common classes, and expresses interest in creating a common court. The nobles are continuously bothered by this, and a few begin to fancy ideas of restoring Jacqueline to the throne. One such noble, Albrechtus von Ingolmaacht, leads a new faction opposed to the policies engineered by Eleanor. Wanting to avoid a conflict, Eleanor sends him away to Nurnburg as opposed to executing or imprisoning him. By the end of the year, however, Ingolmaacht remains active and provides a substantial threat to Eleanor's rule.
    • Munchen: By 1464, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 2800 men. Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. In recent news, unemployment continues to plateau after Eleanor's restoration. It is here in Munich, the second largest city in Bavaria, where Eleanor is most popular.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. A statue dedicated to Eleanor is built and displayed in the central square of Ingolstadt.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
  • Trier: We upgrade our military and economy. The states around us are influenced. Trade routes are established, opening trade among Hesse, Cologne, and Austria and her vassals. We dedicate this turn to infrastructure expansion, building several defenses, and roads to link towns across the nation. Fortifications around our capital are improved and updated. 
  • Mapuche:  The defense force successfully fights off raids throughout the year.  However, goaded on by the traitors' promises of riches and land to be taken from their former homes, more savages from the mountains join the raids as time goes on.  More Mapuche band together to defend their homes; every village is involved in the conflict to some degree.  A war leader, Xoryas, becomes famous among the Mapuche for continuously winning battles.  The girl's symbols for quantities and other simple concepts become commonplace in her household, and other craftsmen and farmers begin to use them for organizing their practices.
  • Hesse: We erect many statues of Ludwig II around the Grand Duchy. If any is vandalized, it is considered a capital crime. The printing press continues to print the Ludwigism principles. The number of the population officially converting to Ludwigism hits 90% of the population. Only the most devoted still cling to their denominations. The already dying revolts around the nation are officially swept away. Another layer of walls is placed around Ludwigsburg. A first layer is placed around Silberberg. We begin constructing more ships in our ports. Due to the large highway going through the nation, Ludwigism principles are put on signs around the highway. Anyone who passes through would see these principles. We begin vassalizing Cologne and Westfalen.
  • Aragon expands its navy, economy and infrastructure. The Aragonese Renacimento continues with art taking new forms with young artists, sponsored by nobles, experimenting with new styles. They are also influenced by ancient Greco-Roman history. King Charles begins to suffer the symptoms of old age after several decades of life. However, Aragonese economic influence over the Mediterranean trade increases, and Aragon continues to fund voyages to Africa. Aragon also gets involved in northern European trade networks. Aragon makes an offer to England to buy its land in Aquitane.
  • Zapotec: Tlaco II expands Danibaan's influence in the surrounding city-states by way of the Zapotec Alliance. Roadways connecting cities in the alliance help merchants and soldiers move more freely between them. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. In the coastal regions under Danibaan's influence, more boats are created. Tlaco orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Daibaan continues expanding into the surrounding city-states north along the gulf coast. Trade with the Aztecs commences after years of stagnation under Tlaco I.
  • Bengal Sultanate: The decrease in taxes on the landed elite does its job in most areas of the Sultanate, decreasing the tax load on the peasantry and earning him their support. The tax cuts on the merchant class allow for more trade to be conducted, and a recent lax on some of the quota laws allows for more goods to be shipped from Bengal, greatly increasing trade income. Trade with the state of Ava continues, with influence being placed through trade on Ava. Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Koch, Ahom and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their nations. Most all trade roads begin to see much-needed maintenance. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems and epics continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. The first official meeting of the states of the Indian League takes place in Delhi after two days of celebration. We begin to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, Delhi Sultanate, and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it out to be sent to the states leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase is scholars and literacy in our nation. The Sultan's son begins to be tutored by scholars from three of the different major religions in the known world, Islam, Buddhism and Hinudism. Friction develops between some landed elite due to the heavily guarded secret held by some Bengali weaponsmiths on creating Phay-sat's, and this secret guarding leading to much higher prices due to a lower production rate.
    • Emirate of Andamana: Mansoor Basil Amirmoez continues to reclaim land on the island to make room for farms, and to have timber for building both boats and houses. The Emirate expands another 500 km into the island. The ships built by the timber from the island help contribute to Bengali trade. Continues working on economy and infrastructure. 
    • Rajya of Orissa: Unlike the other vassals of the Bengali Sultanate, Bhandudeva IV is kept farther away from the daily politics of controlling Orissa, relying mainly on Islamic advisors sent directly by the Bengal Sultan. The advisors quickly persuade Bhandudeva IV to allow the Muslim settlers in the northern part of the Rajya to hold land south of the previously agreed living space. Continues working on military and infrastructure. Bhandudeva IV passes away, and the advisors vote in a Hindu successor, named Kapilendra Deva.
    • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The Swargadeo (King) of Ahom declares himself to be King of Assam, also called Kamarupa in this time since he now controls his grandson's lands which were the Maharaja of Koch.
  • The Hungarian King Sigismund declares to the realm the Serbian Uprising is now over. This is met with widespread celebrations all around the Kingdom and many rejoice the time for bloodshed within the kingdoms is now over. The King announces that his son will be called Sigismund in honour of his father who died on the battlefield. Assuming everything goes to plan and the heir of Sigismund assumed the throne, he will be the fourth of his name. A second son is born to the Queen, and there is much rejoicement around the Kingdom. The Royal Family is growing and things seem to be happily calm. Princess Sophia, Lady of Garai gives birth to a son, which garners great celebrations in Garai. He is named Nikolai and his father is very proud of the boy, who is healthy in every regard. Serbian males in Hungary are forced to work even harder and many die due to harsh treatment. Feelings toward the Serbs will not become milder anytime soon. People from Dalmatia are encouraged to move to Serbia and huge numbers continue to move southward. Such a large migration has caused a large boom on the roads to the south, with scores of new villages and settlements established and allowing for much better farming practices to be implemented in Serbia. However, this has caused a large manpower shortage and as a result, thousands from Croatia move southward into Dalmatia along with many Hungarians as well as a lot of Serbian workers. With the nobles who spoke out against the previous King dealt with, Sigismund now has greater control over his nobles and the lands of his nation. Large numbers of villages and towns are rebuilt from the ground up and now begin to boom as they become centres of trade and bartering. These towns provide the manpower to work the fields and grow more crops. With the mixing of the Dalmatian and Serbian cultures, various new folktales are born as different stories are mixed to create new ones. Stored grains are used when they are needed, and prove to be a winning system. In the times of war, the stored grains help peasants feed themselves and keeps discontent down for now. More large ships are constructed in the dockyards in Croatia using cheap and plentiful Serbian workers and many are finished and set to sail. All ships fly the Hungarian flag with pride. This helps to boost the military power of the navy, and these ships are soon sent south to go patrolling. More equipment for the soldiers is produced in forges and this will help arm more soldiers. Seeing the largening iron and steel demands, trading for those resources is increased in exchange for grains. With growing numbers of ships arriving from docks, the fleet off the coast strengthens and the naval division begins to expand its range of operations quickly in case there is a threat from the sea. Merchant ships use Byzantine and Venetian ports to trade and earn money in, while beginning to sail to UNC ports too, helping expand the influence of Hungarian merchants. With land bought from the UNC, the base of the ports begin to be constructed by workers from Hungary who have arrived onto the islands from Hungary. A huge amount of land has been cleared for the ports and a lot of wood from the various islands has already been used up due to construction. The base in Jutland continues to grow in size as more and more aspects are added to the base. Many believe all the ports will be ready in a year or two. Trading with Zeta continues in earnest. The checkpoint castles are a great help in housing troops which are patrolling routes of both nations as well as wealthy and influential merchants and nobles travelling between the nations. Poland now sees greater economic growth as their economy is not only stable but able to grow rapidly on its own. The King of Poland listens more and more to his Hungarian advisors, with all the advise helping his nation grow even stronger economically as more and more money is invested in trading stalls and merchentile systems as well as the construction fo roads and such. This only serves to strengthen the Hungarian position and Poland now begins to fall under greater influence of Hungary. Sigismund dictates to the Polish advisors what must be done and this allows him to gain more and more control over Poland. He hopes to get the nation completely under Hungarian authority. The Polish army continues to grow in strength, actively training with Hungarian soldiers to better their fighting skills while getting supplied by Hungarian blacksmiths. Polish soldiers perform well in the Serb rebellion and help show they can still fight wars well. They return home and many help keep the peace within the nation. Missionaries begin to preach the word of god and distribute bibles to those who can read in a bid to convert secret pagans to Christendom and show them the light of god. Both nations now see a large amount of trade conducted within each other's borders and this makes the merchants learn of each other's languages. Many become fluent in Polish while other fluent in Hungarian. In the border regions, a mixture of the languages begin to develop as it becomes more convenient for speakers and tradesmen. Yet Serbian begins to influence language too, due to the large numbers of workers present in various parts of the nation. Large irrigation channels have been created by workers, helping to expand the regions of farmland under the control of the crown. Many of the irrigation projects in Serbia are restarted as construction begins once more to complete the irrigation channels and help to grow crops in a much better fashion. The Hungarians continue to influence (Seven of Eight) Karaman, trying to exploit the potential of gaining another state to set up merchant ports in and expand Hungarian influence by supporting merchants and Christians alike as well as making sure no one Emir gains the upper hand. In secret gunsmiths, Rumanian and Roman knowledge is soon put under use as many begin to construct their own guns and make their own gunpowder. This is a major step on the way to developing new technologies which much of the world has no indication of. Much money is allocated for this, such is the need - very desperate are the Crown for the results of the experiments.
    • The Kingdom of Croatia continues to see a large trading boom occur within the nation as it becomes the gates of the Hungarian realms and helps to attract customers and merchants to the nation as well as Hungary. Wartime had brought about a boom in trading as supplies are now in greater demand, allowing merchants to grow richer by selling their goods. However, demand for certain materials tails off while continues and even increases for other materials. The dockyards cut the wood and build the large fighting vessels for the Crown, as requested by the king himself. More large ships are constructed and drain the Ottomans of their merchantile resources. A tariff for merchants trading is also in place but it is put at favourable levels with none for the Venetians due to the new alliance between the states and the amount of trading between them. Venetian traders are a common sight in Croatian ports, helping to bring in much revenue. Many Croat knights fight for the crown in the south - earning glory and helping the Hungarian cause.
    • In Garay, roads need to be remade due to their worsening condition and thus workers are drafted in to fix up the roads. Many nobles from Garay gain land and they use this land to help increase crop yields as well as the amount of trading ongoing between each of the nobles. The money is sent as taxes and used to upgrade the standings of the nobles themselves. Many men are also trained in military combat to make them more effective foot-soldiers.
    • In Split, the nobles begin to work on creating standing armies to manage and controlling their lands. Castles continue being built in the vassal while many old ones are completely torn apart and their land allocated for peasants. The soldiers of the nobles who were executed are distributed between the present nobles and they quickly begin to adapt - training with their new fighting partners. The nation trains its knights hard and trains commoners too. They move southward to fight the Serbs.
    • Bosnia: also sees a lot of economic and military growth. The nation begins to organise its own soldiers under the command of nobles who take part in knight competitions to increase their skill set while readying forces in case they are called up to defend the lands. Bosnia is used as a large base for the attacks against the Ottoman Empire, with a large portion of forces in the country present to rest and heal from battles. Bosnian soldiers are sent southward to help quell the rebellion in Serbia.
    • In Serbia: Order finally begins to be restored as the nobles begin to mop up the remaining rebels and bring peace to the war-stricken lands. Much of the land has been destroyed in the heavy fighting and in the burning of villages. Thus, the local nobles and the crown prince begin to oversee the reconstruction of various villages which had been destroyed in the uprising. The influx of Dalmatians is seen as a positive as it helps to find partners for the tens of thousands of women who do not have a husband as well as provides manpower for the farms along with a greater set of farming skills. The King personally gives his son the title of "Protector of Serbia", and hopes his son will help bring the vassal under the control of the crown fully. Merchants are also encouraged to set up stalls and sell and barter their goods.
    • Banu Sulaym: Sees a lot of trading posts being set up while the Hungarian traders force the Emir of the nation to make it more tolerant so trading can occur more easily and the people can live better lives. Many Muslims feel this is not good, but none can complain as soon as the ports begin to bustle with merchants who are buying and selling goods at a rapid rate. The vassal begins to develop economically. The nation continues to grow in trading and it opens new ports. Many begin to think that expanding inward could also be a good idea as it would help make the borders safer. The Emir finally agrees to it after building up resources for it. The nation expands 4000 km inland.
    • You do not get to post over 12 hours after the turn is over, Imp. -Feud. Also, expanding Banu Salam into the desert is for the most part undoable because you know it's desert. -Feud
    • Apart from the fact that I was a little busy - my post does almost nothing in-game context apart from stating what is happening in my nation. But fine, I can't do anything about this. I'll just have to post more stuff in the 1465 post.


PMIII 1465

Massive flooding occurs in several provinces of central and southern China, causing damage to local farms, and leading to the advocating of further bridge construction.

Seeing this year’s flooding, as well as the previous crisis and the Miao revolts, a general in western China rebels against the government, claiming the Mandate of Heaven has been lost by the Ming.

The Swiss begin to actively resist French influence and vassalization due to their perception of being subjected to another power.

The city of Soconusco declares independence from the rule of the Aztec following political instability within the nation, and a growing concern over if the distant Aztecs could be properly governing the region. A local warlord gains control and establishes a separate army (Military: 7, Econ: 3, Infrastructure: 3) which engages the local Aztec garrison in the region.

Ulrich V, having made a name for himself as a prestigious leader following his election as Chancellor of Germany, marries into the Habsburg Dynasty via the daughter of Bernard II, Margrave of Baden-Baden, and sets out to unify the region of Swabia once more. In command of the Swabian League and with support from Austria, he occupies southern Swabia.

  • Rumania: Radu, now 31, continues to promote economic growth. Several shipyards and mines are built. Also many mills spring-up across the nation. Class attendance at the Venetian school grows as printed books, bought from abroad, become common in the library. Many mines either re-open or are founded, while foundries begin to recover from the wars. The states of Kiev, Chernigov, Volhynia and the Azovan Khanate are all sent trade offers, and alliance offers. (Mod Response needed) Mircea II, now 11, continues his education, learning of: economics, military strategy, leadership, mathematics, literature, and other skills necessary for leadership.
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: The economy grows substantially, after much of the infrastructure is rebuilt and repaired. Many workshops also appear across northern Bulgaria, built in a similar manner to their counterparts in Rumania. In Varna many ships are built in the dry docks, and trade with many European ports commences.
  • Aragon is shocked at the war caused between its fellow nations in personal union. The people are stirred up in a fury, but they cannot hold back the invading armies. The great navy begins to hold off foreign navies, but it cannot hold for much longer. Castile outmans the Aragonese Army two to one. As such, civilians begin to be evacuated north as the army begins to fall in around Zaragoza. In the retreat, entire towns are burned to the ground to prevent Castile from gaining any advantage. The Castilian royals are removed from the line of succession. Merchants begin to return from overseas. Merchants also burn English, French and Venetian ports while attempting to flee. 
  • Castile: The Castilian economy continues a larger process of pulling in more money through trade. The infrastructure of Castile is also expanded more. Castile, in order to facilitate more conversions to Christianity, imposes higher taxes on non-Christians in the areas it controls personally or by proxy through its vassals. Castile has successfully mapped large parts of the African coast south of Morocco and down as far as their trade posts in the Kongo these are kept secret.  The Castilian nobility begins to adapt toward a newer system to revamp or work on their power as they move toward becoming advisors to the king and less involved in their feudal estates which while growing have developed Guilds to facilitate payments for the efforts of the men working, The expert workmanship of many of these men has seen notable increase in productivity for each feudal state with most lords not complaining. The Kingdom's cities begin to be improved with better sanitation and the King hires architects to plan out a sewer system, as well as a true plan for multiple major cities. Castile begins a major process of researching the matchlocks acquired from the Netherlands acquired and develops its own version which is used to replace the older weapons. which is finally finished. The construction of a new kind of warship with cannons is completed - a heavy warship much more powerful than most other ships of the time. The King notices the heavily increased productivity and income flow due to his hands off policy and non-interference and begins to allow artists, minstrels and other artistic and scientific minds to become more prevalent in Castile, many believe the Castilian Renaissance is imminent. Castile, due to its naval range, high income, extensive and dominant trade network, becomes one of the largest and most dynamic trade empires of the Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. The Castilian navy with its new heavy warships and some new updated designs for older ships organizes a heavy royal fleet phasing out past organizations. The Royal army of Castile has now almost wholly replaced the previous feudalistic military forces and has a size of nearly 50,000 and growing thanks in part to the good funding being provided by the king. In order to make up for lost power the King as behest of his new wife, and several of his friends who are nobles create a king's advisory council which officially has the power of the king in many matters if authorized. The men are also given station to criticize the king's actions to keep him from going crazy with power. The Knights Hospitaller are moved more into Castile with their professional fighting strength and religious zeal used to patrol the borders of Castile's Gibraltar province. The Knights are also given the authority to police the majority Christian Tangiers now, and effectively prevent many Muslims from coming over the border to wreak havoc. Castile's navy, now heavily funded and expanded greatly, reaches a large number of combat and tradeworthy ships and with its trade from Oyo, and various supply bases establishes military and trade dominance over the West African areas as well as its locality in the Mediterranean. The Castilian trade dominance in West Africa remains unbudged as Castile directly owns and has the majority of the gold and ivory trades coming out of West and North Africa. Castile's population reaches around 6.5 million and growing. (I have been focusing heavily on growth of population and have not been involved in nearly the number of destructive wars as OTL Castile has been). The Castilian Renaissance reaches its full swing with art and scientific advancement being allowed by the State as many of the religious fanatics and dissidents are fighting in Morocco, along with this, the highly respected middle and artisan classes are able to afford a much better living with various artists painting great works and with one even gaining an audience with the royal family for a painting. The Castilian navy reaches a large force of nearly 550 ships using the huge funding from Castile's conquests, trading and other situations to fund this navy. The technology of the Castilian navy is improved heavily as the king begins to focus more on the quality of his ships rather than the quantity which results in better quality ships (like an early carrack and my previously developed pre-galleon). The exploration continues just below the Kongo as the Castilian exploration parties manage to gather supplies from the Kongo's friendlier tribes. These exploratory parties have reached OTL southern Angola and a little bit farther south but supply constraints and lack of knowledge of the area prevents further progress. Castile begins sending missionaries to the Kongo to convert the friendlier tribes which is relatively successful. Castile continues to convert to the Western Church with the king and his royal family attempting to preach about the new church and its benefits to the common man and not keeping them in the dark. The conversion to the Western/Consuete Church continues with a relative majority accepting following the issues with nobility.  The Castilian navy with new ships replacing the old ones begins military drills for preparedness and experience. Castile also now not having the troop strength to hold onto Tangiers any longer (due to the war) transfers control of the city and surrounding area to the kingdom of Morocco. With the independence of Alexandria sends major amounts of aid to the Christians in Alexandria and begins basing more ships in Cyprus to help support them. The King also has a child with his Aragonese wife named Elizabeta (Scraw didn't have a name. I had to make one up) named Ferdinand who is now two years old. The Castilian navy begins establishing multiple trade posts up and down the African coasts more for contact and conversions to Christianity rather than full blown trade in multiple areas. The Castilian king Henry IV funds an exploratory fleet down from Congo to map the area and identify areas suitable for a trade posts or resupply point with the expressed purpose of reaching India by the close of the Century. This objective is kept a secret from most everyone but the ships men and captains and the closest members of the Castilian court. The Castilian navy begins pushing the exploratory border to the southern tip of Angola and into northern Namibia and in order to effectively resupply creates some trade posts and resupply posts in the area. The Castilian armed forces make a dedicated push through Aragon securing nearly the entire country through taking major cities left and right. The Baelarics taken by Venice and France are re-inforced with nearly 10,000 troops which secure the islands and point French forces toward Aragon proper and its extant territories. The Castilian forces finish heavy seiges of various cities including some of their most important saving the area from the ravaging that retreating Aragonian forces are doing. The whole situation goes relatively well for Castile as the first reported use of christian berber troops as shock troops is brought up with the huge success showing their relative integration with Castile. The war is projected to be over near the end now as the final ports are seized and the Castilians take many members of the royal family hostage including the king who is imprisoned for the time being. Castile declares the war over and tightens its grip over Aragon getting sweeping praise from various towns and cities saved from the militaries wanton burning of towns and areas further along. The Castilians officially force a preferrable personal union with Aragon with Ferdinand IV of Castile becoming Ferdinand of Aragon as well. The Castilian navy having engaged the Aragonian one near Gibraltar seizes nearly 100 military ships and aprropriates them to its own fleet or for trade. The Castilian armies reach Zaragoza and plant a flag in the remnants of the city and set up some tents for survivors. Castile begins appointing new nobles from various lower families to the nobility of Aragon to fill vacancies and ensure loyalty in the new country.
    • Kingdom of Aragon: With the complete collapse of the government and the deaths of multiple nobles, and the imprisonment of the king, supporters of the Personal union with Castile are rewarded and many are trained in order to provide local peacekeeping and police forces in the newly conquered country. The Country itself is placed in a personal union under Castile with Ferdinand of Castile ruling over both Castile and Aragon. The relatively good treatment of Aragon by Castile and the fallacy of actions of the previous king in burning various areas and completely razing Aragons capital city have forever earned the enmity and hate of most of the Aragonian people, many of which believed they could continue their lives under Castile in a better fashion, with greater access to Castiles vast diplomatic, trade, and military power. This along with common religion and semi-related language has lead to a nearly seamless transition into the personal union. Nobles have been appointed by Prince Carlos of Castile personally who has personally overseen the majority of the war in Aragon which with his expertise, charisma, and swaying abilities has led to many supporting his decisions on either side. Carlos himself is appointed the transitional governor of Aragon in order to facilitate a much smoother transition. The Kingdoms navy previously seized is returned to people sympathetic to Castilians and the military navy in particular is given to a series of respected and well known Aragonians loyal to Castile. Aragon's assimilation into Castile cultural base begins due to many nobles now speaking Spanish (Castilian) which shows a notable effect of a few people especially merchants which are currently able to speak the language proficiently. Aragonians spurred on by prince Carlos to rebuild Zaragoza begin the work needed to rebuild the city and the various burned towns surrounding the city. For the time being, however, the capital of Aragon proper is migrated to Valencia. With Castilian assistance various infrastructural areas are rebuilt and the military is expanded to a token force of barely 3000 for the time being. Along with this support the Aragonian economy recovers slowly with a slow but controlled influx of Castilian economic aid helping Aragon recover
    • Kingdom of Granada: The economy, while moderate, is expanded. The Prince of Granada is a Castilian noble named Juan Cortez who is extremely biased against Muslims due to his father's death in the original war against Morocco over Gibraltar. The countries armed forces also begin to fight the remaining Muslims in the mountains and begin the force conversion of the remaining Muslims in Granada. Juan Cortez seeing the fallacy of supporting Henry throws his support behind Carlos and his plan. The military is worked on just in case. The Prince of Granada Juan supports Ferdinands Claim to the throne of Aragon. Granada declares war on Aragon with Castile and allies
    • Kingdom of Cyprus: The King of Cyprus is now King Alexander of Cyprus. The King of Cyprus begins to see Castilian culture not as a dominant force but a possible blendable culture that can fit well within Cypriot society. The economy and military of the country is built up as is the infrastructure with a nice road system being built throughout the country. Cyprus gaining large funds from being a Castilian trade hub, begins building a few ships domestically, and purchases ships from Castile, or her allies shipwrights forming a respectable Cypriot navy of almost 90 ships with expected expansion to come. This expansion has been achieved specifically thanks to huge amounts of outsourcing to private shipwrights. Cyprus begins to see an exodus of the Knights Hospitaller west to Castile and her territories and King Matthias begins a larger recruitment for the military managing to raise a force of nearly 10,000. This force is largely funded through the large trade Cyprus has gathered. The troops are styled after Castile's royal army and Cyprus embarks on an intense training program in order to bring them up to standards. The Knights, with many departing also have many older and other knights stay due to their close ties with Cyprus. They remain to run the Knights Hospitaller in Cyprus for the foreseeable future while a large number have migrated across the sea. The Kingdom of Cyprus due to the recent issues in Castile reluctantly recognizes Carlos and his Regency for Prince Ferdinand and recognizes Ferdinands claim to the Throne of Aragon. He is not requested to join the war against Aragon due to the situation not affecting them greatly and it being not as cultural significance to Cyprus.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The less fortunate and disenfranchised are converted. The Kingdom itself is a Christian kingdom with a similar situation of early Castile and Aragon, with large numbers of Muslims and a small number of Christians. However, the Christian community in Morocco is expanded thanks to the influx of traders and settlers from Castile and some other immigrants looking for an opportunity to live a new life here. The Kingdom establishes its capital in Casablanca and with this, begins a major point of establishing a major military presence in the area.  The infrastructure, particularly in dealing with transport and water, is expanded to accommodate more people but the only people allowed to settle are Christians - particularly from Hispania. A notable number of Castilians settle the area.  The leader of Morocco styled a king, out of respect deducts himself in rank to Prince of Morocco as the throne is only to be held by the King of Castile himself if it's ever required. The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continue to expand with greater trade coming from Castile and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom's army proper raised by immigrant Christians now numbers about 12,000 itself and is expected to grow. The Revolt near Fez continues as the Moroccan troops push around the city to clear it out. the City is continually built up however. The troops are used relatively well as more experienced ones return from Castile and ruthlessly crush the revoltists including their leader.
  • The Western and Southern Ming Armies move into the rebelling areas putting down the rebellions, while the Northern Army concludes the war with the Mongols which has resulted in the caputure of several of the main Khans and the collapse of the Khanate. The Jingtai Emperor decrees that the Mongol lands be turned into a vassal whilst a large portion is annexed to Ming China (OTL Inner Mongolia).Aid is sent from the wealthy eastern states to the flood affected areas. 
  • Aztec Empire: With Soconusco openly rebelling, Emperor Montezuma II [45] creates a strategy to begin to crush them. With requesting aid from the Zapotec. Cuachtemoc [35] is put in charge of all military operations. The military is expanded and now reaches a height of 60,000. The population grows to 4.4 million. Centralization continues with all inter conntected regions throughout the empire.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to convert to the Western Church. The Prussians begin to build their army.
    • Courland: The Curonians also begin developing their economy and military. The Curonians also begin converting to the Western Church.
  • Hamburg-Mecklenburg: Ruppin continues to be petitioned for resources. Duke William I falls off his horse during a ride, breaking a rib and his leg. His injuries, combined with his age, led to his death in July. His eldest son, Friedrich (age 29), is crowned Duke Friedrich I. He immediately sets up infrastructure projects, aiming to create a road system between the Duchy's major cities.
    • Magdeburg: Infrastructure expanded.
  • France: With the defeat of Aragon and the return of French regions of Aragon and the capture of Sardinia, the foundation of the Kingdom of Sardinia begins with the coronation of Prince Louis as Louis I of Sardinia. While this, military and navy are built up. A population boom begins in Northern France after a good weather pattern and good crops. The land swap between Albion and France begins being enacted and will be finished next year as planned. Vassalization of Albret and Aargau begins. Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Burgundy: Military and navy are built up. Economy expands. French troops begin withdrawing to allow Albion takeover.
    • Brittany: Military and navy are built up. Economy expands.
    • Berry: Military and economy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Verdun: Military and economy are built up.
    • Armagnac: Military and economy are built up. 
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, Portuguese traders continue visiting the Castilian settlements in the Canaries. Meanwhile, wheat continues to be cultivated in Leiname. By this time, the colony in Leiname starts to export wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, some Portuguese explorers continue to explore the African coast. São Miguel and Santa Maria continue to be settled.
  • Mayan Empire: With Soconusco in revolt against the Aztecs, we send aid.
  • County of Oldenburg: Albion's request for closer trading ties are gratiously accepted, and a permanent envoy is sent to the Albionese (Albioner, Albionne, Albionian?) capital. The OHG takes immediate advantage of the agreement, and rents out a warehouse on the docks of Albion's best port. Northern products and Meditteranean products are both traded extensively. Whaling, sealing, walrusing and auking all continue unabated. The banking sector, with its healthy three-way competition, proves a great boost for the county's economy. The Jade, Hessian and Roscoll banks all offer competitive loans to farmers and merchants, injecting money into the economy. Count Frederick, assisted by his Court Jew, sets out a general scheme for the economy. It will be based around the trade/banking sector (underpinned by the OHG), with agriculture providing an important alternative source of revenue in case of financial/mercantile collapse. With such a medium-term plan in mind, Frederick begins listening earnestly to the calls from the OHG and other to purchase Dietrichdorf (and the island on which it sits [Ammassalik Island]) from the UNC. Persuant of this, Frederick sends an envoy to the UNC, asking if they would be interested in selling the island to Oldenburg. The government is open to negotiations on terms of sale(such as price, set periods of de-militarisation etc). The envoy claims that as the UNC isn't exactly using the uninhabited island for anything, it would probably be more profitable to them if they sold it. On Neu Baltrum, the winter is especially harsh, and one of Governor Kestner's children tragically dies. The whole island's (permanent) population attends the funeral service at the chapel.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: Nothing of note occurs in the Bishopric this year. Some observers claim that agricultural yields have increased since the "nationalisation" of manorial land, but others deny these claims. The military is expanded.    
  • Yemen: A man with significant evidence that he descended from the Rasulid Emirs from the child of the last Rasulid Emir and lover of his, comes forward claiming to be the true Emir of Yemen. He gains significant support from the peasantry and a few nobles also decide to support him. With his overwhelming support, he is declared Emir an-Mohammed Ahmad II. He immediately starts to consolidate his power within the realm. He starts by trying to undermine the power of those who opposed his claim. He also makes a few reforms in the favor of the peasantry who supported his claim. Offers of trade and alliance are sent to the Bengal Sultanate, allies of the Rasulids prior to the Mamluk conquest of Yemen. Propaganda in favor of expansionism and nationalism is slowly spread through nobles and peasantry. The new Emir hopes to expand into the fallen remains of the Mashriq. Offers of alliance and trade are also sent to the Mansuriyya Caliphate, the Emir believing that an alliance of the two nations is necessary to stop the Persian Shia to the north. The Emir also starts influencing Oman, hoping through their vassalization, domination in the peninsula may more easily acchieved.
    • ​Bengali Sultanate: We accept the trade agreement and alliance offer from Yemen, glad to see our grandfather's ally restored to glory.
  • Bengal Sultanate: The decrease in taxes on the landed elite does its job in most areas of the Sultanate, decreasing the tax load on the peasantry and earning him their support. The tax cuts on the merchant class allow for more trade to be conducted, and a recent lax on some of the quota laws allows for more goods to be shipped from Bengal, greatly increasing trade income. Trade with the state of Ava continues, with influence being placed through trade on Ava. Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Koch, Ahom and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their nations. Most all trade roads begin to see much-needed maintenance. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems and epics continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We cotninue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, Delhi Sultanate, and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it out to be sent to the states leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase is scholars and literacy in our nation. The Sultan's son continues to be tutored by scholars from three of the different major religions in the known world, Islam, Buddhism and Hinudism. Friction develops between some landed elite due to the heavily guarded secret held by some Bengali weaponsmiths on creating Phay-sat's, and this secret guarding leading to much higher prices due to a lower production rate.
    • Emirate of Andamana: Mansoor Basil Amirmoez continues to reclaim land on the island to make room for farms, and to have timber for building both boats and houses. The Emirate expands another 500 km into the island. The ships built by the timber from the island help contribute to Bengali trade. Continues working on economy and infrastructure. 
    • Rajya of Orissa: Unlike the other vassals of the Bengali Sultanate, Bhandudeva IV is kept farther away from the daily politics of controlling Orissa, relying mainly on Islamic advisors sent directly by the Bengal Sultan. The advisors quickly persuade Bhandudeva IV to allow the Muslim settlers in the northern part of the Rajya to hold land south of the previously agreed living space. Continues working on military and infrastructure. Bhandudeva IV passes away, and the advisors vote in a Hindu successor, named Kapilendra Deva.
    • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The Swargadeo (King) of Ahom declares himself to be King of Assam, also called Kamarupa in this time since he now controls his grandson's lands which were the Maharaja of Koch.
  • The Nation of the Oirats: Cement and iron increase in production. Iron weapons are now majorly used. As we increase in population, we slowly target our expansion northward. We expand 50 px to the North. We continue to develop our firearms. We continue to study the printing press and make more of it. We buy more books from China.  We continue making more muskets. We now have 10,000 primitive musketeers. We begin building up our miltary and create even tougher practices. We battle the Mongols tiringly. After hearing that there's an uprising in China, we sent 5000 of our best cavalry to China to help them quell the uprising. 
  • Oirat D to Koryak: We would like to replace your Tartar trading partner with more goods at a cheaper price.
  • Koryak Dip: Agreed.
  • Majapahit: The emperor is nearly obsessed by the lands of "Africa". He leaves the nation to his wife and the army is to be further improved by the general. He even founds a research center for all nautical) research. By accident they invent  a rudder. This is immediately used by all newly built ships.
  • Netherlands: As the economy continues to grow more and more hands dedicated to the sailor way those willing to partake in expeditions along the coast of Africa and in search of a sea route to the orient. The outpost in OTL Nigeria is fortified and remains a supplying station along the route farther south. Naval expansion continues. Karl van Nassau formally recognizes Castile's claims to the Aragonese throne, but claims it will not get involved in a conflict. Banking and trade continue to grow. improvements on the docks and and canals are made. Dutch and Wallon culture continue to flourish under the open policies of the ruling elite. The first locally made printing press is made after local artisans copy the designs of imported German ones. Dutch explorers travel farther south along the Kongo coast.
  • The Kingdoms of Great Albion (Scotland and England) - member nation of the UKGA: The Navy is expanded further with the integration of the Scottish and Breton fleets, the number now stands at 440 ships total. King Edmund dies of old age. His son, Edmund II of York is declared King Edmund II of York, defender of the Faith, protector of the Realm, Most AugustInvitations to his coronation cerimony are sent to to Eire, France, Castile, Venice, Prussia, Rome, and the UNC. The coronation will be held in the remodeled Westminster Abbey. The Patriarch of Canterbury, Pope Justus I of Castile, dies quietly in his bed. His funeral will occur next year. Invitations to attend the funeral and the election of the new Patriatch are sent to Rome, Constantinople, Prussia, and Castile. Under the leadership of the new king, the parliaments of Wales, Scotland and England ratify the equal representation act. Wales and Scotland will remain in union with England, but will now have their own parliament to better discuss local affairs. All military will be ceded to England. All three nations are renamed Great Albion. The membership of the united Kingdoms of Greater Albion has gone form four nations to just two, The Kingdom of Eire, and the Kingdoms of Great Albion to better consolidating power in the isles. The transition to a more open system is expected to take the better part of the next few decades. Port Edmundburg continues to experience a growth in population. Albionic settlers continue to explore the surrounding areas. The Albionic Royal Navy begins better mapping Africa for the Crown. After decades of cultural merging, a new, Celto-Germanic culture finally begins to take firmer root. The English language has grown in official use and now Royal documents, previously in Latin, are now translated to English. Troops that fought in the Pan Hispania Wars return home and facilitiate a minor baby boom. These experienced soliders now train the Army and Navy commanders in advanced battle tactics. Minister of Warfare, Alfred Reddington, increases the use of firearms in the military. A Scotsman named Shaun Glaslwyr is appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer, the first of several Cetic appointments. James Oding develops drypoint engraving - a type of printmaking technique popular in the art world. Oding releases his first work titled Mary Cassate and it is showcased at the London art festival.
    • Calais: Military and navy are expanded.
    • Dublin: Dublin undergoes another remodel and expansion to the ports due to the massive influx of trade from Castile and Venice as well as an increased Eire trade.
    • Scotland: The new parliament begins its first session this year. Brian MacNeil is appointed as Royal Minister. Scotland begins to exclusively use the Albionic pound. Several new Consuete Churches are built. The Catholic Diocese, banned for years, has been allowed to resettle. The military and navy are expanded. Scotland sees a major population boom after the war.
    • Wales: Wales expands its military and navy. Cardiff becomes a large centre of trade for Wales. The Welsh appoint Adam Cyrdger as Royal Minister. The first sessions of parliament are held. Wales does not see as large a population boom as Albion or Scotland, but a minor one, centred around Cardiff and Swansea, does occur.
    • Castile Dip: Not only will Castile attend but the Princes of Morocco and Granada, and King of Cyprus will attend alongside King Regent Carlos of Castile.
  • Cuzco: MIlitary and infrastructure are built up.
    • Wanka: Military and Infrastruture are built up.
  • Eire: We rejoice when Thomond and later other Irish states lay down arms and join us and 55 years after King Thomas' fateful dream, Eire becomes fully united, save the city of Dublin, which remains independent and remaining so for the forseeable future. Celebrations occur in towns across Eire, and the King and his entourage tours Eire, with the help of the new road system. We begin expanding roads to newly-acquired regions in Eire, hoping to connect all major towns, and spread new Irish ideals such as Occidentalism (Western Catholicism) and pro-Albionism. Stabilization after years of expansion continues, with many soldiers in the military for years during Eire's fighting begin to settle down, and the navy continues to be built up. Cork and Ballydrogheda undergo a renaissance, as the unification of Ireland allows for the ability to export products from all across the Isle. As such, trade increases. the King begins to modernize the military forces, with the eventual forces consisting of a main line of pikemen, Gaelic skirmishers on the flanks, crossbowmen behind the skirmishers, and the cavalry behind all. Wool begins to become a more popular farm product, with a few people living in the towns beginning to manufacture cloth in small quantities. Leinster is fully integrated into Eire. (Inf-turn) 
  • Safavid Persian Empire: With news of the apparent yemeni alliance with the mesopotamiansfrightenes many, including the Shah himself, fearing the sunni and other satanic cults of the area. What results is a mass hysteria from radical sunnis and the loss of Persian influence in the nation, and with this rises the overall nationalisim. We invade the Mayyurids and asks for the Mughals to take up arms with the Persians. Meanwhile on the peaceful side of things the University of Tabriz continues to grow, as well as the greater infrastructure of the nation. Junyad Safavi has a second kid, a girl, named Afari.
  • Trier: We upgrade our military and economy. The states around us are influenced. Trade routes are established, opening trade among Hesse, Cologne, and Austria and her vassals. We dedicate this turn to infrastructure expansion, building several defenses, and roads to link towns across the nation. Fortifications around our capital are improved and updated. We declare our support for our allies in the Swabian League, and assist Ulrich V in his efforts to unite the region. 
  • Ica-Nazca: We expand our infrastructure.
    • Chancay (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our military.
    • Sican (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our economy.
    • Chimor (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our economy.
    • Ica-Nazca dip: We accept Cuzco's offer (sorry this is so late, I've been away for the weekend).
    • Cuzco response: Overjoyed to hear that the Ica-Nazca have agreed to join Tawantinsuyu, the leader  of Cuzco is crowend the first Sapa Inca, with his son set to take the throne after him. We begin to work out the finer deatils of the alliance with the other regions. (discuss on talk page)   
  • Alexandria: Trade continues to increase as the ports are reestablished and more people are converted to Coptic Christianity. Dignitaries from Grigorios remain in the Nile Delta region to help Aiguptia and brother Ibrahim stabilize his nation. Other dignitaries remain in the Jerusalem/Judea region in hopes to assist in establishing a christian kingdom. and in the Ethiopia region as well to gather similar reports and attempt to organize Christians there. Military tactics are taken from the Catholic nations involved in Alexandria and put into training. Resources and workers begin to be found to assist Aiguptia in their grand project. Econ Turn. In other news, Minus Girguis (patriarch of Girguis line) offers up his only daughter Katrina for marriage (she is 17). 
  • Aiguptia: Continues to stabilize the nation. Engineers, cartographers and philosophy from all trade partners are offered jobs to work on expanding the ancient Suez Canal or Necho's Canal to take on present day cogs, treasure fleets, and other ships. Aiguptia begins to draw up plans for the project. Citizens and people in the region are encourage to convert to Coptic Christianity. Aiguptia implements the same tolerance system as Alexandria and both ask the Roman Empire's leaders to come and give them policy ideas on the matter. Inf turn. 
  • Ashikaga Shogunate: Attempts by feudal lords to mobilise local militia in the Date Province is met by the refusal of the peasantry to obey. Monks from the Imperial Shinto Sect organise resistance and the Date Province becomes entirely independent from the Shogun's influence. Disorder spreads begins to spread to the Ashikaga lands and the Shogun organises the full mobilisation of troops in the nation to enforce the law and ensure the payment of tithes which has become a symbolic matter representing the Shogun. There begin to be calls in the Date Province for the Emperor to take control, with the Imperial Sinto Sect calling for the establishment of theocratic rule under the Shogun.
  • The Koryak Confederacy: The Koryak Confederacy expands its infrastructure, building a rudimentary sewer system in the capital Nymymlan. Curtain walls are constructed there and in the more northerly city of Ustocamchatka. A major naval base begins construction there, with large shipyards and forts defended by trebuchets and huge crossbows. In order to pay for this, taxes on luxury goods are created for the first time  in the vassal states. Meanwhile, further exploration of the continent newly named "Alyeska" continues, reaching as far south as the OTL Alexander Archipelago. The Tlingit people encountered tell the sailors of tribes who use huge canoes and carve totem poles further south, piquing interest.
    • ​Chukhotka: Further expands the military.
    • East Yakuts: Unrest begins to spread at the new taxes. 
    • Free City of Ustokut: The city improves its military, emplacing the siege equipment along the walls and building barracks for the garrison.
Hungarian Land Redistribution (PMIII)
  • The Hungarian King Sigismund declares the creation of new vassals from the current territories under his control. Not only will this rearrangement of lands and territories give Hungary a coastline and clear access to the sea - it will also help the King push favourable nobles to power at the cost of the nobles imprisoned or executed. A map of this is readied by Sigismund and his advisors and will be sent to the nobles of the region. The King also declares the Serbian Uprising over, and this is met with widespread celebration all around the Kingdom. Crown Prince Sigismund continues to grow up to become a strong boy. He is allocated personal tutors who will teach him the ins and outs of Royalty and ruling, and will hopefully help him ascend to the throne, where he will become the fourth of his name. Princess Sophia takes care of her son Nikola while spending a lot of time with her husband. She comes with him to parts of the vassal to see the condition of the lands. She becomes pregnant once more towards the end of the year. Serbian males in Hungary are forced to work even harder and many die due to harsh treatment. People from Dalmatia are encouraged to move to Serbia and huge numbers continue to move southward. Such a large migration has caused a large boom on the roads to the south, with scores of new villages and settlements established and allowing for much better farming practices to be implemented in Serbia. However, this has caused a large manpower shortage and as a result, thousands from Croatia move southward into Dalmatia along with many Hungarians as well as a lot of Serbian workers. With the nobles who spoke out against the previous King dealt with, Sigismund now has greater control over his nobles and the lands of his nation. Large numbers of villages and towns are rebuilt from the ground up and now begin to boom as they become centres of trade and bartering. These towns provide the manpower to work the fields and grow more crops. With the mixing of the Dalmatian and Serbian cultures, various new folktales are born as different stories are mixed to create new ones. Stored grains are used when they are needed, and prove to be a winning system. In the times of war, the stored grains help peasants feed themselves and keeps discontent down for now. More large ships are constructed in the dockyards in Croatia using cheap and plentiful Serbian workers and many are finished and set to sail. All ships fly the Hungarian flag with pride. This helps to boost the military power of the navy, and these ships are soon sent south to go patrolling. More equipment for the soldiers is produced in forges and this will help arm more soldiers. Seeing the largening iron and steel demands, trading for those resources is increased in exchange for grains. With growing numbers of ships arriving from docks, the fleet off the coast strengthens and the naval division begins to expand its range of operations quickly in case there is a threat from the sea. Merchant ships use Byzantine and Venetian ports to trade and earn money in, while beginning to sail to UNC ports too, helping expand the influence of Hungarian merchants. With land bought from the UNC, the ports continue to be constructed by workers from Hungary who have arrived onto the islands from Hungary. The naval ports on the various UNC islands of the Atlantic are finally completed and begin to see Hungarian merchant ships come in to resupply and restock. All ships are told to spread the word the ports are ready for all ships heading northward. After a few months, the news reaches Sigismund, who immediately dispatches a large portion of his navy towards the ports. The naval port in Jutland sees a huge influx of workers all of a sudden, and is completed with rapid speed. It becomes the pride of the Hungarian ports and soon opens its ports to service. Ships arrive very quickly due to its favourable position in relation to sea traffic. The port tells all ships the same as the other ports said, to spread the word. However, word of the finishing of the Jutland port will take more time to get to Sigismund. Trading with Zeta continues in earnest. The checkpoint castles are a great help in housing troops which are patrolling routes of both nations as well as wealthy and influential merchants and nobles travelling between the nations. Poland now sees greater economic growth as their economy is not only stable but able to grow rapidly on its own. The King of Poland sadly passes away due to old age. This is met with widespread grief in Poland, yet his eldest daughter now becomes Queen of Poland. As a result, the Queen of Hungary now becomes the Queen of Poland and Sigismund becomes King of Poland. The Hungarian advisors assigned to the former King of Poland are given the responsibility to handle the affairs of Poland until the sons of Sigismund come to age. Poland continues to grow even stronger economically as more and more money is invested in trading stalls and merchentile systems as well as the construction for roads and such. Poland is now under the control of Sigismund and he plans to use this to his benefit. He begins to promote nobles loyal to him. Many who oppose him are assassinated quietly and their lands allocated to the nobles from Hungary and those loyal to Sigismund. He begins to almost immediately promote the agricultural practices he has been promoting in Hungary and Serbia, and as a result the Polish workforce begins to build irrigation networks as well as begin to be told on how to farm using better practices. The Polish army continues to grow in strength, actively training with Hungarian soldiers to better their fighting skills while getting supplied by Hungarian blacksmiths. Missionaries begin to preach the word of god and distribute Bibles to those who can read in a bid to convert secret pagans to Christendom and show them the light of God. Both nations now see a large amount of trade conducted within each other's borders and this makes the merchants learn of each other's languages. Many become fluent in Polish while other fluent in Hungarian. In the border regions, a mixture of the languages begin to develop as it becomes more convenient for speakers and tradesmen. Yet Serbian begins to influence language too, due to the large numbers of workers present in various parts of the nation. However, due to the large number of merchants from Hungary - who's economy is booming, Hungarian begins to be spoken in many parts of Poland as it becomes the preferred trading language. The population of Hungary is estimated to be around 4.1 million due to peacetime growth. The growth rate begins to reach 4% due to the large amount of trading and the implementation of much better farming practices in Hungary itself. Large irrigation channels have been created by workers, helping to expand the regions of farmland under the control of the crown. Many of the irrigation projects in Serbia are finally completed and will allow for much better crop growth. The Hungarians completely influence (Eight of Eight) Karaman, having broken the backs of all Emirs and army commanders and caused all sides to be exhausted. After making a deal with one of the Emirs, a large portion of the Hungarian army is transported to the nation and help the Emir's forces win a great victory against all his enemies. Karaman is now under the thumb of Hungary and so is the Emir. He is told to begin to bring all regions of Karaman to peace and begin the construction of various ports. In secret gunsmiths, Rumanian and Roman knowledge is soon put under use as many begin to construct their own guns and make their own gunpowder. This is a major step on the way to developing new technologies which much of the world has no indication of. Much money is allocated for this, such is the need - very desperate are the Crown for the results of the experiments.
    • The Kingdom of Croatia sees a major land redistribution due to Sigismund. Although the trading boom within the nation continues, with the Hungarian acquisition of coastal lands, Hungary now begins to use the ports in the regions it has taken over to transport its goods and trade. The dockyards cut the wood and build the large fighting vessels for the Crown, as requested by the king himself. More large ships are constructed and help to bolster the Hungarian fleet. A tariff for merchants trading is also in place but it is put at favourable levels with none for the Venetians due to the alliance between the states and the amount of trading between them. Venetian traders are a common sight in Croatian ports, helping to bring in much revenue. Many Croat nobles protest the land distribution, but most are reminded they still keep their lands, only their overlord is now directly the king. The soldiers are trained in Croatia to protects its remaining ports.
    • In Garay, all roads have now been fixed and thus this allows for the trading speeds to increase expodentially. The Garai House sees the birth of another son, while Lord Garai assumes control of more land within Garay. He uses his control to use the land to increase crop yields as well as the amount of trading ongoing between each of the nobles. The money is sent as taxes and used to upgrade the standings of the nobles themselves. Many men are also trained in military combat to make them more effective foot-soldiers. Due to the good relations of Lord Garai and King Sigismund, the Garai Family begin to gain influence in various lands such as Croatia, Split, Zalchumia, Bosnia and Dalmatia.
    • In Split, the nobles begin to work on creating standing armies to manage and controlling their lands. Castles continue being built in the vassal while many old ones are completely torn apart and their land allocated for peasants. The soldiers of the nobles who were executed are distributed between the present nobles and they quickly begin to adapt - training with their new fighting partners. The nation trains its knights hard and trains commoners too.
    • Bosnia also sees a lot of economic and military growth. The nation begins to organise its own soldiers under the command of nobles who take part in knight competitions to increase their skill set while readying forces in case they are called up to defend the lands. Bosnia is split into three vassals, with Bosnia being reduced to the northern third of the former vassal. The reason given for this reduction of land is a large portion of the land were more Croat and thus two new vassals are created. The Kosaca family was not happy with this move and mobilised its forces against Sigismund. In what was a three month campaign - the Kosaca Family was completely wiped out and all children were put under the authority of Sigismund as his and his extended family's wards and servants.
    • In Serbia, there is peace in the lands as the nobles settle down to governing their estates and lands in the name of the King. The local noblescontinue to oversee the reconstruction of various villages and towns which had been destroyed in the uprising. The influx of Dalmatians is seen as a positive as it helps to find partners for the tens of thousands of women who do not have a husband as well as provides manpower for the farms along with a greater set of farming skills. Merchants are also encouraged to set up stalls and sell and barter their goods and this begins to help the poor economy to slowly grow.
    • Banu Sulaym: Sees a lot of trading posts being set up while the Hungarian traders force the Emir of the nation to make it more tolerant so trading can occur more easily and the people can live better lives. Many Muslims feel this is not good, but none can complain as soon as the ports begin to bustle with merchants who are buying and selling goods at a rapid rate. The is a boom in Catholic followers due to the tradesmen and missionaries spreading the religion. The vassal begins to develop economically. The nation continues to grow in trading and it opens new ports. Many begin to think that expanding inward could also be a good idea as it would help make the borders safer. The Emir finally agrees to it after building up resources for it. The nation expands 4000 km inland, looking for oases and small settlements as well as moving towards the regions of disarray to the east to exploit the chaos and gain more farmlands (happy now?)
    • Wait, I thought it was against the rules to influence a country that does not follow the same religion as you do. The Karamanids are completely Muslim. Plus, Rex and I had trouble getting influence in Karaman (and we're in the same peninsula!), so how could Hungary just come over and vassalize it? ChrisL123 (talk) 20:45, April 7, 2014 (UTC)
    • I spent about ten turns gaining control over it. However, I was planning tp sell a part of it to you, interested? ~Imp
    • You could spend 100 and not vassalize it. Different religion areas usually require a war to vassalize. I'd think you'd have a non-recoverable revolt in ten years if you tried to keep it'''' legitimately. Let's not forget distance from them. If the Ottomans can't vassalize it I don't see how you can. That's like waaaaaay out there, man -Feud
    • Not only a different religion, but the consensus among the mods was that regions belonging to the former Masriq can not be conquered by Europeans without extreme cost for some time. -MP
    • Yet when I asked some of the mods on chat (I'm looking at Feud), they said it could be problematic but as long as I spend the required number of years, I would be fine? Could this logic be explained to me? And why now? I have been posting about this for at least four turns - could you have not mentioned it then? I would have spent my vassalisation powers somewhere else. ~Imp
  • Mughal Empire: The Mughal Empire agrees to aid their allies the Safavids. Babur supports the establishment of new mining facilities by bribing some nobles with land. Babur calls upon advisors to prepare the writing of a new law code.
    • S. Chagatai: The Chagatai Khanate also helps the Safavids due to their alignment with the Mughals. Trade expands.
  • Ottoman Sultanate: The nation has much improved since the war, and many are continuing to rebuild their lives as the economy stabilizes. More money goes into infrastructure, creating new buildings and places of worship, as well as top-of-the-line Ottoman ships. One of these ships carries the Sultan and his family to Jerusalem to be on his way for Hajj. He meets with local Muslim groups there, and tries to influence them to abandon their local rulers for a chance to be united with the Sultanate. The Sultan then leaves for his religiously-cleansing pilgrimage, and returns through Syria to witness the situation there. Meanwhile, the Grand Vizier continues to send both religious, military, and political presence to Erzincan. The Grand Vizier plans to turn the nation into an eyalet by assigning the land a governor once the current leader dies. The Vizier also continues drawing plans for any mobilization into the Levant.
  • Zapotec: Tlaco II expands Danibaan's influence in the surrounding city-states by way of the Zapotec Alliance. Roadways connecting cities in the alliance help merchants and soldiers move more freely between them. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. In the coastal regions under Danibaan's influence, more boats are created. Tlaco orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Daibaan continues expanding into the surrounding city-states north along the gulf coast. Trade with the Aztecs commences after years of stagnation under Tlaco I. The government decides that the rebellion in Soconusco is an internal affair of the Aztecs, and therefore the Zapotec cannot be involved.
  • Milan: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. We upgrade infrastructure, as do our vassals. 
  • Mansuriyya Caliphate: The Caliphate strongly condemns the Persian invasion, and Mahdi Fatih declares the Persians to be infidels to the True Faith. The Caliphate sends out requests to the Ottomans, Yemenis(?), Georgians and other Muslim nations to help against this cruel and unprovoked attack by the Persians. The Black Riders begin raiding operations in the Persian nation, while Baghdad is heavily fortified and many regiments of troops called up. A national curfew takes hold and many men are flood into the army. Trade continues, but at a very restricted rate, going only for bare necessities and arms.
    • Rasulid Diplomacy: The Emir sends troops and supplies to help Caliphate, doing all he can to help against the Persian menace.
  • Ayutthaya, having jacked up tensions between Padang and Sri Vijaya over the last four years, succeeds in sparking a war. Immediately, King Indaraja II declares that they will support their allies and calls his banners, declaring war on Sri Vijaya (Padang is an Ayutthayan vassal). Making a speech before several of the lesser kings, he urges them to remember their friendship with Padang, to defend them against this foreign foe. The Golden Army- equipped with cannons and the like- is the first Ayutthayan army to enter Sri Vijaya, immediately routing one of that nation's larger armies. This solidifies our promises, showing the world that when Ayutthaya makes a promise, they keep it. This greatly impresses several nearby nations, including Aceh and the Khmer. We use our superior navy to begin a trade blockade, rerouting their trade through Ayutthayan waters, both increasing our own share of the region and severely compromising their economy. The renovations in Ayutthaya continue, as a war effort, building the walls ever higher.
    • Padang: Following threats from the Sri Vijayans, we declare war, mobilize our armies, and ask for support from our allies (ie Ayutthaya).
  • Caucasian Confederation: The Confederation learns of the Safavid-Mansuriyyan conflict late in the year - too late to mobilize the Confederation's armies. However, all Confederation member states expand their military strength as the tension in the Middle East escalates.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to shift its trade to the West, and with the war in Spain largely over merchants are less afraid of trading in Spain once again. Trade begins to move beyond the Mediterranean and trade ships enter cities like Lisbon and Nancy with more cities to come. The weapons available to the Empire continue to grow. Matchlocks continue to be produced as well as Greek fire grenades. With the supplies for Greek Fire in uncertain supply, Roman engineers are forced to consider other possible anti-personnel weapons. Combining aspects of the grenades and the matchlock firearms, the engineers devise a ceramic or iron-cast grenade lit by a fuse and filled with gunpowder. The same fuse is added to Greek Fire grenades as well to increase their handling. A few months later, caltrops are added to such grenades to make them even deadlier. Such devices have not yet seen actual combat. The Thessalian cavalry continue to be sent to regions of the Empire to patrol them. Weapons and books continue to be sent to Alexandria and the Tartar Empire.
    • Albania: The national military continues to be expanded and trained. Trade begins to become an important part of the economy along with agriculture.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Landshut expands its military. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Jacqueline and her council continue to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished, and by 1465 a trade route is put in place. Such important places in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1465, Eleanor commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The planned market center in Landshut continues to attract regional traders. In religious news, the country begins converting to the Western Netherlander church. By the end of this year, around 75% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. Eleanor continues efforts to implement Sedevacantist policies in the government, being much more religious than her father. Furthermore, Eleanor gives the Roscol Bank access to Landshut, as well as Munchen and Straubing to do trading, pleasing the Merchant class as the economy begins to recover. The Venetian merchants take an interest in government bonds. The Grand Duchess also begins to pay attention to the road constructed during the days of the German Union. She authorizes renovations and additions, hoping to one day connect most settlements of Bavaria with strong, large roads. Eleanor continues her restored reign by imprisoning several court nobles who supported Jacqueline and revokes their titles. Jacqueline herself remains imprisoned. Continuing from 1464, Eleanor more determinedly pursues the creation of a commons court in Bavaria, as well as a string of laws protecting the lower classes. Tax reforms are also brought to mind by Eleanor. In totality, the nobles become outraged by the Grand Duchess and see her reforms as horsemen bringing forth the apocalypse. The apocalypse being their monetary downfall and severe curb of powers. Albrecht von Ingolmaacht continues to plot against Eleanor and her government, gathering hundreds of followers with thousands of men.
    • Munchen: By 1465, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 2900 men. Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. In recent news, unemployment continues to drop after Eleanor's restoration. It is here in Munich, the second largest city in Bavaria, where Eleanor is most popular.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. A statue dedicated to Eleanor is built and displayed in the central square of Ingolstadt.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
  • Venetian Republic:
    • Books on various topics spread from Venice throughout Europe, continuing the Renaissance. Printed in the Venetian language, they teach of the sciences and humanities and revive learning, spreading knowledge (as well as the language) far and wide..
    • With the increased supply of Ducats, the fluidity of European trade increases with Ducat using nations benefiting most.
    • Many people sentenced to death are drowned in the canals as is the Venetian tradition. The tradition is becoming the primary way to execute criminals and is spreading to the Venetian territories across Europe.
    • Fine wool and silk clothing from Titani is exported across the Mediterranean and Black Sea and begins to set the trend in Renaissance clothing.
    • Venetian trade reaches across the known world. Merchant ships carry salt, silks, glass and a collection of other goods, both common and rare. Venetian traders are the largest carriers of trade in Europe, with the thousands of ships and a trading tradition continuing to fuel this.
    • The Roscol Bank uses local subsidiaries all across Europe to fund trade, with a leaning toward funding trade with Venice. They also fund enterprises across the continent, boosting the economies of the nations which they inhabit. The Roscol Bank invests conservatively. While this doesn't bring in as much wealth as other nations' banking, such as the Dutch, it results in a much more robust level of equity.
    • Due to the stability of business and protection afforded to private enterprise in Venice, many merchants set up shop in the city despite being foreign, utilising the Venetian law to protect their businesses. Criminals and a less divided merchant class mean prosperity for all those involved with Venetian business in some way.
    • In Veneto return to peaceful business between the powerful Collegantias brings growth back up to its usual high, but with the Roscol Collegantia having seemingly been defeated by Masaro many feel that the iron grip of the Roscols on the economy of Venice is at an end. The Doge decides to support Venetian culture further. He funds conversions to Venetian culture across the Republic and Empire. The Order of Saint Mark continues to grow in size and influence, numbering now 51,000 members and still growing. The beliefs of faith are popular amongst commoners - especially those who feel the church does not practice the faith properly. Alexandria is slowly becoming more and more of a hub of the True Faith as commoners convert to the belief en masse, many True Faith believers think the time has come to reclaim Egypt for Christ. With many Aragonese merchants trying to commit damage to the Venetian property, the Maxor Consegio along votes to allow privateering against any merchant ship flying the colours of Aragon.
    • In the Free Port of Porto Tolle the True Faithers begin building a giant church, which they are currently calling the 'Magnum Donum. Many minority believers fear the True Faithers, seeing them as aggressive and uncompromising. Merchants avoid Porto Tolle, except those who profit from the construction of the Magnum Donum. The Doge looks on concerned.
    • In the Province of Istra the Venetian language is the first language of the majority of city and coastal dwellers, the spread inland will take longer but the Conte of Istra is supportive of efforts to make the core Venetian territories more homogeneous.
    • In the Free Port of Scutari Romaso le Ros reveals his devotion to the true faith and demands that locals convert and raids the local church for its riches. Unlike in Porto Tolle when something similar happened, he puts it straight into the City coffers instead of spreading the wealth as alms.
    • In the Province of Albania Conte Tuscus Thadei takes over from his father and continues to rule the Venetian lands of Albania. With Durazzo largely Venetised over the decades of ownership and other major coastal settlements becoming more and more Venetian in manner, he decides to work on securing control over the cities. When many Albanians left for the fledgling state of Albania, they took the most virulent opposition to the Venetian rule with them, but Conte Tuscus wants to be sure that there is no chance of a bloody conflict. He institutes a law demanding the formation of city guards that may be used by the Conte in case of a national conflict, the law is known as the Guard Law.
    • In the Province of Zante the islanders are not resistant to Venetian rule, when the Corfiots landed, they offered no resistance. They disliked being subservient to the Artans although have good relations with the Venetians due to trade ties. The Doge qucikly implements them as a separate Province, to show his respect for them. Locals find the situation agreeable and a well known local (called a brigand by the Artans) who had fought Artan attempts to claw more taxes and implement their laws is chosen to become the Conte. Conte George Alyates begins his rule by making his fellow ex-brigands his personal guard.
    • In the Free Port of Argos the Great Alm is having the desired effect, as more and more locals become educated the economy develops and further the people begin to speak more and more Venetian. Elders in the Free Port grumble about the changes but most youngsters, who have been both taught to be like Venetians and believe in the True Faith by the Order of Saint Mark, believe they are bringing around a great renaissance for Argos.
    • In the Province of Attica the Conte dies, without any legitimate heirs. An election is held and a man known as Romanus Eudoxia becomes the new Conte. He is a hardline True Faither and believes strongly in the Order of Saint Marks goal to spread the faith.
    • In the Province of Mytilene the islanders elect a Conte, known as Cyril Stethatus, to rule them. He takes the reins quickly although is not a skilled ruler. He relies heavily on his Gastaldos and various officials to help him rule effectively.
    • In the Province of Candelore the massive population of the lands elect a man known as Tiberius to rule them, despite there being many candidates expected to do better. He takes Candelore as his last name to cement in the minds of the people his place as the Conte and quickly those who stood against him disappear, flee or wind up dead. He seems to do nothing and yet the economy picks up and many people find good spirit return to local settlements. Peasants hail these signs as proof Tiberius's rule is good. However many merchants and visiting officials say he has a secret government that operates out of view to control people better, further there is strong contention over whether a secret police exists in the Province. Tiberius, as usual, remains like a mirage in the midst of these rumours. Out of sight but never out of mind, some merchants even dare call him the "Spider" or "Shadow". Although other merchants claim that he has infiltrated the ranks of merchants to spread these nicknames to inspire awe and fear. Nobody quite knows what is going on.
    • In the Province of Morocco the forts are hurried, and now have only three years left to be built. The Conte invests heavily in Agadir, intent on improving its port facilities. Meanwhile he sends explorers along the African coast upon the Doge's request, they hop along the various Venetian trade outposts along the west African coast and make a brief stop in Oyo to trade some goods for supplies. They then head south and meet Castilian ships along the coast, just before they are forced to turn back by lack of supplies. Upon hearing reports of this, the Conte considers investing in Carros to explore the coast, concious of their ability to hold a greater capacity of supplies.
    • Eco-turn
  • Epirote Republic:
    • In Epirus the city folk have begun speaking a Venetic-Greek combination of language due to decades of heavy influence and with the Doge's actions have gained a pride for their independence and strength as a people, however they have without a focus. The Doge hears of this and summons a council of all major officials to make an effort to solidify the ideals of Epirus in the minds of the people.
    • In the Free Ports of Epirus the Sarandan and Titani Trading Collegantia send forces into Preveza and slaughter guild members, they announce a unity between the merchants of all three Free Ports in the form of the Sigilar Collegantia known as the Grand Trading Collegantia but actually called the Three Cities Sigilar Collegantia, this action unites the economies of the three cities and essentially rids all of them of any guild presence. The Doge is angered by the act of force and summons the Superpotensas of all three ports and the officials of the Grand Trading Collegantia are summoned too.
    • In the Province of Valona the economy grows.
    • In the Province of Arta the economy grows.
    • Eco-turn
  • Venetian Empire:
    • In the Province of Aegina the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Free Port of Athens the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Province of Candia the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Corfiot Protectorate the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Kaffa the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Naxian Protectorate the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Negroponte the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Free Port of Ragusa the economy grows. Eco-turn
  • Hesse: We continue vassalizing Koln and Westfalen. We continue improving the economy. Ludwigism continues to spread. We continue to write songs and make Ludwigist principles. The Strahlend starts doing quite well. The Strahlend is launched into international trade, along with the printing press, our new instruments, and Ludwigist books. Anyone who trades with Hesse should start receiving these items soon in the near future. Heinrich III has a baby with Ennis, naming him Karl I.
  • Sanafah continues to develop as the regional power. With the recent contact from the Ayutthaya, Sanafah begin to consider its own need to catch up to other world powers. (We view Ayutthaya, Egypt, and China as world powers.) The Council focuses on building up technological capacities, which is a difficult goal to fully attain. Investment in new naval ships begins, and before long a variant of the dhow is created. The Chief orders creation of a navy fit to rule the Swahili region. Sofala is fully vassalized this year, and it begins slow expansion northwards, towards Sofala. Sanafah continues with the growth of Dina Morgabin at the same time Dina Arobi is starting to gain more settlers. Unlike Dina Morgabin, though, Dina Arobi settlers form a main city as opposed to living in the backwoods. Sakalava continues to expand, this year into Bara. The local chief is upset, but he lacks the ability to combat the Sanafahi military. The economy of all Sanafahi states increase, as do their populations.
  • The Comoros continue to settle in Pembara, and work on bringing their navy up to par with the new dhow-based technology of Sanafah. The Comoros also begins to turn from traditional and strict Islam towards the new paganistic version of the ancient religion. Betsileo continues to expand into Sihanaka, fully absorbing that state. Cultural merging begins, which is not difficult for the two similar Malagasy cultures.
  • Oyo Empire: Oyo holds another census, which indicates a population of 9,453,442 as of 1465. The navy is expanded by the government, plans for a larger ship devised following the recent visits of more Castilian vessels. These nlanla vessels are to possess the ability to travel to and from Europe on behalf of the Oyo Empire's traders, as well as serve as military vessels during wartime. Elsewhere, Oyo seeks to establish embassies throughout Europe and Arabia as its ability to visit these regions increases. The expansion of the colony on Sao Fernando takes place at 250 km, and the growth of the population also takes place with government incentives to potential colonists.
  • Mapuche: In June, Xoryas engages the traitorous leader of the rebels in hand-to-hand combat after defending one of the western Mapuche towns from a raid and slays him.  This wins him the admiration and respect of Mapuche across the territory; a council of village elders decides to establish an organized Mapuche war band to defend the people in possible future conflicts, effectively creating the first centralized Mapuche organization.  Xoryas, of course, is granted leadership of this war band, and he organizes a defense force for every village that can be called upon to defend the surrounding territory or the Mapuche as a whole.The girl's symbols for quanitities become more popular and commonly used.  She also, in a fit of glee over hearing about Xoryas' victory, creates symbols for him, battles, war, Mapuche, home, and other concepts. 
  • Kingdom of Italy: King Charles I continues the reforms of his father, and improves the economy and the military. Continues the construction and improvement of shipyards and production of new boats to combat in the Mediterranean. Territorial defense continues being built based on border forts. Relations with the Byzantine Empire continue strong. The Naval Academy in Taranto continues the technological research with Venice. The King continue to give new impetus to the culture within the kingdom and its vassal states, in art, science, etc.
    • Kingdom of Sicily: The army continue the process of assimilation of Italian tactics that spread through the Mediterranean, promoting the use of early firearms. The economy of the island is mostly cereal crops. Thanks to Italian support the exploitation of olives and wine grapes continues. 
    • Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Improves the economy and the military. The economic prosperity of the previous years is accented with commercial junction providing by Italy and Genoa, and the city of Florence is the commercial nexus among all the Italian states. Frederick I helps promote economic prosperity, gives incentives to help manufacturing output grow, and improve access roads to make the trade more fluid and profitable. The army is formed to the image of the Italian army, with gradual use of new firearms that become quite popular. Frederick I became a great patron and the Tuscan nobles follow this particular policy. The artists, protected and maintained by the nobles and bourgeois rising, unleash their creativity.
    • Duchy of Genoa: Improves the economy and the military. The Duchy of Genoa continues trading from the Black Sea to the Straits of Gibraltar, using new models of ships with cargo holds of more spacious and allow greater profit. With the help of Italian military fleet, try to force richest commercial rights in Tunisian ports. In Genoa the boom in production of luxury items continue. The pressure of the Genoese traders in Tunis is growing, and combined with the presence of Christian missionaries, who at the same time serve commercial spies; is accomplished the capture of a lot of exotic products that are not easy to get due to the conflicts and trade barriers in the Near East, and the axis between Tunis and Genoa is strengthened. The Genoese economy restarts its golden age.
    • Duchy of Ferrara: Improves the economy and the military. The paper industry is forging ahead, and also the making of looms, making this duchy in one of the most productive in northern Italy. Duke Niccolo I continue the loyal service to Italy. 
    • Duchy of Corsica: Improves the economy and the military. The exploitation of salt mines and silver continues. In the same way, the vine crops increase in extension and quality, and the manufacture of wine each year improves in quality and quantity, and is recognized as the best European wine. On the island of Corsica a boom of mercenaries continues. The Italian army started recruiting many Corsicans, making them a legend in terms of ferocity and skill in the skirmishes and battles. 
    • Marquisate of Modena: Improves the economy and the military. Niccolo is dedicated to art and culture, encouraging painters, sculptors and architects that embellish this little Marquisate, leading Italian opulence to a new levelMarquis Niccolo I continues the loyal service to Italy.
    • Principality of Zeta: Improves the economy and the military. Dairy cattle production increases, and in the same way the manufacture of better quality cheese, they continue to be exported to Italy, Hungary and Byzantium. The Prince Giovanni I continues the cultural boom.
    • Vatican City: The Pope continues the campaign of evangelization in the lands of the Balkans. Missionaries continue working in North Africa, especially in Tunisia, where they try to recover the core of Christians. The Pope, like his predecessor, condemns all those who come to the false churches that are being created in Europe. The Pope in his speeches also continues condemning the current lack of security of pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. The Christian nations have a priority to recover these places and they are missing to the will of God. The nephew of Pope Callistus III, Rodrigo Borgia continue his ascent in the Roman curia.
    • Order of the Knights of Malta: The Grand Master of the Order, Piero Raimondo Camelot, uses his fleet of ten ships to patrol the central Mediterranean, also helping needy Christians. Military elements are improved, and the economy is maintained by the Italian and Sicilian support.
    • County of Provence: The reform of the administration continues, adapting the Italian model which has had so much success. Improves economy through trade and manufacturing cloth. The military camp is also improved, adding new equipment and Italian military ideas.
    • Duchy of Anjou: As in Provence, the Duchy transformation is performed. The economy and military improve.
    • Alencon: The economy and military improve.
    • Narbonne: The economy and military improve.
    • Vendome: The economy and military improve.
    • Please no posting more than 3 hours after the new turn has started -Feud


The Safavids ultimately win the struggle for power in nearly all of Persia, a conflict which had been going on for nearly a century between various dynasties and political forces.

The Uzbeks in the north-east of Persia are driven far to the north, across the Oxus River where they continue to attack the Safavids. After a series of decisive victories over the Uzbeks, who had occupied most of Khorasan, Persia's eastern borders are established.

With Ulrich V having taken much of Swabia the previous year, rival lords rally against the Swabian League and meet him on the battlefield. Ulrich is supported by Austria and select cities in Switzerland, such as Zurich, combatting mercenaries from the south.

Banu Salaam begins to show relative resentment of both Italian and Hungarian overlordship and a group of unknown Muslim leaders plan for a revolt against Hungary and Italy. However, a large Christian population in the Italian area is preventing large scale recruitment from that area.

  • Aztec Empire: Emperor Montezuma II [46] asks Cuachtemoc [36] on his opinion with the situation in Soconusco. Cuachtemoc replies, explaining: With aid from the Zapotec and Mayans an aggressive action taken against the people in Soconusco could lead to other revolts around the kingdom, with people growing scared of the Imperial state, rather than loving Tenochtitlan. Tezcacoatl [12] begins schooling in military. Cuachtemoc continues with the idea that lines should be drawn, in that 13,000 of the 31,000 population in the southern region is loyal to the Emperor and have made their foothold in Atlocuapo, the great southern military base which protects the Zapotec-Aztec alliance from any southern invaders. 11,000 military units have been stocked in the military fortress. A disputed area in the center of Soconusco is 34% Aztec loyalists, and 66% Soconusco rebels. The rebels now have a standing military force of 2000 warriors, with one-half their numbers leaving the imperial military. Soconusco is soon to be split in half with the northern part being under control of the Emperor, and the southern part an independent region. Atlocuapo is the new named vassal of the northern area of Soconusco and is a vassal of the Aztec Empire. The military is expanded, and centralization continues. The military becomes much more organized. The elite bodyguard and militaristic fighters; the Jaguar Warriors, number around 7000. The light armored scouts, also known as the Eagle Warriors now hover around 11,000. Panther Warriors, a new sect of the military trained individually by Cuachtemoc himself, are the most elite cloak and dagger warriors, which can be used for spying, assassinations, and chaos instituting. The Panthers now number at 1500. This number rarely goes up, and when it does, it quickly falls to its original number. Coyote Warriors, which are the heavily armored troops, who use long ranged weapons, such as the "Kamayuk" looking and length spear. The Coyotes number at 15,500 being the largest unit class in the military. Skirmishers are versatile units which are lightly armored and somewhat trained and number at 10,000. The archers, which are primarily based off of the Mayan plumed archer, is around 8000. Auxilaries which are also paired with mercenaries, and hired arms, are at a total of 12,000. The military reaches an amount of 65,000 and is at an all time surge throughout the empire, with the military being a key component to the empire, and being highly praised and rewarded. The population reaches 4.5 million.
    • Atlocuapo (vassal of the Aztec Empire): The vassal becomes 90% Aztec loyalists as the population migrations continue to move around from one side to the other. The disputed land in the center of the old region of Soconusco is beginning to become dominantly Soconusco influenced. The Altocuapo only receive 16% of the disputed land, as the rest is ceded into the independent state of Soconusco. Military is expanded, with aid from the Mayans, and the military being funded by the trade with the Zapotec. Roads are made and improved throughout the vassal. Raids against the independent state of Soconusco begin to occur, the military troops have been given order from the regional captain, Tenoch, that anyone who is in Soconusco is a rebel of the empire, and should be killed. He was caught interrogating a woman, stating: "She is a traitor to the empire, and part of the rebel state, take her away!" Tenoch is put in charge of the military operations, as he has the reputation of being beyond brutal. 
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to convert to the Western Church. The Prussians continue to build their army. The Prussians also begin to vassalize the nation of Ossel-Wiek.
    • Courland: The Curonians also begin developing their economy and military. The Curonians also begin converting to the Western Church.
  • Hamburg-Mecklenburg: Ruppin is vassalized. In his first year as Duke, Friedrich I expresses commitment to restore friendly relations with Scandinavia. A Ludwigist group pops up in the Duchy. Duke Friedrich visits Hesse's Ludwig II, seeking to buy back Hamburg's former land in Bremen allotted to Hesse by the Treaty of St Patriksburg. He also asks for a mutual defense pact with Hesse. Road and ship construction continues, and the HMDF reaches its pre-war numbers. The HTSC sets up regular sailing between Neue Lüneburg, Williamsburg, and Hamburg.
    • Ruppin: Military expanded.
    • Magdeburg: Military expanded.
  • Cahokia: Work continues on the WMMP, with estimated completion date of 1468. MSC shifts it's focus from training to more research and enhancement of care. Because of this new thinking, Monchacho forgoes his plans for a second school, hoping for more quality over quantity (while both are desired). Monchacho and hair associates do agree a small medical sub base in Parkin would be valuable for combat related injury study. They also realize that, with the new census counts, more medicine will be needed to satisfy the huge population. Both Monchacho and the WMMP engineers have caught word of the Nac Riders and the strong beasts they ride. They start brainstorming possible uses for a domesticated animal such as the bison. Engineers think they could be used to move heavy loads instead of human team labor. Monchacho thinks they could be used by medicine men to let them treat a wider range of patients, possibly raising the minimum medicine man to citizen ratio. The farmers of Cahokia, now well established, also think they could find use for bison.
    • West Moundville (Vassal of Cahokia): Trade with the Aztec people continues and is consistent. Now effectively established as trading partners, we request cocoa beans in exchange for Nac Scout Armor. WM expands its growing fishing industry, making their fishing vessel count to be 50 now. Nac regulars return to the WM base in response to the new Comanche threat. Rektaw orders the 5000 Regulars that were on their way to EM to WM. Rektaw also orders a Nac Rider squadron with several engineers to do a survey of the land west of WM to get a better idea of the current situation. EM requests of coastline survey dismissed as priorities are drawn to the Comanche threat.
    • East Moundville (Vassal of Cahokia): Without logistical and military support from Cahokia, EM delays its expansion into OTL Florida. EM then focuses on its fishing industry, increasing its ship count to 50. Trade between EM and Etowah increase as EM's fishing industry expands and the demand for timber increases.
    • Etowah (Vassal of Cahokia): Progress continues on the construction of Appawa (slated for completion in 1475 with the new additions). Timber remains to be Etowah's main economic output. Etowah sees a population increase from housing selection incentives in Appawa for new citizens. Engineers send requests to Parkin for several bison to start training them for labor.
    • Parkin (Vassal of Cahokia): Military activity has increased with the news of the Comanche. Settlements on the west border are fortified. Two Nac squadrons are sent out to scout enemy positions to get a better image of the Comanche. Worried about losing his new found resource, Rektaw orders the herding of the bison away from the western frontier. This herd is to be sent to a safer location for other use on the interior. I've been told no more buffalo riding :( In my previous turns, refer to any buffalo training or domestication as a military turn Ishmal1103 (talk) 23:40, April 8, 2014 (UTC)
  • Castile: The Castilian economy continues a larger process of pulling in more money through trade. The infrastructure of Castile is also expanded more. Castile, in order to facilitate more conversions to Christianity, imposes higher taxes on non-Christians in the areas it controls personally or by proxy through its vassals. Castile has successfully mapped large parts of the African coast south of Morocco and down as far as their trade posts in the Kongo these are kept secret.  The Castilian nobility begins to adapt toward a newer system to revamp or work on their power as they move toward becoming advisors to the king and less involved in their feudal estates which while growing have developed Guilds to facilitate payments for the efforts of the men working, The expert workmanship of many of these men has seen notable increase in productivity for each feudal state with most lords not complaining. The Kingdom's cities begin to be improved with better sanitation and the King hires architects to plan out a sewer system, as well as a true plan for multiple major cities. Castile begins a major process of researching the matchlocks acquired from the Netherlands acquired and develops its own version which is used to replace the older weapons. which is finally finished. The construction of a new kind of warship with cannons is completed - a heavy warship much more powerful than most other ships of the time. The King notices the heavily increased productivity and income flow due to his hands off policy and non-interference and begins to allow artists, minstrels and other artistic and scientific minds to become more prevalent in Castile, many believe the Castilian Renaissance is imminent. Castile, due to its naval range, high income, extensive and dominant trade network, becomes one of the largest and most dynamic trade empires of the Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. The Castilian navy with its new heavy warships and some new updated designs for older ships organizes a heavy royal fleet phasing out past organizations. The Royal army of Castile has now almost wholly replaced the previous feudalistic military forces and has a size of nearly 50,000 and growing thanks in part to the good funding being provided by the king. In order to make up for lost power the King as behest of his new wife, and several of his friends who are nobles create a king's advisory council which officially has the power of the king in many matters if authorized. The men are also given station to criticize the king's actions to keep him from going crazy with power. The Knights Hospitaller are moved more into Castile with their professional fighting strength and religious zeal used to patrol the borders of Castile's Gibraltar province. The Knights are also given the authority to police the majority Christian Tangiers now, and effectively prevent many Muslims from coming over the border to wreak havoc. Castile's navy, now heavily funded and expanded greatly, reaches a large number of combat and tradeworthy ships and with its trade from Oyo, and various supply bases establishes military and trade dominance over the West African areas as well as its locality in the Mediterranean. The Castilian trade dominance in West Africa remains unbudged as Castile directly owns and has the majority of the gold and ivory trades coming out of West and North Africa. Castile's population reaches around 6.5 million and growing. (I have been focusing heavily on growth of population and have not been involved in nearly the number of destructive wars as OTL Castile has been). The Castilian Renaissance reaches its full swing with art and scientific advancement being allowed by the State as many of the religious fanatics and dissidents are fighting in Morocco, along with this, the highly respected middle and artisan classes are able to afford a much better living with various artists painting great works and with one even gaining an audience with the royal family for a painting. The Castilian navy reaches a large force of nearly 550 ships using the huge funding from Castile's conquests, trading and other situations to fund this navy. The technology of the Castilian navy is improved heavily as the king begins to focus more on the quality of his ships rather than the quantity which results in better quality ships (like an early carrack and my previously developed pre-galleon). The exploration continues just below the Kongo as the Castilian exploration parties manage to gather supplies from the Kongo's friendlier tribes. These exploratory parties have reached OTL southern Angola and a little bit farther south but supply constraints and lack of knowledge of the area prevents further progress. Castile begins sending missionaries to the Kongo to convert the friendlier tribes which is relatively successful. Castile continues to convert to the Western Church with the king and his royal family attempting to preach about the new church and its benefits to the common man and not keeping them in the dark. The conversion to the Western/Consuete Church continues with a relative majority accepting following the issues with nobility.  The Castilian navy with new ships replacing the old ones begins military drills for preparedness and experience. Castile also now not having the troop strength to hold onto Tangiers any longer (due to the war) transfers control of the city and surrounding area to the kingdom of Morocco. The Castilian navy begins establishing multiple trade posts up and down the African coasts more for contact and conversions to Christianity rather than full blown trade in multiple areas. Castile begins to vassalize the small Christian Kingdom of the Kongo (One of Three) using the trade, fleet basing and a promise to help them Christianize their brothers and seize more territory as a pretense for this. The Castilian king Henry IV funds an exploratory fleet down from Congo to map the area and identify areas suitable for a trade posts or resupply point with the expressed purpose of reaching India by the close of the Century. This objective is kept a secret from most everyone but the ships men and captains and the closest members of the Castilian court. The Castilian navy begins pushing the exploratory border to the southern tip of Angola and into middle Namibia and in order to effectively resupply creates some trade posts and resupply posts in the area.  The Castilian armies reach Zaragoza and plant a flag in the remnants of the city and set up some tents for survivors. Castile begins appointing new nobles from various lower families to the nobility of Aragon to fill vacancies and ensure loyalty in the new country. Castile under Regent Carlos officially begins to push the Centralization of The Kingdoms of Castile, Aragon, Granada, Navarre, and Morocco in order to begin a formation confederation of Kingdoms to be centralized over a long period of Time under Castile.
  • Based on the relative sizes of the nation you are vassalizing compared to the nation doing the vassalizing, it would take longer than three years, according to the rules. -MP
    • Kingdom of Aragon: The Country itself is placed in a personal union under Castile with Ferdinand of Castile ruling over both Castile and Aragon. The relatively good treatment of Aragon by Castile and the fallacy of actions of the previous king in burning various areas and completely razing Aragons capital city have forever earned the enmity and hate of most of the Aragonian people, many of which believed they could continue their lives under Castile in a better fashion, with greater access to Castile's vast diplomatic, trade and military power. This, along with common religion and semi-related language, has lead to a nearly seamless transition into the personal union. Nobles have been appointed by Prince Carlos of Castile personally who has personally overseen the majority of the war in Aragon which with his expertise, charisma and swaying abilities has led to many supporting his decisions on either side. Carlos himself is appointed the transitional governor of Aragon in order to facilitate a much smoother transition. The Kingdom's navy previously seized is returned to people sympathetic to Castilians and the military navy in particular is given to a series of respected and well known aragonians loyal to Castile. Aragon's assimilation into Castile cultural base begins due to many nobles now speaking Spanish (Castilian) which shows a notable effect of a few people especially merchants which are currently able to speak the language proficiently. Aragonians spurred on by Prince Carlos to rebuild Zaragoza begin the work needed to rebuild the city and the various burned towns surrounding the city. For the time being, however, the capital of Aragon proper is migrated to Valencia. With Castilian assistance various infrastructural areas are rebuilt and the military is expanded to a token force of barely 3000 for the time being. Along with this support the Aragonian economy recovers slowly with a slow but controlled influx of Castilian economic aid helping Aragon recover. The Aragonian Navy is allowed by Castile to move towards settlements in the Canaries down into Capo Verde, and according to Castilian trade agreements docks in Oyo for trade nearly doubling their previous range.
    • Kingdom of Granada: The economy, while moderate, is expanded. The Prince of Granada is a Castilian noble named Juan Cortez who is extremely biased against Muslims due to his father's death in the original war against Morocco over Gibraltar. The countries armed forces also begin to fight the remaining Muslims in the mountains and begin the force conversion of the remaining Muslims in Granada. Juan Cortez seeing the fallacy of supporting Henry throws his support behind Carlos and his plan. The military is worked on just in case. The Prince of Granada Juan supports Ferdinand's claim to the throne of Aragon. Granada declares war on Aragon with Castile and allies
    • Kingdom of Cyprus: The King of Cyprus is now King Alexander of Cyprus. The King of Cyprus begins to see Castilian culture not as a dominant force but a possible blendable culture that can fit well within Cypriot society. The economy and military of the country is built up as is the infrastructure with a nice road system being built throughout the country. Cyprus gaining large funds from being a Castilian trade hub, begins building a few ships domestically, and purchases ships from Castile, or her allies shipwrights forming a respectable Cypriot navy of almost 90 ships with expected expansion to come. This expansion has been achieved specifically thanks to huge amounts of outsourcing to private shipwrights. Cyprus begins to see an exodus of the Knights Hospitaller west to Castile and her territories and King Matthias begins a larger recruitment for the military managing to raise a force of nearly 10,000. This force is largely funded through the large trade Cyprus has gathered. The troops are styled after Castile's royal army and Cyprus embarks on an intense training program in order to bring them up to standards. The Knights, with many departing also have many older and other knights stay due to their close ties with Cyprus. They remain to run the Knights Hospitaller in Cyprus for the foreseeable future while a large number have migrated across the sea. The Kingdom of Cyprus due to the recent issues in Castile reluctantly recognizes Carlos and his Regency for Prince Ferdinand and recognizes Ferdinand's claim to the Throne of Aragon. He is not requested to join the war against Aragon due to the situation not affecting them greatly and it being not as cultural significance to Cyprus.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The less fortunate and disenfranchised are converted. The Kingdom itself is a Christian kingdom with a similar situation of early Castile and Aragon, with large numbers of Muslims and a small number of Christians. However, the Christian community in Morocco is expanded thanks to the influx of traders and settlers from Castile and some other immigrants looking for an opportunity to live a new life here. The Kingdom establishes its capital in Casablanca and with this, begins a major point of establishing a major military presence in the area.  The infrastructure, particularly in dealing with transport and water, is expanded to accommodate more people but the only people allowed to settle are Christians - particularly from Hispania. A notable number of Castilians settle the area.  The leader of Morocco styled a king, out of respect deducts himself in rank to Prince of Morocco as the throne is only to be held by the King of Castile himself if it's ever required. The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continue to expand with greater trade coming from Castile and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom's army proper raised by immigrant Christians now numbers about 12,000 itself and is expected to grow. The revolt near Fez continues as the Moroccan troops push around the city to clear it out. The city is continually built up, however. The troops are used relatively well as more experienced ones return from Castile and ruthlessly crush the revoltists including their leader.
  • Kingdom of Italy: King Charles I continues the reforms of his father, and improves the economy and the military. Continues the construction and improvement of shipyards and production of new boats to combat in the Mediterranean. Territorial defense continues being built based on border forts. Relations with the Byzantine Empire continue strong. The Naval Academy in Taranto continues the technological research with Venice. The King continue to give new impetus to the culture within the kingdom and its vassal states, in art, science, etc.
    • Kingdom of Sicily: The army continue the process of assimilation of Italian tactics that spread through the Mediterranean, promoting the use of early firearms. The economy of the island is mostly cereal crops. Thanks to Italian support the exploitation of olives and wine grapes continues. 
    • Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Improves the economy and the military. The economic prosperity of the previous years is accented with commercial junction providing by Italy and Genoa, and the city of Florence is the commercial nexus among all the Italian states. Frederick I helps promote economic prosperity, gives incentives to help manufacturing output grow, and improve access roads to make the trade more fluid and profitable. The army is formed to the image of the Italian army, with gradual use of new firearms that become quite popular. Frederick I became a great patron and the Tuscan nobles follow this particular policy. The artists, protected and maintained by the nobles and bourgeois rising, unleash their creativity.
    • Duchy of Genoa: Improves the economy and the military. The Duchy of Genoa continues trading from the Black Sea to the Straits of Gibraltar, using new models of ships with cargo holds of more spacious and allow greater profit. With the help of Italian military fleet, try to force richest commercial rights in Tunisian ports. In Genoa the boom in production of luxury items continue. The pressure of the Genoese traders in Tunis is growing, and combined with the presence of Christian missionaries, who at the same time serve commercial spies; is accomplished the capture of a lot of exotic products that are not easy to get due to the conflicts and trade barriers in the Near East, and the axis between Tunis and Genoa is strengthened. The Genoese economy restarts its golden age.
    • Duchy of Ferrara: Improves the economy and the military. The paper industry is forging ahead, and also the making of looms, making this duchy in one of the most productive in northern Italy. Duke Niccolo I continue the loyal service to Italy. 
    • Duchy of Corsica: Improves the economy and the military. The exploitation of salt mines and silver continues. In the same way, the vine crops increase in extension and quality, and the manufacture of wine each year improves in quality and quantity, and is recognized as the best European wine. On the island of Corsica a boom of mercenaries continues. The Italian army started recruiting many Corsicans, making them a legend in terms of ferocity and skill in the skirmishes and battles. 
    • Marquisate of Modena: Improves the economy and the military. Niccolo is dedicated to art and culture, encouraging painters, sculptors and architects that embellish this little Marquisate, leading Italian opulence to a new levelMarquis Niccolo I continues the loyal service to Italy.
    • Principality of Zeta: Improves the economy and the military. Dairy cattle production increases, and in the same way the manufacture of better quality cheese, they continue to be exported to Italy, Hungary and Byzantium. The Prince Giovanni I continues the cultural boom.
    • Vatican City: Pope continue the campaign of evangelization in the lands of the Balkans. Missionaries continue to working in North Africa, especially in Tunisia, where they try to recover the core of Christians. The Pope like his predecessor condemns all those who come to the false churches that are being created in Europe. The Pope in his speeches also continues condemning the current lack of security of pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land, which the Christian nations have a priority to recover these places and they are missing to the will of God. The nephew of Pope Callistus III, Rodrigo Borgia continue his ascent in the Roman curia.
    • Order of the Knights of Malta: The Grand Master of the Order Piero Raimondo Camelot, uses his fleet of ten ships to patrol the central Mediterranean, also helping needy Christians. Military elements are improved, and the economy is maintained by the Italian and Sicilian support.
    • County of Provence: The reform of the administration continues, adapting the Italian model which has had so much success. Improves economy through trade and manufacturing cloth. The military camp is also improved, adding new equipment and Italian military ideas.
    • Duchy of Anjou: As in Provence, the Duchy transformation is performed. The economy and military improve.
    • Alencon: The economy and military improve.
    • Narbonne: The economy and military improve.
    • Vendome: The economy and military improve.
  • Alexandria: Trade continues to increase as the ports are re-established and more people are converted to Coptic Christianity due to the See of Saint Mark's presence. Dignitaries from Grigorios remain in the Nile Delta region to help Aiguptia and brother Ibrahim stabilize Aiguptia. Missionaries and political organizers remain in the Judea area to establish a Christian Kingdom under the guidance of Alexandria and Aiguptia. Tactics continue to be implemented from military training MIL turn. Resources are sent to to Aiguptia to build the canal as that process begins and workers are encouraged to go seek out this opportunity - especially minority groups and Muslims. Katrina is offered for marriage once again (18). Diginitaries and missionaries are sent to Nubia to gather information of the status of Christianity there. Chrisitans in North African nations are invited to immigrate to Alexandria.
    • Aiguptia: Continues to stabilize the nation. Engineers, cartographers and philosophers from all trade partners are offered jobs to work on expanding the ancient Suez Canal or Necho's Canal to take on present day cogs, treasure fleets and other ships.  The widening of the canal begins and is called the grand project. Workers flow in seeking work and benefits that stem from the jobs. Citizens and people in the surrounding regions are encouraged to convert to Coptic Christianity. Military begins training of European tactics picked up from Rome and other Catholic nations that assisted Alexandria. Inf turn. 
    • Offered for marriage to whom? Oldenburg might be interested if she agreed to convert to Catholicism. Callumthered (talk) 10:26, April 8, 2014 (UTC) 
    • Alexandria Diplomacy: to any nation that is Christian in faith and wants to build ties to Alexandria. 
    • Oldenburger Dip: In that case, Count Christian VI asks for her hand in marriage. The wedding can take place next year in Oldenburg, and the princess can travel here on an OHG trading ship.
      • ​Alexandria Dip: Katrina has accepted another betrothal. Alexandria wishes to still create ties to Oldenburg however. 
    • Castile dip: We offer to marry the princess to Ferdinand, King of Castile and Aragon, we request the wedding be in Alexandria to mark Alexandria's importance in taking the region for Chrsitendom.
      • Alexandria Dip: Katrina accepts the offer to be betrothed to Ferdinand and flattered by the request. The people of Alexandria are even more delighted by the wedding being planned for Alexandria. 
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, Portuguese traders continue visiting the Castilian settlements in the Canaries. Meanwhile, wheat continues to be cultivated in Leiname. By this time, the colony in Leiname starts to export wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, some Portuguese explorers continue to explore the African coast. São Miguel and Santa Maria continue to be settled. Meanwhile, Pedro III dies, and his brother João succeeds him as King of Portugal and Algarves, as João III. Soon after becoming king, João marries Branca de Barcelos, sister of Afonso IV, Count of Barcelos.
  • County of Oldenburg: This year the military is built up. A larger proportion of the army is provided with firearms, but they still make up a tiny percentage. The focus in the infantry is put on organisation, and discipline in pike-formation. Oldenburger officers are sent to Osnabruck to assist them with their organisation as well. Count Frederick leads the maneuvers, but the aging man falls from his horse, and after a raging fever, he dies. He is succeeded by his unmarried son, Christian, who becomes Christian VI. Bishop Klemens of Osnabruck presides over the coronation, crowning him "His Illustriousness Christian VI, Count of Oldenburg and of East Frisia, Liege over Osnabruck and Lord of his possessions across the Seas". Now that he is count, Christian VI searches for a wife for himself and his cousin Conrad. Albion, Portugal, Hesse and the UNC are all asked for potential spouses. The new count also re-iterates his predecessor's wish and asks the UNC again if they might consider selling Ammassalik Island, the Greenlandic island on which Dietrichdorf Whaling Post sits. In Neu Baltrum, the community starts to recover from the loss of the girl last year, and from the cold snap which caused it. The fisherman and his wife welcome another baby and another goat into their family.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: Bishop Klemens focuses on his militia and the Order of the Seraphim. The militia is equipped with pikes and the Oldenburger officers assist in giving them basic training on how to use them in formation.   
  • The Koryak Confederacy is appalled after some of its Alyeskan trading partners are killed by Tlingit raiders. Some of the merchants on Kodiak demand that the Council rectify the situation. After consideration, the Council ships 8000 troops to Kodiak, where they join locally recruited troops for an attack on the Tlingit. (War declared on Tlingit). Landing on Chichagof Island, Koryak cavalry cut several Tlingit counterattacks to pieces, while their siege equipment smashes rudimentary fortifications to splinters. Soon, they've overrun the island, capturing dozens of war canoes and fine wood-carvings.
    • Chukchis: Expand the economy.
    • East Yakuts: Expand the economy. 
    • Ustokut: Expand the economy.
  • Safavid Persian Empire: We work on military. With the Uzbeks weak and pushed to the north, More troops are sent to fight in Mesopotamia. soldiers and the Shah are happy as at first they make good progress. We do fear Causcaucian intervention, so we ask them to join on our side or stay neutral in return for a port on the Persian Gulf and Increased trade between our nations. the university of Tabriz slowly shrinks due to the war in Mesopotamia. the population boom continues
  • Rumania: Radu, now 32, after the campaign against the Ottoman Empire, decided to modernize his army. A professional force is created, two legions of 5000. The Wallachian Legion and the Moldavian Legion begin training and drills. The structure of the armies is similar to the structure of Roman armies; each legion has five cohorts, each containing ten centuries, which have 100 men. The states of Kiev, Chernigov, Volhynia and the Azovan Khanate are all sent trade offers - and alliance offers. (Mod Response needed come now I have been asking for almost a decade) Mircea II, now 12, continues his education, learning of: economics, military strategy, leadership, mathematics, literature, and other skills necessary for leadership.
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: A small professional force is created in Bulgaria also. The force is 1000 strong, and serves as a defense. The army is comprised of ethnic Bulgarians and commanded by a man elected by the high council.
    • The Hungarian King Sigismund asks Radu whether he would be interested in joint military training to be conducted between the two nations. He also wondering whether Hungary would be able to use Rumanian and Bulgarian ports in the Black Sea for trading purposes?
    • Radu I of Rumania agrees to the proposed military co-operation, and offers a discounted rate to Hungarian Merchants in Constanta, as a counter to the Hungarian proposal.
  • Mayan Empire: With Soconusco soon to be independent, the emperor fears that the many states in the empire may once more attempt to gain freedom from the empire, and thus begin expanding the military to over 100,000 men, with ten regiments being made from the army, each an army group in one's own right. Slavery begins to flourish, and a baby boom occurs. Over 113 ships are made for the navy as well, but this will take some time to complete. Mines are established across the empire, and we expand 10 px mi south.
  • The Nation of the Oirats: Cement and iron increase in production. Iron weapons are now majorly used. As we increase in population, we slowly target our expansion northward. We expand 50 px to the North. We continue to develop our firearms. We continue to study the printing press and make more of it. We buy more books from China.  We continue making more muskets. We now have 10,000 primitive musketeers. We begin building up our miltary and create even tougher practices. We battle the Mongols tiringly. After hearing that there's an uprising in China, we sent 5000 of our best cavalry to China to help them quell the uprising. We trade iron with the Koryaks for fur. 
  • The Kingdoms of Great Albion (Scotland and England) - member nation of the UKGA: The Navy is expanded further with the integration of the Scottish and Breton fleets, the number now stands at 440 ships total. The coronation ceremony was a joyous fanfare, the King personally thanked the Castilian and Moroccan attendees. Under the leadership of the new king, the parliaments of Wales, Scotland and England ratify the equal representation act. Wales and Scotland will remain in union with England, but will now have their own parliament to better discuss local affairs. All military will be ceded to England. All three nations are renamed Great Albion. The membership of the united Kingdoms of Greater Albion has gone form four nations to just two, The Kingdom of Eire, and the Kingdoms of Great Albion to better consolidating power in the isles. The transition to a more open system is expected to take the better part of the next few decades. Port Edmundburg continues to experience a growth in population. Albionic settlers continue to explore the surrounding areas. The Albionic Royal Navy begins better mapping Africa for the Crown. After decades of cultural merging, a new, Celto-Germanic culture finally begins to take firmer root. The English language has grown in official use and now Royal documents, previously in Latin, are now translated to English. Troops that fought in the Pan Hispania Wars return home and facilitate a minor baby boom. These experienced soldiers now train the Army and Navy commanders in advanced battle tactics. Minister of Warfare, Alfred Reddington, increases the use of firearms in the military. A Scotsman named Shaun Glaslwyr is appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer, the first of several Cetic appointments. James Oding develops drypoint engraving - a type of printmaking technique popular in the art world. Oding releases his first work titled Mary Cassate and it is showcased at the London art festival.
    • Calais: Military and navy are expanded.
    • Dublin: Dublin undergoes another remodel and expansion to the ports due to the massive influx of trade from Castile and Venice as well as an increased Eire trade.
    • Scotland: The new parliament begins its first session this year. Brian MacNeil is appointed as Royal Minister. Scotland begins to exclusively use the Albionic pound. Several new Consuete Churches are built. The Catholic Diocese, banned for years, has been allowed to resettle. The military and navy are expanded. Scotland sees a major population boom after the war.
    • Wales: Wales expands its military and navy. Cardiff becomes a large centre of trade for Wales. The Welsh appoint Adam Cyrdger as Royal Minister. The first sessions of parliament are held. Wales does not see as large a population boom as Albion or Scotland, but a minor one, centred around Cardiff and Swansea, does occur.
  • France: With the defeat of Aragon and the return of French regions of Aragon and the capture of Sardinia, the foundation of the Kingdom of Sardinia begins with the coronation of Prince Louis as Louis I of Sardinia. While this, military and navy are built up. A population boom begins in Northern France after a good weather pattern and good crops. The land swap between Albion and France begins to be enacted and will be finished next year as planned. Vassalization of Albret and Aargau continues. Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Burgundy: Military and navy are built up. Economy expands. French troops begin withdrawing to allow Albion takeover.
    • Guyenne:Military and economy are built up.
    • Berry: Military and economy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Verdun: Military and economy are built up.
    • Armagnac: Military and economy are built up. 
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
  • Pskov: Continues to benefit from great trade. Pskov uses its influence in Moskva to start it consolidating power in the Ukraine region, to have it influence Kiev and the rest so they have less "autonomy" when it comes to the grand prince ... for economic reasons of course ... and the fact that the debt to Pskov is steadily growing as Muscovy continues to borrow to improve their existence, on the advice of the Pskovian Prince and Chairman of the Pskovian Treasury Bank. The Prince of Pskov grows his influence on the Muscovians, and many start to say that he really runs the natoin, and not that lackwit Dimitri that nearly bankrupted the nation ... until Knyaz Artem of Pskov came in and saved the day. The theory of Heliocentrism begins to gain traction, where a certain amount of alchemists and philosophers begin to study it in the Academy of Natural Studies (subdivision of the Pskovian College of Physicians, or simply the Pskovian College). In a bid to achieve higher relevance, the Veche decides that it would be beneficial to build a university in Pskov, and give it operational autonomy, and whatnot, so that education is better. With just enough money to scrape by, Pskov, with its seemingly unending amount of zolotniks, which have now increased in value since the trade with Georgia, and Pskov purchasing the gold (with the silver), melting it down into zolotniks, and keeping the silver as payment, minting that into zolotniks, and only paying the value of the gold. Novgorod is once again offered the trade of land, and graciously accepts the amount of 500 zolotniks for Pskov's access to the Baltic Sea, so that Pskov can float a blue water navy out of its own territory whereas before, it was utilizing and paying for Novgorod's Ports and other things for its Baltic Navy. With the influx of immigrants from the Golden Horde, many trying to escape another event similar to the "Rape of Perm" , as it is known in Pskovian media writings and certain texts about the Karelian war, Pskov is seen as a victor, being able to secure the cities of Turku and Provoo, only needing to cede them back because of the need to help their brethren in Moscow and Novgorod, who were quickly losing their own ground despite the Pskovian aid ... and that wasn't much. Due to this exodus, the Veche decides to found the city of Nizhnygorodsk-Na-Narve in honour of the city most of the immigrants are coming from, as the majority of immigrants are headed to Novgorod and now Pskov, due in part Muscovy's disastrous economic situation and the sweet words of the Pskovian prince, dutifully head in Dimitri I's ear. by the end of the exodus, the Psovian population would have ballooned to 250,000, and Nizhnigorodsk-Na-Narve becoming a decent trade city and Pskov's large shipyard, and many people from the previous shipyard city on the lake Peipus moving to Nizhnigorodsk in order to build more ships. The Pskovian navy may soon receive a great improvement...
    • Just before, the "land deal" I was mining for ages, and now that Novgorod has become NPC, I think it is highly plausible that Pskov could buy it with all the extra money coming in from the loans from Muscovy, Novgorod would find it beneficial both because Pskov is already using, the relative uselessness of that land, orther than coastline and border with Prussia, but that can be overlooked because Novgorod and Pskov are stern allies.
    • Novgorod isn't an NPC. Can a moderator please cross this out? 
    • All right then, then I just use their facilities and have that city be on the narva on my side of the border ... nothing to change of note ... I just use Novgorod's shipyards because allies and whatnot for a long time since the beginning of the game, but either way, The last Novgorod post was 1460, making it over five years - therefore inactive and therefore NPC ... and in the case that it isn't an NPC, can I please get an answer on that land deal? The map is in the 1460 post and it is the blue coloured land in shades between Novgorod and Pskov.
  • '​'Eire (Member State of the United Kingdoms of Greater Albion): We rejoice when Thomond and later other Irish states lay down arms and join us and 55 years after King Thomas' fateful dream, Eire becomes fully united, save the city of Dublin, which remains independent and remaining so for the forseeable future. Celebrations occur in towns across Eire, and the King and his entourage tours Eire, with the help of the new road system. We begin expanding roads to newly-acquired regions in Eire, hoping to connect all major towns, and spread new Irish ideals such as Occidentalism (Western Catholicism) and pro-Albionism. Stabilization after years of expansion continues, with many soldiers in the military for years during Eire's fighting begin to settle down, and the navy continues to be built up. Cork and Ballydrogheda undergo a renaissance, as the unification of Ireland allows for the ability to export products from all across the Isle. As such, trade increases. the King begins to modernize the military forces, with the eventual forces consisting of a main line of pikemen, Gaelic skirmishers on the flanks, crossbowmen behind the skirmishers, and the cavalry behind all. Wool begins to become a more popular farm product, with a few people living in the towns beginning to manufacture cloth in small quantities. Leinster is fully integrated into Eire. Pan-Albionic ideals build up. (Inf-turn) 
  • ​Cuzco: With the formation of Tawantinsuyu nearly finalized, The King of Cuzco/the Sapa Inca attempts to rally the people (in Cuzco) against the last threat in the region:the Aymaras. A historic enemy of the city, the people of Cuzco support the idea of destroying the Aymaras. Ties between Cuzco and the Wanka deepen as the culutures blend. Military and economy are improved as a result of the preparations for war. A small fleet of boats woven from reeds are constructed as we begin to fortify several islands in Lake Titicaca (Does this count as a colony since they are so close?).
    • Wanka: Economy and infrastructure improve. Ties with Cuzco deepen.
  • Netherlands: As the economy continues to grow, more and more hands dedicated to the sailor way those willing to partake in expeditions along the coast of Africa and in search of a sea route to the orient. The outpost in OTL Nigeria is fortified and remains a supplying station along the route farther south. Naval expansion continues. Karl van Nassau formally recognizes Castile's claims to the Aragonese throne, but claims it will not get involved in a conflict. Banking and trade continue to grow. improvements on the docks and and canals are made. Dutch and Wallon culture continue to flourish under the open policies of the ruling elite. The first locally made printing press is made after local artisans copy the designs of imported German ones. Dutch explorers travel farther south along the Kongo coast.
  • Chiribaya: We expand another 20 km northwest.
  • Sanafah continues to develop as the regional power. The dhow-based navy continues to develop with the aid of the Council, and now a total of 4 modern ships grace the otherwise normal navy of a total of 85 ships (mostly advanced canoes). The creation of more of these ships continues, though. Additionally, it is decided that a system of roads would be helpful and would aid in transportation between larger towns, especially the capital of Mahajanga. The paganistic Islam spreads throughout the island, claiming all but the small region of Antambohoaka as followers. Sofala continues to expand, and expands 1000 sq km this year. Sanafah continues with the growth of Dina Morgabin at the same time Dina Arobi is starting to gain more settlers. Unlike Dina Morgabin, though, Dina Arobi settlers form a main city as opposed to living in the backwoods. Sakalava continues to expand, continuing to take lands from Bara, which is further destabilized which makes the expansion even easier. The death of the local chieftain in a small border skirmish leads the creation of two rival states, one of which aligns with the Chief of all Sakalava. The militaries of all Sanafahi states increase, as do their populations.
  • The Comoros continue to settle in Pembara, and work on bringing their navy up to par with the new dhow-based technology of Sanafah. The Comoros also begins to turn from traditional and strict Islam towards the new paganistic version of the ancient religion. Betsileo begins to expand into Bara, which provides a simple target after falling into utter chaos. Cultural merging continues in annexed regions, which is not difficult for the similar Malagasy cultures.
  • Mughal Empire: Babur sends more troops to help the Safavids in their war, with the newly built siege weaponry that was rapidly developed during the war with the Indian states. Babur, being reminded of the chance of wars happening, issues the focusing towards the military. He also continues working with his council of laws on the new code of laws
    • S. Chagatai: We send reinforcements to the Safavids and improve our military by importing Mughal technology.
  • The Empire of the Tartary: continues in its struggle for the succession. More blood is shed this year, although the war only exists in the east of the nation.
    • In the west, Emperor Theodore's army fights back some westernmost Muslims in the Kama and Ob' rivers. However, Öfö and Ural continue in open revolt against Theodore's armies. Even then, the people of Qazan and Bolghar do not truly feel the brunt of the war in the West. The reforms done by Theodore continue to be applied in the west. Christian churches and Mastoravic temples grow quickly in the nation, while the first post-reform mosque is allowed to open in Sarai. Emperor Theodore heads eastward to relieve his brother Tyushtya. However, he sends back some orders. One of them is to build a new library in Sarai, to collect knowledge. Books and military help are requested to both Venice in Caffa and the Byzantines, as well as several Russian and Oriental nations. Theodore, due to his Roman education, is interested in making this library one of the largest in the world. It is inaugurated with copies of the Bible in Greek, Tatar and Mordvin.
      • Kaffan Diplomacy: Conte Simon Promises his support and leads the Common Army of Kaffa across the Azovian sea and into the westernmost part of the previous Jochid Ulus empire. They set about restoring order to the coastal lands and use their superior equipment and training to defeat rebel forces.
    • In the east, Khan Tulpar continues to hide out in the Siberian forest. He begins committing murders of Christians and Pagans in some parts, with many thousands of Ukrainians dying. They are crushed in the east by the rise of a pro-Theodoric militia, but that does not stop the wide-spread death of people across the nation. The troops continue fortifying Öfö and, to a lesser degree, Ural. The merchants are slain, as are the burghers; only ulus remain in rule of Tulpar's armies.
    • Adyghea, Perm and Kazakhstan all develop their economy. Rather than sending outright help to Emperor Theoore, they hail him as Emperor and swear their fealty.
  • Ica-Nazca: We expand our Economy
    • Chancay (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our military and send military support to the capital.
    • Sican (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our infrastucture.
    • Chimor (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our economy and expand 5 pixels to the east.
  • Venetian Republic:
    • Books on various topics spread from Venice throughout Europe, continuing the Renaissance. Printed in the Venetian language, they teach of the sciences and humanities and revive learning, spreading knowledge (as well as the language) far and wide..
    • With the increased supply of Ducats, the fluidity of European trade increases with Ducat using nations benefiting most.
    • Many people sentenced to death are drowned in the canals as is the Venetian tradition. The tradition is becoming the primary way to execute criminals and is spreading to the Venetian territories across Europe.
    • Fine wool and silk clothing from Titani is exported across the Mediterranean and Black Sea and begins to set the trend in Renaissance clothing.
    • Venetian trade reaches across the known world. Merchant ships carry salt, silks, glass and a collection of other goods, both common and rare. Venetian traders are the largest carriers of trade in Europe, with the thousands of ships and a trading tradition continuing to fuel this.
    • The Roscol Bank uses local subsidiaries all across Europe to fund trade, with a leaning toward funding trade with Venice. They also fund enterprises across the continent, boosting the economies of the nations which they inhabit. The Roscol Bank invests conservatively. While this doesn't bring in as much wealth as other nations' banking, such as the Dutch, it results in a much more robust level of equity.
    • Due to the stability of business and protection afforded to private enterprise in Venice, many merchants set up shop in the city despite being foreign, utilising the Venetian law to protect their businesses. Criminals and a less divided merchant class mean prosperity for all those involved with Venetian business in some way.
    • In Veneto with the Roscol Collegantia seemingly weakened, three upstart Sigilar Collegantia begin trading. One is known as the Nordcariot Collegantia - dealing with trade, post and transport and based along the northern border - and another is known as Patroni de el Portadura - made up of a collection of powerful merchant land owners who have lands across the Empire - and the final is known as the Acua Botega Collegantia - they are a glassware and shipwrights collegantia and the smallest of the upstarts. The Doge decides to support Venetian culture further. He funds conversions to Venetian culture across the Republic and Empire. The Order of Saint Mark continues to grow in size and influence, numbering now 56,000 members and still growing. The beliefs of the true faith are popular amongst commoners - especially those who feel the church does not practice the faith properly. Alexandria is slowly becoming more and more of a hub of the True Faith as commoners convert to the belief en masse, many True Faith believers think the time has come to reclaim Egypt for Christ. Merchants flying the Aragonian colours quickly find their goods confiscated by either the Roscol Collegantia or privateers.
    • In the Free Port of Porto Tolle the giant church, known as the Magnum Donum continues building. True Faithers migrate to Porto Tolle to help with the construction.
    • In the Province of Istra the Conte sets local members of the Order of Saint Mark to teaching the population Venetian and spreading the language as well as teaching of the historical links between Istra and Venice.
    • In the Free Port of Scutari local traders are slowing their visits to the free port fearing the rule of Romaso le Ros, who uses the funds gained last year to create a Scutari fleet. He decides to purchase Carros, seeing their potential. He also invests heavily in equipping all 100 of his guard with pikes and arquebusiers.
    • In the Province of Albania the various cities introduce larger guards, expanding their numbers rapidly. Seeing the success he expands the law to include towns and settlements over 1000 souls.
    • In the Province of Zante Conte George starts by studying successful empires and their policies, he roots through history books and studies of foreign powers for most of the year.
    • In the Free Port of Argos the city starts its own printing industry, and begins to become better off economically by means of printed works. The Great Alm continues.
    • In the Province of Attica Conte Romanus institutes a law banning the practise of heretical beliefs and in the law he includes various clauses that technically make both Catholicism and Orthodoxy considered heretic but allows full practise of the True Faith beliefs, this is kept hushed and the law is only enforced when the Conte and his allies see an opportunity to gain for the faith or put down influential opposition.
    • In the Province of Mytilene the island is slowly decaying into a land of corruption with various officials fighting for influence through conflicts of intrigue. The central Gastaldos try to maintain some level of control, but only manage to truly rule wholly in the capital. The Conte is largely oblivious to the events.
    • In the Province of Candelore a tax increase is put in place while Conte Tiberius apparently is cleaning up a vat of corruption in the capital, although many claim he is touring the Province. Others have met with those who have met with those who have met with the Conte and hear that he is a great ruler full of kindness and sternness; bravery and cunning; justice and leniency. Of course most people have seen his face on the newly minted coppers and silvers of the Province although few have actually seen him. One man in the docks of Candelore says that he has been visited by Tiberius and granted a great sum of gold for his services, he says that the good Conte rewards those who deserve merit. Meanwhile well known Venetian nobles are granted mansions just outside of the city of Candelore. The economy is growing well according to officials, who also state that tax is lower than ever.
    • In the Province of Morocco the forts are hurried once more, and now are predicted to finish next year. The Conte relaxes upon hearing the news, despite the Venetians in the cities he still fears a muslim revolt could cause his downfall. He also invests in Carros while sending exploration fleets down past Oyo once more still failing to reach the ports the Castilians claim to have. Further he invests extra money into expanding the network of Venetian trade outposts along the western african coast, adding to their complements of guards.
    • Eco-turn
  • Epirote Republic:
    • In Epirus the economy grows.
    • In the Free Ports of Epirus the economy grows.
    • In the Province of Valona the economy grows.
    • In the Province of Arta the economy grows.
    • Eco-turn
  • Venetian Empire:
    • In the Province of Aegina the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Free Port of Athens the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Province of Candia the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Corfiot Protectorate the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Kaffa the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Naxian Protectorate the military grows. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Negroponte the economy grows. Eco-turn
    • In the Free Port of Ragusa the economy grows. Eco-turn
  • Yemen: Emir an-Mohammed Ahmad II sends all available forces and some supplies to help the Caliphate against the Persian heathens. The Emir continues to consolidate his power within the realm, and continues implementing policies within the favor of the peasantry. He also starts to support Yemeni merchants in hope to increase trade and profit within the region. The Emir continues vassalization of Oman. He also starts to plan expeditions down to South in hopes to continue in the steps of his grandfather. 
  • Ayutthaya, in it's invasion of Sri Vijaya, continues to be wildly successful. After smashing Sri Vijayan troops at consecutive battles near the border, the Golden Army marches right to the capital, Jambi, and seizes it. It is soon reinforced by several other units. The fervor with which we defend our allies, Padang and Kedah, impresses nearby nations, including the Khmer and Aceh.We use our superior navy to continue the trade blockade, rerouting their trade through Ayutthayan waters, both increasing our own share of the region and severely compromising their economy. The renovations in Ayutthaya continue, as a war effort, building the walls ever higher. New cannons are built, with larger and more powerful payloads. The first "rockets" are built (not an original idea, it's basically a firecracker that explodes on contact.).
    • Padang continues to fight the good fight.
    • Kedah continues to fight the good fight. Meanwhile, due to the heavy Ayutthayan influence, several ministers call for annexation as a kingdom of Ayutthaya, among the many others.
  • Hesse: We offer Ludwig II's sister, Katharina, to Christian VI of Oldenburg. Ludwig II has two more children, twins: Hermann V and Gertraud. Ludwig II accepts the mutual defense pact, but denies to request to buy back the land, stating it will take a few more years to rebuild the area and the area will surely be back in Hamburger hands by the turn of the century. We continue to improve the economy and continue to vassalize Westfalen and Koln. We ask the UNC for a mutual defense pact.
  • Ottoman Sultanate: The Sultan returns from Hajj a spiritually-pure man. He decides to delay any Ottoman mobilization in the Levant until further notice. Also, the Sultan is torn between his two Muslim allies who are currently in the war. Finally, after much consideration, he decides he will send military aid to the Mansurryia Caliphate, but only if the Caliphate gives the Ottomans a port for access to the Indian Ocean. The military is improved until orders are given to begin mobilization.
    • Mansuriyya Caliphate Diplomacy: We graciously accept the Ottoman offer of military aid and promise to allow free access to any port of their choice, as well as MFN status.
    • Safavid Persian Empire DIplomacy: We make a counter offer. Join our side and get two indian ocean ports and mesopotamian lands
  • Bengal Sultanate: The decrease in taxes on the landed elite does its job in most areas of the Sultanate, decreasing the tax load on the peasantry and earning him their support. The tax cuts on the merchant class allow for more trade to be conducted, and a recent lax on some of the quota laws allows for more goods to be shipped from Bengal, greatly increasing trade income. Trade with the state of Ava continues, with influence being placed through trade on Ava. Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Koch, Ahom and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their nations. Most all trade roads begin to see much-needed maintenance. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems and epics continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We cotninue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, Delhi Sultanate, and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it out to be sent to the states leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase is scholars and literacy in our nation. The Sultan's son continues to be tutored by scholars from three of the different major religions in the known world, Islam, Buddhism and Hinudism. The friction is defused between the landed elite due to a willing discharge of the Phay-sat schematics, allowing more landed elite to produce them, lowering their price and increasing their availability. We propose two issues to be decided on in the Indian League, to improve the effectiveness of the League. 
    • Emirate of Andamana: Mansoor Basil Amirmoez continues to reclaim land on the island to make room for farms, and to have timber for building both boats and houses. The Emirate expands another 500 km into the island. The ships built by the timber from the island help contribute to Bengali trade. Continues working on economy and infrastructure. 
    • Rajya of Orissa: Unlike the other vassals of the Bengali Sultanate, Bhandudeva IV is kept farther away from the daily politics of controlling Orissa, relying mainly on Islamic advisors sent directly by the Bengal Sultan. The advisors quickly persuade Bhandudeva IV to allow the Muslim settlers in the northern part of the Rajya to hold land south of the previously agreed living space. Continues working on military and infrastructure. Bhandudeva IV passes away, and the advisors vote in a Hindu successor, named Kapilendra Deva.
    • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The Swargadeo (King) of Ahom declares himself to be King of Assam, also called Kamarupa in this time since he now controls his grandson's lands which were the Maharaja of Koch.
  • Caucasian Confederation: By order of Mepe Alexandre, the Confederation declares two wars. Georgia invades Azerbaijan, with military assistance from Rani and Amier-Kavkasia. A total of 20,000 troops march across the Azeri border, with all the siege equipment available to the Georgians and begin attacking the Azeris. Meanwhile, Tagavor Zhirayr of Armenia declares war on the Safavids, and Assyria provides military assistance. 21,000 troops from the two nations march towards Tabriz in support of the Mesopotamian invasion.
  • 'Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Landshut expands its military. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Eleanor and her council continue to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished, and by 1466 a trade route is put in place. Such important places in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1466, Eleanor commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The planned market center in Landshut continues to attract regional traders. In religious news, the country begins converting to the Western Netherlander church. By the end of this year, around 75% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. Eleanor continues efforts to implement Sedevacantist policies in the government, being much more religious than her father. Furthermore, Eleanor gives the Roscol Bank access to Landshut, as well as Munchen and Straubing to do trading, pleasing the Merchant class as the economy begins to recover. The Venetian merchants take an interest in government bonds. The Grand Duchess also begins to pay attention to the road constructed during the days of the German Union. She authorizes renovations and additions, hoping to one day connect most settlements of Bavaria with strong, large roads. Continuing from 1464, Eleanor more vigorously pursues the creation of a common court for lower classes as well as set of laws protecting them. However, her efforts are cut short on September 13, when a group of nobles, led by Albrecht von Ingolmaacht, and a force of 8,700 men, present her an ultimatum. Either she abdicates to Jacqueline immediately and be put under house arrest, or have war declared upon her and most likely a loss of life. Eleanor accepts their ultimatum and relinquishes her ducal crown. She is to be imprisoned once Jacqueline is released, however on the night of the 14th, Eleanor gathers her husband and son and is able to escape Bavaria under the cover of the night. They are soon able to find safety in Venice, where the Doge Christofo is married to Eleanor's twin sister Isabella'On the fifteenth, Jacqueline is released from prison and once more assumes the title of Grand Duchess of Bavaria. Eleanor is declared a witch and a traitor and her former privy council is banished from the realm. Upon the first few weeks of her renewed rule, Jacqueline creates several new titles for her supporters, including the Counties of Nurnburg and Burgau, as well as the Barony of Ingolmaacht, situated north of Landshut. In November, Jacqueline signs a series of documents awarding high privileges to nobles, in what she names the Hochrechte von Bayern (High Rights of Bavaria). Nobles now have near-despotic control over their fiefs. The notions of common courts and laws are virtually abolished by Jacqueline.
    • Munchen: By 1465, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 2900 men. Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. In recent news, unemployment continues to drop after Eleanor's restoration.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. A statue dedicated to Eleanor is built and displayed in the central square of Ingolstadt.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Eleanor continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
  • Ashikaga Shogunate: Dissent among the peasantry in the Shogunate over the Shogun's repressive policies and the divisive introduction of tithes increases, with rural violence spreading out of the Date Province in to the rest of the Shogunate. Within the Date Province, rule from Kyoto is virtually non-existent, with the power of the Imperial Shinto Sect increasing due to an aggressive campaign of organisation of support and preaching of beliefs. The Sect begins to call on the Emperor to take control of the situation due to their belief in his divine nature. (Mod response, please.) In the rest of the Shogunate, government forces remain in control, with martial law being proclaimed in the entire nation. However, the Shogun begins to hear unconfirmed reports of desertions from mobilised militia and the spread of belief in the divinity of the Emperor, helped by priests from the Imperial Shinto Sect.
  • Milan: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. We upgrade infrastructure, as do our vassals. 
  • Mansuriyya Caliphate: With the tables turned on the invading Persians, the combined military forces of Mansuriyya, Armenia, Assyria and Yemen chase out the foreign armies from Mesopotamia. Armies begin to intrude into Persian territory. Fatih specifically orders his forces to treat the locals well and not to burn or loot anything, much to the disappointment of the soldiers. The military continues to be improved, and forces remain on high alert. 
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to shift its trade to the west. Military upgrades in the military continue to take effect. Weapons and books are sent to the Tartar Empire to help them win their war. A small contingent of troops and engineers are sent to Egypt to help with the Canal.
    • Albania: With the nations's infrastructure largely completed, the national army continues to train and expand.
  • The Hungarian King Sigismund secretly begins to plan the rearrangement of the vassals and the growth of some of his states and the removal of others completely. His idea behind the division of the vassals was to temporarily weaken most of the noble families as the crown gains more power and influence and this would be used in the increasing of Hungary's military prowess. Crown Prince Sigismund continues to grow up to become a strong boy. He is allocated personal tutors who will teach him the ins and outs of Royalty and ruling, and will hopefully help him ascend to the throne, where he will become the fourth of his name. Princess Sophia takes care of her son Nikola, while her second son is born. He is named Ladislaus, and there are hopes he will grow up and become a very learned man. Serbian males in Hungary are forced to work even harder and many die due to harsh treatment. People from Dalmatia are encouraged to move to Serbia and huge numbers continue to move southward. Such a large migration has caused a large boom on the roads to the south, with scores of new villages and settlements established and allowing for much better farming practices to be implemented in Serbia. However, this has caused a large manpower shortage and as a result, thousands from Croatia move southward into Dalmatia along with many Hungarians as well as a lot of Serbian workers. With the nobles who spoke out against the previous King dealt with, Sigismund now has greater control over his nobles and the lands of his nation. Large numbers of villages and towns are rebuilt from the ground up and now begin to boom as they become centres of trade and bartering. These towns provide the manpower to work the fields and grow more crops. With the mixing of the Dalmatian and Serbian cultures, various new folktales are born as different stories are mixed to create new ones. Stored grains are used when they are needed, and prove to be a winning system. In the times of war, the stored grains help peasants feed themselves and keeps discontent down for now. More large ships are constructed in the dockyards in Croatia using cheap and plentiful Serbian workers and many are finished and set to sail. All ships fly the Hungarian flag with pride. This helps to boost the military power of the navy, and these ships are soon sent south to go patrolling. More equipment for the soldiers is produced in forges and this will help arm more soldiers. Seeing the largening iron and steel demands, trading for those resources is increased in exchange for grains. With growing numbers of ships arriving from docks, the fleet off the coast strengthens and the naval division begins to expand its range of operations quickly in case there is a threat from the sea. Merchant ships use Byzantine and Venetian ports to trade and earn money in, while beginning to sail to UNC ports too, helping expand the influence of Hungarian merchants. The ports on the Altantic islands begin to see a rapid increase in trading and profits due to the word being spread. It is also good for housing a few military vessels. Sigismund gets word that the port in Jutland is completed too, and almost innediately sends a much larger military force to help guard the port and make it into a bastion of Hungarian influence of the north. Sigismund decides that to handle the affairs of the northern ports, he will create the Northern Oceans Company. He offers 40% of the shares to Venice, along with the opportunity for the nation to station ships and send its traders to the Hungarian ports in the north. However, Sigismund has noticed the large Carros of the Venetian fleet, and he requests Venice to help Hungary upgrade the shipbuilding yards it has present in Croatia so Hungarian Carros could be built. Sigismund hopes this will help Hungary gain more money and power than it has ever held before. Trading with Zeta continues in earnest. The checkpoint castles are a great help in housing troops which are patrolling routes of both nations as well as wealthy and influential merchants and nobles travelling between the nations. Poland now sees greater economic growth as their economy is not only stable but able to grow rapidly on its own. Poland continues to grow even stronger economically as more and more money is invested in trading stalls and merchentile systems as well as the construction for roads and such. Poland is now under the control of Sigismund and he plans to use this to his benefit. He begins to promote nobles loyal to him. Many who oppose him are assassinated quietly and their lands allocated to the nobles from Hungary and those loyal to Sigismund. He begins to almost immediately promote the agricultural practices he has been promoting in Hungary and Serbia, and as a result the Polish workforce begins to build irrigation networks as well as begin to be told on how to farm using better practices. The Polish army continues to grow in strength, actively training with Hungarian soldiers to better their fighting skills while getting supplied by Hungarian blacksmiths. Missionaries begin to preach the word of god and distribute Bibles to those who can read in a bid to convert secret pagans to Christendom and show them the light of God. Both nations now see a large amount of trade conducted within each other's borders and this makes the merchants learn of each other's languages. Many become fluent in Polish while other fluent in Hungarian. In the border regions, a mixture of the languages begin to develop as it becomes more convenient for speakers and tradesmen. Yet Serbian begins to influence language too, due to the large numbers of workers present in various parts of the nation. However, due to the large number of merchants from Hungary - who's economy is booming, Hungarian begins to be spoken in many parts of Poland as it becomes the preferred trading language. The population of Hungary is estimated to be around 3.9 million due to peacetime growth. Large irrigation channels have been created by workers, helping to expand the regions of farmland under the control of the crown. Many of the irrigation projects in Serbia are finally completed and will allow for much better crop growth. In secret gunsmiths, Rumanian and Roman knowledge is soon put under use as many begin to construct their own guns and make their own gunpowder. This is a major step on the way to developing new technologies which much of the world has no indication of. Much money is allocated for this, such is the need - very desperate are the Crown for the results of the experiments.
    • The Kingdom of Croatia sees a major land redistribution due to Sigismund. Although the trading boom within the nation continues, with the Hungarian acquisition of coastal lands, Hungary now begins to use the ports in the regions it has taken over to transport its goods and trade. The dockyards cut the wood and build the large fighting vessels for the Crown, as requested by the king himself. However, there are now plans to siginificantly retro-fit the dockyards and make them much larger to build bigger ships. More large ships are constructed and help to bolster the Hungarian fleet. A tariff for merchants trading is also in place but it is put at favourable levels with none for the Venetians due to the alliance between the states and the amount of trading between them. Venetian traders are a common sight in Croatian ports, helping to bring in much revenue. Many Croat nobles protest the land distribution, but most are reminded they still keep their lands, only their overlord is now directly the king. The soldiers are trained in Croatia to protects its remaining ports.
    • In Garay, all roads have now been fixed and thus this allows for the trading speeds to increase expodentially. The Garai House sees the birth of another son, while Lord Garai assumes control of more land within Garay. He uses his control to use the land to increase crop yields as well as the amount of trading ongoing between each of the nobles. The money is sent as taxes and used to upgrade the standings of the nobles themselves. Many men are also trained in military combat to make them more effective foot-soldiers. Due to the good relations of Lord Garai and King Sigismund, the Garai Family begin to gain influence in various lands such as Croatia, Split, Zalchumia, Bosnia and Dalmatia.
    • In Split, the nobles begin to work on creating standing armies to manage and controlling their lands. Castles continue being built in the vassal while many old ones are completely torn apart and their land allocated for peasants. The soldiers of the nobles who were executed are distributed between the present nobles and they quickly begin to adapt - training with their new fighting partners. The nation trains its knights hard and trains commoners too.
    • Bosnia also sees a lot of economic and military growth. The nation begins to organise its own soldiers under the command of nobles who take part in knight competitions to increase their skill set while readying forces in case they are called up to defend the lands.The remainder of the Kosaca Family continue to serve as Sigismund and his extended family's wards and servants.
    • In Serbia, there is peace in the lands as the nobles settle down to governing their estates and lands in the name of the King. The local noblescontinue to oversee the reconstruction of various villages and towns which had been destroyed in the uprising. The influx of Dalmatians is seen as a positive as it helps to find partners for the tens of thousands of women who do not have a husband as well as provides manpower for the farms along with a greater set of farming skills. Merchants are also encouraged to set up stalls and sell and barter their goods and this begins to help the poor economy to slowly grow.
    • Banu Sulaym: Sees a lot of trading posts being set up while the Hungarian traders force the Emir of the nation to make it more tolerant so trading can occur more easily and the people can live better lives. Many Muslims feel this is not good, but none can complain as soon as the ports begin to bustle with merchants who are buying and selling goods at a rapid rate. The is a boom in Catholic followers due to the tradesmen and missionaries spreading the religion. The vassal begins to develop economically. The nation continues to grow in trading and it opens new ports. Many begin to think that expanding inward could also be a good idea as it would help make the borders safer. The Emir finally agrees to it after building up resources for it. The nation expands 4000 km inland, looking for oases and small settlements as well as moving towards the regions of disarray to the east to exploit the chaos and gain more farmlands.
    • Scandinavian Empire: Scandinavia expands its economy, drawing several routes through the Mediterannean this year. Karaks begin exploring the coast of Greenland even more as other Karaks begin exploring the coast of Western Africa. Oyo is offered some trade deals. In the meantime, Scandinavia expands to the East by 3500 sq km.


Having successfully defended the Swabian League from a rival coalition, the lords of the region pledge allegiance to Ulrich V as the “Duke of Swabia”. The lands of Baden and Württemberg are placed in personal union to be united upon the death of Margrave Bernard II, while the states of Ulm, Kempter, Konstanz, and Furstenburg pledge fealty as vassals of Ulrich. In exchange for his renewed fealty, Ulrich is granted the land of Breisgau by Archduke George, who inherited the territory from the Junior Tyrolean Line along with Tyrol and the rest of Further Austria.

The new loyal territory of Atlocuapo is wiped out as the population of Soconusco allied with tribesman from further south brutally kill many Aztec warriors and in a show superiority and force in the region execute thousands of Loyalists in much of the same ways the Aztec officer Tenoch was ordering. Tenoch himself is caught during the Soconuscan reconquest of their capital and is killed in a final stand as thousands of loyalists flee to Aztec proper. The area of Soconusco has fallen from the Aztec hands once again

Oh come on, Tenoch was the man, there was no need to kill him. SwankyJ (talk) 05:47, April 9, 2014 (UTC)

A Small revolt breaks out in Italian Albania over a small amount Albanian nationalists. They seize a small amount of territory, and encourage further action in neighboring provinces ruled by other foreign rulers.

The Mayas new enlargement of their armed forces show various issues with their ability to field these men as their lack of ability to make the equipment needed has prevented many of these troops from being armed correctly.

Banu Salaam continues to plan revolt with a former Mashriqi General leading an organized military force that continues to fluctuate over the Italian and Hungarian controlled areas.

The nations disagreeing with the free merchants decision of a slight majority in the Indian leagues council refuse to recognize the decision as legitimate and continue to levy their prices.

  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to convert to the Western Church. The Prussians begin to build their army. They also continue vassalizing Ossel-Wiek.
    • Courland: The Curonians also begin developing their economy and military. The Curonians also begin converting to the Western Church.
  • Hamburg-Mecklenburg: Defensive structures continue to be built around the city of Hamburg. Duke Friedrich is disappointed at Hesse decision to not sell Hamburgs former Bremen lands, but nonetheless is appreciative it accepted the mutual defense pact. Hamburg proposes an alliance to Prussia.
    • Prussian Diplomacy: The Prussians accept the alliance offer.
    • Magdeburg: Infrastructure expanded.
    • Ruppin: Infrastructure expanded.
  • Castile: The Castilian economy continues a larger process of pulling in more money through trade. The infrastructure of Castile is also expanded more. Castile, in order to facilitate more conversions to Christianity, imposes higher taxes on non-Christians in the areas it controls personally or by proxy through its vassals. Castile has successfully mapped large parts of the African coast south of Morocco and down as far as their trade posts in the Kongo these are kept secret.  The Castilian nobility begins to adapt toward a newer system to revamp or work on their power as they move toward becoming advisors to the king and less involved in their feudal estates which while growing have developed Guilds to facilitate payments for the efforts of the men working, The expert workmanship of many of these men has seen notable increase in productivity for each feudal state with most lords not complaining. The Kingdom's cities begin to be improved with better sanitation and the King hires architects to plan out a sewer system, as well as a true plan for multiple major cities. Castile begins a major process of researching the matchlocks acquired from the Netherlands acquired and develops its own version which is used to replace the older weapons. which is finally finished. The construction of a new kind of warship with cannons is completed - a heavy warship much more powerful than most other ships of the time. The King notices the heavily increased productivity and income flow due to his hands off policy and non-interference and begins to allow artists, minstrels and other artistic and scientific minds to become more prevalent in Castile, many believe the Castilian Renaissance is imminent. Castile, due to its naval range, high income, extensive and dominant trade network, becomes one of the largest and most dynamic trade empires of the Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. The Castilian navy with its new heavy warships and some new updated designs for older ships organizes a heavy royal fleet phasing out past organizations. The Royal army of Castile has now almost wholly replaced the previous feudalistic military forces and has a size of nearly 50,000 and growing thanks in part to the good funding being provided by the king. In order to make up for lost power the King as behest of his new wife, and several of his friends who are nobles create a king's advisory council which officially has the power of the king in many matters if authorized. The men are also given station to criticize the king's actions to keep him from going crazy with power. The Knights Hospitaller are moved more into Castile with their professional fighting strength and religious zeal used to patrol the borders of Castile's Gibraltar province. The Knights are also given the authority to police the majority Christian Tangiers now, and effectively prevent many Muslims from coming over the border to wreak havoc. Castile's navy, now heavily funded and expanded greatly, reaches a large number of combat and tradeworthy ships and with its trade from Oyo, and various supply bases establishes military and trade dominance over the West African areas as well as its locality in the Mediterranean. The Castilian trade dominance in West Africa remains unbudged as Castile directly owns and has the majority of the gold and ivory trades coming out of West and North Africa. Castile's population reaches around 6.5 million and growing. (I have been focusing heavily on growth of population and have not been involved in nearly the number of destructive wars as OTL Castile has been). The Castilian Renaissance reaches its full swing with art and scientific advancement being allowed by the State as many of the religious fanatics and dissidents are fighting in Morocco, along with this, the highly respected middle and artisan classes are able to afford a much better living with various artists painting great works and with one even gaining an audience with the royal family for a painting. The Castilian navy reaches a large force of nearly 550 ships using the huge funding from Castile's conquests, trading and other situations to fund this navy. The technology of the Castilian navy is improved heavily as the king begins to focus more on the quality of his ships rather than the quantity which results in better quality ships (like an early carrack and my previously developed pre-galleon). The exploration continues just below the Kongo as the Castilian exploration parties manage to gather supplies from the Kongo's friendlier tribes. These exploratory parties have reached OTL southern Angola and a little bit farther south but supply constraints and lack of knowledge of the area prevents further progress. Castile begins sending missionaries to the Kongo to convert the friendlier tribes which is relatively successful. Castile continues to convert to the Western Church with the king and his royal family attempting to preach about the new church and its benefits to the common man and not keeping them in the dark. The conversion to the Western/Consuete Church continues with a relative majority accepting following the issues with nobility.  The Castilian navy with new ships replacing the old ones begins military drills for preparedness and experience. Castile also now not having the troop strength to hold onto Tangiers any longer (due to the war) transfers control of the city and surrounding area to the kingdom of Morocco. The Castilian navy begins establishing multiple trade posts up and down the African coasts more for contact and conversions to Christianity rather than full blown trade in multiple areas. Castile begins to vassalize the small Christian Kingdom of the Kongo (2 of 8) using the trade, fleet basing and a promise to help them Christianize their brothers and seize more territory as a pretense for this. The Castilian king Henry IV funds an exploratory fleet down from Congo to map the area and identify areas suitable for a trade posts or resupply point with the expressed purpose of reaching India by the close of the Century. This objective is kept a secret from most everyone but the ships men and captains and the closest members of the Castilian court. The Castilian navy begins pushing the exploratory border to the southern tip of Angola and into middle Namibia and in order to effectively resupply creates some trade posts and resupply posts in the area.  The Castilian armies reach Zaragoza and plant a flag in the remnants of the city and set up some tents for survivors. Castile begins appointing new nobles from various lower families to the nobility of Aragon to fill vacancies and ensure loyalty in the new country. Castile under Regent Carlos officially begins to push the Centralization of The Kingdoms of Castile, Aragon, Granada, Navarre, and Morocco in order to begin a formation confederation of Kingdoms to be centralized over a long period of Time under Castile.
    • Kingdom of Aragon: The Country itself is placed in a personal union under Castile with Ferdinand of Castile ruling over both Castile and Aragon. The relatively good treatment of Aragon by Castile and the fallacy of actions of the previous king in burning various areas and completely razing Aragons capital city have forever earned the enmity and hate of most of the Aragonian people, many of which believed they could continue their lives under Castile in a better fashion, with greater access to Castile's vast diplomatic, trade and military power. This, along with common religion and semi-related language, has lead to a nearly seamless transition into the personal union. Nobles have been appointed by Prince Carlos of Castile personally who has personally overseen the majority of the war in Aragon which with his expertise, charisma and swaying abilities has led to many supporting his decisions on either side. Carlos himself is appointed the transitional governor of Aragon in order to facilitate a much smoother transition. The Kingdom's navy previously seized is returned to people sympathetic to Castilians and the military navy in particular is given to a series of respected and well known aragonians loyal to Castile. Aragon's assimilation into Castile cultural base begins due to many nobles now speaking Spanish (Castilian) which shows a notable effect of a few people especially merchants which are currently able to speak the language proficiently. Aragonians spurred on by Prince Carlos to rebuild Zaragoza begin the work needed to rebuild the city and the various burned towns surrounding the city. For the time being, however, the capital of Aragon proper is migrated to Valencia. With Castilian assistance various infrastructural areas are rebuilt and the military is expanded to a token force of barely 3000 for the time being. Along with this support the Aragonian economy recovers slowly with a slow but controlled influx of Castilian economic aid helping Aragon recover. The Aragonian Navy is allowed by Castile to move towards settlements in the Canaries down into Capo Verde, and according to Castilian trade agreements docks in Oyo for trade nearly doubling their previous range. This is pushed down further pushing underneath Oyo further down the coast.
    • Kingdom of Granada: The economy, while moderate, is expanded. The Prince of Granada is a Castilian noble named Juan Cortez who is extremely biased against Muslims due to his father's death in the original war against Morocco over Gibraltar. The countries armed forces also begin to fight the remaining Muslims in the mountains and begin the force conversion of the remaining Muslims in Granada.  The military is worked on just in case. The Granadan kingdom begins to build up a moderate navy with the expressed example of reaching 50 ships over the next few yearsl
    • Kingdom of Cyprus: The King of Cyprus is now King Alexander of Cyprus. The King of Cyprus begins to see Castilian culture not as a dominant force but a possible blendable culture that can fit well within Cypriot society. The economy and military of the country is built up as is the infrastructure with a nice road system being built throughout the country. Cyprus gaining large funds from being a Castilian trade hub, begins building a few ships domestically, and purchases ships from Castile, or her allies shipwrights forming a respectable Cypriot navy of almost 90 ships with expected expansion to come. This expansion has been achieved specifically thanks to huge amounts of outsourcing to private shipwrights. Cyprus begins to see an exodus of the Knights Hospitaller west to Castile and her territories and King Matthias begins a larger recruitment for the military managing to raise a force of nearly 10,000. This force is largely funded through the large trade Cyprus has gathered. The troops are styled after Castile's royal army and Cyprus embarks on an intense training program in order to bring them up to standards. The Knights, with many departing also have many older and other knights stay due to their close ties with Cyprus. They remain to run the Knights Hospitaller in Cyprus for the foreseeable future while a large number have migrated across the sea. The Kingdom of Cyprus due to the recent issues in Castile reluctantly recognizes Carlos and his Regency for Prince Ferdinand . Cyprus itself with its fleet of nearly 100 ships begins to take after the Venetian example with trade and begins to put Cypriot merchant ships into state possession for trade in order to help with the kingdoms finances and heavy trade. This show immediate results as a relative increase in funding and attention to trade between castile and her allies begins to improve the quality of trade.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The less fortunate and disenfranchised are converted. The Kingdom itself is a Christian kingdom with a similar situation of early Castile and Aragon, with large numbers of Muslims and a small number of Christians. However, the Christian community in Morocco is expanded thanks to the influx of traders and settlers from Castile and some other immigrants looking for an opportunity to live a new life here. The Kingdom establishes its capital in Casablanca and with this, begins a major point of establishing a major military presence in the area.  The infrastructure, particularly in dealing with transport and water, is expanded to accommodate more people but the only people allowed to settle are Christians - particularly from Hispania. A notable number of Castilians settle the area.  The leader of Morocco styled a king, out of respect deducts himself in rank to Prince of Morocco as the throne is only to be held by the King of Castile himself if it's ever required. The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continue to expand with greater trade coming from Castile and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom's army proper raised by immigrant Christians now numbers about 12,000 itself and is expected to grow. The revolt near Fez is finally stamped out after years, with the first of the Elite Christian Berber troops coming out of the revolt as brilliant, albeit brutal shock troops that put down the revolt.
    • MP, for future reference the kingdom of the Kongo is a small Christian kingdom in the south of the overall territory of the Kongo on the map. It isn't the whole thing - just a small part in the south - but I guess I'm doing the whole thing now. -Feud
  • The Kingdoms of Great Albion (Scotland and England) - member nation of the UKGA: The Navy is expanded further with the integration of the Scottish and Breton fleets, the number now stands at 440 ships total. The coronation ceremony was a joyous fanfare, the King personally thanked the Castilian and Moroccan attendees. Under the leadership of the new king, the parliaments of Wales, Scotland and England ratify the equal representation act. Wales and Scotland will remain in union with England, but will now have their own parliament to better discuss local affairs. All military will be ceded to England. All three nations are renamed Great Albion. The membership of the united Kingdoms of Greater Albion has gone form four nations to just two, The Kingdom of Eire, and the Kingdoms of Great Albion to better consolidating power in the isles. The transition to a more open system is expected to take the better part of the next few decades. Port Edmundburg continues to experience a growth in population. Albionic settlers continue to explore the surrounding areas. The Albionic Royal Navy begins better mapping Africa for the Crown. After decades of cultural merging, a new, Celto-Germanic culture finally begins to take firmer root. The English language has grown in official use and now Royal documents, previously in Latin, are now translated to English. Troops that fought in the Pan Hispania Wars return home and facilitate a minor baby boom. These experienced soldiers now train the Army and Navy commanders in advanced battle tactics. Minister of Warfare, Alfred Reddington, increases the use of firearms in the military. Hungary if offered to join the North Sea Trade Alliance, the most profitable trading alliance in the North Sea, other member nations include, Albion, UNC, Hamburg, Prussia and the Netherlands. Juliet Leinster, a noblewoman from the House of York, is offered in hand of marriage to the County of Oldenburg.
    • Calais: Military and navy are expanded.
    • Dublin: Dublin undergoes another remodel and expansion to the ports due to the massive influx of trade from Castile and Venice as well as an increased Eire trade.
    • Scotland: The new parliament begins its first session this year. Brian MacNeil is appointed as Royal Minister. Scotland begins to exclusively use the Albionic pound. Several new Consuete Churches are built. The Catholic Diocese, banned for years, has been allowed to resettle. The military and navy are expanded. Scotland sees a major population boom after the war.
    • Wales: Wales expands its military and navy. Cardiff becomes a large centre of trade for Wales. The Welsh appoint Adam Cyrdger as Royal Minister. The first sessions of parliament are held. Wales does not see as large a population boom as Albion or Scotland, but a minor one, centred around Cardiff and Swansea, does occur.
  • County of Oldenburg: Count Christian VI gratuitously accepts Albion's kind offer if lady Leinster, and the couple are Wed before years's end. Christian's cousin is still in search of a wife, but that search takes on less importance with the actual count married. Scandinavia is asked again if, if it were agreed to demilitarise the island permanently, they might be willing to sell Detrichdorf. Their reasoning that the Greenlandic outpost could somehow be used to attack them (whilst kind of ridiculous) is taken into account, and Christian VI sees his new offer (a good price and demilitarisation) as both fair and reflective of genuine concern for Scandinavia's safety in the dreaded event of conflict between our two nations. The OHG sets off on a highly ambitious voyage, going further West than any before. They sail from Oldenburg to Neu Baltrum, from there to Dietrichford, and from there further west down the coast of Greenland all the way to the southernmost tip. There they find whales and seals galore, which they take back and process in the two settlements. On the colony of Neu Baltrum, Neudorf expands thanks to the addition of another intrepid Frisian family.
    • Prince-Bishopric if Osnabruck: Economy expands due to increased agricultural surpluses from the serfs and freemen, who no longer have to pay taxes to the manorial lords.
    • Scandinavian Diplomacy: We apologize for any sort of miscommunication. We do not expect a war from you, nor do we plan to attack you. (I thought you meant this one). Demilitarization is not necessary. We will sell the island to you and again, we apologize for the slight mix-up.
  • Aztec Empire: Emperor Montezuma II [47] becomes enraged at the atrocity of the massacres in Soconusco and the newly formed vassal of Atlocuapo. The Emperor demands that Cuachtemoc take militaristic actions to punish the Soconuscan rebels. Cuachtemoc [37] refuses his uncle, claiming that any aggressive actions will surely lead to more chaos. The Emperor becomes enraged that his nephew would defy him. The Emperor begins raving and ranting slandering and verbally abusing Cuachtemoc. Cuachtemoc, being the very patient and calm man that he is, explains that if militaristic action is taken the people will be up in arms. His uncle replies that if they do not make a move, then the people will think the Imperial State is weak. Cuachtemoc takes this into consideration, but declares it is simply not worth it. With the arguing persisting and one side countering the other. Emperor Montezuma II grabs his beloved nephew by the shoulders exclaiming, "what if the Aztec people didn't know we took militaristic action, what if we say we bribed them like we tried 5 years ago." Cuachtemoc then looks to his uncle understanding the lie they would be taking responsibility of, and replies telling the Emperor that a war against the small and under developed nation of Soconusco would be an easy victory, but the Panther Warriors should be sent in first. He also notes that Soconusco being separated by the Zapotec will allow the incident about to take place to be easily hushed. With the confirmed aid from the Mayans, and the lack there of from the Zapotec, Cuachtemoc begins devising a plan with his son, Tezcacoatl [13] who even at such a young age is a military wizard. With the more positive relations with the Mayans and the negative relations with the Zapotec, the Aztecs end their alliance with the Zapotec, and request an alliance with the Mayans. The Emperor also requests continued trade and a new NAP with the Zapotec as hostile relations are not the intention at this time. Military development expands with the army becoming exquisitenessly organized.
  • Soconusco is literally lost, you have no bases in the area any more and thousands of people were literally slaughtered. Any further push into the area will probably result in wider scale rebellion.. This is kinda like your Vietnam -Feud
  • Feudal my great and most trusted friend, rebels numbering of 13,000 militia and 1,000 rebel warriors, cannot simply overrun 11,000 organized veteran Aztec warriors and Mayan reinforcements. I had a fortified fortress. I am completely okay with losing Soconusco, but losing 1/6 of the Aztec military? Yeah right. The event should be posted that Soconusco is gone from my grasp, but I look to other horizons. But I shouldn't lose 11,000 warriors, if anything they would flee to the Zapotec border. SwankyJ (talk) 16:38, April 9, 2014 (UTC)
  • If 30,000 German tribesman can beat the same amount of Roman legionaires then the Aztecs who are warlike in general (which means Soconusco is warlike, too) can beat an equal amount of Aztec troops in a total surprise attack with other tribal allies which would give them a nearly 10,000 extra. Which means its 24-25,000 Rebels, and tribesman vs barely half their number. I'll fix the event to reflect Soconusco being gone, but really more unlikely things have happened in the timespan of history. -Feud
  • Alexandria: Trade continues to increase as the ports are re-established and more people are converted to Coptic Christianity due to the See of Saint Mark's presence. Dignitaries from Grigorios remain in the Nile Delta region to help Aiguptia and brother Ibrahim stabilize Aiguptia. Missionaries and political organizers remain in the Judea area to establish a Christian Kingdom under the guidance of Alexandria and Aiguptia. Resources and military are sent to to Aiguptia to build and protect  the canal as that process continues and workers are encouraged to go seek out this opportunity - especially minority groups. Citizens and Katrina are thrilled to be betrothed to young Ferdinand. Diginitaries and missionaries are sent to Nubia and the rest of Egypt to gather information of the status of Christianity there and convert muslims. Christians in North African nations are invited to immigrate to Alexandria. Grigorios, King of Alexandria, begins his search for a wife. Inf turn
    • Aiguptia: Continues to stabilize the nation. Engineers, cartographers and philosophers from all trade partners are offered jobs to work on expanding the ancient Suez Canal or Necho's Canal to take on present day cogs, treasure fleets and other ships. Workers flow in seeking work and benefits that steam from the jobs. Citizens and people in the surrounding regions and province are converted to Coptic Christianity. Missionaries continue to convert people, especially in Cairo. Military begins training of European tactics picked up from Rome and other Catholic nations that assisted Alexandria. Aiguptia expands along the Med Sea towards Judea 50px  Inf turn. 
  • Hesse:  Ludwig II receives word that his cousin, Heinrich II von Brunswick-Luneburg has died. Ludwig II is bothered little by this, as he had little interaction with his cousin. This leaves only his father's line of the von Hesse family still alive. This gives him a bit of paranoia. This leads to him having multiple children in the year: Anna, Elisabeth, and Wilhelm II. Katharina, the relatively young sister of Ludwig II, having found no husband, considers being a nun in the Catholic Church. In an attempt to keep this from happening, the Ludwigist Ludwig II offers Katharina in a marriage to Christian VI's cousin. The two families already have ties, as Ludwig II's mother was an Oldenburger noble, who has died this year. This is what concerns Ludwig II, as his mother dies. A great funeral is held in Ludwigsburg. We continue improving the economy and continue vassalizing Koln and Westfalen.
    • Oldenburger Diplomacy: Young prince Conrad is more than happy to accept the hand of the notoriously gorgeous princess Katherina, and his cousin the Count is happy to strengthen his ties to his neighbour.
  • Mayan Empire: With Soconusco having destroyed many Aztec lives, the Emperor declares war upon the uprovoked aggression of this heathen race, and marches with his entrie army to crush them. He sends word to the Aztecs and Zapotec of his actions, and asures them he will not invade their empires. He is merely doing what the Aztecs should have done when this started. The military is increased for the war. Weapons manufacturing is increased, and iron, stone and obsidian wepaons are produced for the army. We agree to an alliance with the Aztecs. (Mods do algo)
  • Venetian Republic:
    • Books on various topics spread from Venice throughout Europe, continuing the Renaissance. Printed in the Venetian language, they teach of the sciences and humanities and revive learning, spreading knowledge (as well as the language) far and wide..
    • With the increased supply of Ducats, the fluidity of European trade increases with Ducat using nations benefiting most.
    • Many people sentenced to death are drowned in the canals as is the Venetian tradition. The tradition is becoming the primary way to execute criminals and is spreading to the Venetian territories across Europe.
    • Fine wool and silk clothing from Titani is exported across the Mediterranean and Black Sea and begins to set the trend in Renaissance clothing.
    • Venetian trade reaches across the known world. Merchant ships carry salt, silks, glass and a collection of other goods, both common and rare. Venetian traders are the largest carriers of trade in Europe, with the thousands of ships and a trading tradition continuing to fuel this.
    • The Roscol Bank uses local subsidiaries all across Europe to fund trade, with a leaning toward funding trade with Venice. They also fund enterprises across the continent, boosting the economies of the nations which they inhabit. The Roscol Bank invests conservatively. While this doesn't bring in as much wealth as other nations' banking, such as the Dutch, it results in a much more robust level of equity.
    • Due to the stability of business and protection afforded to private enterprise in Venice, many merchants set up shop in the city despite being foreign, utilising the Venetian law to protect their businesses. Criminals and a less divided merchant class mean prosperity for all those involved with Venetian business in some way.
    • In Veneto Nordcariot invests in increasing trade with Austria purchasing several carts and caravans to carry goods north, while also ensuring that their postal system covers Veneto by purchasing properties in all major settlements and offering the system to be used by the Venetian Government. On a side note, the Proveditor of the Roscol Collegantia invites Eleanor, the true Queen, to discuss recent events over a supper. News of a great student, an architect and thinker of greatr ability, reach the Doge. The boy known as, Marco da Coixa (OTL leonardo da vinci, not all of him though as he is being split in many aspects by players), is fifteen years of age this year and has recently begun working in the workshop of one of the members of the Learned Society of Saint Mark. The Doge decides to watch him carefully. The Doge decides to support Venetian culture further. He funds conversions to Venetian culture across the Republic and Empire. The Order of Saint Mark continues to grow in size and influence, numbering now 61,000 members and still growing but now seeming to slow. The beliefs of the true faith are popular amongst commoners - especially those who feel the church does not practice the faith properly. Alexandria is slowly becoming more and more of a hub of the True Faith as commoners convert to the belief en masse, many True Faith believers think the time has come to reclaim Egypt for Christ. Meanwhile Christofo Roscol hosts Eleanor in his mansion and promises to help her restore her throne, when he speaks with his father however Dragano refuses his request for more funds, stating that Venice cannot be seen to support someone who isn't even supported in their own realm. Christofo is angry, he states that when he is Doge he will do what is right, not what is easiest. The Doge also accepts Hungary's two offers.
      • King Sigismund of Hungary is overjoyed the Venetians have agreed to both deals and hopes this will enable both nations to increase trading and earn more money - as well as attract more trade.
    • In the Free Port of Porto Tolle the giant church, known as the Magnum Donum continues building. True Faithers migrate to Porto Tolle to help with the construction.
    • In the Province of Istra the Conte dies, his son Paladin Paxe takes over ruling the province. He continues the actions of his father: maintaining support for Venetian language, attacks on sinful industries and keeping Pretor numbers high. But this he does more out of recommendation from his advisors than by his own hand. He is a much more pious man and doesn't enjoy "paper pushing" or "coin counting" as he calls it. Instead he spends time in worship and reading holy texts, while also going in person across Istra to deliver alms to the poor.
    • In the Free Port of Scutari the actions of Romaso le Ros are slowly bringing economic proprity to the city. He invests in creating basic system of welfare and builds a house for the homeless, in response to this he also ensures that those on welfare or in the home for the homeless work for the city as directed.
    • In the Province of Albania Conte Tuscus is glad for his preparations when he hears of the rebellions in Italian Albania and cites to concerned officials in an assembly that he called to address the matter that "They face trouble because they made no effort to create solidarity and they face trouble also because their Albanian territories are far from ports. We have invested in unity and we have ports within easy reach of all our territories. We shall maintain control, I am certain". In the mid year, rural Albanians mustered by a local elder form a force of 3500 men and capture the city of Kajava, easily overpowering the guard. They then split their force with 2000 staying to secure Kajava and 1500 going to take the vulnerable south. Conte Tuscus responds by ordering all Potensa to rally their forces. The northern army, situated in Durazzo, is formed out of local guards of settlements and numbers 800 men. The southern army, formed out of 300 men quickly marches south in the Province of Valona and requests assitance from the Doge.
    • In the Province of Zante Conte George, inpsired by the mongols, decides to start by implementing laws allowing for complete religious freedom and tolerance, including non-christian faiths in this guarantee. Further he implements a common court system to better deal with crime and conflict in the Province, the system is based on the Athenian business court system aiming to get resolution rather than to simply place blame and enact punishment.
    • In the Free Port of Argos the Superpotensa dies, his replacement is a member of the Order of Saint Mark called Justin Exazenus. He continues the Great Alm and the introduction of printing into the economy.
    • In the Province of Attica the law banning unpopular practices that are traditional of the church (e.g. extravagence in decoration, exercising power in the name of a foreign institution, etc.) continues to be used to slowly but surely close down Orthodox and Catholic sects, replacing control of places of worship and handing them over to the Order of Saint mark.
    • In the Province of Mytilene the Gastaldos take the Conte on a tour of the island using his popularity to maintain support for their government, which they also use as a way of inspecting and bringing justice to corrupt officials.
    • In the Province of Candelore Conte Tiberius gets a reputation as a renowned fighter and wins the great tourney of Candelore. Further he reinforces the greatness of the rule by announcing that trade has increased bringing a boon to the economy and the government's coffers. A gift is sent to reinforce the friendship with the Ottomans who are still good friends of the locals. Corruption is declared to be eliminated and good practise now exists wholly and uniquely in the civil service. Officials reveal that traders are visiting less but point out that this is only because they can no longer exploit the markets like they could under the hated Ottomans. Tiberius is of course not seen by anyone this year really, even in the capital, as some claim he is working on projects to boost the prestige of Candelore more. Of course this is all very confusing for outsiders who lack the understanding of the fine details of Candelorian culture.
    • In the Province of Morocco the forts finish construction. The Conte calls a great council to discuss the options in place to deal with the Muslim situation. He now sends Carros down south, reaching the fabled Kingdom of the Kongo, trade begins witht he fledgling state and while many sailors are fearful to be so far from home territory they are glad to see familiar Castilian faces. The system of trade outposts along the western coast of Africa is formalised, with them coming under the authority of a Gastaldo appointed by the Conte of Morocco.
    • Eco-turn
  • Epirote Republic:
    • In Epirus the council called to formalise Epirote ideals, to be deseminated amongst the people, continues to deliberate. The first thing to be formalised is an official and ordained flag. It consists of a deep blue field and the ioanninian bull in white eblazoned across it, along with this are some decorations similar to that on the Venetian flag, all in white. With the flag decided the officials and the Doge feel they have a new fervour to complete their task and begin flying the flag from every place they can fit it, ensuring all see it. Propaganda creating "folk stories" of the white bull and spreading support for the idea of a distinct Epirote identity amongst the separated Epirote tribes. Some take to it easier than others but a few, traditionalists resist the idea completely taking comfort in the clan and tribal structure of old.
    • In the Free Ports of Epirus the Doge decides to pardon the Tre Cita as well as the Superpotensas of the Free Ports. Operations return to normal as the Tre Cita Sigilar Collegantia becomes a powerful and influential economic force, close to that of the Masaro Sigilar Collegantia. They begin spreading their influence and businesses to mainland Epirus and the two other Epirote Provinces.
    • In the Province of Valona people are generally more resistant to the idea proposed by propaganda in the north than the south but with the redrawing of Valonas borders as a province to gain more southern traditionally republican land, this is to be expected. Meanwhile a few Albanian agents appear and try to incite the people, the most they get is a few wishes of good luck, the Albanian Valonans migrated to Albania when the state came into being and the Valonans that are left are content to remain where they are under the protection and stability of the Epirote Republic. The people and the Conte are alarmed however when the southern Venetian-Albanian army arrives begging for help against a rebellion, concerned that the rebellion will spread, the Conte recruits an army of 750 men and marches into southern Venetian-Albania supported by the 300 Venetian-Albanian troops.
    • In the Province of Arta the people generally are resistant to the idea proposed by propaganda, although whether this is due to culture or simply being slightly resistant to recent conquerers is a matter of debate. The Conte carefully works on maintaining stability in the Province, keen to ensure no backlashes - no matter how minor - occur.
    • Eco-turn
  • Venetian Empire:
    • In the Province of Aegina the towers are close to finishing requiring only 5 more feet before the two towers of Aegina are finished. Mil-turn
    • In the Free Port of Athens the Athenian city dwellers dually speak Venetic languages and Greek languages, while the rural peoples are largely Greek language speakers. Further, religion is largely divided into Orthodox sects although the other large individual sect is the True Faithers which is still growing. Upon hearing these reports, the Superpotensa writes a letter to the Doge raising concern about the True Faithers. Eco-turn
    • In the Province of Candia the Conte dies in the later year after falling from his horse while hawking, his son Frangibus Morosini takes over the rule of the Province as Conte. Mil-turn
    • In the Corfiot Protectorate the Red Army of Corfu numbers 2500 now, with its final aim of 3000 just in sight. The Governor General dies and his successor is elected. Governor General Francesco Chodeschino starts by diverting some of the funding from Venice into a miniture welfare system for farmers, as to avoid the effects of the droughts should they come once more. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Kaffa Conte Simon looks north, but decides to abdicate in favour of his son whom is also known as Simon. He acts as the high advisor, a position created just for him, as well as the Grand Chancellor. Simon the younger follows most of his fathers advice and begins recruiting a cavalry force to complement the infantry (currently assisting the Tatars against the Jochid Ulus). The cavalry are to number 500 men. Mil-turn
    • In the Naxian Protectorate the Governor General personally visits Alexandria as well as the canal to the red sea, when he returns, he lays plans to revive the naval trade of Naxos. But first he invests in converting the Naxian fleet to the Naxian Carro, a modification than makes the ship lower and reduces its capacity in exchange for speed and manueverability. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Negroponte the Conte dies, after having revolutionised the city and most of the south of the province he is celebrated by most. His son Gian Lacaris takes over ruling and sets about lowering barriers to traders. Eco-turn
    • In the Free Port of Ragusa the Black Government creates a Sigilar Collegantia to unite the merchants and enterprises of Ragusa. The Negro Cita Sigilar Collegantia, as it is known, proves to effectively monopolise the city of Ragusa and takes on many Collegantia as subsidiaries. Eco-turn
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Landshut expands its military. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Jacqueline and her council continue to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished, and by 1467 a trade route is put in place. Such important places in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1467, Jacqueline commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The planned market center in Landshut continues to attract regional traders. In religious news, the country begins converting to the Western Netherlander church. By the end of this year, around 75% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. Jacqueline continues efforts to implement Sedevacantist policies in the government, being much more religious than her father. The Grand Duchess continues to make new titles for her nobles and grants them more privileges. Jacqueline also makes it her plan to simplify the administration of Bavaria. In other news, Eleanor remains exiled in Venice with her husband and son.
    • Munchen: By 1467, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 2900 men. Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. In recent news, unemployment continues to drop after Jacqueline's restoration.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. The statue dedicated to Eleanor is torn down by supporters of Jacqueline
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, Portuguese traders continue visiting the Castilian settlements in the Canaries. Meanwhile, wheat continues to be cultivated in Leiname. By this time, the colony in Leiname starts to export wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, some Portuguese explorers continue to explore the African coast. the Açores continue to be settled. Meanwhile, Urraca de Avis, granddaughter of Duarte I and heir presumptive of the Portuguese throne in case that João III dies with no offspring, marries Garcia Manrique de Lara, son of Diego Manrique de Lara, Count of Bragança.
  • Bengal Sultanate: The decrease in taxes on the landed elite does its job in most areas of the Sultanate, decreasing the tax load on the peasantry and earning him their support. The tax cuts on the merchant class allow for more trade to be conducted, and a recent lax on some of the quota laws allows for more goods to be shipped from Bengal, greatly increasing trade income. Trade with the state of Ava continues, with influence being placed through trade on Ava. Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Koch, Ahom and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their nations. Most all trade roads begin to see much-needed maintenance. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems and epics continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We cotninue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, Delhi Sultanate, and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it out to be sent to the states leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase is scholars and literacy in our nation. The Sultan's son continues to be tutored by scholars from three of the different major religions in the known world, Islam, Buddhism and Hinudism. The friction is defused between the landed elite due to a willing discharge of the Phay-sat schematics, allowing more landed elite to produce them, lowering their price and increasing their availability. We propose another issues to be decided on in the Indian League, to improve the effectiveness of the League. 
    • Emirate of Andamana: Mansoor Basil Amirmoez continues to reclaim land on the island to make room for farms, and to have timber for building both boats and houses. The Emirate expands another 500 km into the island. The ships built by the timber from the island help contribute to Bengali trade. Continues working on economy and infrastructure. 
    • Rajya of Orissa: Unlike the other vassals of the Bengali Sultanate, Bhandudeva IV is kept farther away from the daily politics of controlling Orissa, relying mainly on Islamic advisors sent directly by the Bengal Sultan. The advisors quickly persuade Bhandudeva IV to allow the Muslim settlers in the northern part of the Rajya to hold land south of the previously agreed living space. Continues working on military and infrastructure. Bhandudeva IV passes away, and the advisors vote in a Hindu successor, named Kapilendra Deva.
    • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The Swargadeo (King) of Ahom declares himself to be King of Assam, also called Kamarupa in this time since he now controls his grandson's lands which were the Maharaja of Koch.
  • Guaymi: We begin to vassalize Ngobe-Bugle (one of three). We begin to develop the economy, using fishing industry and the lumber industry allowing us to build more houses, slowly expanding our population.  New Emperor has been establish: Emperor Tiarokwete who is beloved by the people of Guaymi.
  • France: With the defeat of Aragon and the return of French regions of Aragon and the capture of Sardinia, the foundation of the Kingdom of Sardinia begins with the coronation of Prince Louis as Louis I of Sardinia. While this, military and navy are built up. A population boom begins in Northern France after a good weather pattern and good crops. The land swap between Albion and France begins to be enacted and will be finished next year as planned. Vassalization of Albret and Aargau continues. Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Burgundy: Military and navy are built up. Economy expands. French troops begin withdrawing to allow Albion takeover.
    • Guyenne:Military and economy are built up.
    • Berry: Military and economy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Verdun: Military and economy are built up.
    • Armagnac: Military and economy are built up. 
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Basel: Military and economy are built up. A high influx from French coming out Northern and Central France begin, starting a complete change in the government (and fulfilling the plan of eventual absolute control over Basel by France)
  • In Mangut Nivkhgu of this era, The resplendant one trained his focus on professionalizing the military and expanding their armaments. At this time, Chinese martial arts training had taken hold, and swordsmanship had become highly developed. (Military turn)
  • Netherlands: The exploration of the african coast continues with dutch explorers traveling along otl Angola and Namibian Coast. With more and more stories coming back to the homeland other expeditions are sent. attempts to make friends with local tribes begins. selling of goods from europe including arquebuses and cannons amongst others in exchange for gold, ivory, special woods amongst other  items. Mapping of the coastlines continue and are studied back at the Royal Navigation acedemy. Karl van Nassau passes away after contracting a disease in a hunting accident. His death is mourned by the Whole country. Maurice van Nassau assumes the throne in Brussels and is proclaimed Maurice I of the Netherlands. being unmarried he takes the daughter of the duke of Guelders Beatrice of Gerle as his bride cementing the ties with dutch nobility. As a sign of respect to his French mother and to build closer ties with his southern neighbors along with an effort to distance himself from German Nassau declares the foundation of the House of Nassau-Orleans and renounces all claims to Nassau in exchange for Nassau and its overlords in Hesse renouncing any possible claims to the Throne of the Netherlands. Maurice also begins talking with the States-General and the Royal Council about expanding greatly the navy and expanding efforts to reach Asia along the African Coast. WIth the profits made form his own ventures Maurice invests heavily into the Merchant Guild expeditions to avoid wasting national funds. He also pushes forward a law separating the National treasury from the Royal family's own finances to both avoid a loss of wealth in case of an economic crisis but also to help promote independent national economic development. To help promote unity in the state Maurice also makes it a necessity for all officials and acedemic circles to be fluent in both Dutch and French. Naval expansion begins to pick up with newer ship designs being made at the request of Maurice to keep up with European standards and to exceed them if possible. As Finances continue to grow and the economy is built around a merchant and banking base the bank of Holland offers special services of handling investments. In an attempt to reapproach the Austrians and restore relations to an extent with the Emperors Maurice requests permission to travel to Vienna and discuss a return to normalcy along with reopening the Rhine river so that German goods may flow along the river into the North Sea. The scientific and artistic circles of the lowlands continue to grow. WIth the dutch revolt over for almost 2 decades and with religious fanatisicism dying down in many parts of the lowlands certain limitations to catholics are removed at Maurice's request and a law to tax catholics is denied by a majority of the States-General, however the catholic church itself is obliged to pay taxes just as any other organization to the state. In a census it is discovered that about 65% of the population is Reformist while the rest is a mix of Western Catholic and Roman Catholic. 
  • Cuzco: Infrastrcutre and economy improve in case of Aymara counter attack. War plans are made for next year. Islands on Lake Titicaca are fortifed further by the make shift Cuzco "navy." Cuzco's economy has grown siginfigantly in the past years follwing increased trade with the other regional countries.
    • Wanka: Military and economy improve. ties with Cuzco deepen.
      • Hesse Dip: We accept to renounce any claims we might have to the throne of the Netherlands. We offer an alliance.
  • Koryak Confederacy: Koryak troops continue to attack the Tlingit, invading their heartland on Barnof Island with a large force. The Koryak navy is able to destroy Tlingit war canoes with ease, capturing and killing hundreds of warriors crewing them. meanwhile, 8000 troops are landed on the island, where they seize Tlingit villages. Koryak heavy infantry cut the disorganized Tlingit to pieces, while the cavalry harry the remnants into the hills and, finally, force them to capitulate, taking control of the island.
    • Chukchis: Expand the economy by sending thousands of the people, who had been straining the agricultural cpability of the region, to the newly captured territories.
    • East Yakuts: Expand infrastructure by digging canals around rapids in the Lena.
    • Ustokut: Expand the economy by dredging the Lena and trading with the Four Oirats.
  • Eire (Member State of the United Kingdoms of Greater Albion): We rejoice when Thomond and later other Irish states lay down arms and join us and 55 years after King Thomas' fateful dream, Eire becomes fully united, save the city of Dublin, which remains independent and remaining so for the forseeable future. Celebrations occur in towns across Eire, and the King and his entourage tours Eire, with the help of the new road system. We begin expanding roads to newly-acquired regions in Eire, hoping to connect all major towns, and spread new Irish ideals such as Occidentalism (Western Catholicism) and pro-Albionism. Stabilization after years of expansion continues, with many soldiers in the military for years during Eire's fighting begin to settle down, and the navy continues to be built up. Cork and Ballydrogheda undergo a renaissance, as the unification of Ireland allows for the ability to export products from all across the Isle. As such, trade increases. the King begins to modernize the military forces, with the eventual forces consisting of a main line of pikemen, Gaelic skirmishers on the flanks, crossbowmen behind the skirmishers, and the cavalry behind all. Wool begins to become a more popular farm product, with a few people living in the towns beginning to manufacture cloth in small quantities. Leinster is fully integrated into Eire. Pan-Albionic ideals build up. (Inf-turn) 
  • Chiribaya: We expand another 20 km northwest.
  • War continues in the Empire of the Tartary.
    • The Legitimist government thanks Caffa and the Roman Empire for their help. The Library of Sarai is expanded, and Western weapons help the Legitimists push Tulpar's rebellion back into Öfö. Much of the local guerrilla armies are defeated in this year, and Ural is placed under siege by November. By December it surrenders, and, given that nearly all of the nation besides Öfö has now surrendered, war is declared over. Tyushtya is the first to return to Sarai, but Theodore returns soon afterwards.
    • Tulpar of the Jochid Ulus is now holed up in Öfö, stuck and with no supporters outside of the city. However, he decides to hold out as long as possible.
    • The Vassals now return to expanding their economy, with the exception of Kazakhstan, which continues struggling.
  • Ica-Nazca: We expand our Economy
    • Chancay (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our military and send military support to the capital.
    • Sican (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our infrastucture.
    • Chimor (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our economy and expand 5 pixels to the east.
  • Mapuche: Since the defeat of the outlaws, the Mapuche civilization has continued to thrive.  There are now 30,000 inhabitants of the territory, all of whom have access to stable food and water supplies.  This, combined with the security provided by the defense force, allows Mapuche to spend relatively large portions of their lives exploring other interests.  The girl has continued to create more symbols for her drawings, which are growing continuously more popular with her people.  Her symbols for numbers are already widely used by craftsmen of many sorts.  Copperworkers continue to produce more arms and armor, but they wish they had a more durable substance to work with.
  • Caucasian Confederation: Georgian, Ranite, and Kavkasian forces continue fighting in Azerbaijan, where an unusually harsh drought grinds campaigning to a halt for both sides. Despite logistical problems thought to be caused by corruption within the supply chain, and several tactical blunders by overly aggressive Georgian commanders, the Azeris are equally unprepared for the Georgian assault, and the invading forces punch through to Shirvan, where the war will likely conclude next year. Meanwhile, Armenian and Assyrian armies continue fighting the Safavids, securing the region around Tabriz and pressing toward Esfahan as fast as possible. Unlike the near-comical Azeri front, the fighting in Persia is brutal, with both sides determined to secure victory at any cost, and casualties rapidly begin to accumulate in spite of the superior training of the Armenian task force.
  • Mughal Empire: Babur and his council of laws finish the constitution, preparing to print it in large numbers and send it around the Empire. The war for the Safavid dynasty proves to be a lost cause, the Mughal army slowly retreats. The mines and fields spread (eco turn)
    • S. Chagatai: The Eunuch Khan's general, following the Mughal army also slowly retreats. The Chagatai Khan funds the creation of better roads (infra turn)
  • Mansuriyya Caliphate: After driving out Persian forces from the region, Mansuriyya troops invade parts of the Safavid empire. Within a few months a peace treaty is signed between the two and peace is achieved, with the Caliphate gaining a strip of land on the coast of Persia. Meanwhile, the military continues to be improved in case of any further invasion. Fatih declares a day of celebration in the Mansuriyya Caliphate’s success in their first conflict.
  • Rumania: Radu, now 33, continues to modernize the army, Matchlock weapons are implemented in numbers, and every tenth man in the Legions is equipped with a gun. The armor used by the soldiers is a thick heavy leather tunic that extends to just below the knees. The tunics have a gambeson padding sewn onto the back and are treated with wax to resist cuts from swords and knives. The army drills extensively, practicing with the Hungarian army. The soldiers, many veterans of the Ottoman Crusade, or the children of those veterans, have experience with weapons and increase the effieciency of the force.The states of: Kiev, Chernigov, Volhynia and the Azovan Khanate are all sent trade offers, and Alliance offers. (Mod Response needed come now I have been asking for almost a decade) Mircea II, now 13, continues his education, learning of: economics, military strategy, leadership, mathematics, literature, and other skills necessary for leadership.
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: The small defense force, the “Bulgarian Legion” is equipped in a similar fashion to the Rumanian legions. Guns are not yet introduced due to cost restraints and all ranged support comes in the form of large crossbows.
  • Milan: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. We upgrade infrastructure, as do our vassals. 
  • Yemen: Emir an-Mohammed Ahmad II continues sending troops to fight the Safavid infidels, until the peace treaty is signed mid-year. After peace is signed, the Emir continues solidifying his power within the realm, helping to stabilize the nation. The Emir also continues developing trade within the region, and continues to fund merchants within the realm. The Emir starts to look for captains and merchants of sort who are willing to go on a government-funded expedition to the South. The Emir also looks into the possibility of reviving the former navy of Yemen to its former glory during the reign of his grandfather prior to the Mamluk's conquest of Yemen. The Emir continues vassalization of Oman. He also send emmisaries to Alexandria asking for a trade pact with the nation. He also sends emmisaries to study European culture and technology, mainly staying in the area around the Roman Empire. The Emir also goes along with the emissaries to Constantinople, hoping to discuss politics and trade with the Romans. 
    • ​Alexandria Dip: We are interested in a trade pact. We would be interested in giving Yemen exclusive access amongst Islamic nations through the Philadephi Canal, upon its opening, in exchange for signing the Compact of Philadelphi and the coastal land from OTL Wadi Harim to OTL Wadi Mawza as the borders and approximately ten miles inland as the order with Yemen, and OTL Brimin Island (in the middle of the channel). This land will be used in a joint effort by Yemen and Alexandria to  keep the Red Sea safe of pirates. 
    • Rasulid Dip: The Emir would be happy to sign this deal.
    • Alexandria Dip: The Compact is ready to be signed by Yemen's leadership. 
  • IN Pskov With more books being translated, a small work detailing the methods of Arab philosipher Ibn al-Haytham find their way to the printing presses of Pskov, and become a termendous hit at the Academy of Natural Studies in Pskov, who have just recently acquired their own printing press. His Book of Optics becomes well-renound in the College of Physicians, as the College of Physicians and the Academy of Natural Studies and Philosophy are merged into two faculties of the Pskovian Institute for Universal Studies, or, as called by many, the University of Pskov. Using the Published works of Many Arab scholars, the Academy of Natural Studies and Philosphy develops a set of Rules for their Students, and all those who seek truth in the natural world. The Principle that you must question all writings, whether it be ancient philosiphers, or new students, and only make decisions and arguments based on evidence and experimentation (pitki) is more than accepted in a society where dissent is not just tolerated but encouraged, as the people have the power to remove their prince. The Academy of Pskov establishes five governing principles:
  1. All Mankind is fallible, only what can be observed repetedly can be taken for fact.
  2. As All Mankind is Fallible, even your own ideas may be riddled with falsehood.
  3. Even if you yourself may be at fault, it is possible that a third unlikely answer may exist, it is your duty to inquire further.
  4. Always Inquire further, Always ask: why?
  5. Discoveries should never be secret, this prevents further inquiry.
The Pskovian Academy Of Natural Studies, with these guiding principles, and their newly acquired printing press, devise rules for publication, that, because of these principles, include the rule of "review before publication", where one man or student must take the side of your observatiosn and conclusions, and try to prove them himself, wheras a second tries to disprove you completely and maintain the status quo, and a third inquires a different path. The work is then taken before a "court" of sorts, and the three men argue your case, and if a single man on the jurry seconds your case, your work can be published, if another theory gets presidence, you inquire further. And form then on, the Pskovian Academy of Natural Studies and Philosophy, colloquially called the Pskovian Academy, adopts the motto, Изследовайте Далие Izsledivayte Dalee (Inquire further). This creates a precedent of primitive peer-review minimum requirement in order to publish. Meanwhile, the Pskovian fleet and the city of Nizhnygorodsk-na-Narve grows considerably, as well as the Pskovian economy gaining great things from the debt of Moscow, which influences the Ukrainian states to once again join Muscovy's ranks as parts of Russia ... Pskov now leads talks on the unification of Russia, and Artem becomes known throughout the city. Artem's Son, Vladimir Artemovich Zaytsev, becomes prominant and during a political campaign wins the Posadnichistvo of Pskov, a position that gives him powers of heading the assembly for a year, one of the few posadnichistvos known. The Pskovian coffers continue to fill with silver and gold, which the Treasury stores in vaults in the forms of gold, silver and copper bars, and control minting in all Zolotnik Nations (through the emissaries and councils) in order to not over-produce to cause inflation, as gold not on the market can't be traded, and neither can gold "awaitning minting". This, in addition to the more population boosts the GDP of Pskov. Recap of University things: The Pskovian Institute for Universal Studies (The University of Pskov) is divided into several "Faculties." Here are the two already part: The Pskovian College of Physicians and Anatomical Studies (The Pskovian College), and the Pskovian Academy for Natural Studies and Philosophy (The Pskovian Academy), and the faculties planned are the Pskovian Seminary and School for Theological Studies (the Pskovian Seminary), and the Pskovian Institute for Mathematical Inquiry (The Pskovian Institute).
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to shift its trade to the west, although this slows down due to the opening/restoration of the canal in Egypt. Engineers and soldiers continue to help with the project there. Weapons and books continue to be sent to the Tartar Empire to help the Emperor Theodore defeat his opponents. With the weapons available to the Empire largely reaching a standstill, the Emperor turns his attention towards bettering the health and wealth of his people. To this end, he encourages the continued research into medical care and the expansion and construction of hospitals. Education is also seriously considered once again now that the times of war have passed the Empire by. To help do this, the University of Constantinople considers sending some of its scholars to other parts of the Empire to educate citizens that cannot make the journey to Constantinople.
    • Albania: With the revolts in Italian Albania in full swing, the kingdom is not sure how to react. Many of the citizens want the war to happen, and some even move back to help the resistance. The government is much more neutral, concerned if the Roman Empire will back such military action and the thought of waging war on a nation that helped Albania gain independence. The national military is expanded and trained further as a result, and Skanderbeg begins suggesting to his children that they should expand education in the country as Skanderbeg himself gets older.
  • Sanafah: continues to develop as the regional power. The dhow-based navy continues to develop with the aid of the Council, and now a total of six modern ships grace the otherwise normal navy of a total of 90 ships (mostly advanced canoes). The creation of more of these ships continues, though. The road network, long discussed, is passed in the Council and is funded by new trade agreements with Iritriya and other Arabic states that finally begin to take advantage of the many resources which we can offer them. With this year's conversion of Antambohoaka, the new Paganistic Islam begins to expand into Bantu regions in mainland Africa. The ideas are also spread to the Swahili states. Sofala continues to expand, and expands 1000 sq km this year. Dina Morgabin continues to be a valuable site for farming, and Dina Arobi continues to expand. Sakalava continues to expand, continuing to take lands from Bara, which is further destabilized which makes the expansion even easier. The economies of all Sanafahi states increase, as do their populations.
  • The Comoros continue to settle in Pembara, and work on bringing their navy up to par with the new dhow-based technology of Sanafah. The Comoros also begins to turn from traditional and strict Islam towards the new paganistic version of the ancient religion. Betsileo begins to expand into Bara, which provides a simple target after falling into utter chaos. Cultural merging continues in annexed regions, which is not difficult for the similar Malagasy cultures.
  • Novgorod: We continue the production of Koch boats, cannons, hand cannons, advanced crossbows, swords, and composite bows, increasing our military capabilities in case of war. The nation’s training and advancement of military continues. We are producing our new crossbow, and we send the first 50 crossbows to Mecklenburg to test out and the other 250 to test in our nation. We expand north 5528 sq km (by 80 pixels) into undiscovered land, by sending explorers on koch boats to explore the land in the Kola peninsula. The recent classes of Koch ships are being manufactured in Novgorod. The town of St Patriksburg’s population grows a bit more that last year. As the construction of the town improves, the kremlin finishes, trade becoming more in demand, the town gains slightly. Because of the trade road built with Tver our economy increases. We are still talking about the possible unification of the Rus’ with Muscovy. The Russian language is spreading throughout the nation. After seeing a great success with the private schools in the cities of Novgorod, St Patriksburg, Staraya Russa, and Nizhny Novgorod. We start building another private school in Rostov and Yaroslavl. We complete building private schools in Torzhok and a private school in Staraya Ladoga. In the year 1445, we will annex Rostov and Yaroslavl into Novgorod. We vassalized Tver, and we are looking to annex Rostov, Tver, and Yaroslavl in the far future. We upgrade our infrastructure. We accept the offer from Pskov to sell a section of our land. (Razor asked me to post this.)
    • Tver: We complete the construction of the private school in Tver and we start the new one. We upgrade our military after being a vassal of Novgorod. We upgrade our economy because of the trade established between Yaroslavl, Rostov, Muscovy, and Novgorod. We upgrade our infrastructure.
    • Yaroslavl: We complete the construction of the private school in Yaroslavl and we start the new one. We upgrade our military after being a vassal of Novgorod. We upgrade our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy, and Novgorod. We upgrade our infrastructure.
    • Rostov: We completed the construction of the private school in Rostov and start the new one. We upgrade our military after being a vassal of Novgorod. We upgrade our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Yaroslavl, Muscovy and Novgorod. We upgrade our infrastructure.
  • Trier: We upgrade our military and economy. The states around us are influenced. Trade routes are established, opening trade among Hesse, Cologne, and Austria and her vassals. We dedicate this turn to infrastructure expansion, building several defenses, and roads to link towns across the nation. Fortifications around our capital are improved and updated.
  • Hungary and all its vassals and puppet states expand militarily and economically. Poland expands its armed forces, too, increasing the strength of its troops by focusing on the training of more knights to fight for the nation. Sigismund continues to handle the affairs of his realm well. His children grow up happily. The ports begin to see a lot more shipping traffic and the crown earns a lot of money due to the Venetian agreeing with the trading deal. This helps bring in huge amounts of money for the crown - which is temporarily stored up with plans to use it later. Sigismund also sends soldiers to Banu Sulaym to destroy the organised military force threatening Hungarian trading in his vassal. He is willing to do all it takes to maintain his control over the vassal.
  • Oyo Empire: Oyo expands its military, economy and infrastructure, as well as its naval resources. The expansion of the navy continues as planned, with additional yanyan produced at Lagos. Thus far, there are twenty yanyan in the navy of the Oyo with plans to build more. The nlanla are currently under production at Accra and Lagos, and are to serve as the large ships of Oyo's growing fleets.


In Rome, Pope Marinus IV dies, and in the subsequent conclave, the Candian Ioannes Philargos  is elected Pope, taking the Papal name of John XXIII.

  • Cretans are Candians

Banu Salaam fully revolts from both Italy and Hungary pushing them both into the Sea. The former Mashriqi general leading the more organized forces defeats several garrisons in Salaam and secures nearly the entire territory Establishing the Independent Sultanate of Salaam (Mil 10) (Econ 10) (Inf 10). The Hungarians and Italians however do have a potential to reclaim their territory with a Christian Enclave holding out along the coasts of the major cities in both the Italian and Hungarian portions.

The City State of Soconusco begins to build itself up after shaking off the Aztecs and now faces a problem of how to deal with their previous native allies, some of the Soconuscan leaders have agreed to try to integrate them.

Metz Cathedral is completed.

  • Aztec Empire: Cuachtemoc [38] advises with his uncle in the Emperor's chambers as they argue over the punishment of the people of Soconusco. Cuachtemoc finally gets Emperor Montezuma II [48] to agree with him, convincing him that Soconusco will have its time. Other options and possibilites now begin to reveal themselves to the empire. With Cacao beans continued to be harvested and mining industry at large, the empire sees much economic turnout, the money is used to repair the military after 2,000 warriors were killed, including Captain Tenoch. The Aztecs see a great prominence of the military, and they begin to expand past the before state of the revolt with Soconusco. The Aztecs continue trade with their now uneasy relationship with the Zapotec, as their isolationistic ideas, allowed the Soconusco rebels to take charge. The fort in the north is continued to be fortified, and becomes the crown jewel of the north, as Xilopolco boasts a population of 100,000. The capital of Tenochtitlan also sees slow gravitation towards it, as the imperial city reaches 250,000. Houses are constructed and more hospitals, wells, and other health promoting buildings are constructed. The population reaches 4.6 million and continues to climb. Cuachtemoc continues to work with the military, training them. Tezcacoatl [14] begins training to become a Panther Warrior, an elite strategist, who is skilled in sneaking, and assassinations. Quatzecoatl [ten] and Toltecatl [seven] move to Tenochtitlan with their father, as Xochitl [eight] stays in Cihuatlan with her mother, Icnoyotl [33]. The Aztecs attempt to increase their relations with the: Cahokia, Mayans, and Zapotec. Silver and gold mining begin to become more frequent as the metal is used for decoration, and jewels. The empire expands its northern border north of the Zapotec by 10px. Cuachtemoc, argues with his uncle, the emperor, claiming that the empire need not to grow larger anymore, as Soconusco is a prime example as the distance within the land. The Emperor responds by having the roads throughout the land, very heavily be improved.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to convert to the Western Church. The Prussians continue to build their army. They also continue vassalizing Ossel-Wiek.
    • Courland: The Curonians also continue developing their economy and military. The Curonians also continue converting to the Western Church.
  • Guaymi Empire: Emperor Tiarokwete declares the now small town of Mununi, population of 50,000, to become the empire's central city.  Tiarokwete falls in love with a Ngobe princess named Mutukriye, joining in a personal union with the support of Mutukriye's father and Chief of the Ngobe-Bugle people, Mushuni.  While the ceremonies are underway Tiarokwete sends workers to begin developing a few hospitals throughout Mununi, as well as building roads both in and out of Mununi.  Through the process of building roads, trees are cut down and sent back to Mununi to be used to build new housing.  The vassalization of Ngobe-Bugle continues (two of three).
  • France: With the defeat of Aragon and the return of French regions of Aragon and the capture of Sardinia, the foundation of the Kingdom of Sardinia begins with the coronation of Prince Louis as Louis I of Sardinia. While this, military and navy are built up. A population boom begins in Northern France after a good weather pattern and good crops. The land swap between Albion and France begins to be enacted and will be finished next year as planned. Vassalization of Albret and Aargau continues. Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Burgundy: Military and navy are built up. Economy expands. French troops begin withdrawing to allow Albion takeover.
    • Nemour: Military and economy are built up.
    • Guyenne: Military and economy are built up.
    • Berry: Military and economy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Verdun: Military and economy are built up.
    • Armagnac: Military and economy are built up. 
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Basel: Military and economy are built up. A high influx from French coming out Northern and Central France begin, starting a complete change in the government (and fulfilling the plan of eventual absolute control over Basel by France)
  • County of Oldenburg The economy remains the national focus this year. With the Northern trades (whaling, sealing, walrus, ivory, etc) effectively controlled by the OHG, the board of directors plans to extend the company's horizons with an expedition to Africa next year. Hesse is contacted, and asked if they would be interested in potentially partaking in a joint Oldenburger-Hessian trading post on the African coast at some point in the future. Scandinavia is asked to consider Count Christian VI's new proposal for Dietrichdorf island: Oldenburg will pay a very reasonable price for possession, and will further promise that it will never have more than twenty soldiers posted there and that no vessels of war of any country (bar Oldenburg and Scandinavia) will ever be able to put in there. His Illustriousness sees this new offer as very decent, as it gives the Scandinavians a profit out of otherwise unprofitable land, and also assuages any fears that it could be used against them once in Oldenburger hands. Pease consider these benefits when making your decision.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck Agricultural outputs continue to grow!
    • Scandinavian Diplomacy: We apologize for any sort of miscommunication. We do not expect a war from you, nor do we plan to attack you. (I thought you meant this one). Demilitarization is not necessary. We will sell the island to you and again, we apologize for the slight mix-up.
    • Hesse Dip: We would like to partake in this trading post on the African coast. 
  • The Emirate of Sanafah, now recognized widely as the greatest Malagasy power in terms of organization, administration, military, economy, and technology, begins to exert its pressure upon the remaining Malagasy states more strongly. We propose the creation of the Madagasikara League to the other states, with the hopes that organized Malagasy states can be more easily united. Tiavina Ralofoaro, who is held in high regard amongst all Malagasy princes and chiefs, convinces Betsimisaraka and Merina to join the League, of which Ralofoaro is the current High Chieftain. To achieve one of the League's primary goal, the Sanafahi government begins to work with improvement projects in Betsimisaraka and Merina, as well as improving Sanafah's own infrastructure. The navy continues to receive funding and expands to include 12 dhows in addition to the outrigger canoe fleet. Meanwhile, Sakalava continues to expand into Bara. Also in Sakalava, a number of villages gather to compete in a competition of martial arts which were brought with voyages from Ayutthaya. These martial arts start to develop. All Sanafahi states grow their militaries and populations.
    • Sofala: Continues to expand to the south. The new vassal is relatively content with their status under Sanafah, and the paganistic Islam continues to gain a foothold in Sofala. Additionally, Sofala joins the Madagasikara League. Dina Morgabin continues to be an effective agricultural island, as Dina Arobi focuses more in a larger city on the coast at OTL Tamarin, Mauritius.
  • Betsileo, intending to improve relations with the dynastically-linked Ralofoaro clan of Sanafah, joins the Madagasikara League. Additionally, Betsileo continues to expand into Bara. Betsileo's culture continues to mingle with the Sakalavan culture of Sanafah. Meanwhile, the Comoros also join the Madagasikara League, despite not being located on the island itself, leading many to suspect that the League may just be a ploy to consolidate Sanafahi dominance over the island. The Comoros expands into Pembara at normal rates, along the coast.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, Portuguese traders continue visiting the Castilian settlements in the Canaries. Meanwhile, wheat continues to be cultivated in Leiname. By this time, the colony in Leiname starts to export wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, some Portuguese explorers continue to explore the African coast. the Açores continue to be settled.
  • Bengal Sultanate: The decrease in taxes on the landed elite does its job in most areas of the Sultanate, decreasing the tax load on the peasantry and earning him their support. The tax cuts on the merchant class allow for more trade to be conducted, and a recent lax on some of the quota laws allows for more goods to be shipped from Bengal, greatly increasing trade income. Trade with the state of Ava continues, with influence being placed through trade on Ava. Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Koch, Ahom and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their nations. Most all trade roads begin to see much-needed maintenance. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems and epics continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We cotninue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, Delhi Sultanate, and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it out to be sent to the states leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase is scholars and literacy in our nation. The Sultan's son continues to be tutored by scholars from three of the different major religions in the known world, Islam, Buddhism and Hinudism. The friction is defused between the landed elite due to a willing discharge of the Phay-sat schematics, allowing more landed elite to produce them, lowering their price and increasing their availability. Due to the removal of trade barriers between a majority of states in the Indian League, ours and their merchants begin to travel with increased mobility and goods, thereby increasing the trade income and output in the agreeing nations. The scholars from the agreeing nations on the issue of siege guns meet within Khandesh to begin to understand how to create a more powerful cannon.
    • Emirate of Andamana: Mansoor Basil Amirmoez continues to reclaim land on the island to make room for farms, and to have timber for building both boats and houses. The Emirate expands another 500 km into the island. The ships built by the timber from the island help contribute to Bengali trade. Continues working on economy and infrastructure. 
    • Rajya of Orissa: Unlike the other vassals of the Bengali Sultanate, Bhandudeva IV is kept farther away from the daily politics of controlling Orissa, relying mainly on Islamic advisors sent directly by the Bengal Sultan. The advisors quickly persuade Bhandudeva IV to allow the Muslim settlers in the northern part of the Rajya to hold land south of the previously agreed living space. Continues working on military and infrastructure. Bhandudeva IV passes away, and the advisors vote in a Hindu successor, named Kapilendra Deva.
    • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The Swargadeo (King) of Ahom passes away and his son inherits the Kingdom from his father.
  • The Nation of the Oirats: Cement and iron increase in production. Iron weapons are now majorly used. As we increase in population, we slowly target our expansion northward. We expand 50 px to the North. We continue to develop our firearms. We continue to study the printing press and make more of it. We buy more books from China.  We continue making more muskets. We now have 10,000 primitive musketeers. We begin building up our miltary and create even tougher practices. We battle the Mongols tiringly. After hearing that there's an uprising in China, we sent 5000 of our best cavalry to China to help them quell the uprising. We trade wood and tools with the Koryaks for fur. 
  • Oyo Empire: Oyo continues its naval expansion, sinking tons of resources into the production of nlanla ships. With access to the timber-rich lands that make up their nation, as well as thethousands of expert woodscrafters and ironsmiths the Oyo, the empire sets about with its construction of the 150 feet long ships. Many of the ships are designed with port and starboard openings for planned cannon to be attached in the future. After several decades of producing sails, many textile workers have expressed their desire to produce the massive sails for the new ships the empire will be making, and have thus been awarded many contracts to produce the needed material for the nlanla vessels. Many warriors have agreed to join the crew of the ships, while farmers have finished drying and storing many foodstuffs for the crew, such as dried fruit, smoked fish, and fresh water. Elsewhere, the University of Oyo has completed its training of navigators in the use of compass. Oyo expands its military, economy, and infrastructure. The military, economy, and infrastructure of Oyo are increased by the government to expand the ability of the nation to sustain its planned overseas ventures.
  • According to Greg and multiple others and my own personal beliefs... I really don't see how you can justify such a naval expansion moderate yes, for future overseas operation at this point? not even close. You also shouldnt even be thinking about overseas colonies until your Boxed in on all sides. Its in the rules Dude seriously -Feud
  • So how do I do that when the mods keep cutting my expansion to 1/5th the normal, create uprisings in the most implausible manner, and keep arguing that I can't expand because there are "thousands" of tribes in my area? I can't aggressively like normal empires did, and I can't expand passively because the mods won't let me. And I can't vassalize anything because this magical rule popped up saying it'll take Oyo "50 years at least" to vassalize the smallest kingdom, every though your vassalizing Kongo, a nation with at least 300,000 people, in three years. How is it that you can hold Kongo thousands of miles away, while Hungary and Italy can't hold a much closer territory in North Africa? So you speak of rules, yet you and the other mods continously skirt them. ~Viva
  • Scandinavian Empire: The Scandinavian Empire expands to the east in the Lapplands by 3500 sq km. The military is modernised and expanded. Firearms work on making their way into the military. The navy sees massive changes as several galleys are built for the defense grid as are several galeasen are also built. The Scandinavians work on a design for light, fast galeasen.
  • Castile: The Castilian economy has massively swelled with thanks to the creation of the spanish confederation and the addition of Aragons trade and military fleet at Castiles disposal. Along with this the population of Castile has reached about 6.9 million with growth somewhat slowing down with castilians migrating to Aragon en masse to fill up positions and prevent some ethnic revolution from developing. Many of these settlers though are men offered a policing or security job in the country and many of these men begin to interbreed and help the cultural assimilation of Aragon. Castile as leader of the Spanish confederation begins a series of economic and military reforms on all the kingdoms in order to expand all the local economies and militaries and centralize the confederations economies in general. Castile at this point has explored further down africa establishing multiple trade posts along the way and reaching a point where the sea rounds the continent. However the failure of supplies has led to this exlporation fleet having to turn back. Castile has begun the development of a series of new ships meant to replace some of the aging designs and add some new innovations. The Castilian navy begins to replace multiple ships with the new carracks as some of the largest ships in castile fleet. The Castilian renaissance with the addition of Aragons renaissance techniques has exploded significantly and with permittance from the monarchy embroiled with organizing the spanish confederacy and multiple projects the Renaissance has led to a mass amount of art and technological innovation being developed. Castile and its confederacy and vassals has now fully converted to the western church with the only exception being cyprus due to its orthodox roots and orthodox leadership which prevents a total conversion. Castile continues to vassalize the Kongo (3 of 8) using the trade, fleet basing and a promise to help them Christianize their brothers and seize more territory as a pretense for this.
    • Kingdom of Aragon: The Country itself is placed in a personal union under Castile with Ferdinand of Castile ruling over both Castile and Aragon. The relatively good treatment of Aragon by Castile and the fallacy of actions of the previous king in burning various areas and completely razing Aragons capital city have forever earned the enmity and hate of most of the Aragonian people, many of which believed they could continue their lives under Castile in a better fashion, with greater access to Castile's vast diplomatic, trade and military power. This, along with common religion and semi-related language, has lead to a nearly seamless transition into the personal union. Nobles have been appointed by Prince Carlos of Castile personally who has personally overseen the majority of the war in Aragon which with his expertise, charisma and swaying abilities has led to many supporting his decisions on either side. Carlos himself is appointed the transitional governor of Aragon in order to facilitate a much smoother transition. The Kingdom's navy previously seized is returned to people sympathetic to Castilians and the military navy in particular is given to a series of respected and well known aragonians loyal to Castile. Aragon's assimilation into Castile cultural base begins due to many nobles now speaking Spanish (Castilian) which shows a notable effect of a few people especially merchants which are currently able to speak the language proficiently. Aragonians spurred on by Prince Carlos to rebuild Zaragoza begin the work needed to rebuild the city and the various burned towns surrounding the city. For the time being, however, the capital of Aragon proper is migrated to Valencia. With Castilian assistance various infrastructural areas are rebuilt and the military is expanded to a token force of barely 3000 for the time being. Along with this support the Aragonian economy recovers slowly with a slow but controlled influx of Castilian economic aid helping Aragon recover. The Aragonian Navy is allowed by Castile to move towards settlements in the Canaries down into Capo Verde, and according to Castilian trade agreements docks in Oyo for trade nearly doubling their previous range. This is pushed down further pushing underneath Oyo further down the coast.
    • Kingdom of Granada: The economy, while moderate, is expanded. The Prince of Granada is a Castilian noble named Juan Cortez who is extremely biased against Muslims due to his father's death in the original war against Morocco over Gibraltar. The countries armed forces also begin to fight the remaining Muslims in the mountains and begin the force conversion of the remaining Muslims in Granada.  The military is worked on just in case. The Granadan kingdom begins to build up a moderate navy with the expressed example of reaching 50 ships over the next few years. The Granadan prince begins to look at the integration of Granada as a possibility due to the majority of the population being western catholic and castilian. This is to be done over a long term period
    • Kingdom of Cyprus:The King of Cyprus is now King Alexander of Cyprus. The King of Cyprus begins to see Castilian culture not as a dominant force but a possible blendable culture that can fit well within Cypriot society. The economy and military of the country is built up as is the infrastructure with a nice road system being built throughout the country. Cyprus gaining large funds from being a Castilian trade hub, begins building a few ships domestically, and purchases ships from Castile, or her allies shipwrights forming a respectable Cypriot navy of almost 90 ships with expected expansion to come. This expansion has been achieved specifically thanks to huge amounts of outsourcing to private shipwrights. Cyprus begins to see an exodus of the Knights Hospitaller west to Castile and her territories and King Matthias begins a larger recruitment for the military managing to raise a force of nearly 10,000. This force is largely funded through the large trade Cyprus has gathered. The troops are styled after Castile's royal army and Cyprus embarks on an intense training program in order to bring them up to standards. The Knights, with many departing also have many older and other knights stay due to their close ties with Cyprus. They remain to run the Knights Hospitaller in Cyprus for the foreseeable future while a large number have migrated across the sea. The Kingdom of Cyprus due to the recent issues in Castile reluctantly recognizes Carlos and his Regency for Prince Ferdinand . Cyprus itself with its fleet of nearly 100 ships begins to take after the Venetian example with trade and begins to put Cypriot merchant ships into state possession for trade in order to help with the kingdoms finances and heavy trade. This show immediate results as a relative increase in funding and attention to trade between castile and her allies begins to improve the quality of trade.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The less fortunate and disenfranchised are converted. The Kingdom itself is a Christian kingdom with a similar situation of early Castile and Aragon, with large numbers of Muslims and a small number of Christians. However, the Christian community in Morocco is expanded thanks to the influx of traders and settlers from Castile and some other immigrants looking for an opportunity to live a new life here. The Kingdom establishes its capital in Casablanca and with this, begins a major point of establishing a major military presence in the area.  The infrastructure, particularly in dealing with transport and water, is expanded to accommodate more people but the only people allowed to settle are Christians - particularly from Hispania. A notable number of Castilians settle the area.  The leader of Morocco styled a king, out of respect deducts himself in rank to Prince of Morocco as the throne is only to be held by the King of Castile himself if it's ever required. The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continue to expand with greater trade coming from Castile and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom's army proper raised by immigrant Christians now numbers about 12,000 itself and is expected to grow. The revolt near Fez is finally stamped out after years, with the first of the Elite Christian Berber troops coming out of the revolt as brilliant, albeit brutal shock troops that put down the revolt.
    • The Kingdoms of Great Albion (Scotland and England) - member nation of the UKGA: The Navy is expanded further with the integration of the Scottish and Breton fleets, the number now stands at 440 ships total. The coronation ceremony was a joyous fanfare, the King personally thanked the Castilian and Moroccan attendees. Under the leadership of the new king, the parliaments of Wales, Scotland and England ratify the equal representation act. Wales and Scotland will remain in union with England, but will now have their own parliament to better discuss local affairs. All military will be ceded to England. All three nations are renamed Great Albion. The membership of the united Kingdoms of Greater Albion has gone form four nations to just two, The Kingdom of Eire, and the Kingdoms of Great Albion to better consolidating power in the isles. The transition to a more open system is expected to take the better part of the next few decades. Port Edmundburg continues to experience a growth in population. Albionic settlers continue to explore the surrounding areas. The Albionic Royal Navy begins better mapping Africa for the Crown. After decades of cultural merging, a new, Celto-Germanic culture finally begins to take firmer root. The English language has grown in official use and now Royal documents, previously in Latin, are now translated to English. Troops that fought in the Pan Hispania Wars return home and facilitate a minor baby boom. These experienced soldiers now train the Army and Navy commanders in advanced battle tactics. Minister of Warfare, Alfred Reddington, increases the use of firearms in the military. King Edmund II, for the first time in almost 100 years, visits the French King in Paris as part of a diplomatic effort to repair the long standing rift between the two nations. After his visit, the King makes a long travel to Constantinople to meet the Emperor of the Romans, He will stay for the remainder of this year, his Son, Charles, will take up royal duties for now. 
      • Brittany: Brittany is officially placed under Albionic influence. The military and navy are expanded.
      • Calais: Military and navy are expanded.
      • Dublin: Dublin undergoes another remodel and expansion to the ports due to the massive influx of trade from Castile and Venice as well as an increased Eire trade.
      • Scotland: The new parliament begins its first session this year. Brian MacNeil is appointed as Royal Minister. Scotland begins to exclusively use the Albionic pound. Several new Consuete Churches are built. The Catholic Diocese, banned for years, has been allowed to resettle. The military and navy are expanded. Scotland sees a major population boom after the war.
      • Wales: Wales expands its military and navy. Cardiff becomes a large centre of trade for Wales. The Welsh appoint Adam Cyrdger as Royal Minister. The first sessions of parliament are held. Wales does not see as large a population boom as Albion or Scotland, but a minor one, centred around Cardiff and Swansea, does occur.
  • Venetian Republic:
    • Books on various topics spread from Venice throughout Europe, continuing the Renaissance. Printed in the Venetian language, they teach of the sciences and humanities and revive learning, spreading knowledge (as well as the language) far and wide..
    • With the increased supply of Ducats, the fluidity of European trade increases with Ducat using nations benefiting most.
    • Many people sentenced to death are drowned in the canals as is the Venetian tradition. The tradition is becoming the primary way to execute criminals and is spreading to the Venetian territories across Europe.
    • Fine wool and silk clothing from Titani is exported across the Mediterranean and Black Sea and begins to set the trend in Renaissance clothing.
    • Venetian trade reaches across the known world. Merchant ships carry salt, silks, glass and a collection of other goods, both common and rare. Venetian traders are the largest carriers of trade in Europe, with the thousands of ships and a trading tradition continuing to fuel this.
    • The Roscol Bank uses local subsidiaries all across Europe to fund trade, with a leaning toward funding trade with Venice. They also fund enterprises across the continent, boosting the economies of the nations which they inhabit. The Roscol Bank invests conservatively. While this doesn't bring in as much wealth as other nations' banking, such as the Dutch, it results in a much more robust level of equity.
    • Due to the stability of business and protection afforded to private enterprise in Venice, many merchants set up shop in the city despite being foreign, utilising the Venetian law to protect their businesses. Criminals and a less divided merchant class mean prosperity for all those involved with Venetian business in some way.
    • In Veneto Patroni de el Portadura sets about renting land out to other Sigilar Collegantia and invests in purchasing of more lands. The Venetian Government takes up Nordcariot's offer to use their postal system. News of a great student, an architect and thinker of greatr ability, reach the Doge. The boy known as, Marco da Coixa (OTL leonardo da vinci, not all of him though as he is being split in many aspects by players), is sixteen years of age this year and has recently begun working in the workshop of one of the members of the Learned Society of Saint Mark. The Doge decides to watch him carefully. The Doge decides to support Venetian culture further. He funds conversions to Venetian culture across the Republic and Empire. The Order of Saint Mark continues to grow in size and influence, numbering now 64,000 members and still growing but now seeming to slow. The beliefs of the true faith are popular amongst commoners - especially those who feel the church does not practice the faith properly. Alexandria is the destination of massive amounts of pilgrimage from True Faith believers who also attempt to convert locals as well as settle down, many True Faith believers across Venice and other lands think the time has come to reclaim Egypt for Christ. Dragano falls ill in the winter, many say that the man's time grows short, but he makes little of it. He continues to attend to his duties as Doge and refuses to send people in his stead.
    • In the Free Port of Porto Tolle the giant church, known as the Magnum Donum continues building. True Faithers migrate to Porto Tolle to help with the construction.
    • In the Province of Istra Conte Paladin works towards repairing peasant-government relations, although the memory of his fathers much more brutal ruling still holds true in the minds of many people. Despite continuing monitoring of the economy to keep down sinful industries, merchants and entrepreneurs still find a way to set up black markets for a variety of goods and services. Conte Paladin continues his pious lifestyle and rarely visits his government, instead he ratifies the suggestions of his fathers trusted advisors. This leads to many officials not in this exclusive group feeling downtrodden by them.
    • In the Free Port of Scutari growth begins to come back slowly but surely, helped by the policies of Romaso el Ros. He sets about improving the local taxation and agriculture too, and begins a tour of the lands of the Free Port with various officials and guards to assess both the assets of all inhabitants and to work out how agriculture can be bettered.
    • In the Province of Albania 1000 troops arrive in Durazzo from Venice, an assurance from the Doge. Conte Tuscus splits the northern force in two, as the officials of Durazzo refuse to be left unprotected. 500 guards stay behind to ensure the city's safety while 1300 march east to Shijak. Meanwhile the 2000 rebels in Kajava split into several forces, 400 stay to keep Kajava secure while 1000 assault Salushe, losing 50 men in the capturing of it. The remaining 600 spread out across the lands and raid and pillage across the Venetian north. The tactics are effective, causing the 1300 Venetian-Albanian army to spend most of the year trying to clean up the raiders, causing 100 rebels to be killed. The southern rebel force assaults Fieri, resulting in a drawn out battle for the city, causing the rebels to lose 500 men while eliminating most of the loyal Venetian grown men. Many civilians are also killed in the fighting and the city is reduced to a population of 3000. This action forces the rebels to remain in the city to secure it, the population is angry although women, girls and boys are not considered much of a serious threat. The Valonan-Albanian force marches up from the south and stops short of Fieri having heard of the capture of it by the rebels. Once they hear that there are only 1000 rebels left they take the risk of camping near the city, hoping to draw the rebels into open combat. At the end of the year the Venetian-Albanian forces control the province's capital of Durazzo and 5 out of 8 other major settlements and have a total force number of 2900 while the Albanian-rebels control 3 out of 8 major settlements and have a total force number of 2850.
    • In the Province of Zante the Common Court system works well, and many people are appreciative of its style, except those who feel that people are not being brought to justice and are being let off easy. The religious tolerance goes down less well when some Jews from Venice appear on the island and many locals feel they are themselves being discriminated against.
    • In the Free Port of Argos Superpotensa Justin, redoubles efforts into the Great Alm.
    • In the Province of Attica the law banning unpopular practices that are traditional of the church (e.g. extravagence in decoration, exercising power in the name of a foreign institution, etc.) continues to be used to slowly but surely close down Orthodox and Catholic sects, replacing control of places of worship and handing them over to the Order of Saint mark.
    • In the Province of Mytilene the Gastaldos take the Conte on a tour of the other islands using his popularity to maintain support for their government, which they also use as a way of inspecting and bringing justice to corrupt officials.
    • In the Province of Candelore the magistrates report that traders love Candelore for its great facilities. Conte Tiberius takes a tour of the nation. Those who don't see him hear of various deeds and how gracious and at one with the people he is. Many people don't see him, many people talk of his deeds. Later in the year Tiberius is giving great positions to nobles from old families. Further he introduces a court to bring justice to the realm making everyone much happier, according to official reports. Traders leaving occasionally complain about the state of the docks, but of course these traders are just those who are upset they do not have docks like Candelore. Of course Candelore continues to amaze and shock those who do not live in such a great land.
    • In the Province of Morocco the Gastaldo of the trade outposts invests in infrastructure, with each outpost increasing in size as more people move to work in them, slaves is the major income from most of the outposts. The largest outpost numbers just over 200 people. Meanwhile Moroccan Carros continue to trade with Oyo and the Kongo along with other indigenous peoples along the coast.
    • Eco-turn
  • Epirote Republic:
    • In Epirus the council spends most of the year divided between reading historical documents and information and surveying the population. Propaganda is still diseminated amongst the population. On the council, with Dragano falling ill, many of the council members decide to honour their heritage as Illyrian tribes and pursue basing the cultural campaign around this.
    • In the Free Ports of Epirus Tre Cita sets up a workshop in Ioannina and makes a deal with Pascua Montagna, the only other Epirote Sigilar Collegantia, to co-operate on trade and resources. The deal proves to boost both organisation's revenues.
    • In the Province of Valona the Conte builds reserves of weapons and armour along with other war provisions. He is concious of the precarious situation to the north.
    • In the Province of Arta the Conte reports to the council in Epirus that there is a clear group of Byzantine-aligned Epirotes who consider themselves more Greek than Epirote. He warns against using Illyrian tradition, as it might alienate the group further.
    • Mil-turn
  • Venetian Empire:
    • In the Province of Aegina the two towers have only two feet to go and should be finished in the next year. Mil-turn
    • In the Free Port of Athens the Superpotensa writes another letter of concern to the Doge about the True Faithers after they sack the city's church and distribute the wealth. He stays his arm, fearful to aggrivate anything without the Doge's support. Eco-turn
    • In the Province of Candia Conte Frangibus rules dutifully but is known for his aggressive schemes in trying to centralise governance. Sugar is a growing crop, Candia being one of the few places it is grown in Europe, and brings in great money for the economy. Many slaves are put to work on plantations using it. Eco-turn
    • In the Corfiot Protectorate 200 more recruits join the Red Army, bringing numbers to 2700. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Kaffa Conte Simon the younger emulates his father and luckily looks like him too, this leads the people to revere him just as much as his father. Simon the elder, stays in his home and advises his son on what to do. The Kaffan cavalry continue recruiting however Simon the younger also invests heavily in reinforcing the maritime tradition of Kaffa, giving a boost to trade. Eco-turn
    • In the Naxian Protectorate the Governor General heavily supports expanding trade with Alexandria, hoping to use the position of Naxos and their strong naval tradition to be a major beneficiary of a route east. Meanwhile he continues to incorporate the faster and more manuverable Naxian Carros into the Naxian fleet. Mil-turn
    • In the Province of Negroponte Conte Gian puts forwards considerations to create a Sigilar Collegantia to serve the entirety of Negroponte. He cites the possible growth this could generate and the current good economic climate as reasons to do it. Eco-turn
    • In the Free Port of Ragusa Negrocita incorporates the main industries of Ragusa into itself with only minor industries and those determined to maintain their independence being left. The unification boosts the economy. Eco-turn
    • Stop influencing a player nation. We don't allow that. -Feud
    • Read the rules, Feud. I've copy-pasted it for you:
      • You may do the following to any country:
        • Declare war.
        • To a limited extent, help encourage movements among the common people.
  • '​'Alexandria: Trade continues to increase as the ports are re-established and more people are converted to Coptic Christianity due to the See of Saint Mark's presence, including those of the True Faith. Dignitaries and soldiers from Grigorios remain in the Nile Delta region to help Aiguptia and brother Ibrahim stabilize Aiguptia. Missionaries and political organizers remain in the Judea area to establish a Christian Kingdom under the guidance of Alexandria and Aiguptia. Resources and military are sent to to Aiguptia to build and protect  the canal as that process continues and workers are encouraged to go seek out this opportunity - especially minority groups. Diginitaries and missionaries are sent to Nubia region and the rest of Egypt to gather information of the status of Christianity there and convert muslims. Christians in North African nations are invited to immigrate to Alexandria. Grigorios, King of Alexandria marries a beautiful Alexandrian girl named Marina . Inf turn
    • Aiguptia: Continues to stabilize the nation. Engineers, cartographers and philosophers from all trade partners are offered jobs to work on expanding the Philadelphi Canal to take on present day cogs, treasure fleets and other ships. The canal is expected to open for small ships in 1470 and fully open in 1474/75. Workers flow in seeking work and benefits that stream from the jobs, even those from disorganized areas of the former Mashriq Sultinate. Citizens and people in the surrounding regions and province are converted to Coptic Christianity. Missionaries continue to convert people, especially in Cairo. The city at the crossing point of the canal OTL Zagazig, begins to be filled by merchants and people looking to get invovled in the trade industry. Military begins training of European tactics picked up from Rome and other Catholic nations that assisted Alexandria. Aiguptia expands along the Med Sea towards Judea 50px  Inf turn.
    • Venetian Diplomacy: The Doge asks that Alexandria and Venice come to an understanding. Included in this understanding would be Venetian and Mediterranean League use of the Philadelphi Canal as well as possible entry into the Mediterranean League for Alexandria and Aiguptia. The Doge also offers for Alexandria to use the Ducat as a trade currency as Alexandria does not have the gold to have its own.
      • Alexandria and Aiguptia Diplomacy: We have our own currency and have no reason to change our currency. The canal will use Alexandria's Grigorian currency as its main currency. We are willing to allow Venice and other nations to use the canal if they go through proper negotiations.  
    • Castilian Dip: We also look to open up a dialogue with Alexandria over the Canal such as usage. We hope our improved relations with the Betrothal would help usher this forward.
      • Alexandria and Aiguptia Diplomacy: We are interested in opening the Philadelphi to Castile. We are also excited about the betrothal. We would love to open up dialogue with Castilian leaders. (more to come). 
  • Netherlands: The exploration of the african coast continues with dutch explorers traveling along otl Angola and Namibian Coast. With more and more stories coming back to the homeland other expeditions are sent. attempts to make friends with local tribes begins. selling of goods from europe including arquebuses and cannons amongst others in exchange for gold, ivory, special woods amongst other  items. Mapping of the coastlines continue and are studied back at the Royal Navigation acedemy. Karl van Nassau passes away after contracting a disease in a hunting accident. His death is mourned by the Whole country. Maurice van Nassau assumes the throne in Brussels and is proclaimed Maurice I of the Netherlands. being unmarried he takes the daughter of the duke of Guelders Beatrice of Gerle as his bride cementing the ties with dutch nobility. As a sign of respect to his French mother and to build closer ties with his southern neighbors along with an effort to distance himself from German Nassau declares the foundation of the House of Nassau-Orleans and renounces all claims to Nassau in exchange for Nassau and its overlords in Hesse renouncing any possible claims to the Throne of the Netherlands. Maurice also begins talking with the States-General and the Royal Council about expanding greatly the navy and expanding efforts to reach Asia along the African Coast. WIth the profits made form his own ventures Maurice invests heavily into the Merchant Guild expeditions to avoid wasting national funds. He also pushes forward a law separating the National treasury from the Royal family's own finances to both avoid a loss of wealth in case of an economic crisis but also to help promote independent national economic development. To help promote unity in the state Maurice also makes it a necesity for all officials and acedemic circles to be fluent in both Dutch and French. Naval expansion begins to pick up with newer ship designs being made at the request of Maurice to keep up with European standards and to exceed them if possible. As Finances continue to grow and the economy is built around a merchant and banking base the bank of Holland offers special services of handling investments. In an attempt to reapproach the Austrians and restore relations to an extent with the Emperors Maurice requests permission to travel to Vienna and discuss a return to normalcy along with reopening the Rhine river so that German goods may flow along the river into the North Sea. The scientific and artistic circles of the lowlands continue to grow. WIth the dutch revolt over for almost 2 decades and with religious fanatisicism dying down in many parts of the lowlands certain limitations to catholics are removed at Maurice's request and a law to tax catholics is denied by a majority of the States-General, however the catholic church itself is obliged to pay taxes just as any other organization to the state. In a census it is discovered that about 65% of the population is Reformist while the rest is a mix of Western Catholic and Roman Catholic. 
  • Safavid Persian Empire: With the war over, and the safavids losing only a small sliver of coast (SEE TALKPAGE), we begin to rebuild. The wall around isfahan that was destroyed breifly begins rebuilding. A growing city, Terhan, is added to. We work on the military. Junyad Has a stroke, but survives, leaving some worrying about his condition. We begin to plasce influence on Khiva.
  • Mughal Empire: The laws are finished and sent out to the Mughali nobility. The new laws increase the amount of money in the royal treasury. (eco turn)
    • S. Chagatai: The Khan enforces the new Mughal laws on his people. This causes economical advancement.
  • Chiribaya We build up are economy and infrastructure.
  • Cuzco: Military and economy improve in case of Aymara counter attack. War plans are made for next year. Islands on Lake Titicaca are fortifed further by the makeshift Cuzco "navy." Cuzco's economy has grown siginfigantly in the past years follwing increased trade with the other regional countries.
    • Wanka: Military and infrastructure improve. Ties with Cuzco deepen.
  • Hamburg-Mecklenburg: Defensive structures are built. Duke Friedrich invests more into the African voyages, hearing from Castilian and Dutch traders of the Kongo region. Williamsburg and Neue Lüneburg see growth as southerly trips become more common. Hamburg asks Venice if it can build a warehouse in Veneto. Heinrich Volkards protege, Ludwig Veit, becomes more adept in painting, but Veit also takes an interest in mechanics and begins drawing complex mechanical contraptions (some doing as simple things as clearing a chamber pot) in his spare time.
    • Ruppin: Economy expanded.
    • Magdeburg: Economy expanded. 
  • With the Koryaks essentially victorious in the Alyeskan War, a treaty is offered to the Tlingit in which they would cede OTL Chichagof and Baranof Islands to the Koryaks. In the meantime, settlers pour in to the seurely occupied Chichagof Island, establishing homesteads and a network of fortifications. The garrison is scaled back to 2500 men, but with the Tlingit ships destroyed, there is no real danger of counterattack.(Mod Response Needed for Treaty).
    • Chukchis: Expand the navy, constructing a new harbour on the coast.
    • East Yakuts: (Given that my nation is apparently significantly smaller than I thought, it is impossible for me to have vassalized the Yakuts in the first place.) Sweeping unrest within the nation at the new taxes enables another Yakut chieftains to sweep in and seize the vassal. With the military and navy engaged on the other side of the world, no response is possible, so the Koryaks recognize the collapse of the Eats Yakut state. 
    • Ustokut: Expand the military.
  • Yemen: Emir an-Mohammed Ahmad II arrives in Constantinople and requests an audience with the Emperor, hoping to renew trade between the nations. While waiting for a response from the Emperor, he explores the grand city of Constantinople, taking note of the many bizarre and wonderful things throughout the city. The Marshall of Yemen takes over as Regent in the period that the Emir is gone. The Regent continues the Emir's policies and continues consolidating the monarchy's power within the realm. He also continues funding trade as the Emir was doing, and he also starts putting focus upon the Philadelphi Canal and it's eventual usefulness in the trade of the region. He also looks into expanding the navy and into the planning of an expedition to the South. The Regent continues influencing Oman. Before the leave of the Emir, him and the Regent had discussed plans of invading the state of Mecca. These plans are sent out to the allies of Yemen, hoping to completely secure their aid in the possible invasion.
  • 'Ashikaga Shogunate: Dissent among the peasantry in the Shogunate over the Shogun's repressive policies and the divisive introduction of tithes increases, with rural violence spreading out of the Date Province in to the rest of the Shogunate. Within the Date Province, rule from Kyoto is virtually non-existent, with the power of the Imperial Shinto Sect increasing due to an aggressive campaign of organisation of support and preaching of beliefs. The Sect begins to call on the Emperor to take control of the situation due to their belief in his divine nature. ('Mod response please.) In the rest of the Shogunate, government forces remain in control, with martial law being proclaimed in the entire nation. However, the Shogun begins to hear unconfirmed reports of desertions from mobilised militia and the spread of belief in the divinity of the Emperor, helped by priests from the Imperial Shinto Sect.
  • Ayutthaya roundly defeats the Sri Vijyans in war, smashing their last armies and annexing a large part of them to the vassal of Padang. The rest has a puppet government installed and is made into a vassal. The nation of Kedah is annexed to become one of the Kingdoms of Ayutthaya after several years of increasing Ayutthayan influence on them. We send diplomats to Sanafah asking for trading pacts. The nation of Aceh, mightily impressed with our thrashing of the Sri Vijayans, agrees to sign several submission treaties, and becomes a vassal (10 turns. I DARE you to complain, lol.). Our relations with the Khmer continue to improve. King Indaraja II is taken sick, however, upon returning from Sri Vijaya, and it appears that the king might die. After a week, the king, miraculously, recovers, but it puts his mind on the state of the Kingdom after his death. The Kingdoms are granted more autonomy in exchange for increased Central control over the armies and suchlike. A new King is appointed over Kedah, along with two other regions whose leaders died after the war. The economy grows vastly after the war with Sri Vijaya, as other nations are impressed by our power. The Golden Army goes back to training, while greater troop rotaions are put into place such that the Kingdoms might be able to call up over 100,000 soldiers in a time of need. All vassals expand their militaries as a result.
    • Sanafahi Diplomacy: The Council of Sanafah agrees to a trade pact with Ayutthaya and trade in vanilla, coffee, cotton, tobacco, pepper, clove, groundnut, and lychee all begin to take place. Sanafah would like naval technology to allow for better trade, however.
  • Mapuche:  Xoryas visits all of the Mapuche villages and institutes a formal training program for the entire War Band, effectively increasing the strength of the military.  As the War Band now connects the people of the villages more closely, travel and trade between the villages is more common, resulting in more goods manufactured and traded for supplies.  Many express the desire to trade with outsiders. Copperworkers continue to lust after a stronger substance.
  • Caucasian Confederation: With the conclusion of the Persian war, the Confederation requests its promised Persian ports from the Mansuriyyan Caliphate, as well as the opening of negotiations with Yemen for the cession of Socotra. The Armenian and Assyrian economies expand as the armies return home. Meanwhile, Georgia, Rani, and Amier-Kavkasia wage one more year of war in Azerbaijan; a suitable peace proposal is being drafted, and will be delivered to the Azeri Sultan when Shirvan falls.
  • Hesse: With Katharina married, Ludwig II's worries about her nun-hood vanish. Ludwig II, due to his other worries about the succession issues, begins eating to deal with his anxiety. He begins to gain a lot of weight, his nickname becoming the 'Grand Fat Duke'. He continues to write music though, as much of the population starts to do as well as a national pastime. We continue developing the economy and continue to vassalize Koln and Westfalen. Polar bear furs are brought to the general market of Hesse for the first time under the Weniger Merchant's Guild. The furs are being used for decoration and clothing. Most fur is used for making clothing for the armies of Hesse. Walrus tusks and whale blubber also begin to be sold. Walrus tusks are sold for decoration as well, and also are put on things such as helmets, or hats. Whale blubber is largely used for consumption.
  • Trier: We upgrade our military and economy. The states around us are influenced. Trade routes are established, opening trade among Hesse, Cologne, and Austria and her vassals. We dedicate this turn to infrastructure expansion, building several defenses, and roads to link towns across the nation. Fortifications around our capital are improved and updated. 
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Landshut expands its military. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Jacqueline and her council continue to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished, and by 1468 a trade route is put in place. Such important places in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1468, Jacqueline commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The planned market center in Landshut continues to attract regional traders. In religious news, the country begins converting to the Western Netherlander church. By the end of this year, around 75% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. Jacqueline continues efforts to implement Sedevacantist policies in the government, being much more religious than her father. The Grand Duchess continues to make new titles for her nobles and grants them more privileges. Jacqueline also makes it her plan to simplify the administration of Bavaria. She starts this by planning to divide Bavaria into three large provinces: Franconia, Regensburg, and Bavaria Proper. Within each are smaller counties, numbering ten counties. In Franconia, there is Wurzburg, Bamberg, Burggrafschaft, and Upper Nurnburg. In Regensburg, there is Lower Nurnburg, Straubing, Burgau, and Ingolstadt. In Bavaria Proper, there is Landshut, and Munich. As the year moves on, Jacqueline places several loyal tax collectors and exchequers in each county to simplify the taxing process. She also places several court favorites in mayor positions in Munich, Regensburg, Straubing, and Bamberg. Albrecht, Baron Ingolmaacht, is made Count of Franconia. In foreign news, Eleanor continues to live in Venice, earning the alliance of Christofo and Isabella. However, the current Doge is not a supporter of Eleanors and refuses to commit troops to what he sees as a weak, unfounded cause. While Eleanor is disheartened, she continues to support anti-Jacquelites in Bavaria and gathers support in Venice.
    • Munchen: By 1468, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 2900 men. Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. In recent news, unemployment continues to drop after Jacqueline's restoration.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. The statue dedicated to Eleanor is torn down by supporters of Jacqueline
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Once more unrests builds as Jacqueline is duchess again.
  • Ottoman Sultanate: The Sultan is pleased to hear that the war against the Safavids was successful, and hopes the feud will not be detrimental in the relationship between the two Muslim nations. The Grand Vizier takes a trip by caravan to the Mansuriyyan Caliphate to congratulate them in the conflict, and to discuss the Ottoman retrieval of a port city to improve trade in the Sultanate. Meanwhile, the economy is improved as less spending is put into the military.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to shift its trade to the west, although this slows down due to the opening/restoration of the canal in Egypt. Engineers and soldiers continue to help with the project there. Weapons and books continue to be sent to the Tartar Empire to help the Emperor Theodore defeat his opponents. With the weapons available to the Empire largely reaching a standstill, the Emperor turns his attention towards bettering the health and wealth of his people. To this end, he encourages the continued research into medical care and the expansion and construction of hospitals. Education is also seriously considered once again now that the times of war have passed the Empire by. To help do this, the University of Constantinople considers sending some of its scholars to other parts of the Empire to educate citizens that cannot make the journey to Constantinople.
    • Albania: With the revolts in Italian Albania in full swing, the kingdom is not sure how to react. Many of the citizens want the war to happen, and some even move back to help the resistance. The government is much more neutral, concerned if the Roman Empire will back such military action and the thought of waging war on a nation that helped Albania gain independence. The national military is expanded and trained further as a result. Skanderbeg dies from old age and is succeeded by his son. The nation goes into mourning and the heads of state from nearby and allied nations are invited to attend the funeral.
    • Alexandria Diplomacy: We send our best wishes to Skanderbeg's family and the Roman people. We will attend the funeral. 
  • Milan: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. We upgrade infrastructure, as do our vassals.
  • Pskov Uses its ears in Muscovy to ahve the Prince influence the Ukrainian states in order to vassalize them and install the Zolotnik Currency. Meanwhile, as a center of Science, many people go pskov, spread ideas, people enroll in the College of Phicisians and the Academy of NAtural Studies, Philosphy, and Alchemy. Due to all this new influx of people, and the growth of Nizhnigorodsk-Na-Narve, including the coming immigrants that are all sent there to be shipwrights, the economy improves a little with a much larger Merchant fleet that was perviously possible, The Port of Nizhnigorodsk-Na-Narve and a dry dock, one of the first of its kind, is constructed. Work on the university's two other factions, the Seminary and the Institute are underway.
  • Kingdom of Italy: King Charles I continues the reforms of his father, and improves the economy and the military. Continues the construction and improvement of shipyards and production of new boats to combat in the Mediterranean. Territorial defense continues being built based on border forts. Relations with the Byzantine Empire continue strong. The Naval Academy in Taranto continues the technological research with Venice. The King continue to give new impetus to the culture within the kingdom and its vassal states, in art, science, etc.
    • Kingdom of Sicily: The army continue the process of assimilation of Italian tactics that spread through the Mediterranean, promoting the use of early firearms. The economy of the island is mostly cereal crops. Thanks to Italian support the exploitation of olives and wine grapes continues. 
    • Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Improves the economy and the military. The economic prosperity of the previous years is accented with commercial junction providing by Italy and Genoa, and the city of Florence is the commercial nexus among all the Italian states. Frederick I helps promote economic prosperity, gives incentives to help manufacturing output grow, and improve access roads to make the trade more fluid and profitable. The army is formed to the image of the Italian army, with gradual use of new firearms that become quite popular. Frederick I became a great patron and the Tuscan nobles follow this particular policy. The artists, protected and maintained by the nobles and bourgeois rising, unleash their creativity.
    • Duchy of Genoa: Improves the economy and the military. The Duchy of Genoa continues trading from the Black Sea to the Straits of Gibraltar, using new models of ships with cargo holds of more spacious and allow greater profit. With the help of Italian military fleet, try to force richest commercial rights in Tunisian ports. In Genoa the boom in production of luxury items continue. The pressure of the Genoese traders in Tunis is growing, and combined with the presence of Christian missionaries, who at the same time serve commercial spies; is accomplished the capture of a lot of exotic products that are not easy to get due to the conflicts and trade barriers in the Near East, and the axis between Tunis and Genoa is strengthened. The Genoese economy restarts its golden age.
    • Duchy of Ferrara: Improves the economy and the military. The paper industry is forging ahead, and also the making of looms, making this duchy in one of the most productive in northern Italy. Duke Niccolo I continue the loyal service to Italy. 
    • Duchy of Corsica: Improves the economy and the military. The exploitation of salt mines and silver continues. In the same way, the vine crops increase in extension and quality, and the manufacture of wine each year improves in quality and quantity, and is recognized as the best European wine. On the island of Corsica a boom of mercenaries continues. The Italian army started recruiting many Corsicans, making them a legend in terms of ferocity and skill in the skirmishes and battles. 
    • Marquisate of Modena: Improves the economy and the military. Niccolo is dedicated to art and culture, encouraging painters, sculptors and architects that embellish this little Marquisate, leading Italian opulence to a new levelMarquis Niccolo I continues the loyal service to Italy.
    • Principality of Zeta: Improves the economy and the military. Dairy cattle production increases, and in the same way the manufacture of better quality cheese, they continue to be exported to Italy, Hungary and Byzantium. The Prince Giovanni I continues the cultural boom.
    • Vatican City: Pope continue the campaign of evangelization in the lands of the Balkans. Missionaries continue to working in North Africa, especially in Tunisia, where they try to recover the core of Christians. The Pope like his predecessor condemns all those who come to the false churches that are being created in Europe. The Pope in his speeches also continues condemning the current lack of security of pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land, which the Christian nations have a priority to recover these places and they are missing to the will of God. The nephew of Pope Callistus III, Rodrigo Borgia continue his ascent in the Roman curia.
    • Order of the Knights of Malta: The Grand Master of the Order Piero Raimondo Camelot, uses his fleet of ten ships to patrol the central Mediterranean, also helping needy Christians. Military elements are improved, and the economy is maintained by the Italian and Sicilian support.
    • County of Provence: The reform of the administration continues, adapting the Italian model which has had so much success. Improves economy through trade and manufacturing cloth. The military camp is also improved, adding new equipment and Italian military ideas.
    • Duchy of Anjou: As in Provence, the Duchy transformation is performed. The economy and military improve.
    • Alencon: The economy and military improve.
    • Narbonne: The economy and military improve.
    • Vendome: The economy and military improve.
  • The Hungarian King Sigismund secretly begins to plan the rearrangement of the vassals and the growth of some of his states and the removal of others completely. Sigismund continues to use the divided lands for his advantage, allowing for the creation of more towns due to better management of the land and thus allowing for more farming and food as well as greater amounts of revenue which goes to the crown and helps increase the wealth of Hungary. Crown Prince Sigismund continues to grow up to become a strong boy. He is allocated personal tutors who will teach him the ins and outs of Royalty and ruling, and will hopefully help him ascend to the throne, where he will become the fourth of his name. Princess Sophia takes care of her sons Nikola and Ladislaus, and both grow up and are begun to be taught languages, the ways of court and given a decent education. Serbian males in Hungary are forced to work even harder and many die due to harsh treatment. People from Dalmatia are encouraged to move to Serbia and huge numbers continue to move southward. Such a large migration has caused a large boom on the roads to the south, with scores of new villages and settlements established and allowing for much better farming practices to be implemented in Serbia. However, this has caused a large manpower shortage and as a result, thousands from Croatia move southward into Dalmatia along with many Hungarians as well as a lot of Serbian workers. With the nobles who spoke out against the previous King dealt with, Sigismund now has greater control over his nobles and the lands of his nation. Large numbers of villages and towns are rebuilt from the ground up and now begin to boom as they become centres of trade and bartering. These towns provide the manpower to work the fields and grow more crops. With the mixing of the Dalmatian and Serbian cultures, various new folktales are born as different stories are mixed to create new ones. Stored grains are used when they are needed, and prove to be a winning system. In the times of war, the stored grains help peasants feed themselves and keeps discontent down for now. More large ships are constructed in the dockyards in Croatia using cheap and plentiful Serbian workers and many are finished and set to sail. All ships fly the Hungarian flag with pride. This helps to boost the military power of the navy, and these ships are soon sent south to go patrolling. More equipment for the soldiers is produced in forges and this will help arm more soldiers. Seeing the largening iron and steel demands, trading for those resources is increased in exchange for grains. With growing numbers of ships arriving from docks, the fleet off the coast strengthens and the naval division begins to expand its range of operations quickly in case there is a threat from the sea. Merchant ships use Byzantine and Venetian ports to trade and earn money in, while beginning to sail to UNC ports too, helping expand the influence of Hungarian merchants. The ports on the Altantic islands begin to see a rapid increase in trading and profits due to the word being spread. It is also good for housing a few military vessels. The large fleet arrives to the naval port in Jutland and begin to sail around the port, helping to guard it as well as be on the look out for any piracy on potential trading ships coming into the port. With the argeement of Venice to buy 40%, Sigismund has a large amount of wealth on his hands. He immediately funds this wealth into the upgrading of the shipbuilding yards of Ventian design and the use of cheap labour helps to speed up construction time hugely. Sigismund names the large ships he plans to build Carroks, hoping they will give Hungary naval pride and prowess enjoyed by a select few. Sigismund hopes this will help Hungary gain more money and power than it has ever held before. Trading with Zeta continues in earnest. The checkpoint castles are a great help in housing troops which are patrolling routes of both nations as well as wealthy and influential merchants and nobles travelling between the nations. Poland now sees greater economic growth as their economy is not only stable but able to grow rapidly on its own. Poland continues to grow even stronger economically as more and more money is invested in trading stalls and merchentile systems as well as the construction for roads and such. Poland is now under the control of Sigismund and he plans to use this to his benefit. He begins to promote nobles loyal to him. Many who oppose him are assassinated quietly and their lands allocated to the nobles from Hungary and those loyal to Sigismund. He begins to almost immediately promote the agricultural practices he has been promoting in Hungary and Serbia, and as a result the Polish workforce begins to build irrigation networks as well as begin to be told on how to farm using better practices. The Polish army continues to grow in strength, actively training with Hungarian soldiers to better their fighting skills while getting supplied by Hungarian blacksmiths. Missionaries begin to preach the word of god and distribute Bibles to those who can read in a bid to convert secret pagans to Christendom and show them the light of God. Both nations now see a large amount of trade conducted within each other's borders and this makes the merchants learn of each other's languages. Many become fluent in Polish while other fluent in Hungarian. In the border regions, a mixture of the languages begin to develop as it becomes more convenient for speakers and tradesmen. Yet Serbian begins to influence language too, due to the large numbers of workers present in various parts of the nation. However, due to the large number of merchants from Hungary - who's economy is booming, Hungarian begins to be spoken in many parts of Poland as it becomes the preferred trading language. The population of Hungary is estimated to be around 4.0 million due to peacetime growth. Large irrigation channels have been created by workers, helping to expand the regions of farmland under the control of the crown. Dozens of the first guns are created in secret gunsmith workshops near the capital. These new weapons soon begin to be tested extensively in the hope they could perhaps become a revolutionary weapon which could help Hungary win wars. Seeing the rebelling Benu Sulaym, King Sigismund becomes extremely angry and calls his nobles together. He orders the mobilisation of 40,000 Serbian foot soldiers, along with 5,000 Hungarian Knights and 15,000 Hungarian foot soldiers along with Croatian and Polish elements. He quickly calls his fleet and puts it under the command of Lord Garai, who will lead the ships and men to Banu Sulaym and hopefully save the last city still under Hungarian control. To ensure his city will survive, seige equipment is specifically brought to the coast and transferred onto ships which will transport them. Lord Garai sets off with the largest Hungarian fleet ever assembled, and leads them to Banu Sulaym.
    • The Kingdom of Croatia sees a major land redistribution due to Sigismund. Although the trading boom within the nation continues, with the Hungarian acquisition of coastal lands, Hungary now begins to use the ports in the regions it has taken over to transport its goods and trade. The dockyards cut the wood and build the large fighting vessels for the Crown, as requested by the king himself. However, the retro-fitting of the dockyards begins and workers are put to use very quickly. Serbian workers in their thousands are forced to work like slave labour, speeding up construction times significantly. The dockyards are expected to be ready by next year. More of these dockyards also begin to be built in various parts of the Hungarian coastline and it is hoped these, too, will be complete by next year. More large ships are constructed and help to bolster the Hungarian fleet. A tariff for merchants trading is also in place but it is put at favourable levels with none for the Venetians due to the alliance between the states and the amount of trading between them. Venetian traders are a common sight in Croatian ports, helping to bring in much revenue. Many Croat nobles protest the land distribution, but most are reminded they still keep their lands, only their overlord is now directly the king. The soldiers are trained in Croatia to protects its remaining ports.
    • In Garay, all roads have now been fixed and thus this allows for the trading speeds to increase expodentially. The Garai House sees the birth of another son, while Lord Garai assumes control of more land within Garay. He uses his control to use the land to increase crop yields as well as the amount of trading ongoing between each of the nobles. The money is sent as taxes and used to upgrade the standings of the nobles themselves. Many men are also trained in military combat to make them more effective foot-soldiers. Due to the good relations of Lord Garai and King Sigismund, the Garai Family begin to gain influence in various lands such as Croatia, Split, Zalchumia, Bosnia and Dalmatia.
    • In Split, the nobles begin to work on creating standing armies to manage and controlling their lands. Castles continue being built in the vassal while many old ones are completely torn apart and their land allocated for peasants. The soldiers of the nobles who were executed are distributed between the present nobles and they quickly begin to adapt - training with their new fighting partners. The nation trains its knights hard and trains commoners too.
    • Bosnia also sees a lot of economic and military growth. The nation begins to organise its own soldiers under the command of nobles who take part in knight competitions to increase their skill set while readying forces in case they are called up to defend the lands.The remainder of the Kosaca Family continue to serve as Sigismund and his extended family's wards and servants.
    • In Serbia, there is peace in the lands as the nobles settle down to governing their estates and lands in the name of the King. The local noblescontinue to oversee the reconstruction of various villages and towns which had been destroyed in the uprising. The influx of Dalmatians is seen as a positive as it helps to find partners for the tens of thousands of women who do not have a husband as well as provides manpower for the farms along with a greater set of farming skills. Merchants are also encouraged to set up stalls and sell and barter their goods and this begins to help the poor economy to slowly grow.
    • Banu Sulaym sees a lot of rebels. In the small enclave left - the ships arrive with 60,000 men in total. The 40,000 Serbian troops are led straight into the heartland regions, where the rebellion is kicking off. The remaining 20,000 currently stay in the enclave itself, hoping to defend it from attack. The seige equipment is readed and will be used to defend the city at all costs.


Several people in the Swiss Confederacy are tried for witchcraft and burned at the stake. The hysteria causes similar incidents in rural areas across the nation.

The Safavids are demoralized by their recent defeat in a foreign invasion, concurrent to their own recently ended civil war, causing brief unrest and instability. This causes their military and economy scores to be divided in half in any offensive war for the next fifteen years, as the Persians are forced to focus on holding their own territory.

Many Alexandrians begin to clamour for control of ethnically similar areas extending into Judea and further in North Africa as well (Alexandria gain normal expansion rates instead of Halved for expansion into culturally similar areas)

The Koryak confederacy begins to show signs of a plague devastating their confederacy with whole areas being wiped out across huge swaths of territory.  

Thanks, nice of you. Krasnoyarsk (talk) 10:58, April 11, 2014 (UTC)

Many Former Mashriq states begin to organize as coherent Sultanates begin to rise up.

The former Soconuscan rebels along with their tribal allies form the city state of Itzapam farther south from the original location of Soconusco.

Question: Are there three different places around this region now? Itzapam, Atlocuapo, and Soconusco? Or is the whole place just one area? SwankyJ (talk) 05:38, April 11, 2014 (UTC)

Soconusco is now Itzapam and Altocuapo was complete wiped out/taken over by the rebellion. So now this is a city state of Itzapam with currently 50-60,000 people which will grow. im gonna be adding them to the map -Feud

  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to convert to the Western Church. The Prussians begin to build their army. The Prussians officially vassalize Ossel-Wiek.
    • Courland: The Curonians also continue developing their economy and military. The Curonians also continue converting to the Western Church.
    • Ossel-Wiek: Ossel-Wiek also begins developing their economy and military. Ossel-Wiek also begins converting to the Western Church.
  • Trier: We upgrade our military and economy. The states around us are influenced. Trade routes are established, opening trade among Hesse, Cologne, and Austria and her vassals. We dedicate this turn to infrastructure expansion, building several defenses, and roads to link towns across the nation. Fortifications around our capital are improved and updated. Archbishop Jakob von Sierk peacefully dies in his sleep, and is succeeded by Christian von Württemberg, son of Ulrich V of Swabia. 
  • Guaymi: The vassalization of Ngobe-Bugle has been completed (Three of Three), the Ngobians transition smoothly into Guaymi rule as the bond was strengthened through the personal union between the Emperor's new wife.  Emperor Tirarokwete and Mutukriye consimate their marriage and have a baby, naming the first born Machete.  Rumors spread around the nation that when the Prince was born he was seen clutching a raised fist, showing signs of strong leadership for his future.  The nation rejoices in the birth of the first Prince of the nation.  Hospitals, schools and houses continue to be built in Mununi, as more cities begin to see a slow migration of people entering the cities around the nation.  The nation now boasts a population of roughly 600,000 with the vassalization of Ngobe-Bugle. In the eastern part of the nation, roads linking Guaymi with its new province are built.
    • Ngobe-Bugle:  Upon the vassalization of Guaymi the newly adopted nation begins to work on its economic opportunities to prove their worth to the Guaymians.  Villagers begin to fish more and begin to establish a lumber industry to help build new houses in the province. To honor the new union, Chief Mushuni sends Emperor Tiarokwete 100 of his strongest Bow warriors to serve in the Emperor's army.
  • Kingdom of Italy: King Charles I continues the reforms of his father, and improves the economy and the military. Continues the construction and improvement of shipyards and production of new boats to combat in the Mediterranean. Territorial defense continues being built based on border forts. Relations with the Byzantine Empire continue strong. The Naval Academy in Taranto continues the technological research with Venice. The King continue to give new impetus to the culture within the kingdom and its vassal states, in art, science, etc.
    • Kingdom of Sicily: The army continue the process of assimilation of Italian tactics that spread through the Mediterranean, promoting the use of early firearms. The economy of the island is mostly cereal crops. Thanks to Italian support the exploitation of olives and wine grapes continues. 
    • Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Improves the economy and the military. The economic prosperity of the previous years is accented with commercial junction providing by Italy and Genoa, and the city of Florence is the commercial nexus among all the Italian states. Frederick I helps promote economic prosperity, gives incentives to help manufacturing output grow, and improve access roads to make the trade more fluid and profitable. The army is formed to the image of the Italian army, with gradual use of new firearms that become quite popular. Frederick I became a great patron and the Tuscan nobles follow this particular policy. The artists, protected and maintained by the nobles and bourgeois rising, unleash their creativity.
    • Duchy of Genoa: Improves the economy and the military. The Duchy of Genoa continues trading from the Black Sea to the Straits of Gibraltar, using new models of ships with cargo holds of more spacious and allow greater profit. With the help of Italian military fleet, try to force richest commercial rights in Tunisian ports. In Genoa the boom in production of luxury items continue. The pressure of the Genoese traders in Tunis is growing, and combined with the presence of Christian missionaries, who at the same time serve commercial spies; is accomplished the capture of a lot of exotic products that are not easy to get due to the conflicts and trade barriers in the Near East, and the axis between Tunis and Genoa is strengthened. The Genoese economy restarts its golden age.
    • Duchy of Ferrara: Improves the economy and the military. The paper industry is forging ahead, and also the making of looms, making this duchy in one of the most productive in northern Italy. Duke Niccolo I continue the loyal service to Italy. 
    • Duchy of Corsica: Improves the economy and the military. The exploitation of salt mines and silver continues. In the same way, the vine crops increase in extension and quality, and the manufacture of wine each year improves in quality and quantity, and is recognized as the best European wine. On the island of Corsica a boom of mercenaries continues. The Italian army started recruiting many Corsicans, making them a legend in terms of ferocity and skill in the skirmishes and battles. 
    • Marquisate of Modena: Improves the economy and the military. Niccolo is dedicated to art and culture, encouraging painters, sculptors and architects that embellish this little Marquisate, leading Italian opulence to a new levelMarquis Niccolo I continues the loyal service to Italy.
    • Principality of Zeta: Improves the economy and the military. Dairy cattle production increases, and in the same way the manufacture of better quality cheese, they continue to be exported to Italy, Hungary and Byzantium. The Prince Giovanni I continues the cultural boom.
    • Vatican City: Pope continue the campaign of evangelization in the lands of the Balkans. Missionaries continue to working in North Africa, especially in Tunisia, where they try to recover the core of Christians. The Pope like his predecessor condemns all those who come to the false churches that are being created in Europe. The Pope in his speeches also continues condemning the current lack of security of pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land, which the Christian nations have a priority to recover these places and they are missing to the will of God. The nephew of Pope Callistus III, Rodrigo Borgia continue his ascent in the Roman curia.
      • Alexandria Diplomacy: We ask the Vatican City for some funds in order to secure the Holy Land to be safe for all pilgrams. 
    • Order of the Knights of Malta: The Grand Master of the Order Piero Raimondo Camelot, uses his fleet of ten ships to patrol the central Mediterranean, also helping needy Christians. Military elements are improved, and the economy is maintained by the Italian and Sicilian support.
    • County of Provence: The reform of the administration continues, adapting the Italian model which has had so much success. Improves economy through trade and manufacturing cloth. The military camp is also improved, adding new equipment and Italian military ideas.
    • Duchy of Anjou: As in Provence, the Duchy transformation is performed. The economy and military improve.
    • Alencon: The economy and military improve.
    • Narbonne: The economy and military improve.
    • Vendome: The economy and military improve.
  • Hamburg-Mecklenburg: Duke Friedrich has the HTSC prepare a voyage down the African coast, determined to become a major exploration power. The Port of Hamburg grows, thanks to Hamburgs position as a large trading hub. The HTSC finds itself owning a large portion of Baltic Sea trade, with routes to Prussia, Novgorod, and Pskov. Duke Friedrich wishes to mend relations with the Scandinavian Empire, saying "I am not my father".
    • Magdeburg: Infrastructure expanded.
    • Ruppin: Infrastructure expanded.
    • Scandinavian D: We do not consort with traitors.
    • H-M dip: Duke Friedrich in response: "Is this what you want? Do you want to live in the past? Do you want us to eye down each other over the wooden fence that is the border, with our hands on our swords ready to unsheathe them, like a war gone cold? Do you want to live like that?"
  • Castile: The Castilian economy has massively swelled with thanks to the creation of the spanish confederation and the addition of Aragons trade and military fleet at Castiles disposal. Along with this the population of Castile has reached about 6.9 million with growth somewhat slowing down with castilians migrating to Aragon en masse to fill up positions and prevent some ethnic revolution from developing. Many of these settlers though are men offered a policing or security job in the country and many of these men begin to interbreed and help the cultural assimilation of Aragon. Castile as leader of the Spanish confederation begins a series of economic and military reforms on all the kingdoms in order to expand all the local economies and militaries and centralize the confederations economies in general. Castile at this point has explored further down africa establishing multiple trade posts along the way and reaching a point where the sea rounds the continent. However the failure of supplies has led to this exlporation fleet having to turn back. Castile has begun the development of a series of new ships meant to replace some of the aging designs and add some new innovations. The Castilian navy begins to replace multiple ships with the new carracks as some of the largest ships in castile fleet. The Castilian renaissance with the addition of Aragons renaissance techniques has exploded significantly and with permittance from the monarchy embroiled with organizing the spanish confederacy and multiple projects the Renaissance has led to a mass amount of art and technological innovation being developed. Castile and its confederacy and vassals has now fully converted to the western church with the only exception being cyprus due to its orthodox roots and orthodox leadership which prevents a total conversion. Castile continues to vassalize the Kongo (4 of 8) using the trade, fleet basing and a promise to help them Christianize their brothers and seize more territory as a pretense for this.
  • Oyo Diplomacy: The Oyo government wishes to warn the Castilian crown that new aggressive measures have been taken to protect the Oyo people and nation from the plague which has appeared in the lands of Arabia. To that end, new laws have been enacted which limit your ships to a secondary port outside of the walls of Lagos, and that your men must reside in the quarters set up for them that. Additionally, if any attempts to enter the city walls, they will be killed immediately. This is not an act of aggression, but more our government doing what must be done to protect its people from a potential danger in the form of a vile disease. Instead, any trade you wish to conduct with the city of Lagos and Oyo as a whole, must be done beyond the city walls of Lagos or any other major port and city in the empire. Also, if you wish to contain the government of Oyo, a diplomat will be waiting for you at one of the designated trading ports assigned to service your men. We thank you for your coopoeration. On a lighter note, we wish to buy 200 guns from your nation, as well as 15 cannon. We have heard many good things about them, and wish to have such firepower on our side. The neighboring tribals have been growing restless, and we wish to see how well these weapons fare against our foes ourselves. We are prepared to pay any price for them.
  • Castile dip: We can sell 200 guns and about 10 cannons we will do that.
  • You have no idea this plague exists, its a fast moving plague that can move with traders. if could for all you know come with the same guy bringing the news not to mention no disease has even been put into a mod event yet....
  • Aw man. Why you gotta ruin all the fun? Well, at least you left the gun purchase. BTW, I'm gonna be a nicer person from now on! :D ~Viva
    • Kingdom of Aragon: The Country itself is placed in a personal union under Castile with Ferdinand of Castile ruling over both Castile and Aragon. The relatively good treatment of Aragon by Castile and the fallacy of actions of the previous king in burning various areas and completely razing Aragons capital city have forever earned the enmity and hate of most of the Aragonian people, many of which believed they could continue their lives under Castile in a better fashion, with greater access to Castile's vast diplomatic, trade and military power. This, along with common religion and semi-related language, has lead to a nearly seamless transition into the personal union. Nobles have been appointed by Prince Carlos of Castile personally who has personally overseen the majority of the war in Aragon which with his expertise, charisma and swaying abilities has led to many supporting his decisions on either side. Carlos himself is appointed the transitional governor of Aragon in order to facilitate a much smoother transition. The Kingdom's navy previously seized is returned to people sympathetic to Castilians and the military navy in particular is given to a series of respected and well known aragonians loyal to Castile. Aragon's assimilation into Castile cultural base begins due to many nobles now speaking Spanish (Castilian) which shows a notable effect of a few people especially merchants which are currently able to speak the language proficiently. Aragonians spurred on by Prince Carlos to rebuild Zaragoza begin the work needed to rebuild the city and the various burned towns surrounding the city. For the time being, however, the capital of Aragon proper is migrated to Valencia. With Castilian assistance various infrastructural areas are rebuilt and the military is expanded to a token force of 4000. Along with this support the Aragonian economy recovers slowly with a slow but controlled influx of Castilian economic aid helping Aragon recover. The Aragonian Navy is allowed by Castile to move towards settlements in the Canaries down into Capo Verde, and according to Castilian trade agreements docks in Oyo for trade nearly doubling their previous range. This is pushed down further pushing underneath Oyo further down the coast using Castilian trade posts to explore.
    • Kingdom of Granada: The economy, while moderate, is expanded. The Prince of Granada is a Castilian noble named Juan Cortez who is extremely biased against Muslims due to his father's death in the original war against Morocco over Gibraltar. The countries armed forces also begin to fight the remaining Muslims in the mountains and begin the force conversion of the remaining Muslims in Granada.  The military is worked on just in case. The Granadan kingdom begins to build up a moderate navy with the expressed example of reaching 50 ships over the next few years. The Granadan prince begins to look at the integration of Granada as a possibility due to the majority of the population being western catholic and castilian. This is to be done over a long term period
    • Kingdom of Cyprus:The King of Cyprus is now King Alexander of Cyprus. The King of Cyprus begins to see Castilian culture not as a dominant force but a possible blendable culture that can fit well within Cypriot society. The economy and military of the country is built up as is the infrastructure with a nice road system being built throughout the country. Cyprus gaining large funds from being a Castilian trade hub, begins building a few ships domestically, and purchases ships from Castile, or her allies shipwrights forming a respectable Cypriot navy of almost 90 ships with expected expansion to come. This expansion has been achieved specifically thanks to huge amounts of outsourcing to private shipwrights. Cyprus begins to see an exodus of the Knights Hospitaller west to Castile and her territories and King Matthias begins a larger recruitment for the military managing to raise a force of nearly 10,000. This force is largely funded through the large trade Cyprus has gathered. The troops are styled after Castile's royal army and Cyprus embarks on an intense training program in order to bring them up to standards. The Knights, with many departing also have many older and other knights stay due to their close ties with Cyprus. They remain to run the Knights Hospitaller in Cyprus for the foreseeable future while a large number have migrated across the sea. The Kingdom of Cyprus due to the recent issues in Castile reluctantly recognizes Carlos and his Regency for Prince Ferdinand . Cyprus itself with its fleet of nearly 100 ships begins to take after the Venetian example with trade and begins to put Cypriot merchant ships into state possession for trade in order to help with the kingdoms finances and heavy trade. This show immediate results as a relative increase in funding and attention to trade between castile and her allies begins to improve the quality of trade.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The less fortunate and disenfranchised are converted. The Kingdom itself is a Christian kingdom with a similar situation of early Castile and Aragon, with large numbers of Muslims and a small number of Christians. However, the Christian community in Morocco is expanded thanks to the influx of traders and settlers from Castile and some other immigrants looking for an opportunity to live a new life here. The Kingdom establishes its capital in Casablanca and with this, begins a major point of establishing a major military presence in the area.  The infrastructure, particularly in dealing with transport and water, is expanded to accommodate more people but the only people allowed to settle are Christians - particularly from Hispania. A notable number of Castilians settle the area.  The leader of Morocco styled a king, out of respect deducts himself in rank to Prince of Morocco as the throne is only to be held by the King of Castile himself if it's ever required. The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continue to expand with greater trade coming from Castile and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom's army proper raised by immigrant Christians now numbers about 15,000 itself and is expected to grow. The revolt near Fez is finally stamped out after years, with the first of the Elite Christian Berber troops coming out of the revolt as brilliant, albeit brutal shock troops that put down the revolt.
  • France: With the defeat of Aragon and the return of French regions of Aragon and the capture of Sardinia, the foundation of the Kingdom of Sardinia begins with the coronation of Prince Louis as Louis I of Sardinia. While this, military and navy are built up. A population boom begins in Northern France after a good weather pattern and good crops. The land swap between Albion and France begins to be enacted and will be finished next year as planned. Vassalization of Albret is finished and Aargau continues. the vassalization of Foix begins. Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Burgundy: Military and navy are built up. Economy expands. French troops begin withdrawing to allow Albion takeover.
    • Nemour:Military and economy are built up.
    • Guyenne:Military and economy are built up.
    • Berry: Military and economy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Verdun: Military and economy are built up.
    • Armagnac: Military and economy are built up. 
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Basel: Military and economy are built up. A high influx from French coming out Northern and Central France begin, starting a complete change in the government (and fulfilling the plan of eventual absolute control over Basel by France)
  • Alexandria: Trade continues to increase as the ports are re-established and more people are converted to Coptic Christianity due to the See of Saint Mark's presence, including those of the True Faith. Much of the former Mashriq fleet is repaired for Alexandria's use. Dignitaries and soldiers from Grigorios remain in the Nile Delta region to help Aiguptia and brother Ibrahim stabilize Aiguptia. Missionaries and political complete organization in the Judea area to establish a Christian Kingdom under the guidance of Alexandria and Aiguptia as  Resources and military are sent to to Aiguptia to build and protect  the canal as that process continues and workers are encouraged to go seek out this opportunity - especially minority groups. Dignitaries and missionaries are sent to Nubia region and the rest of Egypt to gather information of the status of Christianity there and convert Muslims. Christians in North African nations are invited to immigrate to Alexandria. Grigorios and Marina have a son named Kyriacos Inf turn
    • Aiguptia: Continues to stabilize the nation. Engineers, cartographers and philosophers from all trade partners are offered jobs to work on expanding the Philadelphi Canal to take on present day cogs, treasure fleets and other ships. The canal is expected to open for small ships in 1470 and fully open in 1474/75, and undergoes final preparations for its initial opening. Workers flow in seeking work and benefits that steam from the jobs, even those from disorganized areas of the former Mashriq Sultinate. Aiguptia increases efforts to house these immigrant workers. Citizens and people in the surrounding regions and province are converted to Coptic Christianity. Missionaries continue to convert people, especially in Cairo. Cairo also attracts many in anticipation of the canal. The city at the crossing point of the canal OTL Zagazig, begins to be filled by merchants and people looking to get invovled in the trade industry. Military continues training of European tactics picked up from Rome and other Catholic nations that assisted Alexandria. Aiguptia, with Alexandria's help, expands into 100px and secures the Judea region, including Jerusalem.   Inf turn.
  • Oyo Empire: Oyo's government convenes to issue a declaration of war against the Mali Empire, in a bid to enforce Oyo's regional hegemony in the area and ensure that the surrounding nations understand that Oyo is the new master of the lands. A force of 225,000 men (I've done the math on the numbers) plus siege equipment to handle major cities, have been assembled to deal with the Mali. The war has gained much popularity with the people, who for decades saw the money they worked for go into Mali's coffers due to what the Oyo deemed an unfair tax on every ounce of gold entering into Malian lands. To that end, the Oyo invade Mali. This comes at a good time as the Mali have been suffering from unrest from one of its tribute states (OTL Songhai rebelled at this time exactly), so Oyo's own military makes the gamble to invade. Plus, with no major hills and nothing but flat desert around them, the much larger Oyo cavalry seek to make their presence known on the battlefield. Oyo traders returning from North Africa have warned their peers from trading there, after they discovered the dangerous plague ravaging the region. The matter is brought before the Asaaju and the Supreme Apejọ, who discuss the matter and seek to figure out how to deal with the potential threat of the plague reaching their own lands. The Oyo government formulates a plan to counter the issue. The first includes regulating the trade routes with North Africa by mandating all traders going to and from that kingdom be certified traders from the Oyo nation. This will ensure that the traders leaving and entering Oyo are checked and cleared by Oyo, and educated in how best to handle the plague. Also, it will allow the government to know who is leaving the nation, and who to watch out for. The second plan involved the regulation of Castilian trade in the port of Lagos. With the Castilians operating out of the port, all Castilian sailors will be separated from the city-folk by moving them to dedicated housing centers outside of the city walls near the port. By containing the foreigners there, the event of a plague reaching the city of Lagos is lessened. Also, by using the secondary port facilities outside of the city, it allows local Oyo vessels to use the main port, without compromising trade with Europe. All goods needed by the Castilians will be handled outside of the city at a point of common acknowledgement, where a permanent merchant and diplomat from Oyo will reside until the crisis has passed, and allowing the Castilians to get whatever goods they need or political information from the quarantined center outside of the city. Anyone who violates the quarantine are to be killed immediately, and the Oyo government has taken steps to ensure the Castilians are aware of the new law in effect. Finally, the government establishes an entire organization to check the nation's water supplies for purity, and regulate trade by land and by sea to ensure that all threats of the plague entering Oyo are either nullified or contained to their best abilities. With a clean city and fresh water, dangerous ailments entering the nation have already been reduced, now it is all about keeping outsiders from bringing the plague to them. The Asaaju makes clear that no one is exempt of the new laws, and that all government officials who have been outside of the borders of Oyo must wait a week in a quarantine center before they can roam the nation. With all of the resources of the nation dedicated to the protection of the population, the infrastructure is increased. Also, with the Oyo finding new resources to pay for the expansions, the economy grows as well as new sources of copper, iron, and basalt are discovered in the lands of Oyo.
  • This plague like just happened this hasnt even reached europe yet and tbh its a fast spreading plague the guy that delivered the news could easily spread it to your population but no Europe much less you does not know this plague is a threat yet much less know it even exists not to mention this plague hasnt happened yet you jumped the gun. The other plague in the Koryak Confederacy is in Russias far east region so it cant even reach any of us -Feud
  • Gotcha. ~Viva
  • Aztec Empire: Xilopolco is fortified by orders of Cuactemoc [39]. Tezcacoatl [15] is made a low ranking captain, in charge of 25 Panther Warriors, he uses them much more productively and effeciently, seeing many small rebellion leaders around the state being killed. The Imperial state of Tenochtitlan reaches a population of 260,000, and flat lines, with not much growth. Houses and societal based buildings are constructed around the city. Emperor Montezuma II [49] makes his rants about sacrificial paganism more public, and discusses with the imperial priests, as they have been counciling with the Emperor, they have ultimately cast aside the other gods, declaring only one god, to over rule on of them, Quitzuitatl, the God who is the sums of the previous gods, he requires the same religious ongoings, with the same proceedings, just to one unified type god. The people don't seem to mind, understanding that the gods have now been merged into one, as the world seems to work, in one unified cycle. Centralization continues. The military is expanded now reaching 68,500 troops. A new captain is placed at Xilopolco, he is well known for his honorable intentions, he is a hardened veteran named, Huatlan [46], and is proud to look over the military in the north, keeping a strong border, if the Western Moundville become aggressive, but for now trade continues with them. Quatzecoatl [11] and Toltecatl [eight] begin training and preparations for the military. Xochitl [nine] moves to the capital with her mother, Icnoyotl [34], reuniting with her father and brothers. Emperor Montezuma II sees some relaxation time and joy, spending time with his great nephews and niece. Economic support is centered and gravitates to the capital, and military troops begin to shift around the nation, balancing the areas. Trade is expanded with Western Moundville, Zapotec, and Mayans, leastly with the Moundville, as the distance is hefty cost. Populations totals to 4.9 million.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, Portuguese traders continue visiting the Castilian settlements in the Canaries. Meanwhile, wheat continues to be cultivated in Leiname. By this time, the colony in Leiname starts to export wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, some Portuguese explorers continue to explore the African coast. the Açores continue to be settled.
  • County of Oldenburg: Count Christian VI is overjoyed with the news that Scandinavia will sell him Neu Borkum (as the island on which Dietrichdorf sits will now be known). The treasury sends the Scandinavians the first downpayment. The OHG, as the main beneficiaries of the island's outpost, agrees to chip in with the payment. A Governor is sent with the year's whaling fleet. He reads a proclamation claiming the entire island for Oldenburg as the Crown Colony of Neu Borkum. The island's new name is after one of the East Frisian Islands, reflecting the naming of Neu Baltrum. In other  news, the OHG sends two ships on an exploratory mission to the coast of Africa. They especially focus on the Ivory Coast, and set three missionaries from Osnabruck down on the coast before they return. They also trade with the natives while they're there. Hesse is asked when they would like to set up the outpost.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: The military is expanded. Bishop Klemens takes great joy in sending three missionaries with the OHG's African voyage.
      • Hesse Dip: We say any time soon would be nice.
  • Mayan Empire: We begin building weapons to arm the troops, and the Emperor has a cult of emperor worship put in place. We begin building the Navy further, and have outposts built along the borders. We expand 20 px miles south. We would like to open trade with the Aztec Empire and Zapotec, and declare that the god emperor will one day destroy the Soconusco heathens.
  • Rumania: ECO Turn will post later
    • Bulgaria: ECO Turn will post later
  • Ashikaga Shogunate: Dissent among the peasantry in the Shogunate over the Shogun's repressive policies and the divisive introduction of tithes increases, with rural violence spreading out of the Date Province in to the rest of the Shogunate. In the rest of the Shogunate, government forces begin to lose control of the situation, with widespread clashes between the Shogun's military forces and the peasantry. Desertion begins to mark the Shogun's armies, with many men joining the rebel forces. In the Date Province, the Imperial Shinto Sect take de facto control, using their influence to set up a Provisional Council to take control of the Province. Calls are again made for the Emperor to take power to help overthrow the Shogunate. Mod response please.
  • Venetian Republic:
    • Books on various topics spread from Venice throughout Europe, continuing the Renaissance. Printed in the Venetian language, they teach of the sciences and humanities and revive learning, spreading knowledge (as well as the language) far and wide..
    • With the increased supply of Ducats, the fluidity of European trade increases with Ducat using nations benefiting most.
    • Many people sentenced to death are drowned in the canals as is the Venetian tradition. The tradition is becoming the primary way to execute criminals and is spreading to the Venetian territories across Europe.
    • Fine wool and silk clothing from Titani is exported across the Mediterranean and Black Sea and begins to set the trend in Renaissance clothing.
    • Venetian trade reaches across the known world. Merchant ships carry salt, silks, glass and a collection of other goods, both common and rare. Venetian traders are the largest carriers of trade in Europe, with the thousands of ships and a trading tradition continuing to fuel this.
    • The Roscol Bank uses local subsidiaries all across Europe to fund trade, with a leaning toward funding trade with Venice. They also fund enterprises across the continent, boosting the economies of the nations which they inhabit. The Roscol Bank invests conservatively. While this doesn't bring in as much wealth as other nations' banking, such as the Dutch, it results in a much more robust level of equity.
    • Due to the stability of business and protection afforded to private enterprise in Venice, many merchants set up shop in the city despite being foreign, utilising the Venetian law to protect their businesses. Criminals and a less divided merchant class mean prosperity for all those involved with Venetian business in some way.
    • In Veneto the year starts with the death of Dragano from illness, many people weep for him although some remember him better for his apathy towards Venice and preference towards Epirus. Christofo Roscol becomes the Doge and his son, Medardo Roscol (aged 17) becomes the heir to Venice and is unmarried. Acua Botega makes a move to build more workshops along the various coastal settlements of Venice, they become known for their unique modifications to the standard Galleys and Carros as well as for their ability to gain a good balance between various aspects of design such as firepower, speed, capacity, etc. Their ships are not the best at anything but are brilliant jack-of-trades. Patroni de el Portadura manages to acquire lands in Epirus, Candia and Candelore, generating an extra trickle of income from the lands. Upon hearing of Marco da Coixa (OTL leonardo da vinci, not all of him though as he is being split in many aspects by players), a skilled architect and thinker, the new Doge sends him an invitation to enter service to the Venetian Republic. Marco refuses but states he is willing to work on anything they send the way of the Learned Society of Saint Mark's workshop. Christofo revises his fathers policy of supporting Venetian Culture, and instead supports influencing local cultures with Venetian culture. Further upon hearing of the issues of the True Faith, he declares it to be a bane to Venetian society, instead of acting directly against it however he institutes a Consegio de Fe (Council of Faith) to regulate religion in the Republic and Empire. Further he replaces many of the members of the Consegio de Diexe with more zealous men, as to seek out and destroy anything he sees as a corruption of Catholocism. The Tola de Savio Onmi are by and large replaced, with the Republican policy being expansionist and the Imperial policy being based on consolidation. The Order of Saint Mark numbers 65,000 now and seems stable. The beliefs of the true faith are popular amongst commoners - especially those who feel the church does not practice the faith properly. Alexandria is the destination of massive amounts of pilgrimage from True Faith believers who also attempt to convert locals as well as settle down, many True Faith believers across Venice and other lands think the time has come to reclaim Egypt for Christ. Christofo declares his support for Eleanor of Bavaria and introduces heavy tariffs and taxes on Bavarian traders, he gives Eleanor a small pension to help her work towards restoring her line to the seat of the Duchy.
    • In the Free Port of Porto Tolle the Doge sends a letter to the Superpotensa demanding that he stop building the Magnum Donum. The Magnum Donum, being already half done, has its construction halted angering many of the True Faithers.
    • In the Province of Istra Conte Paladin receives a letter from the new Doge demanding that he cease his actions towards what he considers "sinful industries". Conte Paladin stops, although with much resentment, he continues to support the True Faith and even plans to make it the official faith of Istra upon the advice of his most trusted advisors. Those feeling left out, send a letter to the Doge exagerating the Conte's intentions and ask that he do something.
    • In the Free Port of Scutari people migrate out of the city of Scutari to take up lives in the countryside, which has become depopulated due to the rise of Romaso el Ros. Romaso arrives back in Scutari with the assessments and reorganises the tax system implementing a high blanket land tax as well as a poll tax in the two main settlements of Scutari and Velipoja. He also has centrally planned agriculture around the city of Scutari and high value crops are grown to be sold to the markets of Venice.
    • In the Province of Albania Christofo sends 1000 more troops to Durazzo, finding his father's commitment to be too low and risky. Having largely driven off the raiders, Conte Tuscus leaves 200 men to defend Shijak and marches on Kavaja with the new Venetian troops from Durazzo and his own. The force arrives outside the city but with the large numbers of Defenders Conte Tuscus decides to besiege the city rather than assault it. The 2100 strong army surrounds the city with siege lines and waits for the 400 defenders to starve. The 500 raiders left in the north consolidate their forces and attack Mamurrasi, taking 100 casualties but capturing the settlement. The rebels in Salushe recruit 100 men from the city but remain where they are, sending only small raiding parties up north. The southern rebels, currently occupying Fieri, abandon the city to regroup in Salushe, burning many buildings while also looting, leaving only 2000 alive when the southern Venetian-Albanian force arrives. At the end of the year the Venetian-Albanian forces control the province's capital of Durazzo and five out of eight other major settlements and have a total force number of 3900 while the Albanian-rebels control three out of eight major settlements and have a total force number of 2850.
    • In the Province of Zante people continue to tolerate those of foreign religion, but largely because there are barely any of them rather than out of respect. The Common Court continues to be both a font of support and criticism. Conte George decides to invest in the fishing industry, funding the creation of a small wooden dock for fishing vessels as well as helping to support many locals to take up the trade.
    • In the Free Port of Argos Superpotensa Justin redoubles efforts into the Great Alm. However, he receives instruction from the Doge to invite Catholic priests to carry it out rather than utilise the Order of Saint Mark.
    • In the Province of Attica The Doge sends a letter to the Conte demanding he repeal the law, he repeals it. However, the various places of worship remain in control of the Order of Saint Mark. The Doge sends another letter to the Potensa of Marathon, telling him to arrest the Conte and send him to Venice for judgment. Further he promises make the Potensa the Conte of Attica. The Potensa slowly builds a force of loyal men to carry out the task.
    • In the Province of Mytilene the tour proves to be successful in stemming corruption. However it still exists and corrupt officials are becoming more cunning after the tour. The Gastaldos feel their prayers are answered when 500 men arrive, along with various loyal officials, to assist in purging further and replacing those purged with loyalists.
    • In the Province of Candelore the Doge sends a letter to Conte Tiberius asking what is going on, as reports seem to be contradictary. The Conte simply states that "the Administration is doing well, while the economy grows and the people settle". Reports this year, meanwhile, indicate a variety of bazaar events occuring, including the Conte walking on water. The Doge sends several of his trusted agents to hopefully compile something coherant about the Province.
    • In the Province of Morocco the Conte continues to support trade along the African coast with Oyo and the Kongo, but now also decides to expand trade with the various western islands. He sends Carros laden with goods to the various Portuguese and Castilian islands and the lone French island too. Meanwhile the african trade outposts set up a new outpost, to better facilitate trade, they also establish relations with some of the local tribes, slowing down enslavement as hostile tribes either migrate or die out and instead now trading more.
    • Mil-turn
  • Epirote Republic:
    • In Epirus
    • In the Free Ports of Epirus
    • In the Province of Valona
    • In the Province of Arta
    • ...-turn
  • Venetian Empire:
    • In the Province of Aegina the two towers are finally finished, standing tall above the two settlements of the island and offering defence against foreign foes. Mil-turn
    • In the Free Port of Athens
    • In the Province of Candia
    • In the Corfiot Protectorate
    • In the Province of Kaffa
    • In the Naxian Protectorate
    • In the Province of Negroponte
    • In the Free Port of Ragusa
  • Bengal Sultanate: The decrease in taxes on the landed elite does its job in most areas of the Sultanate, decreasing the tax load on the peasantry and earning him their support. The tax cuts on the merchant class allow for more trade to be conducted, and a recent lax on some of the quota laws allows for more goods to be shipped from Bengal, greatly increasing trade income. Trade with the state of Ava continues, with influence being placed through trade on Ava. Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Koch, Ahom and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their nations. Most all trade roads begin to see much-needed maintenance. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems and epics continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We cotninue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, Delhi Sultanate, and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it out to be sent to the states leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase is scholars and literacy in our nation. The Sultan's son continues to be tutored by scholars from three of the different major religions in the known world, Islam, Buddhism and Hinudism. The friction is defused between the landed elite due to a willing discharge of the Phay-sat schematics, allowing more landed elite to produce them, lowering their price and increasing their availability. Due to the removal of trade barriers between a majority of states in the Indian League, ours and their merchants begin to travel with increased mobility and goods, thereby increasing the trade income and output in the agreeing nations. The scholars from the agreeing nations on the issue of siege guns meet within Khandesh to begin to understand how to create a more powerful cannon.
    • Emirate of Andamana: Mansoor Basil Amirmoez continues to reclaim land on the island to make room for farms, and to have timber for building both boats and houses. The Emirate expands another 500 km into the island. The ships built by the timber from the island help contribute to Bengali trade. Continues working on economy and infrastructure. 
    • Rajya of Orissa: Unlike the other vassals of the Bengali Sultanate, Bhandudeva IV is kept farther away from the daily politics of controlling Orissa, relying mainly on Islamic advisors sent directly by the Bengal Sultan. The advisors quickly persuade Bhandudeva IV to allow the Muslim settlers in the northern part of the Rajya to hold land south of the previously agreed living space. Continues working on military and infrastructure. Bhandudeva IV passes away, and the advisors vote in a Hindu successor, named Kapilendra Deva.
    • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The Swargadeo (King) of Ahom passes away and his son inherits the Kingdom from his father.
  • Scandinavian Empire: The economy expands as trade routes are diverted to a more efficient path through the North Sea and the Baltics. Scandinavia expands by 3500 sq km into the laplands, intent on filling the gap between Karelia and northern Norway. Trade deals with Oyo are proposed.
    • Venetian Diplomacy: The new Doge, Christofo, seeks both a military alliance with the Scandinavian Empire as well as a Trade Pact, reducing most barriers to trade and eliminating restrictions between the two states. Further he asks if the Scandinavian Empire will allow the Ducat to be pegged to their currency, it is an optional extra clause but would greatly simplify the trade between the two nations.
  • The Nation of the Oirats: Cement and iron increase in production. Iron weapons are now majorly used. As we increase in population, we slowly target our expansion northward. We expand 50 px to the North. We continue to develop our firearms. We continue to study the printing press and make more of it. We buy more books from China.  We continue making more muskets. We now have 10,000 primitive musketeers. We begin building up our miltary and create even tougher practices. We battle the Mongols tiringly. After hearing that there's an uprising in China, we sent 5000 of our best cavalry to China to help them quell the uprising. We stop trade with the Koryaks in fear of the plague.
  • Eire (Member State of the United Kingdoms of Greater Albion): We rejoice when Thomond and later other Irish states lay down arms and join us and 55 years after King Thomas' fateful dream, Eire becomes fully united, save the city of Dublin, which remains independent and remaining so for the forseeable future. Celebrations occur in towns across Eire, and the King and his entourage tours Eire, with the help of the new road system. We begin expanding roads to newly-acquired regions in Eire, hoping to connect all major towns, and spread new Irish ideals such as Occidentalism (Western Catholicism) and pro-Albionism. Stabilization after years of expansion continues, with many soldiers in the military for years during Eire's fighting begin to settle down, and the navy continues to be built up. Cork and Ballydrogheda undergo a renaissance, as the unification of Ireland allows for the ability to export products from all across the Isle. As such, trade increases. the King begins to modernize the military forces, with the eventual forces consisting of a main line of pikemen, Gaelic skirmishers on the flanks, crossbowmen behind the skirmishers, and the cavalry behind all. Wool begins to become a more popular farm product, with a few people living in the towns beginning to manufacture cloth in small quantities. Leinster is fully integrated into Eire. Pan-Albionic ideals build up. (Inf-turn) 
  • Mapuche:  The war band continues its training, and the usage of the girl's symbols becomes more widespread.  She is famous for her work now, and she has created symbols for virtually all places, things and ideas.  As Mapuche craftsmen and traders expand their trading network, there is a desire for easier travel between the villages for trading purposes.  Additionally, Mapuche have started to frequently trade with local nomads and other tribes, increasing the demand for Mapuche goods.  In effect, the tribe grows richer in resources and material renown.
  • The Kingdoms of Great Albion (Scotland and England) - member nation of the UKGA: The Navy is expanded further with the integration of the Scottish and Breton fleets, the number now stands at 440 ships total. The coronation ceremony was a joyous fanfare, the King personally thanked the Castilian and Moroccan attendees. Under the leadership of the new king, the parliaments of Wales, Scotland and England ratify the equal representation act. Wales and Scotland will remain in union with England, but will now have their own parliament to better discuss local affairs. All military will be ceded to England. All three nations are renamed Great Albion. The membership of the United Kingdoms of Greater Albion has gone form four nations to just two, The Kingdom of Eire, and the Kingdoms of Great Albion to better consolidating power in the isles. The transition to a more open system is expected to take the better part of the next few decades. Port Edmundburg continues to experience a growth in population. Albionic settlers continue to explore the surrounding areas. The Albionic Royal Navy begins better mapping Africa for the Crown. After decades of cultural merging, a new, Celto-Germanic culture finally begins to take firmer root. The English language has grown in official use and now royal documents, previously in Latin, are now translated to English. Troops that fought in the Pan Hispania Wars return home and facilitate a minor baby boom. These experienced soldiers now train the army and navy commanders in advanced battle tactics. Minister of Warfare, Alfred Reddington, increases the use of firearms in the military. The King makes a long travel to Constantinople to meet the Emperor of the Romans. He will stay for the remainder of this year, his Son, Charles, will take up royal duties for now.
    • Brittany: Brittany is officially placed under Albionic influence. The military and navy are expanded.
    • Calais: Military and navy are expanded.
    • Dublin: Dublin undergoes another remodel and expansion to the ports due to the massive influx of trade from Castile and Venice as well as an increased Eire trade.
    • Scotland: The new parliament begins its first session this year. Brian MacNeil is appointed as Royal Minister. Scotland begins to exclusively use the Albionic pound. Several new Consuete Churches are built. The Catholic Diocese, banned for years, has been allowed to resettle. The military and navy are expanded. Scotland sees a major population boom after the war.
    • Wales: Wales expands its military and navy. Cardiff becomes a large centre of trade for Wales. The Welsh appoint Adam Cyrdger as Royal Minister. The first sessions of parliament are held. Wales does not see as large a population boom as Albion or Scotland, but a minor one, centred around Cardiff and Swansea, does occur.
  • Mughal Empire: The Mughal empire prospers economically and offers a trade pact to the Indian League in order to ease the trade between India and the western nations.
    • S. Chagatai: The Khanate works on its economy.
  • Cuzco: We invade the Aymara's centralized state in the north. The makeshift Cuzco navy proves almost useless in combat. Infrastructure is built up in the meantime.
  • Ica-Nazca: We expand our military
    • Chancay (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our military and send military support to the capital.
    • Sican (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our infrastructure.
    • Chimor (vassal of Ica-Nazca): We expand our economy.
  • The Tartary at last rises from the ashes of civil war, as the few remnant rebels are slowly starving in Öfö. Little importance is paid to this, with a minimal number of soldiers remaining. Instead, the economy once again begins to improve, with the mostly-unharmed west experiencing great economical output. Foreign influence once again grows, with the new and renewed Tatar empire beginning influence through religious and economic means of the Azovan Khanate. While the military is tired and wary of war, the merchants are happy that they can receive more trade guarantees, especially in the fertile lands of Ukraine. The Romans and Venetians are thanked for their help, and assured they have an ally by them. Volga Finns and other non-Russian inhabitants of Rus' continue to be encouraged to move to the lands that had been annexed by the Ulus, still mostly depopulated. The Mastorava grows, and continues to be standardised by some, especially when dealing with those involved with the influence of Azov. Diplomats are sent to Muscovy, Novgorod, Scandinavia, Georgia and Prussia, as well as Venice and Rome.
    • Perm once again begins its expansion of the economy. The Permic ruble grows in influence throughout the Volga trade route. Komi is still taught to those in Novgorod. The Mastorava continues to grow quite quickly in the nation.
    • Adyghea's Prince converts to Nestorianism to please Theodore. However, he enacts very tolerant policies, and the dominant religion continues being Mastoravism. The economy grows.
    • Kazakhstan: Experiences an important year, as supporters of Prince Tulpar flee south and seek to establish their own domain in the nation. They seek aid from the Muslim Manghits, and seem to be poised to overthrow the Khan.
    • Georgian Diplomacy: A Georgian ambassador arrives at the Khan's court. After apologizing for Georgia's inability to assist its northern neighbor during its turbulent civil war, the ambassador officially offers financial support for the reconstruction of the Tartar Empire in keeping with "our two nations' history of brotherhood and mutual support."
  • Caucasian Confederation: The victorious (if clumsy) conclusion of the Second Azeri War brings minor celebrations in the Orthodox nations. Georgia, Armenia, Assyria, Rani, and Amier-Kavkasia all expand their infrastructures by renovating the Tagaschan to handle the increased traffic in all directions resulting from the rising importnace of the Caucasian trade. Additionally, the Caucasian Confederation again requests that the Mansuriyyan Caliphate cede the agreed-upon port zone to Assyria, in fulfillment of the promise the Caliph made to secure Georgian entry into the war.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: 'Landshut expands its military. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Jacqueline and her council continue to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished, and by 1469 a trade route is put in place. Such important places in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1469, Jacqueline commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The planned market center in Landshut continues to attract regional traders. In religious news, the country begins converting to the Western Netherlander church. By the end of this year, around 75% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. Jacqueline continues efforts to implement Sedevacantist policies in the government, being much more religious than her father. The Grand Duchess continues to make new titles for her nobles and grants them more privileges. Jaqueline continues to divide Bavaria into provinces and counties; As the year moves on, Jacqueline places several loyal tax collectors and exchequers in each county to simplify the taxing process. She also places several court favorites in mayor positions in Munich, Regensburg, Straubing, and Bamberg. Albrecht, Baron von Ingolmaacht, is made Count of Franconia. In foreign news, Eleanor is elated to have the support of the new Doge, Christofo. In this year, she also has a daughter, whom she names Elisabeth after her aunt. In Bavaria, traders dealing heavily with Venice are substantially hurt as Christofo puts a heavy tariff on all Bavarian merchants in Venice. This angers Jacqueline, and to a lesser degree, Albrecht of Ingolmaacht. With rumors circulating that she is being heavily manipulated by Albrecht the "Queenmaker", Jacqueline pushes to suspend the Roscol Bank in Landshut in retribution for the Doge's actions, as well as a hope that her own financial decisions can supersede the dependence on the Roscol Bank. She suspends the charter on August 29th. Two days later, the enter stock building in Landshut is closed off to traders. Within a month, outrage spills across the country. Not only does merchant class, strongly pro-Eleanor itself, fancy ideas of revolt, but the economy takes a drastic turn for the worse as trading slows to a crawl. While not as immediately severe as the depression of 1460-1463, many lower classes of the population fear another economic implosion. Jacqueline's popularity drops by early December. Despite the economy, the local exchequers placed by the Grand Duchess are effective in collecting taxes and many cities offer alms to the poor. Apart from the lower classes, the nobles are continually pleased by Jacqueline's rule, however some are perturbed and envious of Albrecht Ingolmaacht's relationship and influence upon the Grand Duchess. By year's end, a portion of criticism finds its way towards Jacqueline, perpetuated by jealous nobles.
    • Munchen: By 1469, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 3300 men. Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. In recent news, unemployment plateaus after the suspension of the Roscol Bank in Landshut. 
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. The statue dedicated to Eleanor is torn down by supporters of Jacqueline
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Jacqueline continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Once more unrests builds as Jacqueline is duchess again. The suspension of the Roscol Bank further fans rebellious flames.
  • Milan: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. We upgrade infrastructure, as do our vassals. 
  • The Emirate of Sanafah continue to operate their extended system of states through the Madagasikara League, which aids in the centralization of Betsimisaraka and Merina. Sanafah's own economy and infrastructure grow as the population continues to grow astronomically. Based off of the Mashriqi Census, the Chief orders a census to be taken in all Madagasikara states next year, to be followed by a census every decade. The navy continues to receive funding and expands to include 16 dhows in addition to the outrigger canoe fleet. Meanwhile, Sakalava finishes expansion into Bara which is completed after work with Betsileo. The martial arts from Ayutthaya continue to develop, and begin to experience unique developments, such as the incorporation of a religious aspect.  All Sanafahi states grow their economies and populations.
    • Sofala continues to expand to the south. Dina Morgabin continues to be an effective agricultural island, as Dina Arobi focuses more in a larger city on the coast at OTL Tamarin, Mauritius.
  • Betsileo finalizes expansion into Bara, and focuses on finalizing cultural integration with the Sakalava culture. Meanwhile, the Comoros expands into Pembara at normal rates, along the coast.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to shift its trade to the west, although this slows down due to the opening/restoration of the canal in Egypt. Engineers and soldiers continue to help with the project there. Weapons and books continue to be sent to the Tartar Empire to help the Emperor Theodore defeat his opponents. With the weapons available to the Empire largely reaching a standstill, the Emperor turns his attention towards bettering the health and wealth of his people. To this end, he encourages the continued research into medical care and the expansion and construction of hospitals. Education is also seriously considered once again now that the times of war have passed the Empire by. To help do this, the University of Constantinople considers sending some of its scholars to other parts of the Empire to educate citizens that cannot make the journey to Constantinople.A prominent Latin from Patras, Carlo de Patra, begins his education at the University. He soon begins to amaze his professors with this imaginative and complicated designs and theories related to science and the physical world.
    • Albania: With the revolts in Italian Albania in full swing, the kingdom is not sure how to react. Many of the citizens want the war to happen, and some even move back to help the resistance. The government is much more neutral, concerned if the Roman Empire will back such military action and the thought of waging war on a nation that helped Albania gain independence. The national military is expanded and trained further as a result.
    • Rasulid Diplomacy: The Emir requests an audience with the Emperor.
  • Mansuriyya Caliphate: The Caliphate continues to expand to the North, hoping to unite all of Mesopotamia under one nation. A small port is ceded to the Caucasian Federation and the Ottomans, as per the deal. The military continues to be expanded. Meanwhile, a small strip of coast is ceded from the Persians as a result of the war.
  • Yemen: The Emir continues to travel throughout Constantinople, waiting for a reply from the Emperor. Meanwhile in Yemen, the Regent continues his policies, and he also continues funding trade within the realm. The Regent also continues funding the building of ships within the realm. He also continues looking for a crew and captain willing to go on an expedition to the South. The Regent continues the influencing of Oman. The Regent sends an offer of an alliance to Alexandria.
  • Hesse: We vassalize the nations of Koln and Westfalen into our nation. Grand Duke Ludwig II is pleased about having an elector at his side. We start integrating our new rules into these new nations and also start sending statues to be erected there as well. Meanwhile, 'Schnee Insel' is declared an official colony of Grand Duchy of Hesse. It is declared an official County. A Count is sent to rule over the island. The island's name is changed one last time to 'Neu Lippe'. Permanent homes begin to be built, instead of temporary ones for the fishersmen, sailors and hunters that stay up on the island for business. We request a land purchase from Oldenburg. Our exploration fleets dock at Neu Baltrum to prepare to sail west. We continue to improve the economy. A few things are planned to be built on Neu Lippe. These things include, but are not limited to: a dock-port, a fishery, hunting grounds, a small village of 15 or so houses that can support two people each, a mine or two, a look-out tower on the hill on the island, a farm or two.
    • '
      Proposed land trade
      County of Oldenburg:
       Count Christian VI suggests instead a land swap, and asks what area in particular the Hessians want. 
    • Hesse: We want some of western Oldenburg. In return, we offer some of our lands in Bremen.
    • Upload a map please. Callumthered (talk) 01:09, April 12, 2014 (UTC)
    • The map <--- Blocky858 (talk) 01:33, April 12, 2014 (UTC)
    • If Oldenburg got a tiny smidge more (and we get to keep all the East Frisian Islands) then I'll agree. Callumthered (talk) 02:45, April 12, 2014 (UTC)
      Naval Ensign of Russia

      The New Naval Ensign of Pskov

  • Pskov: Continues to use its influence in Muscovy due to the large debt Muscovy owes it to have Muscovy influ8ence the Ukrainian states. The Pskovian coffers are unsusualy full, and to spend this money, Pskov purchases various books and whatnot, and the university work continues. A new weapon, the Baradiche, is shown to be useful in steadying the muskets of the Streltsy forces, and Pskov uses all that extra money to purchase 10,000 new Bradiches in bulk, plans to only store 3000 in the Armory, the rest to be sold off to other nations, and Pskov plans to make 150% of what they paid for the Bradiches, since they bought them in bulk and thus at a discount. This increases the mIlitary readiness of the nation somewhat, as the Baradiches are yet to be sold. Same with firearms, about 1000 firearms are bought from the Pskovian weaponsmiths, now gaining a reputation for being the finest in Russia, will be sold to Novgorod and Muscovy, but at higher prices. Meanwhile, with more and more ships for the merchant navy, the Pskovians want a way to differentiate the Pskovian Merchant navyand the War Navy, and thus a blue cross of St Andrew on a white field is adopted as the Pskovian Naval ensign, to designate with precision what ships are merchant or private, and which ones are military in their current purpose.


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